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High-Tier Mediocrity | Commissions Open

Comments ( 26 )

OK... I have to know. What's the difference between worship and awe, as described in the fetish content warning part of the synopsis?

Ah it looks like the automated downvotes have struck. Pity.

This is a bit more exaggerated than what I had in mind. But, that's the fun of giving the author a prompt and letting them run with it. Good Work.

Nice story!! Very well done

Awe is when you are looking at something and amazed by it.

worship is when you actively do something.

you stare in awe

you bow down in worship

Hope that helps explain the difference

I use those words interchangeably. I didn't really think about the differences between one or the other.

Yeah, downvotes are a trade of the business. Sucks, but it is what it is. Also, I realized that I might've gotten a bit too intense with what I wrote about halfway in and decided to just roll with the punches.

Thanks, I appreciate your comment.

Makes sense. I guess that makes this worship and not awe then.

Well, I won't say that I really hate this story, but this type is not really mine.
The plot of the story is based on the fact that Luna actually forced her rescuers into a state of need. Such an action can be perceived in two ways. Either Luna is so grateful that she is ready to forcibly sell her "Gift", regardless of the desire of main 6. Or Luna is still spoiled and simply creates the foundation for a second uprising by eliminating the most dangerous opponents.
Surprisingly, sex in the story about sex remains behind the scenes.
Celestia's actions raise questions. She knows that the position of the royal concubine has been abolished as unnecessary (please do not be offended for using really existing terms). Also, she knows how the result she saw is achieved. And what does she do? Just closes the door and leaves. This says a lot about how much the princess of the day cares about the health and safety of her subjects, the stability of her position and how much she loves her faithful student.
From the good I can note that the history indicates the reasons for the presence of a male penis in the alicorns. Although, it is not said that both sisters or Cadance have it. Unclear. Perhaps a thousand years ago, Luna put buns in the ovens, and Celestia took buns into her oven from existing stallions.
In general, the story is not bad, but there are questions that I would like to get answers to.
For example, you can describe in more detail the torment of Main 6 due to the action of the pheromones of the Princess of the Night.
Thank you for your attention, all the best to you and more inspiration.

Is there going to be a sequel?

Ha-Haaa! Who is Luna rewarding really?
Them or herself :trollestia:πŸ‘

Another futa story. I cannot and will not ever understand the appeal of that fetish.

Isn't there a lot more fun in trying that actually become pregnant :duck:

Enjoyed this chapter on its own. Once i play 'slayed.coom' sounded animations besides it, it was perfect β™‘:rainbowwild:


The plot of the story is based on the fact that Luna actually forced her rescuers into a state of need. Such an action can be perceived in two ways. Either Luna is so grateful that she is ready to forcibly sell her "Gift", regardless of the desire of main 6. Or Luna is still spoiled and simply creates the foundation for a second uprising by eliminating the most dangerous opponents.

The tone was meant to be light, mostly. Though pheromones can be seen as pseudo-mind control, Luna's purpose was never to enslave or coerce them. Simply to reward them in the best way she knew how.

Surprisingly, sex in the story about sex remains behind the scenes.

Are you talking about the fact that none of the main 6 knew that the others were having sex with Luna? If so, that was intentional. I wanted to make it feel like each person/group was a contained encounter. Until Twilight, that is. To make her jealousy seem more believable.

Celestia's actions raise questions. She knows that the position of the royal concubine has been abolished as unnecessary (please do not be offended for using really existing terms). Also, she knows how the result she saw is achieved. And what does she do? Just closes the door and leaves. This says a lot about how much the princess of the day cares about the health and safety of her subjects, the stability of her position and how much she loves her faithful student.

The purpose of the ending scene was less about Celestia's reaction to the situation and more a way to show the audience the aftermath of the events of the story. A way to give it closure. It was also a scene meant to be comedy more than accurate storytelling.

Now, you may be asking "why doesn't the story have a comedy tag if it's meant to be comedic?". The reason is that I didn't feel like I put in any real jokes for it to be considered a comedy. There were no setups or punchlines, just a few moments where someone might chuckle or maybe laugh between the lines.

Hope that answered any questions you had.

Since this was a commissioned story, it's not really up to me. Sorry.

Cannot understand? I get it if you don't like futa, but it's not like it's complicated.

But we learn and grow here at DrySpell Incorporated. Tell me, dear reader, why can't you understand the futa fetish?

I understand what futa is, unfortunately. What I don't understand is its appeal to others. It is something I will never understand nor do I care to.

That's what I meant, my dear friend. The appeal is simple.

It can be any number of things. Since this is a show with a lot of women in it, people might just want to see two of the female characters together bumpin' nasties in the traditional sense. Aka, they want to see penis in vagene, but there is no penis in sight. This is normally why I write a futa character. Nothin' against lesbians, of course.

Another reason it can appeal to someone is if they are bisexual and like both body types. This is why a friend of mine is a fan of futa. Since writers are only constricted by their imagination, they can go ahead and slap massive dongs onto a female body. Being able to write something you probably won't experience in real life is a major attraction of fantasy writing, after all.

And y'know... some people just like dicks. Not my thing, but can't knock 'em lol.

Anyway, there are plenty of reasons why people like futas. I'm sure there are a dozen more I haven't even mentioned here. So, now ya know. Even if you didn't want to.πŸ˜„


The tone was meant to be light, mostly. Though pheromones can be seen as pseudo-mind control, Luna's purpose was never to enslave or coerce them. Simply to reward them in the best way she knew how.

Even if that wasn't the goal, there is such a thing as "Unintentional harm." Luna may not have wanted it to turn out that way. However, when things started to go this way, she did not take any action to change the situation. On the contrary, there is a feeling that she contributed to the development of the situation in this way. In addition, apart from a gift with a nine-month delay and psychological dependence on the presence of Luna, the main 6 did not receive anything, because before all these events they already had a high position in society thanks to their heroics. In addition, Luna apparently did not take into account the fact that the re-introduction of the abolished position may cause public indignation, which, given the current state of affairs, she would not like.

Are you talking about the fact that none of the main 6 knew that the others were having sex with Luna? If so, that was intentional. I wanted to make it feel like each person/group was a contained encounter. Until Twilight, that is. To make her jealousy seem more believable.

I was talking about the fact that readers saw only the beginning of the sex scene at the end of the chapter, and a brief mention at the beginning of the next one.
I don't know how others think about this, but Twilight's jealousy seemed far-fetched to me. But all this happened for the simple reason that from the beginning I looked at the plot of the story with a degree of skepticism.

The purpose of the ending scene was less about Celestia's reaction to the situation and more a way to show the audience the aftermath of the events of the story. A way to give it closure. It was also a scene meant to be comedy more than accurate storytelling.

The scene really looks funny. However, this is a laugh like "Damn! How is she still in power with this attitude?"
In fact, Celestia ignored the fact that her sister subjugated the users of the strongest weapon in the country to her will (I have an idea for a story right now). And if Luna suddenly wants to remember her sister a thousand years on the moon? Celestia lost her position and didn't even react to it in any way. In addition, she loves Twilight so much that she allowed her to become a dick-dependent bitch. Why didn't the princess of the day do it earlier? Then all the love and lust of the purple unicorn would belong only to Celestia.

In any case, this is my opinion, which does not make the story worse. I'm sorry if I offended you.

To each their own I guess. Nothing but disgusting for me.

No offense taken. Criticism is just a natural part of the writing process.

A lot of the issues you talk about in your comment are mostly a result of a lack of worldbuilding. The surroundings of the characters aren't really explored in a way that gives context to their actions. I realized this after trying to give answers to the issues you had. I could sit here and tell you about what I feel Luna's headspace was as the writer, why being a Foalbearer is still a significant reward in her mind, why Celestia did or didn't take the actions she did etc., but I think it would feel less like I'm expanding the lore of the story and more like I'm just bloating it with details to make things fit neater. I think the story seems better if you look at the actions the characters took as them simply pushing the plot forward, rather than affecting the world around them.

Still, thanks for your comment, and I appreciate your engagement.


While they were 'high' in society, the 'honor and great reward' would come from the fact that by carrying Luna's foals, they would become princess-consort by logic, if not fully inducted into the Royal Family (with more than just a paper title, unlike BlueBlood). While I agree with many of your sentiments, there is still some implied gain later down the line.

Pinkie Pie baby cakes will be adorable β™‘

Really hope Luna will plow them regularly, since they won't be that fight after the birth...
Would help getting the losen up for the birth as well :raritywink:

6 out of six...
Bonus chapter for female Spike to get one to?
Kirin are cute β™‘

Guess Celestia will get her foals in the sequel ?
How about Cadance? :pinkiehappy:

Pretty good, though tremendously fast-paced. And the situations that brought the mares together with Luna were increasingly contrived as the story went on β€” particularly the spa chapter.

One area that could have benefited from more detail is undressing. This story makes a LOT of use of magically zapping clothes away, which is much less sexy than the process of actually taking them off.

Using Luna’s magic through her hands to prepare the girls was a nice touch, though. That was really sexy.

Thanks for the feedback.

its great hope you do a sequel:twilightsmile:

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