• Member Since 13th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Third Wheel

Comments ( 31 )

Pretty good. Cant wait to see more


Short and sweet. Not bad

These are all very short but that's the point.
Looking forward to what you do next.

Nice. Thanks for posting.


Spike is of course meant to be above legal age.

Have you considered moving to Subscribestar, or another Patreon alternative?

Yes. I will should my Patreon get shut down. But also a) the request specified he should be aged up and b) the story wouldn't be allowed on Fimfic otherwise.

Comment posted by Fome deleted Jul 24th, 2020

I've seen lots of sexualized regular Spike in the past. Was there a recent rule change?

Underage anthro was never allowed on the site as far as I know. The thing is that for a long time there was this ambiguity on whether the series meant Spike to be a child or a young adult, and different people interpreted it differently. I'm mostly throwing that line on there to be safe.

Congratulations friend, but how about for the next chapters? Use rule 63, for example rainbow blitz and spitfire or barb with dusk or cadence and dusk.
if possible i love rule 63 in mlp

It had been so long since I'd looked at our Patreon messages I'd actually forgotten to credit you. That's fixed now.


Loved this. Would be great to see more of this idea in the future. Or just more assplay generally, really.

Good plan! I am fairly sure you can insert working urls to chapters, too, and that would probably make this even nicer.

Too short!!!! Would love to see more

Nice to have. One other suggestion I'd make would be to link by the stories' titles instead of their chapter numbers (which are technically off by one now).

This has become a favorite chapter for me.

You'll be happy to know that there's a sequel to it down the line then.

Such a magnificent slut!
Praise her!

and then they all got pregnant

i love in the cover art that it says two in the pink one in the ink. Lmao. peak comedy.

Buena historia.

How do I commission you to continue this story from the beginning?

Have a look at my commission rates (link in bio), and if those are fine with you PM me and we can discuss the details for a full version.

This feels like this should be part of the same world as At Her King’s Service.

Ayyy! Accurate reptilian anatomy! Mammals have it tame when it comes (pun intended) to reproduction. My first-year biology professor spent a bit too long on a tangent on arthropod sexual adaptations one lecture, and now I could really use a fic about Chrysalis or some other changeling using a textured cock to scoop someone else's seed out of the hole she's fucking. Arthropods being things with segmented chitinous limbs like insects, spiders, and crabs.

I have not read it myself, but I think there's a clopfic called Nupital Flight or something similar that people specifically found weird for its 'accurate' depictions of changeling anatomy and reproduction.

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