• Member Since 20th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen January 1st

Luminous Comet

Shipping girls since 2009!


After living with them for months, Sunset begins to suspect that her relationship with her roommates might be more complex than she initially realised.

1st Place Winner of the Sunset Shimmer Polyship Contest

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

i loved this. kinda wouldn't mind reading a NSFW version of the events that followed lol

Very nice and cute micro fiction

This is a great setup. Odd that there are just the three of them, I would expect the university to assign that fourth bed to someone...

We've got Grumpy Aria (Melancholic), Bipolar Sour (Averaging her extremes to Choleric), and Only Sane Babe Sunset (Phlegmatic).

for a Four-Temperment Ensemble with plenty of hijinks, hairpulling, and chemistry, someone social, outgoing, and active (Sanguine). Pinkie Pie is the most obvious, but also Autumn Blaze, Rarity, Adagio Dazzle, The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie!, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare...

And like I said, this would result in interesting chemisty! I mean, explosives ARE chemisty! :rainbowlaugh:

Interesting analysis, though two things that I didn't outright state:
1. It's not an assigned dorm room, it's rented. Only Sunset is attending college.
2. There were only two beds until Sour Sweet moved in, at which point they put a second bed in Aria's room, because Sunset is paying a large share of the bill.

Sorry, thought it was a shared dorm. :D

Also, paying the largest share of the bills and only gets TWO pizza slices?! Step up, Sunset! :rainbowlaugh:

Amazing story hope to see more

Nice. Honestly though I found college to be so much easier than high school, mostly because classes took up less time and the homework was better spaced out.

Hahahaha aww, an excellent chaotic ship. I really dig this little snippet of their lives. n_n

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