• Member Since 30th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Just another forest girl writing stories.

Comments ( 29 )

You scramble to your hooves in a panic. “Wait, I don’t want to do this! No one is sticking anything in me!”

Small advice. Never say you'll do anything. Negotiate your terms even if you seem to be in the bad position.

Fresnor #3 · Oct 21st, 2022 · · 1 ·

Not sure why they had complaints about the last human since they are just as bad as them.



They are just extremely misanthropic/xenophobic, and hypocritical horses!!! :flutterrage:

Sure, they are rightfully pissed on the rapey asshole from last time.

But now? Any sympathy to the ponies is non-existent immediately. When they punished a innocent guy that has nothing to do with the first one, and has actual good intentions.

Just because he is a human!!?? Seriously, you DON'T judge a entire f******* species over one bad person!?

And it only gets worse, now that they are doing the exact rapey shit, against this poor guy-turned-mare.

What kind of f********* reversal "logic" are these ponies thinking!?


Yeah I couldn't get off to this one either chief

Anon got cucked. lol

I don't know why this comment with this image made me laugh.

i bet the First Human is just a misunderstood
where Sequel, Anon and the first Human need to team-up

This made me snort-laugh far more than it should’ve :rainbowlaugh:

All I will say is the First Human’s story is yet to be told, so a Sequel is in the works, be it what the ponies believe or a misunderstanding will have to be found out. Which written like that makes him sound like some Undertale character lol

to be fair, we also called them misanthropic/xenophobic, and hypocritical horses when this rapey stuff only comes from only Cadance and Shining

Cadence gave a seductive grin, almost licking her lips. “Shiny, can you get the door? We may need some privacy.”

Those two even try to hide it, hence the "Privacy"

Do you think you’ll ever make a sequel?

Yeah I bet that if Celestia and Luna found out about it I think cadence and shining would actually be punished and actually feel sorry for the human

Well... that happened.


"Feel sorry"!?

Screw those two! Celestia and Luna started all of this for punishing this innocent guy in the first place. Just because he is a human?

Shame on them all, and cursed them with bad karma!!!

They were skeptical because of the first human wouldn’t you be besides I’m guessing that they didn’t even know what’s cadence and shining armor we’re going to do


I won't "overreact" like them. This is just typical mock trial.

Fun read, great job. If it wasn't for the rape part I would would have loved to see a sequel serialized story.

I feel like this is the beginning of a villain backstory not going to lie:unsuresweetie: and if you do take that route I'm rooting for the main character 100% :rainbowlaugh: :trixieshiftright:

Cue Homelander theme

If this took place when Chrysalis had taken Cadance's form than it would be great sequel material since Shining would have been under mind control.

So if the protagonist runs off it could lead to a entertaining story.

If I was there: fuck this shit im out

This story is so shocking.😰

It was good but way too short.

Usually I dislike second person but this worked surprisingly well. Only complaint is the sex scene could have been longer and more detailed. Pretty decent all around.

A dark theory:
What if all the mares in Equestria are human-turned, just because of the eerie desire of their rulers?
This will explain why mares are far more than stallions in nunber.

I kinda wanna see a sequel to this. Maybe her with foals or another human coming in equestria?

11480188 me too i like to see a Sequel to this too

The worst hipocrite in the world the ponies "ouin ouin a bad human had raped some mares let's do the same like the band of motherfuckers we are let's do the same and now it makes me want castrate those two little shit they are not the true shining and cadance I'm sorry but cadance is the fucking princess of love not the princess of rape and shining armor is a royal guard not prince bleuballs

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