• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


After moving into Maretime Bay full time, Izzy notices that Sprout hasn't been around. She soon learns that he left his job and has barely set hoof outside his house since the crystals were brought together.

Convinced that Sprout needs somepony to cheer him up, Izzy takes it upon herself to do the cheering up. But Izzy is the absolute last pony Sprout wants to see, he can't stand her in the slightest.

Unfortunately for Sprout, Izzy isn't the type of pony who takes "No" for an answer. She'll find a way to cheer him up no matter what it takes. And maybe, just maybe, she'll find a way to get inside that icy heart of his.

(Featured on 7/05/2022.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

"This is how a unicorn walks. This is how a unicorn talks." Izzy found herself humming that tune to herself again, like she often tended to do. And she didn't care if ponies stopped and stared at her, thinking she was weird for singing out loud. It was who she was, it was how she showed off her inner sparkle. She'd always seen herself as a free spirit, even back when she lived in Bridlewood and was the only pony who seemed to not care about how gloomy and boring life was.

Aww thats why I like her so positive like Pinkie Pie man I miss her

On the subject of friends, however, the chipper unicorn noticed that there was one "friend" who she hadn't seen much of since moving to Bridlewood. Well, he wasn't really her friend because she hadn't known him at all. But he apparently had been friends with Sunny and Hitch growing up (something Izzy wished she'd had. Not that she was jealous.), much to the surprise of many longtime residents of Maretime Bay. Yet now, this "friend" seemed to be nowhere in sight no matter where Izzy looked. That struck her as most odd. Friends didn't just stop hanging out with friends unannounced.

Yeah that was a huge question during make your make and tell your tail what the heck happen to Sprout where did he go

The doors swung open a second later, and in Izzy strolled. She soon spotted the pony she had wanted to see and trotted over to him. She saw that Hitch had set up a little nursery of sorts for that baby dragon that had hatched. Currently, said baby dragon was fast asleep, curled up into a little ball with a small blanket draped over it to provide warmth.

Aww yeah Sparky he's kinda cute

Comment posted by Princess Starflight deleted Jul 5th, 2022
Comment posted by Princess Starflight deleted Jul 5th, 2022

Awww this was a nice story that I wish to see that in the show so anyway izzy was just enjoying her day in Maretime Bay but she noticed someone is missing and it's not her friends but someone she saw but never became friends and she ask sunny and hitch about sprout both of them said that he's been in his house ever since the after math of the movie so she decided to help him and oce she made it to sprout yeah he was still upset about how unicorn and pegasus are here and he doesn't handle the changes going around but she wants to get to know him better but he doesn't want nothing do with her but after a couple of minutes he admitted he doesn't really hate them but he's just afraid how people reacted to him and treat him like a outcast which Izzy can understand that to be an outcast and misunderstanding but that's why she really want to help him so he doesn't feel that way anymore and even becoming friends and apparently something more which I think the shipping between those two are pretty cute together and with that he accepted her friendship and even being together well this was a pretty nice story kind of makes sense what really happened to him but anyway keep out the good work

"Get away from me, you freak!" He all but screamed at the top of his lungs! Izzy didn't seem to care about Sprout's reaction. She just strolled towards him as if nothing had happened in the short amount of time she'd seen him.
"Yup, that's me alright! Izzy, the freak!" She giggled and swished her tail like she was a school filly, not a fully grown mare. "Always have been, always will be. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Because being a freak is what makes me unique."

:rainbowhuh: ... never change Izzy, never change

This is a delightful read. I am happy I sat down and read it. I'm saving this for relaxation. Thank you!

This was a great read; really loved the way you kept the characters 'in character' and played off Sprout's fears. Very inspiring for my own works concerning G5 and the fate of Sprout Cloverleaf. A favorite to keep on the shelf for sure! Kudos to you!:scootangel:

"You're so adorable I could just eat you up! Grind up your hooves for a midnight snack!"

Hopefully Maretime Bay never finds out about Jello...


11306045 Aren't marshmallows also made from horse hooves? :applejackunsure:


Aren't marshmallows also made from horse hooves?

Gelatine derived from animal collagen, yes. May as well go all the way and make some pony aspic for dinner before snacking on some marshmallows for afters

In all seriousness though, this was a fun, cute little story. Glad to see Sprout getting a hopeful happy ending

I wish there were more stories about sprout

A firm nod provided the answer as Izzy beamed from ear to ear. "Sure. If you want to, that is. Might be fun to try it out together. We'll just go wherever our feelings take us. If it turns into lifelong love, great! If not, we'll have fun while it lasts. It's a win win if you ask me!" She then trotted close to him again and held out a hoof. "So, whaddya say? Interested?"

I love it! These two eould be such a great couple!

Happy 1st Anniversary!

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