• Member Since 8th Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago



After magic is returned to Equestria, Maretime bay goes into reconstruction which later turns into a celebration.

After a fly around with Zipp, Sunny is left worried and goes to the place she always went to when in sorrow or worried; Near the coast of Maretime bay, and starts "talking" to her deceased dad.

Hitch overhears and comes by to talk to Sunny.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

ok buena historia

I really liked your story, very beautiful and very tender faith!

Thank you :)

“I wish you were still her dad to see what I’ve accomplished; what we’ve accomplished.


Sunny gives a playful eye roll, “You and critters, do you ever want to find out why you’re such a magnet to cute critters?”

Again I still like that Theory about hitch having connection with Fluttershy since he has that ability

Aww that's actually a really nice story so it looks like magic is back in Equestria but still she was still worried about not just only zipp and pipp situation back and Zephyr height but what is she going to do in the future well that's one thing for sure she can always count on her friends and it looks like hitch came by to see her and he apologized for not believing in her but despite that she still believes that hitch was still there through ups and downs and how their friendship really means to each other and probably more than that and apparently they started to like each other yeah I kind of ship those two as well this was a pretty good story and a very sweet one keep up the good work

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