• Member Since 19th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen Saturday


Hello everyone! I been a brony since 2021. My favorites (so far) are Starlight Glimmer, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara. I'm a guy who read stories. Don't know if I can make mine.


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Blog Posts

  • 61 weeks
    Sad news....

    I got a call from my mother this morning, she told me that my grammy passed away. A few days ago, she was in bad condition that she has to leave the old folks home and move to the hospital. And if that's upsets to the bone, IT UPSETS ME TO THE BONE! Please send me and my family some condolences please?

    Katrina Livingston - (1925-2023)

    0 comments · 107 views
  • 63 weeks
    Happy Birthday to Shannon Chan-Kent!

    The voices of Silver Spoon, Smolder, Aura, Roma, Cayenne, Citrus Blush, Tootsie Flute, Raspberry Dazzle, Lemon Zest, Wallflower Blush and the singing voices of Pinkie Pie, Ocellus and Sonata Dusk!

    0 comments · 81 views
  • 73 weeks
    Road To 50

    This country is the place I was born. The Bahamas is the most beautiful country you have ever seen. The cool breeze, the beautiful blue water, the delicious Bahamian cuisine, you name it. On July 10th, 1973 (50 years ago), The Bahamas declared as its own nation after the British allows it to be independent. What I love about this country is its history is that how the Arawaks invade the islands, how Woodes Rogers became the first Royal Govenor, how slavery came to the Bahamas, etc. The more I

    Read More

    0 comments · 95 views
Comments ( 7 )
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Thanks for the follow! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding my story to your favorites.

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for the fave and welcome to FimFiction!

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