• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 4,724 Views, 269 Comments

SCP Foundation - Equestrian Files - DagaYemar

There are too many objects that threaten the safety of Equestria. They must be contained.

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SCP-EQ-019 - Cold Wind Blows

Item #: SCP-EQ-019

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-EQ-019 is to be kept in a 30m diameter clear crystal sphere ensorcelled to be impervious to cold temperatures and ice buildup, placed in the center of an empty 100m square chamber in Site 66. The sphere is to be checked for damage daily. A minimum of twenty-one guards made up of a equal measure of pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies are to be stationed at Site 66 at all times. Guards must be on good terms with each other and are required to submit to psychiatric evaluations every five days, rotated out on a morale scoring 85% or lower. Aside from visiting researchers, no other creature or object is permitted access to Site 66.

As public knowledge of SCP-EQ-019 is essential to repressing the worst of its anomalous effects, secondary containment is focused on campaigns of misinformation centered around the belief that SCP-EQ-019 is merely superstition or an old foals story, albeit one whose morals should be upheld. Witnesses to uncontained instances are to be questioned thoroughly, then given a class A amnesic spell and a cover story of panicked hallucinations during the crisis.

Should a Disharmony Event occur, MTF Eta 6 (Frosty Friends) are to be dispatched to locate and capture new instances. A detailed population survey is to be continuously updated to facilitate identifying possible hosts. In the event of a Major Disharmony Event, [REDACTED].

Description: SCP-EQ-019 is the group designation for three entities resembling spectral horses. All three instances are identical and there is as yet no way to differentiate between them.

Instances of SCP-EQ-019 resemble full grown horses from the torso forward, with bodies made entirely of a mix of cold air and mist. Each instance has long, thin facial features and eyes of a solid mass of light with no discernible pupil, iris, or cornea. The back half tapers off into a long vapor trail continuously flickering as if in a strong wind. SCP-EQ-019 bodies maintain a constant temperature of -15oC, regardless of outside temperatures. Samples separated from the main body will slowly vanish, while any damage will regenerate at a commensurate rate. Reduced to nothing, an instance will have completely regenerated in _ hours.

Each instance of SCP-EQ-019 is constantly in motion, seemingly content to gallop in circles endlessly when not drawn toward sources of food. Due to their ethereal bodies and negligible body weight, SCP-EQ-019 has the ability to fly through the air despite lacking wings or any other sort of propulsion method. It is unknown whether SCP-EQ-019 is sapient or not, as no instance has ever responded to any Foundation attempt to make contact, though instances have been known to target certain important ponies over others to maximize division and lie in waiting for centuries when needed. All three instances are capable of moving and reacting in unison, working together to trap prey or fly in formations. Whether this is the result of silent communication or a shared mental connection is being researched.

SCP-EQ-019 is capable of phasing through most solid materials and magical constructs, the sole exception of which is clear crystal. The reason for this is currently unknown. Sources of heat are capable of scattering an instances' physical form for a limited time, though constant exposure to its cold internal temperature will frequently result in the heat source extinguishing long before any real damage can be done. A single powerful spell called ___ _____ __ __________ appears to be the only way to deal significant damage to SCP-EQ-019, and is capable of completely immolating an instance.

SCP-EQ-019's primary motivation is to cause conflict and animosity between ponies of different tribes and feed off the resultant negative energy produced. As SCP-EQ-019 does not metabolize and therefore does not need to feed to survive, their reasoning for doing this is unknown. SCP-EQ-019 is able to siphon these emotions unobserved by their prey and from up to ___m away, so prey are often unaware they are being fed upon. SCP-EQ-019 are incapable of creating these emotions in ponies by themselves and must rely on the actions of their prey to produce appropriate feed. Conversely, feeling of friendship and other positive emotions are extremely irritating to SCP-EQ-019, and no instance will willingly fed on a community if the positive energy outweighs the negative. When not feeding, wild SCP-EQ-019 can be invariably found biding their time in [REDACTED].

Each instance is capable of using this negative energy to lower the surrounding temperature over an effectively unlimited expanding area, though centered around where each instance is presently located. The primary purpose of this seems to be to make ponies miserable, thus increasing the generating of animosity to feed upon. If left unchecked, it is predicted that an XK-Class Extinction Event Scenario due to Equestria becoming too frozen to support higher life will result in _ months.

Each SCP-EQ-019 is also capable of using stored negative energy to create ice, snow, and winds up to 30 mph. Precipitation produced this way is generally expelled though the instances' mouth, though it is capable of growing ice over surfaces and into structures such as walls by focusing its attention on an area. When this ice fully encases a creature, the creature is placed into a state of suspended animation. Experiments have shown that ponies enveloped this way can remain in this state indefinitely without succumbing to hunger, dehydration, or suffocation. Ponies also retain whatever mental state they had at the moment of encasement, potentially producing enough negative energy to feed SCP-EQ-019 should all other life die out.

Should sufficient animosity be generated to cause a schism between the three tribes, a Disharmony Event will occur. During a Disharmony Event, or should at least one instance of SCP-EQ-019 be destroyed, all remaining instances will slowly dissolve over the course of _ hours. During this time, one pegasus, one unicorn, and one earth pony somewhere in Equestria will transform into new instances of SCP-EQ-019 through an undocumented process. Hosts subjected to this are always among the most isolated and friendless ponies in Equestria, making locating them in the case of a Disharmony Event difficult. The first action of new instances is always to seek out the other two before heading out to capitalize on the Event.

Despite several attempts, predicting new hosts of SCP-EQ-019 using D-Class subjected to horrid living conditions has so far failed to work. Somehow, they know we're watching and always picks somepony we know nothing about. Since we can't test this over and over without creating unacceptable numbers of containment breaches, all further testing along this line is suspended. - O5 Council

{The following Addenda are sealed to all below Level 5 clearance.}





If you are reading this, then we've reached a tipping point. In recent years, the number and intensity of Disharmony Events has increased dramatically. Despite Foundation efforts, the frequency of Events has eroded the trust ponies have in each other to a point where each subsequent Event is easier to start than the last. A feedback loop is being created, with Friendship being worn away in a war of attrition. A big one is coming, strengthened by all the Events before it. This Major Disharmony Event is projected to strip the last bit of trust the three tribes have left.

Our goal remains the same, to safeguard all of Ponykind and spread the message of Friendship throughout the land. But if a choice must be made between the two, emphasis must be placed on the former over the later. Fortunately there is a last ditch option available to us. SCP-EQ-019 feeds not on animosity between ponies, but specifically animosity between ponies of different tribes.

Three separate communities have been prepared and covered in a protective anti-attention spell. Powerful runes are prepared to instantly teleport all denizens of Equestria to these locations, wherein Class-Z amnestic spells will be dispersed through the populace to eliminate all memories of co-mingling with the other tribes. Time and certain memes spread throughout each city will take care of the rest.

May the ponies of the future forgive us for what must be done, and may someday the power of friendship grow anew.

{Current vote: 4 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain. 3 votes yet to be cast.}

Author's Note:

I probably should have mentioned last chapter, but when I said a regular schedule I meant weekly instead of every other day like I used to. Hopefully that will stave off the burn out longer!

Comments ( 19 )

Wait why is Pinkie's mindscape a memetic kill agent? And why did I, someone who infiltrated the SCP Foundation just six months ago, survive?

So is this SCP-2000 equivalent?

Nice spin on the spirits. Adds to the oddness of their existence.

Rule #1 of the fandom: "It's Pinkie Pie; don't question it."


Well cannon never stated the origins of the Windigos only that one day they show up and almost brought extinction to ponykind and was pure luck that ponies manage to live. However it's not SCP-2000, it's more like a Foundation way to make sure pony civilization survive in some capacity, it's not ideal but is better than nothing while the 2000 is meant to restart human life.

Anyway the Foundation should have a file somewhere about the Changelings for a very long time it was treated as a myth and only recently they comeback to public view. I guess it's fault of the Foundation for make sure they stay as myths, after all it would total panic the reveal of the existence of a entire race of shapeshifters that can casually replace important figures.

The way I see it's implied in the show there is more than one hive and the Foundation is waging a covert war, genocide depending who you ask, against they kind since diplomacy is impossible. They possible would treat Thorax as a potential threat that wants to unify his kind and his successor may not agree with his vision of peace or a opportunity to finally put a end to the changeling threat and shape the nascent changeling culture since they own lack a lot in individualization.

The Foundation still would engage in a campaign of misinformation in order to downplay the changeling threat for the public and now are forced to re-evaluate they status as SCPs thanks to the stunt of Chrysalis and fabricate numerous "historical" books that detail encounters and weakness through the ages to easy the fear of the population.

AUTOMATED MESSAGE: If you are reading this, then our failsafe has been successfully deployed. The three crystals have been united and the Reharmonization Protocol has been initiated. You and the twelve others receiving this message have been designated by our automated systems as the most ideal candidates to reform the 05 Council and reestablish The Foundation. Contained within this message are a series of files detailing the history and purpose of The Foundation as well as your new responsibilities, should you choose to accept. If you wish to accept this calling, come to the location designated within the attached files. If you fail to reach the designated area within a fixed period of time, it will be assumed that you have rejected this post and a class A amnesic spell attached to this message will be activated and a new candidate will be identified. Note: If you have read this far, then the spell has already been implanted into your mind. Discarding or destroying the message will not prevent its activation. Any attempt to reveal the contents of this message or the attached files to unauthorized personnel will result in the activation of a memetic kill agent resulting in immediate death by cardiac arrest. Note: As with the aforementioned class A amnesic spell, the memetic kill agent has already been implanted in your mind. Welcome to the Foundation.

This was a clever way to make the Wendigoes into SCP's for this Equestrian version of the SCP Universe. Written into being a potential world-ending threat. The containment procedures make sense and that weakness to crystal might explain why Crystal Ponies thrive in the Far North a lot better than their southern neighbours. Odd that the Foundation has only setup measures to preserve Pegasi, Unicorns and Earth Ponies, would Bat Ponies/Thestrals or Kirin be unaffected by this anomaly? Or just lumped in as part of the existing two species as a subspecies?

Also some anomaly ideas.

Pony of Shadows - A powerful extra-dimensional entity that comes from a realm of pure darkness. Requiring a suitable host, to strengthen its footing in Equestria. Possibly hint that it might be a similar entity to Nightmare Moon, and that it's kept contained by a continuous feed of harmonic magic or light magic to reduce its size and power? Could even hint it's a primordial entity like the Darkness from the Darkness comics.

Mare-Do-Well - An entity that appears to thwart crimes, the foundation confirm it's not the original Mane 6 wearing the costume, but something that has taken on the persona. Capable of manifesting and de-manifesting with ease, making it impossible to capture, the FOundation having to make a cover story about a group or groups of masked vigilantes donning the persona to avoid any awareness of the anomalous nature?

Slenderpony - Could subvert expectations about it killing/taking people and instead only desires to scare ponies. Hinting its an emotivore like Changelings only feeding on Fear itself.


Pony of Shadows - A powerful extra-dimensional entity that comes from a realm of pure darkness. Requiring a suitable host, to strengthen its footing in Equestria. Possibly hint that it might be a similar entity to Nightmare Moon, and that it's kept contained by a continuous feed of harmonic magic or light magic to reduce its size and power? Could even hint it's a primordial entity like the Darkness from the Darkness comics.

The Pony of Shadows is implied to be more of a avatar of the real thing that has desire to open a portal for the Shadow Dimension to arrive in the world while, at least in the comics, Nightmare Moon was a agent of the Nightmare Forces to operate in the waking world while her masters stay in the Dreamscape.

Progress report SCP-EQ-19:U-23

Testing of memetic agents to be disseminated amongst the unicorn population continues to stall. D-class subjects continue to display side effects, including severe chronic depression, obsessive gambling, and extreme aversion to the words; Magic, Feather, Wing, Mayonnaise, forcing the affected to involuntarily engage in a superstitious ritual to “ward off jinksies”

Yay!!!! Updates!!!

I have an idea:
Horte-Torture (The disease that turns you into a tree)


It's already written here.

I haven't read this in a while lol

The Idol of Boreas would definitely be a anomaly and could introduce a hostile GoI, the Neo Griffon Knights. A order of knights that manage to survive the collapse of the Griffon Kingdom, in modern days they have gone underground and are secretly warring against the Foundation for the Idol and other griffon related anomalies in the possession.

Since the Foundation is a Equestrian organization in they view they are at war with Equestria and time to time release dangerous anomalies against Equestria as a whole.

Perfectly Insane

Not sure if you take request, but I think you should make an entry for The Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh. It would certainly qualify and there are some interest experiments you can do with it.

Memes... the DNA of the soul.

new reader, just caught up, this is like really well done. excellently structured. you've done a good job recontextualising and re-explaining all the wacky things this series runs through, and I hotly anticipate the next entry whenever/whatever that may be.


Been a year, but that was a really clever insert

Congratulations on your promotion O4 Night!

Vote is still delayed due to the vacancies of leaders O2 and O5

Should a Disharmony Event occur, MTF Eta 6 (Frosty Friends) are to be dispatched to locate and capture new instances. A detailed population survey is to be continuously updated to facilitate identifying possible hosts. In the event of a Major Disharmony Event, [REDACTED].

Thats probably a RUN under that redacted

votes cast Project g5 ac--- error project g5 already active

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