• Member Since 24th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen September 22nd


Not dead I think!


"I’ve made up my mind. Ya deserve the truth, and nuthin' but the truth. I trust ya, and I trust that ya love me enough to accept what I’m 'bout to say."

She took a long, deep breathe, closed her eyes and thought of the two little words she was about to utter.


Light mentions of having sex, but as per usual, nothing on screen. They also curse a bit and talk about boning each other--.

Thanks to TheHorseWriter for the edits after publishing!:heart:

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 14 )

I'm aspec and representation of us is really important :pinkiesmile: I do see a lot of grammatical errors though. If you want them, hmu.

Decent story overall.

Okay I love this but I find it funny that this is the the first thick I found that was published this month about asexuality and it features the two characters out of the main six that I do not have cannons be on the a spectrum, like I see Twilight has sex with both asexual Rarity as sex in different CPU sex the same way she views sports Pinkie Pie is straight up sex positive she likes to see her partner's happy I had Ken and hoes Polly as well, and Fluttershy is demisexual, AJ and RD are the only two characters that I don't see as Ace, obviously you had Canon is valid I just found face fact funny

I edited this kinda late, so, I would appreciate some pointers:twilightsheepish:
Either way, thanks for reading!

Well, I personally have always seen Aj as Ace, projecting I suppose. Rarity is the only other one I’ve ever considered being on the spectrum, as a full on sex positive. Flutters and Pinkie have always been Pan in my eyes, and Twi and Aj as bi. But those are just opinions, and they vary from person to person. I like yours, and it’s interesting hearing it.
Thanks for reading, bud! :twilightsmile:

I definitely agree with you I see Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy as both pan romantic, do not see rainbow Dash's buy personally always seen her as a lesbian, I see both Twilight and Rarity as by romantic, but I can definitely also see rainbow Dash as being Demi romantic, and I get what you mean about projection I see Fluttershy as trans mask because of that very reason

Overall, flow seems a little choppy.

A simple game of Snakes and Ladders brings out a little truth about Applejack she didn't think she would be admiring for a while.

I think small instead of little would make more sense? And I think you meant admitting.

Dash rolled her fifth attempt. A five. One number away from the biggest. Close enough, she thought. She moved her little character to the appropriate spot, smirking as she had - by one singular space - avoided a snake. She puffed out her chest proudly, and awaited her next roll.

Singular is uneccesary. Instead of one number, say one less than the largest possible value or something like that.

The game followed as so; one play after the other. Avoiding snakes, missing ladders, and not avoiding snakes. Riveting stuff, really.

This sounds wrong. I can't place my finger on it, but it does.

As Dash played once again, Applejack's thoughts wondered off. Her mind wandered off somewhere she had been visiting a lot as of late.

Could be shortened to ...Applejack's thoughts wandered off to somewhere she had been visiting a lot as of late.

She didn’t like secrets. Secrets weren’t fun and never easy to keep. Secrets brought with it a whole bundle of what ifs. What if they react as blank? What if they blank? What if they don’t like blank? Those blanks aren’t easy to figure out either. Placing the appropriate words in them. Not to mention the fact that putting a word in those blanks would be assuming something. Assumptions aren’t okay. Good ones or bad. Assumptions are often wrong and derived from prejudices. Assumptions also often lead to misunderstandings and broken friendships, or even hearts if taken to extremes.

Secrets weren't fun and were never easy to keep.

Assumptions are often wrong and are derived from prejudices.

The blanks are placed a little confusingly.

Dash rolled her fifth attempt. A five. One less away from the biggest. Close enough, she thought. She moved her little character to the appropriate spot, smirking as she had - by one space - avoided a snake. She puffed out her chest proudly, and awaited her next roll.

Less than the biggest number

Rainbow directed a hoof at the game they were playing, the pons right where Applejack remembered, except Rainbow's was moved two spaces forward. "You zoned out. Not like you." Concerned, Rainbow's expression had all but lost its competitiveness and had softened drastically.

It's spelled pawn. All but lost its competiveness means that it lost all emotions other than competiveness (idk how it's spelled).

"Aw shucks, didn’t realize. Sorry 'bout that." Trying to move on, Aj picked up the dice and rolled it to receive a measly one. She let out a nervous laugh before scooting her character a space forward. She placed the dice in front of Dash, expectedly.

AJ. Also, picked up the dice and rolled them. Dice is plural, unless you are referring to just a singular die. Snakes and Ladders could be played both ways. Expectedly is used incorrectly. You could day expecting the other mare to make her move. Also, maybe pawn instead of character?

Rainbow looked down at the dice, then at her partner and sighed. "Fine." She stated. She used the tone she uses whenever Applejack wasn’t being completely full with Rainbow. Yes, it happened enough for Rainbow to have an entire tone based around it. Rainbow always ended up getting the truth out of the element of honesty. Shouldn’t sound as hard as it is.

She stated should be all lowercase. Also, I'm seeing a lot of tense inconsistencies. The last three sentences sound staggered.

Thank you! At least these weren’t the silliest mistakes I’ve ever made:twilightsheepish:

These... I'm sorry, I can't help it! :raritydespair:

Do you mind giving me some credit if you take my edits? I don't mind if you don't :heart:

Heh, honestly, I’m the same in person:twilightsheepish:
And definitely!:twilightsmile:

My first pride-related read of the month!! Extremely freaking cute. I especially love Ajs thoughts in regards to how much she loved her idiot pegasus gf.

I do want to ask though- I don't understand Applejacks response to Rainbow saying she would still love AJ if she was a guy. How is that not how it works? :unsuresweetie:

I was referring to trans, and romantically being together. Like, Rainbow is in my eyes a lesbian, and therefore, from the limited knowledge I have, can’t entirely be attracted romantically or sexually to a male…? I apologize if that bit came off as offensive. If I’m just hella misunderstanding stuff, I’d definitely be open to corrections. I’m not very familiar with gender identifies and such. Again I apologize for any misunderstandings that might’ve happened!

Oh no, you're absolutely fine! I misinterpreted the words, so its my bad. I was worried maybe there was a implication about Applejack not being able to be trans just by saying so, or something like that. It's a unfortunate idea about how trans people need to "prove" their transness or whatever:facehoof:. But I see what you mean, my mistake!

And, identity is up to the person, so, while generally a lesbian wouldn't be comfortable dating a man, and generally a trans man wouldn't be comfortable dating a lesbian, there are some exceptions in real life. Its not my experience as a lesbian, but I have seen some cases like that. For instance, if Applejack actually transitioned, RD might still love him, right? Or its possible her attraction could fade too. Depends on the person... er... ponies? But yeah, you didn't write anything wrong! Great work.

This reminded me of my own coming out lol, it's way harder than it has any right to be :twilightoops:

Aww, this was a nice story.

Who would’ve guessed that Applejack wasn’t sexually attracted to anypony in particular? I like that about her. Very interesting take!

This is definitely going on my favorites bookshelf.

:heart: Blue

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