• Member Since 8th Jan, 2020
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Let's give this writing thing a go...


This story is a sequel to Strange Day at the Recruitment Office

There was one thing Gallus always wanted to be growing up in Griffonstone, a military officer. There was one slight problem though, he made several friends at a school in Ponyville, all of whom he values greatly but they also plan to stay in Equestria. So now sets his sights on being an officer in the E.U.P. Guard, by making his way into and through Canterlot's Royal Guard Academy.

Problem solved... except he'll be training at one of the toughest academies in Equestria, trying to keep in touch with his friends in Ponyville, while trying to make new friends in Canterlot, and oh yeah, he's a griffon amongst an institution full of ponies.

Cover art by Mix-Up.
Editing (starting from Winter in Ponyville) by Javarod.

Chapters (41)
Comments ( 584 )

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And here's Gallus' first step...

Coral’s eyes glistened and her face started to glow with awe, her mind picturing a blue griffon in shining gold armour.

Aww coral she's so innocent 😊

“Sandy was only happy around mama, papa, and me because no other pony wanted to be around him” she explained dourly. “That’s why he went to the School of Friendship, so he could make friends…” Gallus returned his gaze to Sandbar once more, he rarely talked about his time before the school of friendship, and when he did it was around his family. Even then, Gallus struggled to believe that the green pony he was looking at, someone open-minded, thoughtful, and willing to look out for another creature could be someone that ponies wouldn’t want to be friends with.

That's actually a pretty interesting theory about how sandbar before he came to the school of friendship but that's kind of sad to think about Sandbar couldn't make a friend before meeting gallus and the others 😔

“You didn’t tell him, did you?” Ocellus asked candidly, but instead of answering verbally, Silverstream tried to avert her gaze from the pair. All Smolder could do was grown as she planted her claws across her face, all that effort for nothing.

Awww she really miss her chance to say how she feels about Gallus

Ok way to start the story so Sandbar going to see who was at the door and it turns out it was gallus both of them are pretty excited to see each other before he goes to Canterlot but it looks like gallus is having some doubts about going there even though he really work so hard to become the royal guard and it looks like something happen when he was at griffonstone ( and if you're trying to reference your other previous story I know what happened but I'm not going to spoil it ) so later gallus yona sandbar and there plus one Coral to visit silverstream and her new home and they saw smolder and Ocellus and they finally made it to the park and having fun together but it looks like Coral is having some doubts about going to her first day of school and gallus knows how it feels so they made a promise to each other that if they make more friends than the other they will play a game which that's pretty nice of gallus and it helps her to build confidence and probably his as well so today has come so gallus says his goodbyes to his friends but silverstream was about to say something but it looks like she chickened out maybe someday she will say something to him now I wonder how he's going to go through his training to be the royal guard I guess we'll find out next time

“You didn’t tell him, did you?” Ocellus asked candidly, but instead of answering verbally, Silverstream tried to avert her gaze from the pair. All Smolder could do was grown as she planted her claws across her face, all that effort for nothing.

I think you mean groan not grown.

Dammit, knew I missed one. Thanks.

You’ve been signed in, you’re in McCarthy Company, 2nd Hoof. Make your way down left, get your uniform, make your way out to the west field” the officer confirmed, ticking the name off and pointing his right hoof down the entryway. Once the pony was on his way, the next one would come forward.

“Jet Wash, Pegasus.”

“You’re in Keating-Rogers, 2nd Wing.”

“Pruminant, Unicorn.”

“You’re in Fullerton, 1st Horn.”

I do love how you name of the group after the the writers of the show very clever

Several ponies in green coveralls were standing around on the west side of the building, leading one to assume that must be the best field. As Gallus made his approach, he found the field had been separated into sections, and within each section, the ponies separated by what kind they are. Each section was signposted with the names Fullerton, Keating-Rogers, Larson, McCarthy, and Vogel.

Once again I do love how you reference the names of the writers who worked on the show and I'm assuming the highest rank of all time is Faust if I'm correct

Ok so this is the beginning of Gallus's first day of training to be one of the Royal Guards and something tells me this is going to be a very long months or even a year for him but it looks like there is some ponies still gave him a well welcoming here at least 😅 so I wonder how this will go I guess we'll find out next time

Thanks. It was based on how Sandhurst name their companies after famous British battles, thought it'd be a nice nod to do something similar. I'd imagine Faust would be a regiment name actually. :P

“Gallus, um… Pegasus?”

I mean, it does make sense. His skill set as a griffon would probably fall closest to that of the pegasi than any of the other tribes, given his ability to fly and otherwise have to engage in more melee combat.

It's still inadvertently speciest, of course, but it's admittedly to be expected with the first non-pony in their ranks (discounting any changelings that may have snuck into the ranks--knowing Chrysalis, I'm certain that probably happened at least once at some point, so to gather intelligence and other devious things).

The blue feathered cadet returned a jaded glance, “Gallus, G-A-L-L-U-S” he responded, knowing it was a simple name to say but spelt it out slowly to ensure the officer caught all the words.

"That's G as in golf, A as in alpha, L as in lima, L as in lima again..."

Each section was signposted with the names Fullerton, Keating-Rogers, Larson, McCarthy, and Vogel.

Ha-ha, I see what you did there. :trixieshiftleft:

The bird pun wasn't missed by Gallus though, griffons weren't fans of them

Especially the "early bird" one, as I somehow doubt there are that many griffons that are morning creatures--certainly not Gallus, at least. :rainbowlaugh:

“If a soldier in Princess Twilight’s parade was late, do you think she would be pleased?”

Actually, I'm torn on deciding on whether or not she'd even notice, or instead needlessly go completely Twily-nanas over it, reading entirely too much about it. :applejackunsure:

If it was Celestia, though, I could say with almost one hundred percent certainty that she wouldn't care and probably wouldn't even notice, more pleased by the overall gesture of the parade rather than how orderly it was carried out. :ajsmug:

Anyway...welcome to day one of military life, Gallus. Rest assured--the nightmare's only just starting. :trixieshiftleft:

always leaving things on the floor and in a mess

well, the first inspection (and its aftermath) will cure that little problem ... not to mention the 'early bird' bit ...


Actually, I'm torn on deciding on whether or not she'd even notice, or instead needlessly go completely Twily-nanas over it, reading entirely too much about it. :applejackunsure:

If it was Celestia, though, I could say with almost one hundred percent certainty that she wouldn't care and probably wouldn't even notice, more pleased by the overall gesture of the parade rather than how orderly it was carried out. :ajsmug:

My impression is that even if Twilight wouldn't notice, officers and soldiers would make sure they don't screw up for the sake of their own status and reputation, officers especially. Besides, if she would, no guard wants to find out. :P

What was crazy was that the cadets were now expected to do the same movements, Razorwing would roar out a command such as “Right faaaaaace, HAH!”, and in unison, the cadets would respond “OneTwoThree ONE!” following the command with the correct turn.

it kind of reminds me of this scene a little lol

Well it looks like gallus is going to have a little hard time but I'm sure he'll get through this even saluting is even hard apparently but it looks like Scythe showed him to do a proper salute so that's a good help well I can't wait to see how this will work out

where his talons were stretched out and closed, pointed slightly above his eye with the palm facing outward

Ah, a commonwealth salute ...

“Acute! You are not turning far enough, and Obtuse you’re turning too much!”

Well...yeah. What else would you expect from ponies named like that? :rainbowlaugh:

(Incidentally, I can't believe I got that gag, but I guess I remember more from my high school geometry classes than I thought)

“Like you’d know how to salute with talons…”

Tempting as it'd be, sass isn't going to be your friend here anymore, Gallus.

That said, I am a little frustrated at how Razorwing's treating Gallus as if another pony and not taking into consideration all of the anatomical differences Gallus wouldn't have control over. Further, I know what Razorwing was really pointing out with the salute and why, and that this is all important to military culture...but most of what they're going over here is much more for ceremonial purposes than anything else--it's not like much of this is going to apply much out in the field, so I think making an exception on some of the finer details would be in order for Gallus's case, rather than try and force him to conform to purely pony standards.

But then, this is the whole point of the story, so...

“DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY, GRIFFON?” he yelled forcefully.

“No, Staff Sergeant!”

I mean, he was only following orders. Not his fault you weren't more specific, sir. :trollestia:

See, this is why I couldn't do military life myself--this seems like something I myself would do. And live to regret it, no doubt, but still... :rainbowlaugh:

“He wrote novels, a lot of griffon history"

Actually makes a fair bit of sense for Gruff, now that it's been pointed out. It's obvious he's a history buff, and that would be a great outlet for that knowledge.

“Ay up Bluebird! Allreet?” a voice called out from behind him.

Ah, must be a Trottingham (or in that same general area) pony. I'd guess that they're from the North...but lots of planets have a north. :rainbowlaugh:

she had a green cute mark shaped like three trees.

Well, I suppose that is why they call them cutie marks--they are inherently cute...but I think you meant to add an "i" in there regardless. :raritywink:

On the other hand, he’s blue and a type of bird, so the best nickname the other ponies come up with was that?

Hey, they can't all be winners. For example, the best nickname I could come up with for one my brothers is "Coppertop"--because he has a head of coppery-red hair. My other brother I occasionally nickname "Blondie" for similar reasons--he has a head of dirty blonde hair. :derpytongue2:

“Welcome to the Royal Canterlot Palace, this is the oldest surviving actively used castle in the history of Equestria."

Not counting, of course, the times portions of it had to be rebuilt, including the fairly significant portion that was destroyed by a certain Terrible Trio not so long ago, and when they quite clearly remodeled the throne room entirely sometime before the movie, among other things...

Trixie looked towards Flash with a smirk, appearing as the only one to recognise Gallus’ subtle glow that emerged.

Now I'm wondering if Trixie deliberately planned this whole little encounter... :trixieshiftright:

Well at least Gallus is doing okay even though he's a little sore but it looks like they have a special guest and a special mail carrier Gabby just meeting up with gallus and delivering the mail to him so after that he went to the cafeteria and he met another Pony name Sterling which she looks like a pretty interesting character some of the ponies for asking question about why did gallus join in and apparently the only reason is because of flash Magnus appearances that he wanted to join in and what he says which that's pretty cool and it's pretty sweet in the end when silverstream send him the mail I wonder what's going to happen next I guess we'll find out next time

The next item had to be Gallus’ favourite, socks! Griffons love socks and leg warmers, and these ones were long, soft and stripey! He knew he wouldn’t be able to wear them, he didn’t want to make things weird with his platoon, but he appreciated the comfort.

Gallus got the femboy sucks

A single label, clearly written in Ponish. His eyes started to burn with anger, and his eyebrows drew together. This plaque wasn’t a gift, it was a message. “Sure, old-timer, I won’t forget…” He coldly remarked as he held the plaque over a trashcan, ready to throw it away.

But he tried with all his might, yet he couldn’t let the plaque go. “Dammit”, if he could not make himself get rid of it, he just needed to hide it, somewhere where he’d never find it again.

Oh boy Grandpa Gruff you're really something else and something tells me that gallus can't really get rid of it despite he had mixed feelings with him

Whoa that must be really rough on the obstacle course most of the ponies made it but some of them didn't and gallus was about to lose it but with the realization that he's not a pony he's a griffin that he can make those jump and finally made it to the end which that is awesome it looks like he got a mail from Gabby and the other Griffins especially Grandpa Gruff which of course he was not settled so I wonder what's going to happen next

Nice to see Gallus catch the ol' staff sarge off-guard there with that little wall jump trick--the sarge's sorta been asking for it for a couple chapters now. :ajsmug:

I suspect there's a much deeper story behind that plaque than has currently been revealed, or that Gallus is currently appreciating. Considering its less the plaque and more who sent it that's Gallus's issue with it, I can understand why his first instinct is to blow it off (I mean, this is Gruff we're talking about here)...but if I were Gallus, I'd take the time to translate that Griffish writing sooner rather than later...

Well, that's a little presumptuous. :trixieshiftleft: I mean, if socks are really so popular among all griffons, then I think the griffons would view it not just a little differently, but also as no big deal. :raritywink:

Just because it was a joke doesn't automatically make it a funny one. :raritywink:

a wooden carved and varnished block in the shape of a shield. On the front was an emblem of a large griffon with wings spread wide and a stern gaze, towering over an idol-coloured gold and ruby. Below the emblem was engraved symbols of an olden language, Gallus could only assume it to be Griffish

Good to see something historical, wonder how young (or old) it actually is. Glad to see he kept it (though it might be better for a wall as a reminder). Now who could read old griffish (besides the Princess) ...

The Griffon of the Guard!

huh now I kind of want him to meet Idol.

Gallus was assigned to a group with Scythe, Throw Up, Wind Breaker, Sterling and another cadet Sterling called “Dusty”, a turquoise Pegasus with a short trimmed fiery mane that was familiar, maddingly so since Gallus could not out a talon on why.

The Washouts ended up not panning out well after all, huh? :trixieshiftright:

“The School of Friendship didn’t do any overnight field trips in the woods or jungles, not since Professor Dash and Professor Applejack tried to run one.”

Oh, way to ruin it for everybody else, RD and AJ.

It was probably for the best, those two ponies felt more interested in competing with one another like an old married couple than teach us anything outdoors. He chuckled to himself, recalling the time he worked with his friends to save the teachers from a school of Bite-acudas. It ended up being a good lesson in how to work as a team, in a reverse psychological way.

Oh yeah I remember that event lol but for what it's worth yeah he's right at least he learn something

Those in disbelief had little energy to moan, and those who saw it coming could only remain jaded, this was their first-night manoeuvre.

Yikes so that means they had to stay awake the whole night to guard the campsite boy there's is going to suck but I'm sure this is part of the training so got to go for it 😅


so that means they had to stay awake the whole night to guard the campsite

Nope, only half, those missing few take over near midnight (looks like their doing halfies) ...

Oh ok again I'm not really sure how this works but it's still pretty tough 😅

Oh it is, night watches are never fun, especially when on maneuvers/exercises ...


“DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY, GRIFFON?” he yelled forcefully.

“No, Staff Sergeant!”

I mean, he was only following orders. Not his fault you weren't more specific, sir. :trollestia:

It looked to me like a take on a standard boot camp story bit: No matter what Gallus did the Staff Sergeant would have rounded on him. If Gallus hadn't continued doing wing-ups he would have been in trouble because "WHO TOLD YOU TO STOP!" if he had in any way implied he was doing it to be funny he would have been punished for his sass. What Gallus did was actually the least bad option, just having to listen for each use of the words "up" and "down".


For example, the best nickname I could come up with for one my brothers is "Coppertop"--because he has a head of coppery-red hair.

Try taking another step and go with Duracell.

My other brother I occasionally nickname "Blondie" for similar reasons--he has a head of dirty blonde hair.

For inspiration you could try listening to some of the songs by the band of that name, or you could see if something from the "Dollars" trilogy¹ related to 'the man with no name' fits.

1: "A Fistful of Dollars", "For A Few Dollars More" and "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly".

But something about what Throw Up said got the wheels in Gallus’ mind turning until his eyes lit up. “Wait… weren’t you part of a touring pegasus stunt group… what were they called… The Washouts?” As if on instinct, the turquoise mare went pale and tried to look away as quick as she could. Her aversions failed, as recognition finally dawned on Gallus’ face. “I KNEW YOU WERE FAMILIAR! You’re Lightning Dust!” he exclaimed, only to have the mare press his beak shut to shush him, reminding that they need to be quiet.

Okay to be honest the first time she was introduced I didn't think that was Lightning Dust I thought she was just an OC character but it turns out it is Lightning Dust I did not see that coming

Scythe shook his head, “No… I mean… you looked awake, but you were staring off at nothing….”

Whoa was he like sleep-walking or something I'm sure the stress is getting to him but man he must have doze off a little bit

Whoa ok wow that was pretty intense actually so it looks like gallus and the others on Night Guard Duty to check around the forest if there's no trouble and it looks like all six of them had a reason to join the royal guard and of course it is true there are more guards around Equestria and it turns out that Lightning Dust wanted to join in to the Royal Guard which that's a pretty good way for her Redemption story and gallus not only he wanted to be a royal guard to be close to home but he wants to be the hero like the story that Grandpa Gruff talked about and it looks like nickname that's his name is starting to warm up with gallus but things kind of went downhill when windbreaker starting to get a little paranoid scared and everything he even try to hurt Gallus a good thing he finally got him to relax and put down his spear down before somebody gets hurt boy just want a pretty rough night for all of them hopefully things will be better for them at least and I wonder what's going to happen next guess we'll find out next time

Yay lightning dust is in this. I'm even happier now

All Gallus could offer was a hard shrug, “Grandpa Gruff loves telling stories of the past, except his own.”


Poor Wind Breaker, but I hope it's just strained nerves and not the tell-tales of something more serious. :unsuresweetie:

And so, Major Badge briskly made her turn face and walked out. As she closed the door, Authordox silently fumed in frustration. That griffon had made it through to the passing out parade and was set to continue with the rest of the course.

wow, what a douche
same with the camera guy

Gallus never had an interest in fashion, it was not like him to wear clothes on a regular basis, and at first, it didn’t seem like Yona was too keen on it either. Then one evening there was the Amity Ball, an evening dance based on a traditional pony event called the Fettlock Fete. Gallus and his friends thought it would be fun, Sandbar especially, but Yona took it to another level.

Her appearance on the night was overkill, to say the least, the garish dress, the overdone makeup and the purple hair, but even though she felt humiliated enough to run off in tears, she had Sandbar to comfort her. She would also end up inspired and would visit Professor Rarity, the pony responsible for her attire. Over time there was an interest brewing, and one day, she said she was going to be Professor Rarity’s apprentice at her boutique.

Oh yeah we remember how overdress she was and the way she talks even though none of them did not go very well yeah Sandbar really truly cares about her and that's nice and it makes sense for yona want to be a dressmaker after what happened

He walked out with a huff, “Jerk…” he uttered quietly to himself as he made his way down the line of ponies waiting to be suited up. He finally got his armour, but instead of feeling pride and part of the guard, he felt the urge to keep his head low, as he could hear snickering from the other cadets.

Don't worry Gallus even though you didn't get the most awesome armor but someday you will

The commandant is a jerk

“Well, you’ve made it through the challenge so far. Just do not let your pride go to your head,” she commented. “Still, your current persistence is worth it to see a griffon in a pony’s armour. I’m impressed a mare’s helmet can fit” Gallus’ eyes widened, and his beak hung open; a mare’s helmet, as in a girl’s helmet.

Uhhh oops 😬 well that's just awkward

“Because I know them, and I like them. I don’t like you.” The unicorn did not seem to care, as he bluntly

Gallus pushed himself back up, his beak clenched. “You don’t even know me.” He pointed out.

The unicorn just smirked, “I don’t need to, just looking at you is enough.” Gallus felt a hard push as he was thrust backwards. He finally felt the magic aura restraining him fade away, but in time, he recovered and got back to his claws and paws, the unicorn had disappeared around the corner of the hallway with his photo in his magic.

You know I don't know if he's being racist or just plan darn rude but right now I just want to strangle him

Ok apparently Gallus is not having a good day specially wind breaker as well anyway it looks like the Cadets to get their uniforms which that's pretty cool but unfortunately gallus did not get the same armor as the others especially they look like cheap fragments or whatever maybe they just didn't get the right stop because they didn't expect a griffin to join into the royal guard but still he felt a little humiliated but then the camera Pony had to be the most meanful pony of all time and I seriously want to strangle him but anyway it looks like he's really having a rough time but it looks like he was going to ask nickname about what happened to windbreaker apparently he dropped out poor guy I guess he couldn't do it but dang that the Commandant is really mean as well I wonder if he's going to be a problematic for gallus I guess we'll find out next time

Although the news was delivered in a downbeat voice as a sense of disappointment, the Commandant’s mouth curved to a smile behind his hooves. “So, the griffon dropped out…” he remarked with a sense of relief.

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