• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 5,555 Views, 50 Comments

Trixie's Winter Wrap Up - Blackbelt

It's time for Winter Wrap Up! And Trixie wishes she could just go back to bed.

  • ...

Waste of a day

Trixie was sleeping soundly in her bed, the blankets wrapped tightly around here to keep the cold of winter off of her. She was looking forward to a long restful morning. She intended to stay in bed all day if possible, than a voice reached her ears.

Three months of winter coolness
and festive holidays

Trixie shifted in her sleep. She could have sworn she heard Lyra singing, but that was silly. Trixie kept her eyes shut.

We've kept out hoovsies warm at home
time off from school to play.

Cheerilee? Trixie was half tempted to get out of bed for that, but kept her eyes firmly shut, and her body in the lieing down position.

But the food we've stored is running out
and we can't grow in this cold

Ok, hearing Carrot Top singing was a little but weird, but Trixie was DETERMINED to sleep the morning away.

And even though I love these clouds
it's time to end the cold.

Trixie's eyes sprung open as she sat up in bed. "Raindrops singing!?" She shouted, scarcely able to believe what she has heard. She looked around the room, hoping to find the source of this impossibility. She then thought for a moment. "I must have been dreaming." she convinced herself and lied back down, intent on continuing her sleep.

Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Cause tomorrow spring is here

Trixie sprung out of bed, pulled aside the curtains, and opening the window with such force that she was lucky it didn't break. Outside, she saw what seemed to be the entire population of Ponyville wearing colored vests doing various chores that, as near as Trixie could guess, involved wrapping up winter. She noticed Cheerilee singing to a group of foals (her students?)

The time has come to welcome spring
And all things warm and green
But it's also time to say goodbye
It's winter we must clean
We must all help, to see this through
Here's what everypony does?
We'll do it all without magic
We'll do it just because!

Trixie was disgusted at how bad that rhyme was

Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Cause tomorrow spring is here

Trixie cursed how easily it was to get that chorus stuck in her head, but then she noticed Ditzy flying up a bit and taking a deep breath.

Bringing home the Southern birds
A Pegasus job begins
And clearing all the gloomy skies
To make the snowing end

Trixie than saw Raindrops fly up into the air next to Ditzy as she took over the melody.

We move the clouds
And we melt the white snow
When the moon comes up
Its silver beauty will glow!

Trixie vaguely wondered whether the town had planned this before that annoyingly catchy chorus began again

Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Cause tomorrow spring is here

The crowd of ponies outside seemed to be all be pointing to Trixie's right. Trixie followed the crowds instruction until she came upon Lyra apparently singing with some squirrels.

Little critters hibernate
Under the snow and ice
We wake up all the sleepyheads
So quietly and nice

Trixie then noticed Bonbon sidling up besides Lyra as she took over the melody.

We help them gather up their food
Fix their homes below
We welcome back the southern birds
So their families can grow!

Trixie decided to ignore how much emphasis Bonbon put on the words family and growing before the accursed chorus started.

Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Cause tomorrow spring is here

Trixie was momentarily distracted by Bonbon planting a giant kiss on Lyra's cheek (and desperately trying to repress all the trauma Bonbon's been responsible for in the months since Trixie had moved to Ponyville) before she heard Carrot Top singing.

No easy task to clear the ground
Planting all our crops
We'll make sure we all have food
Even if we work nonstop

Trixie couldn't help but notice Carrot Top giving a death glare (or at least a shoddy facsimile of one) towards Applejack as she sung that line.

Carrots, Kumquats, Celery Stalks
And colorful flowers too
We must work so very hard
It's just so much to do!

Trixie couldn't resist singing along this time.

Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Cause tomorrow spring is here

Trixie yawned loudly. As catchy as this song was, she couldn't let herself be distracted from her ever important sleep schedule. She closed the window, and thought to herself as she lumbered back to bed.

Now that I've heard all of them sing
I can get back to bed
Don't know why they work so hard
But waking up I dread
I know they'll manage without me
Not like I'd know the way
I'll crawl under the sheets
And sleep in today

Trixie ignored the chorus this time as she settled back into bed, before the worst possible thing happened.

Somepony knocked on her front door.

Crap. she thought to herself as she dragged herself from her bed once again, this time levitating her hat and cape out of her closet and donning them as she went to answer the door. She was instantly faced with an annoyed looking politician.

"Miss Representative" the Mayor of Ponyville very slowly began. "I would expect one of your station to set a good example and show up on time for the start of Winter Wrap Up."

"....why would I need to show up? Winter Wrap Up is just the start of Spring anyway. Just leave it to the change team and call it a day." Trixie dismissively waved a hoof, and made to close the door so she could get back to her precious precious sleep. The Mayor struck out a hoof, stopping the door's progress.

"Miss Representative, I don't know how things run in Canterlot, but here in Ponyville, we don't leave it to some busybody out of towners to change the seasons. Ponyville is proud to be one of the few cities left that gets the whole community to pitch and help out. And that means you, Miss Representative."

Trixie was about to argue, but the Mayor held up a letter. Instantly, Trixie recognized the writing style upon it. Luna wrote the Mayor a letter...... Trixie feared whatever madness was on the letter as she gently grabbed it out of the mayors hooves and began to read it.

Madame Mayor of Ponyville,

Trixie is going to be helping Miss Rarity with her work this Winter Wrap Up, to apologize for the inconvenience Trixie caused during the Longest Night Festival. Trixie has already received a letter detailing as much. However, I feel it necessary to send a letter to you as well to ensure this occurs.

Your Princess,
Luna Equestris

Trixie was about to argue that no, she did NOT receive such a letter, until she felt it. Something in her trademark hat, which sat upon her head, which a second ago was completely empty, now suddenly had something in it, as if it had been magically teleported there. Trixie angrily looked off into the distance, at the great city of Canterlot which was visible in the distance. Even though Trixie couldn't see her, she knew somewhere in that city, her teacher was laughing at her. Better get this over with......

"And than you weave the ribbon through the twigs and straw, but not too tightly, and remember to that the ribbons need to stand out, but not TOO much, and-"

As Rarity ranted on and on about the finer points of making a nest, Trixie's thoughts could only focus on one thing.

I'm pretty sure I could plead a temporary insanity defense at the trial. Everyone would buy it. Heck, I'm sure even Luna would buy it.

"Miss Lulamoon! Are you paying attention!?" Rarity yelled.

"Yes" Trixie lied. Rarity's eyes narrowed, and than a small smirk came to her face.

"Very well than, Miss Lulamoon. Prove it." Rarity pointed a hoof at the small table that sat outside her boutique. "Make a nest."

Welp, better start prepping that insanity defense Trixie thought to herself as she slowly walked to the table, bidding farewell to the last relatively peaceful moments of the day before Rarity's whining would ruin the rest of it. Trixie stared at the materials that sat upon the table: twigs, ribbons, and straw. She desperately tried to recall the directions Rarity gave her. She suddenly realized she hadn't learned anything. So she did what she did best: improvise

She grabbed the twigs, straw, and ribbon with her magic and lifted them into the air, twirling them in the air (and showing off a little bit for her one mare audience) before bringing the materials together, and-

"MISS LULAMOON! I am SHOCKED at your behavior!!" Rarity sounded appalled at just a tiny bit angry.


"It is TRADITION in Ponyville to not use magic during Winter Wrap Up!"

Trixie laughed. "Heh. Good joke. Now watch as I put this nest together."

"This is NOT a laughing matter! Tradition must be followed!" Rarity insisted.

....insanity defense..... a deep refuge of Trixie's mind insisted, before she banished the thoughts from her head. With a sigh, she put the materials back onto the table and used her hooves to make a nest. This nest is going to be ugly, and than she'll yell at me....this day keeps getting better and better....

Rarity eyes the nest, a discerning look in her eye. "Miss Lulamoon? This nest...." Trixie knew the whining was about to start. Trixie shuddered as she prepared herself mentally and physically for the incoming tirade.

"is THE BEST POSSIBLE NEST I have ever seen! How do you do it!?" A smile lit Rarity's face, her eyes still drawn to the nest.

what?......Just roll with it. "A magician NEVER reveals her secrets! Now let us make more nests for the birds!" Trixie loudly proclaimed.


It was a few hours later when the first major disaster struck.

"OH NO!!!" Rarity yelled. Trixie looked, seeing a very distressed looking Rarity.

"What's the matter?" Trixie asked calmly. Rarity's jaw dropped.

"How can you be so calm!? This disaster will ruin the entire rest of the nests!"

Trixie was immediately more serious. If the nests are ruined, than Luna will make me help Rarity with something else! Time to pull off the impossible "Calm down Rarity. What happened?"

Rarity took several deep breaths before she described what had happened. "It's horrible! We've run out of red ribbons! All we have left is.....GREEN! SUCH A HORRID COLOR!!!!!! of all the worst possible things to happen......this is





Trixie could only stare as a fainting couch rammed it's way through the front door of Carousel Boutique, and planted itself next to Rarity, where upon Rarity immediately put it to use. Trixie wisely decided to not waste anymore time and just get back to making nests. But not before making an opinion of hers known.

"Green looks cooler than red anyway."


The sun was slowly beginning to droop below the horizon when all the nests were finally completed. "I still say green is ugly, despite how....passable you made the nests look." Rarity commented, overlooking the nests that had been made. Trixie was proud to see that her own nests not only looked prettier than Rarity's, but there were also more.

HA! Take THAT you fashionista! Trixie thought to herself, resisting the OVERWHELMING urge to gloat loudly. "Well, that's a job well done by both of us. So since everyone in Ponyville helps out, Winter should be wrapped up, right?" Trixie asked, now looking forward to enjoying the first night of Spring. But Trixie noticed something odd when she asked that question. Rarity's posture seemed to....slump?

"....ah yes, you weren't here last year....or the year before that." Rarity said. Trixie raised an eyebrow. "...Ponyville hasn't been on time with Winter Wrap Up for the last ten years." Rarity admitted.

Trixie was about to ask whether she was kidding, but then Trixie looked around.

Snow on the ground? yes

Animals still sleeping? yes

Clouds is the sky? yes

Ponies still running around, trying to get things done? yes

"....who's in charge?" Trixie asked, very annoyed at the fact that as HARD as she worked that day, and as INSISTENT the Mayor (and that backstabbing Luna) was for her cooperation, that the nests seemed to be the only thing done on time.

"....you know, I never thought to ask..."Rarity said, beginning to wonder about that herself. The two mares exchanged glances briefly before the unspoken plan was agreed upon.


"I'm not the one in charge" the Mayor admitted when the nest team confronted her. They had found the Mayor sitting in her office in town hall, drinking some bourbon which Trixie definitely did not consider taking.

"Then who is?" Trixie asked, her annoyance growing. The Mayor's answer caused Trixie to bring her hoof to her face.

"No one is in charge. I just let the ponies do their own thing and everything works out in the end." the Mayor admitted, reaching for another sip from her bourbon bottle.

INSANITY DEFENSE. You even have a witness here. You could pull it off. Trixie shook her head, removing the stray thought from her head. She than stared at the Mayor. "....you got me out of bed, made me work with this crazy fashion mare" Trixie ignored the sound of indignation that escaped Rarity's lips. "and spoke of how much pride Ponyville had when it comes to making Winter Wrap Up a community effort, yet you've been late for the past decade, and in fact have no direction whatsoever? Am I correct in this, Miss Mayor?"

"...yes?" the Mayor answered, clearly nervous.

"....I'm going back to bed. Good night."

Comments ( 47 )

Lots of Lunaverse stories referred to what happened during Winter Wrap Up, but no one had written it. So I decided to write it.

Now I have to stop procrastinating on Scootalong to the Cheer.

Liked this Day's ago, and soon to be Favorited, I have to say this was hilarious all of it :rainbowlaugh: Sorry I'm still chuckling in front of my computer, my favourite bit had to be Trixie's "Insanity Defence!" Glad someone took a crack at this and just made the whole thing fun rather than a big drama pile up.

"Note to self: FORCE LOCALS TO ACCEPT A CHANGE TEAM LIKE EVERYPONY ELSE!!!! Method: insinuate that tradition started by agent or agents of Corona."

Ah, good to finally see this up for reals. Sorry to have been such a pain while you where prepping it. You really did a bag up job though, and you should feel proud.

Heh heh, that was not a fun day for Trixie.
:trixieshiftright: "You think?"
As everybodypony said already, you did a great job with this. Incorporating the song like you did was hilarious, and were I in her place, I would share Trixie's annoyance. I am not a morning person most days...

Hmmm, there's a rogue extra "o" in Luna's letter, "too apologize".

I suspect that you could have drawn out Trixie's torment a little longer, but that's about where I (if I was Trixie) would have chucked the towel in too.

Short and sweet!

Nice work! Very fun!

Though if you had taken my 'prank war with rival town' idea it would have been longer.

Oh well, this is a worthwhile addition to the canon anyway.

We must all help, to see this through
Here's what everypony does?
We'll do it all without magic
We'll do it just because!

Trixie was disgusted at how bad that rhyme was


This would have made a better episode than the one they aired!

you get thumbs up. love the song rewrite, and great humor.

Awesome, awesome. *Punches the mayor in the face* She deserves it this time. :pinkiecrazy: Ah, Ivory Scroll... you are useless. In every single way.

Great rewrite to the song, too.

This one was pretty fun. Fairly simple, but still fun. I loved Trixie's "insanity defense" plans, the fainting couch, the song, and just the story in general. And the ending pretty much sums up my feelings on the Winter Wrap-Up in general, only with more apathy and less swearing.

You get a happy Twilight. :twilightsmile:

A well written alt take on my very first favourite episode.
Also, the very first Lunaverse story I've read and faved.

Nicely done! :pinkiehappy:

...I'm always late to the party now. :pinkiesad2:

We, the readers, find this fic, as well as Trixie thoughts of homicide, hilarious, by reason of insanity.:derpytongue2:

... Okay, that's one more to put in my mental 'I like it' checkbox, RDD.

You know that I'm not the writer for the majority of these, right? I didn't write this, Blackbelt did.

Right, sorry. XD Accessed this from the Group.


The fact you mistook this for something RDD wrote is actually a compliment.

You're welcome, but... don't read too far into it, okay? I'm looking at these because I'm a huge 'Tia fan and because of my bias... I'm afraid to give the Lunaverse a chance, what with Celestia being insane when 'cleansed' while Luna in canon is sane. Still, I'm going to at least TRY practicing some tolerance... and read some of the fics, not judge the 'verse based solely on what I've heard.


The fact you're giving it a shot is all I ask, and I thank you for it.

Oh, that song... It will never leave, IT WILL NEVER LEAVE! I liked it the first time I heard it, knew (most of) the words by the fifth time, and started to hate it by the 24th time.

It doesn't help that I'm one of the ponies with a shovel. That song works its insidious chorus into my head all winter long.

As for the story? I rather liked it. The main thing I'll take from this story? Bon-Bon wants kids, but Lyra isn't ready yet.


Oh this was brillant.

Trixie really got to flex her snark muscles :trixieshiftright:

Though what clinched for me was the end.

"....you got me out of bed, made me work with this crazy fashion mare" Trixie ignored the sound of indignation that escaped Rarity's lips. "and spoke of how much pride Ponyville had when it comes to making Winter Wrap Up a community effort, yet you've been late for the past decade, and in fact have no direction whatsoever? Am I correct in this, Miss Mayor?"

"...yes?" the Mayor answered, clearly nervous.

"....I'm going back to bed. Good night."

And thanyou weave the ribbon through

1. Then.

Good ol' Trixie...:pinkiecrazy:

The best part is that Trixie doesn't try and help fix everything. Just "Fuck it, going to bed."


Ok, since this is the second story you've done this, I'm just gonna point it out:

Instead of saying there are errors, you could list the errors. That way, I can fix them. Just saying there are errors is useless to me.

2329003 It is difficult to do that while using a tablet. If I were using my laptop computer, I would specify some of the errors.


so get thee to a computer then.

Enjoyed the story, Blackbelt, but the writing was somewhat amateurish.
I really enjoyed how Trixie kept fighting to go to bed and expressing disbelief at every turn, but other parts...

Also ends on a bit of a whimper. Your "The Night After" fic was both more symmetrical in portraying each of the ponies and ended on a much more hilarious note, even if it had some of the same flaws I'm seeing in this one. Keep improving! Don't let me get you down, I'm hard to please.

Faving, but will neither up nor down vote.

Eeehehehehe :raritywink:
Someone identified my avatar at last! And, by association, one of my favorite games of all time.

A portion of it, yes.

Though now we're cluttering up someone's comment box!


no, please, continue. I really love Terranigma.

Though I prefer Illusion of Gaia. Then again, that's probably the nostalgia talking.


I love both of those games!
I think Terranigma was, in general, better, but only in the sense that it refined and perfected what Illusion of Gaia started. I'm only sad that Square-Enix has never done another Gaia installment.

It was easily one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. It wraps up a huge package of exploration and mythology and action...
And it's bloody gorgeous, too.

HA, priceless.

I don't get it. So Trixie, who is making nests probably for the first time, is much better than Rarity, who probably isn't and have, let's say, crafting skills..:rainbowhuh:
This is just rule of funny or means something else, maybe a reference to Trixie's sleight of hoof.:duck:

What a funny story :rainbowlaugh:

Definitely a good parody of the episode, right down to there being, in this universe, nopony actually in charge, which doesn't strike me as odd in the very least - I loved the twists on the songs, and of course, Trixie's overall laziness :twilightsheepish:. What stuck to me the most about this story is that it starred Rarity who, like the others in the Mane 6, is slightly more antagonist and unpopular (Twilight, more so) because of the changes in their lives: even so, It's nice to have a story that has her front and center, even if only a small one and for a little while.

Definitely an enjoyable side-story that parodies an important event in a short, funny way :twilightsmile:

Now I've got 'Winter Wrap-Up' stuck in my head.

Used the 8-bit version to do an accuracy check with the original. You could pass this version off as the real lyrics.:derpytongue2:

Also, I think Trixie just ragequit Winter Wrap-Up. :trixieshiftright:

The song should seriously be sung and put on YouTube.

So... Luna Trolls Trixie in this universe, apparently...


I did, thank you very much, it was part of the live read.

Ah, the winter wrap up chapter.

I like this one for at least two reasons.

1) It properly demonstrates what to do with a cannon ep and make it different with what you have. Take in the fact that Twilight is not here, remember that Trixie is not Twilight, and BOOM. You have comedy.

2) It does well in showing the difference in our two mares.

I also love how you made the song a little bit different to make it fit. We all know the lyrics of the song, but that is for the mane 6, not the l6. So bravo sir.


Live read? On an unrelated note, I attempted to do my spin on that song myself, although it's with an OC's perspective.

You can find it right here.



a live read, where I go and read a fanfic and do some voices and review it. I am currently doing the entire Lunaverse

Like this

2702256 Is there anyway to forward this through iMessage to send to a friend, I want them to get this song stuck in their head so much! :pinkiesmile:

Edit: I also like this story a lot it was so funny compared to the original! eventually I'm gonna try watching the whole series superimpsoing the lunaverse mane six over the original mane six with my mind and see what it's like just for fun, well if I don't get to distracted by technically thinking sideways ~_~

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