• Member Since 16th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


If I could be a horse, I would be a changeling. Then I could be a human. (She/her)

Comments ( 1145 )

Keep your hands in your pocket! D:

Keep. Them. In. Your. Pockets! >:(

Seeing this interesting story:
*Sfx jericho*
You just make the list

Interesting concept, you won a follower

Can't judge this yet until it's complete however, It seems pretty good so far.

this is a first for this idea i think i love the idea of celestia having a identical twin from the beginning so i cant wait to see where this goes

Bizarre story with horrifying plot possibilities and implications.

I'm fascinated, take a follow.

Wow, this is very well done. I’m excited to see where this goes!

I mean it’s looking good so far but Alicorns are hybrids of all three pony tribes with access to all three types of pony magic

That tag is there for precautionary measures and when the crossovers actually come in play, I'm going to say which universes I'm crossing over with. No need to spoiler things before they actually happen, after all

I know, but Summer isn't omniscient and neither are her parents. At that point in time, ponies don't have alicorns running around and simply don't know that such hybrids exist.

Huh guess her parents have a strong earth pony presence in their ancestry to give birth to immortal Alicorns also wonder when Luna’s gonna be born

I’m so in love with this is not even funny...

Please keep it up!

now hear is a story whit a leval of detail you dont se often.
Have a like and a librery spot.

You guys are degenerates... And I love it.

This is an adorable story with a great start. I look forward to the next chapter. I love these types of fics. :twilightsmile:

I am curious if the protagonist will get to see his wife again.


Maybe Celestia is his wife. Time distortion anyone? I've read some strange stuff over the years.

this story is actually very cute. I cannot wait for more. I do hope you post semiregular updates. I would love for this story to eventually have the "complete" tag. I will definitely be following this story!

I'm open to suggestions about how often I should update this. Just bear in mind, I actually need time to write more >.>
I have written quite a few chapters ahead, so you don't have to worry that I'll run out any time soon. I would have to go and read through what I've written first and edit it to make sure it's up to my usual standards, though.

<sarcasm> It's the matter of how much I want to torture you guys by making you all wait, mwahahaha! </sarcasm>

I would aim for every week. but if that isn't possible, you can do 1.5 weeks. I tend to see authors who update every 2 weeks or more and I just... forget about them after a while. one of my favorite story authors, Vongoalyken. the guy who wrote Star Eater, always has 3 chapters in reserve and posts one as he finishes one. perhaps you could do something similar to him?

I tend to be lazy, so I don't know about every week. Some of the chapters are going to be over 20k words (one is even over 30k and I'm about to write another that's just as long), those are going to be a pain in the ass to look over and edit (eventually make them even longer if I find something to add on to them). On top of that, I do have my other story that I also want to continue (I really hope they won't suffer because I gave in to the impulse to publish this one when I actually toyed with the idea to finish this story first before publishing it).


Okay, I've puzzled over what you meant with the time distortion part and I would like an elaboration because I have no idea what you mean o.O

Very good. This has earned my attention, like, tracking and follow.

In my opinion you should update the story at a pace that feels comfortable to you and allows you to produce the best work possible. The most important thing is once you have an interval that you are comfortable with, you should do what you can to maintain the consistency of it. Predictable chapter releases at intervals that work for the author is not only important for you but also your readers as they know when to generally expect the next chapter and keeps your audience engaged.

I agree. this is definitely the best solution.


I mean that time may have no meaning between both his death and his wife's death. Time could move far faster on his earth then in this new world he's been born into.

Comment posted by XzareAce deleted Jul 28th, 2020

So, I kinda died? Well, I don’t know how it really happened, one moment I was on my way home from a visit to my parents and then, puff. I’m dead.

:pinkiegasp: oh oh oh! my money is on Accidental nuke Detonation! from a test launch... clearly they mixed up the Empty Warheads with the real one! :pinkiehappy:

this is great so far, cant wait to see where you take it!

Okay, yeah. That makes sense. Not that it is correct, though ;)

No. Just... no. As much as I think humans are actually capable of such stupidity, that's not the reason for Rudolph's death. Keep guessing, by all means ;D

Comment posted by Ryan238 deleted Jul 28th, 2020

Inb4 Celestia is his wife, wife's sister is Luna. His oldest daughter is cadence and his youngest is twilight.
Still be an interesting story tho.

You could have at least put that in a spoiler, you know ;)

From the moment she first nommed on Summer's ear, she was giving me serious Pumpkin Cake vibes. The moment she set the bed ablaze and started giggling within the inferno that feeling just got more prominent, and it further escalated when she started transfiguring objects into plushies.

You know... like those transgender people I always emphasized with.



Keep guessing, by all means ;D

Sniper :P
Hand Fetishist
Zombie Apocalypse
Orbital Cannon
Heart Attack
Tactical Flamingos
Spontaneous Combustion
Some Random Diety

You said keep guessing, not make accurate guesses


Sniper :P
Hand Fetishist
Zombie Apocalypse
Orbital Cannon
Heart Attack
Tactical Flamingos
Spontaneous Combustion
Some Random Diety

So... we're making lists now, huh? Nice try. And absolutely everything is wrong. Well, one might get slightly close, but that's still not close enough ;)

... the tactical flamingos, of course ;D

I was concerned about the use of the porn tag, but I seems like this is an awesome story!
Hope it updates.

Good Luck!

Spontaneous explosion of his car
Sabatogue of his car
Lightning strike
Owl attack
A Vietnamese soldier attacking from the tree's

And the guess I put the most stock into :
Catherine found a Magical Book of Fetish, and used it to wish for the situation they're currently in as a joke, not knowing they would actually end up in such a situation, then when it does put them in such a situation Catherine just rolls with it.

This would explain why Celestia seems so similar to Catherine, why Celestia exhibits all those different types of magic first, while Summer shows Telekines First, and why Celestia usually gets into their powers before Summer, then brings Summer into them as well, as well as why Celestia was so playful in the womb & kept poking Summer.

You do have read the story description, right?

To be honest, I like that book idea, but sadly that, too, is wrong. Celestia and Summer just have two different approaches to casting magic and little Tia just figured it out for herself first.

And how come you guys always think it has something to do with explosions that killed Rudolph? xD

You do have realized that the porn tag means there IS a focus on sex?

Also on the terms of guessing, it has to kill without allowing reaction, be nigh instatous, and not involve sound, sight, or other people/cars before it kills you.
Explosions cover most of those quite nicely.

I'd rather be on the safe side by including the tag (because some chapters do get quite... steamy, I suppose), so excuse me if I don't remove that from this story. ;)

So what is this story crossed over with?


That tag is there for precautionary measures and when the crossovers actually come in play, I'm going to say which universes I'm crossing over with. No need to spoiler things before they actually happen, after all

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