• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


Cake has been with humanity for centuries. It almost has a magical allure, a strange hold over people. It can cheer you up, keep you awake, or turn you into a pony!

Sorry, what?

Another request from JimmyHook19.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

well it's better than turning into a cake

no become a literal food item it won't end well

this is the worst p[osiple thing

Well.... that was a rather fast transformation. ^^'

But other than that...... good transformation nonetheless :3

-sees that the publish date says the previous date instead- You know, just so my goal of a transformation for me in every month is maintained, I will credit the date as June 1st instead since it was intended for that date of course. :ajsmug:

It was a new day in my timezone when I published it.

Besides, Discord used a setup similar to this in the Gala Rarity one.

And besides, variety is the spice of life.

Well, the transformation was a little fast-paced though.

But then again, so are some of Discord's TF's. ^^'

Seriously did you make affect just so you could complain sheesh

This story has not aged well. It was written during the pandemic when I was incredibly bored from being basically housebound 24/7 and needed something to occupy the time. I have since abandoned this writing format and heavily reworked this genre of story. Rebirth of Magic is how I retooled the concept if you're interested.

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