• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.



This story is a sequel to A Prince's Tale

Jimmy est coincé dans un lockdown et complètement ennuyé. Son anniversaire se révèle également être un buste à cet égard. Heureusement, il est sur le point de voyager vers une terre étrangère par des moyens non conventionnels ...

(Jimmy is stuck in lockdown and thoroughly bored. His birthday is also proving to be something of a bust in that regard. Luckily, he is about to journey to a foreign land through unconventional means...)

Written for JimmyHook19's 24th birthday.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )

Heeey... The cover was moi old pfp!

"Sacre bleu! Cette situation ne pouvait pas être pire. Non seulement je suis une Chrysalide, mais je semble être une Chrysalide française!" ("Sacre bleu! This situation couldn't be worse. Not only am I Chrysalis, I seem to be a French Chrysalis!")

hooray for French chrysalis! She's the best! Yaaay! :D

Oh? C'est très intéressant.

A fitting tribute to the foreign language cast of the show, eh?

Heh, first Chrysalis's Evil form (two times of course :3).... then Reformed Chrysalis.... and now French/EG Chrysalis :3 Now there's just one more extra alternate form of Chrysalis that I have yet to transform into. :3

And who would that be?

Anthro Chrysalis :3

I will find a good one in the coming months for sure. ;3

does that mean freach people are changelings?

No no no, monsieur. Ce ne sont que les versions françaises de Chrysalis et Thorax.

oh...she is cute. at least shes not cruel or benevolent..just...french

I have no idea what the description is. But I have my trusty google translate.

I also translated it.

We totally need more TF stories where the character swaps nationalities. Maybe a Zecora TF where Tom finds himself as a Nigerian Zecora or a Norwegian Yona?

Or what about even more obscure nationalities?

Funny. I'd always thought Zecora was supposed to be Zulu.

It's never specified.You're probably more correct.

Apparently, they were originally going to hire an expert in Swahili to write Zecora's incantations (such as the one in Bridle Gossip), but the budget wouldn't allow. As a consequence, actress Brenda Crichlow made up 'some vaguely African-sounding jibberish', according to Amy Keating Rogers.

That's too bad. I would've loved to see that. I wonder what MLP would look like if there were no content restrictions?

Every show dreams of having no budget restrictions.

And no social restrictions either.

Most shows have lines they won’t cross, regardless of the age rating.

What would you say are those lines?

Things even adult comedy is too scared to make fun of. Basically anything too controversial.

Stuff that’s either in poor taste or would put a target on their backs.

The sort of mindset that Spike Lee's Bamboozled parodies.

I’ll have to check those out at some point.

A very odd, but quite rewarding experience.

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