• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.



Jimmy has adored Princess Luna for many years, having transformed into her more than any other character. Well, today he adds to that count...but not a Luna he knows!

A surprise for my friend, JimmyHook19, and to make up for the lack of a Christmas story this year.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 48 )

Noice........... :3 Going to update my blog post and folder for sure. :yay: :yay: :twilightsmile: :twilightsmile:

We all know that poofy dresses are the best kind of dress.:raritywink:

You deserve a follow for that. :ajsmug:

I'll follow you too.
Sage words, Jimmy.

so do jimmy able to transform into her at will?

No. This was forced. Only Luna can TF at will.

Heh. I'm steadily becoming a sage myself after all. X3

But not a sag. See the bit at the bottom of the author's note?

Thanks. Luna now gets a holiday.

Disguised as Jimmy, who of course is now Luna in a human Equestria.

I figured that would be your response.

why does it have the sex tag?

Jimmy changes genders (and all the other stuff that entails). I had previously submitted a story with genderswapping that got rejected because the tag was missing. So I put it in there to be safe. There are no characters having sex, as that would neccesitate an M rating.

I know .
but for some reason I'm not in the mood to read luna fanfics. :rainbowderp:
the more I want to read the nightmare moon.:pinkiecrazy:
and look, Luna is one of my favorite ponies.:applejackunsure:

that's good ^^
then I take a look at the story.

already read the first chapter is commented

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