Sometime after Lucifer returns to Hell his father, God, decides to mess with his son and the playmates he made during his time on earth. By sending them all in Equestria with no means of escape. Finding no means of escape, the group try to make do with what they got.
Happens right after season 7.
Honestly, i'm looking forward to it. Just finished binging the latest season on netflix and i want to see where this goes.
Also, something that wasn't specified, are Lucifer and the gang all humanoid or ponified?
Thanks for the comment and the gang is humanoid so don't worry about having to imagine them as ponies. (Shudder)
I'm glad to see this. I actually had an idea for them going to Equestria (or rather just Lucifer & Amenadiel) as ponies.
Is the entirety of Equestria humanoid too?
No, they are ponies.
Well well well, lets see how long it takes before the Main 6 end up believing Lucifer is pure evil and try to imprison him in stone.
Good start btw. Can't wait to read more.
As far as evil goes, they'll think his devil face is more of a parlor trick than anything.
True true. Keep up the great work.
Hmm, that did stump me about how a strip club would work in Equestria that is not an anthro version.
I never knew I needed this, I can't wait to see where this leads!
Rest assured, the wait won't be too long. Gotta finish a chapter on the Wolfman and I'll be back to this.
I LOVE THIS!! It's like I am actually watching Lucifer, bravo author bravo. Keep up the good work
Now that is what I call groveling. Just for that, I will continue to write more on this story.
He would take a sip of his flask and crack a witty joke
Also I pride myself on my groveling
liking it so far
huh... that might actually work...
but if it does, than does that make rarity a porn director?
this is good
you asked for an idea for another story in the series. here is my pitch
what if cadence, twilight and luna and shining armor where kidnapped. (a note demanding the execution of celesta or cadence, twilight luna and shining armor would be killed found at the scene) Celesta cares for her the other princesses to much and schedules her own execution. the team is on a race against the clock to find the other princesses before the execution date.
is that good?
Maybe not so many hostages but I do like the plot. I'll see what I can do.
Really? "The Vanilla Unicorn" GTA 5 much
Not to bust your balls or nothing, but that was the idea. Also, what name would I give a strip club in Equestria?
Lucifer the brony.
Guess it is......a Devil show.
i'll see myself out
You got me there
First off, I would like to say that this story is rather interesting.
Second. Just a couple things I noticed for constructive criticism.
The intro to the story wasn't bad but you took the approach as if the reader didnt know the show Lucifer while at the same time rushing through details as if they did know the show. Its was just a bit strange.
The rest of the story was very rushed and almost no sort of character development or interaction. It's supposed to be Lucifer and gang in equestria. And it feels as if the pony aspect of the story was left out and just somewhat background stuff.
Again. I find the concept interesting, but it would be nice to see it fleshed out a lot more and given more personality.
There was very little conflict and barely any mystery to the case. And no sort discussion between the characters and their current predicament. Shouldnt Chloe be worried about her daughter and getting back to her? That should be her number 1 priority.
How long have they been there? Its implied that it's been awhile but there is so much between when they arrived till now that could be explored.
Anyway. Just my two bits. :)
Good sir or madam, sorry the name doesn't reveal your gender. Anyway, because of your comment, it actually gave me inspiration for the sequel. So, if the story turns out to be good, I'd like to give you some credit. Have a pleasant day.
Glad I could help. Should be an interesting read.
Loved it
! Gave me a tiny bit of nostalgia. Lucifer is one of my few favorite shows.
I really enjoyed your story, it was like seeing a Lucifer chapter.
For your idea'si repuestos, maybe a, assassination in the Manehattan fashion week show?
I like that. Tell you what, personal message me on some details and I'll get to work on it.
I cant take that face seriously
I literally heard Tom Ellis's voice, Lauren German's voice and Lesley-Ann Brandt's voice whilst reading this story.
Tell you what, here's some good Lucifer memes:
..never change Ella
...and why am I not surprised he's already boning everyone he can?
.i never thought of this before do hoofprints work? can normal ponies hold things? They don't have digits
Aaand he has a new Detective Douche.
At least Dan is free
Isnt...Isn't...she part of the royal family? Would this count as treason?
He could be executed for that
Amenidamnit lucifer