• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 7,380 Views, 66 Comments

A Diamond's Glow - deadpansnarker

Possible SPOILERS. Sick of life behind bars at Tartarus, Cozy Glow gets an unexpected visitor in the shape of former bully Diamond Tiara. Their conversation is interesting to say the least, and is documented here for posterity (and future evidence).

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Cozy Glow Gets A Visitor

It was safe to say, life could be going better for the filly felon otherwise known as Cozy Glow. One minute, she was on the verge of ruling the entirety of Equestria by manipulating those pathetic ponies into giving her exclusive rights to all the magic in the world. A few sacred artefacts and a magical medallion was all it took to stand on the precipice of glory. She woulda gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling students of friendship.

Now she languished piteously in her tiny cage at the heart of Tartarus, right next to a loudly slumbering three-headed mongrel and a constantly complaining withered old centaur. Because of her relative youth, her final sentence was an indeterminate one: as soon as she showed a singular drop of genuine empathy for her 'grievous' crimes, there was talk of her 'beginning the long path to redemption', or at least being transferred to a less foul location.

Fat chance of that, she thought angrily, the only thing that keeps me from going stir crazy is plotting the downfall of those that have wronged me. I'll get out of here, one way or another, and have my vengeance. In this life, or the next. You'll see... they'll all see...

"Visitor!" An unexpected clarion call halted the brooding filly's current train of thought, and she glanced up with intrigue at the designated guard's sudden announcement as he entered the prison area.

"Not that blasted Discord again, coming to gloat about his freedom and his friends! I keep telling him over and over again, I don't care! I don't miss anything about life outside! N-Nothing w-whatsoever..." Despite Tirek's desperate claims to the contrary, the tremor in his voice indicated he perhaps wasn't entirely being 'on the level' with his sworn testimony there.

"Not you, her!" The stallion sentry's barked reply piqued Cozy Glow's interest even more, and she quickly went through a list of possibles as to who this unheralded visitor could be. Twilight? No, she's still busy cleaning up the mess I made at the university, Tee hee. My lawyer? Probably not, given my absolute refusal to cooperate with the authorities so far. Wait just a second. I-It couldn't be my p-par...

Before Cozy Glow could finish her anxious mental prediction, the prompt arrival of her unfamiliar guest wiped out all other probables in her head. The young arrival was about her age, a pink filly just like she was, though that of a slightly starker hue. She wore a decorative tiara on the top of her head, which oddly enough matched her given cutie mark. Why this complete stranger would have just cause to visit 'The Most Dangerous Child In The World' (lead headline on Equestria Daily, she was particularly pleased about that) remained a total mystery, but whatever her reasons, the curious convict was about to find out what they were.

"Hello, Cozy Glow. My name is Diamond Tiara. You don't know me, but if everything my friends the Cutie Mark Crusaders have told me is accurate, then I think I know you pretty well already." The visiting filly cast an uneasy glance at the napping Cerberus nearby, wrinkling her muzzle a bit at his stinky dog-breath, before returning to Cozy Glow. "I have come today because I sense a slight kindred spirit in you, though even at my worst, I don't think my deeds approached what you managed to almost pull off."

"Let me guess: you're an ex-bully who thinks you can teach me a 'better way'. Well thanks, but no thanks. Especially if that trio of goodie-four-horseshoes put you up to this farce." Cozy Glow slumped into the back of her cage, already sick of the countless lectures and pep talks she'd forcibly received from representatives of the Reform Committee. "Whatever you think we might have in common, it's just an illusion. All I have to do is take a look at that stupid Cutie Mark of yours, which I assume means you're destined to be a 'perfect pretty princess', to figure that much out. What would you know about endless ambition, a lust for power, the urge to want more every single day..."

"Quite a lot, actually." Diamond interrupted without skipping a beat, as she made herself as comfortable as possible on the cold stone floor. "Well, most of that naive attitude was planted by my mother of course, and you might say I was just at that age when I went along with it. But I'm not using her alone as an excuse... I went along with her instructions whole-heartedly, and I even enjoyed causing other fillies and colts suffering sometimes. But after a failed campaign to become school president, losing my BFF in the process and a public shaming by my mother in the middle of town, that's when I finally realised all my horrible actions were for nothing. Without good friends to guide you and support you when you need them the most, life can be very lonely and sad. I don't include 'friends' earned by intimidation or power, either."

"Pfft, I've heard it all before! Everypony's got a sob story about their past, do you really think yours' makes you special or unique in any way? You ought to hear what went on between my parents and me, it'd have you weeping 'til Hearth's Warming Eve!" Cozy Glow let out a gallows laugh at this juncture, before promptly addressing Diamond with a straight face again. "I do agree with you on one thing, though: friendship is indeed a 'great' thing. Not to pursue good will with inferior beings as you say though, but as a useful tool with which to rule over others. That's the kind of influence I've been chasing all my life, and that's something I'll never give up on, no matter how much they try to break my spirit in this miserable place which doesn't even have any soft toilet paper."

"Oh, is that so?!" Despite Diamond's attempts at maintaining a serious expression, a wry look crept across her features at what she'd just heard. "I suppose this is the right time to inform you as any, you couldn't be more wrong about the definition of my Cutie Mark. The tiara on my flank gives me the ability to be a natural born leader, for good or for ill. Up until very recently, I've been using it for my own selfish desires, or those of my demanding mother. It took an undeserved intervention from three very special fillies to get me to 'see the light', and I think you know who I mean. I must admit, when they told me how you pulled the wool over their eyes about your true intentions, part of my old self was impressed at how you did it so effortlessly. Let me guess: that chess master symbol you have there helped out with that well-planned scam, am I right?"

Cozy Glow wasn't quite sure whether she fully believed Diamond's claims or not, but she was usually pretty good at picking up lies (being a decent deceiver herself). And there were not hints of insincerity emitting from the earnest filly in front of her. "You're telling me, you have such a great talent, and you choose to waste it on 'helping' others? That makes you an even bigger loser than I first thought! You could have it all in one day, by simply telling others what to do and getting them to follow you wherever you go. Instead, you're wasting it on assisting a bunch of useless also-rans who could never achieve a fraction of what we're both capable of! I bet you're filthy rich too, judging by how expensive that crown you wear on your head must be. You possess so much money and privilege, and yet I bet you choose to squander it all on nobodies. That makes you a double loser. I don't say this of everypony, but you have my pity."

Diamond resisted the urge to point out Cozy Glow's unintentional utterance of her beloved father's name there, and instead removed her tiara to examined it closely. "I could say the same of you, Cozy Glow. There you were, with a great job working under Princess Twilight and having superb skill at organising things and helping to keep the university run like clockwork, not to mention all the good you could do strategising for the sake of the nation with that powerful mark of yours. In one swoop though, you go and ruin it all on a hopeless, petty scheme to become 'The Empress Of Equestria'. I believe those were the exact words you used during the trial, right? What a shame, but I suppose everypony makes their own choices in life. Like I chose to become a help to the community and a loving friend, instead of a hate-filled nuisance always getting in other ponies way. As for my wealth, however..."

It was at this point that Diamond took the unanticipated step of firmly pushing her tiara through the narrow cracks in Cozy Glow's cage, so that it plonked on the base with a metallic thud. "...This is how much my money means to me now. Take it with my regards, and let this tiara be a constant reminder to you that wealth and status does not guarantee you either long-lasting happiness or long-term friendships. Of course, like my mother who bought me that blasted thing and forced me to wear it every single day to show off my 'superiority', you don't understand how important those things are yet, but you will. One day. In the meantime, I'll be on my way because my butler will be waiting for me. I'll return soon though, and next time, I may even be accompanied by a crusading daredevil pegasus, musical unicorn and trainee farmer. I have a feeling they want to say or even sing a few things to you themselves, but I don't want to steal their thunder in advance. Something to look forward to, then. Bye for now, and I hope you at least try to think about what I told you!"

But as Diamond trudged down the long road back to civilisation, the cunning Cozy Glow's thoughts weren't focused on possible rehabilitation or even shouting her customary stream of insults to the retreating crown-less figure.

Nope, her eyes were squarely focused on the freshly donated piece of jewellery in her cage, a crafty plan already being hatched at the subconscious level.

Now, let's see. All I have to do is take one of the prongs of this tiara, stick it in the lock, turn it like so, and voila! My condescending visitor has become an unwitting pawn in my ambition to blow this joint. Oh irony of ironies! Later on, I can sell it to help finance my own private army, then I'll march into Ponyville and...

Alas, her no doubt brilliant scheme was about to unravel before it really began, as the same stallion guard from earlier swiftly came over to snatch the valuable item from the stretching hooves of Cozy Glow.

"What did I tell you when you first arrived?! Inmates are to have no personal possessions whatsoever! Now stop with the internal monologuing, or you won't get your ration of bread and water for dinner!" He harshly reprimanded the seething filly, whilst a clearly amused Tirek in the background couldn't help but laugh uproariously at her tragic plight.


Author's Note:

This is my second fic based around the events at the end of School Raze, and you could say it's even closer to my heart since it features my favourite filly in a prominent role. I actually came up with the idea before I saw the image, but the picture gave me added inspiration I just had to use in the story.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading it. Bye for now! :twistnerd:

Comments ( 66 )

Oh dear god... I do not pity Cozy at all, she had it coming really.:rainbowlaugh: (Yes yes, harp on me if you like. Conspiring with Tirek and committing reason is a one-way ticket to Tartarus, no matter the age.)

It is great but... Who was Diamond Tiara referring to when she said "A daredevil pegasus, a musical unicorn, and a trainee farmer."?


A lot of people seem to be leaning towards her having further villainous plans and she was counting on ending up in Tartarus.

But then, her calm reaction to being locked up there might just be due to her being totally batshit insane.

I'm staying away from that hot topic. There have been enough squabbles about it on here already, I have no intention of adding to them... :duck:

Here's a clue. :scootangel: :unsuresweetie: :applecry:

Sic Semper Tyrannis, darlin'. :ajsmug:

I can't help but wonder how the heck Cozy Glow got so twisted and power-mad in the first place. Where could she have gotten those crazy ideas about friendship being a tool she could use to become Empress of Equestria in the first place? Something had to set off the chain reaction of events that led Cozy to becoming the crazed delinquent she is now.

Well she wanted to absorb all the magic in equestria to transport to another world so either she isnt really a pony or she is working for someone. As to why she is so evil that is anyone guess.

Ah. Okay.

I was actually thinking you were referring to other reformed villains.

I'm interested now.

That is the million bit question.

Hopefully, something to be followed up in S9... :moustache:

Come to think of it, so am I now. Possible sequel vibes? :raritywink:

...And you just KNOW DT can afford to pay you, if you get it correct. :twistnerd:

Nice Work! I Really Wonder how a foal can get up with a Plan like that in the First Place. Franky, i find tartarus unfitting as Punishment for a Child. And if She has parents how they react to that.

I agree on it being unfitting punishment (especially since it's apparently where she wanted to be), given her insanity... The appropriate response would've been to send her to a rehabilitation/mental institution.

On her parents reaction...

"Cozy Glow! You're going to get one thousand across the flank for this, little missy! And don't get thinking that's it, you're grounded for a week! No candy, no ice cream, absolutely nothing sweet! You're also going BACK to that school, with one or both of us watching you to make sure you actually pay attention and learn something! When this is all over, you had best be a good little filly... Or else Tartarus will look like a nice vacation to the beach compared to what we'll do to you!"

Yeah, i could only Imagine She Lost them in a Magic accident to be like this

Uhhh... I think this is a bit spoiler-y

The episode hasn't even came out on Discovery Channel (the main broadcast) yet.

Who knows? Maybe we'll find out, one day... :rainbowderp:

There are other 'villainous' Cozy Glow fics out there now. By the looks of things, most people have already seen the episodes anyway. That's the power of the Internet... :moustache:

I think I will read it if I finally watch the episode.

at least a tag lol. I accidently ran across this while scrolling down before watching the episode.

I was forced to delete a bit of text, but your wish is my command. Now, what do you want for your other two wishes? :scootangel:

Sorry about that, thanks! Cookies and Cream

She need to wait for the next visit... Maybe Diamond Tiara could use her connection with the crusaders to let the tiara stay with Cozy, as she free all the prisoners in Tartarus

Darn it, now I have two fics I have to wait on until after "School Daze"! Oh well, into the "Read Later" pile it goes.

Hope you enjoy it! (the fic and the episodes) :duck:

I hope so too, I don't always enjoy the ideas like the cutie map, but the kirin episode was nice, I think I didn't liked the rockhoof episode so much, more about how they acted and well....it depenst on how it ends with the Cutiemark Crussaiders and the other six being the heroes. Sometimes you just have characters where you think they aren't exactly super heroes.

She didn't say she was sending it to another world, and Tirek said it would've been sent into the ether. Hardly another world. It implies that she was just going to get rid of it, not actually send it somewhere else or do anything with it.

I feared this would actually happen. Them putting a child there was to much, I would have understood them getting her to psychatrists or something like that, but not putting her in pony hell.

I just watched the episode and since this story is about her I think I can write this without making it a spoiler right?
The stuff with the CMC was not to bad and 3/4 of the final was nice.

Now I probably read the story or tomorrow.

My advice to Lord Tirek?
Do NOT drop the soap, buddy. Do not EVER drop the soap...

That what the subtitled version stated when talking to glimmer. I didnt watch the dub version so my apologies if she didt say that. I was under the impression that she was trying to put it somewhere elseand that she was working under someone from another world.

as soon as she showed a singular drop of genuine empathy for her 'grievous' crimes, there was talk of her 'beginning the long path to redemption', or at least being transferred to a less foul location.

You noticed it too huh?, yep me and a youtuber hated it that they were putting a child in tartarus instead of putting her somewhere else like a mental facility or stuff like that if I got that word right.

Well as long as this doesn't means "they change all of her personality to make her joing "cult harmony", I don't mind them trying to make her a better pony.

Wait just a second. I-It couldn't be my p-par..

I didn't even thought about her parents.

"What did I tell you when you first arrived?! Inmates are to have no personal possessions whatsoever! Now stop with the internal monologuing, or you won't get your ration of bread and water for dinner!"

Looks like the guard broke the fourth wall if I understand it right and I didn't liked that part.

Well...while I don't know if Diamon was the right choice, I liked the idea enough to say good job there.

I want to see a human turned cowzy glow, who isn't a fan and the usual perverted character or guy from the street (bad neighbourhood and everything, drugs and co.) Just a honestly nice guy having the trouble to get his new body out of prison.
I want him to actually be her and not having to share a body.

I couldn't think of the whole idea for a sequel so I just said what my first thought was when I was watching the episode.

I don't think the guard was 'breaking the fourth wall', he has just probably been given a psyche evaluation paper for Cozy Glow, being the main sentry at the facility where's she's held. So he knows this is what she does, and is encouraging her to stop it. After all, it's not healthy behaviour, right? :rainbowderp:

I did think of what you said about her situation too, hence it's inclusion in the story. Considering Cozy's young years and the gravity of her potential crime, it would probably take a while to figure out what to do with her. In the show the solution might be a bit more simplistic, but at least fan fiction lets us spread our wings a bit... :raritywink:

Well simplistic or extreme:scootangel:

Well I guess the monologing is selfdestructive, not sure if there is a good way to do it, but I guess it would distract her from living her life, at least the way I image it at the moment.

Yep we thought the solution was a bit extreme, but it's only a kids show yes, for that we have the fanfictions like you said.
Only that....I found out a while ago, that some stuff is just taken from the show like that without thinking to much about it and implemented in many stories.

Okay enough of that, you at least did a good job with it.

edit: I just notice that your avater looks it would react to my new avatar.:pinkiehappy:

9164186 Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus! I hope you watch Venture Bros like I do

1: I meant Thus Always to Tyrants.
2: We don't get those channels, sooo...

Comment posted by the dobermans deleted Sep 11th, 2018

9165569 I know what you meant; a part of me thought of an episode of Venture Bros where the phrase you posted was mentioned as a correction to what I posted :rainbowlaugh:

...Is it bad that I'm wondering HOW the guard knew she was internal monologuing?

If you read the replies below, then you'll find the explanation you're looking for now. :twistnerd:

Dude she meant the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Anyone else think Spoiled Rich should adopt Cozy Glow?

The author already told me.

Headcanon accepted.

Oh god, now there's a frightening thought.

Short but Amazingly written. For a minute there I thought she was about to escape with the tool that was unwittingly provided to her. Thank God the guard caught her in time.

Nope, Cozy Glow is going to be an uber bad seed for who knows how long.

I'd love to see Silver Spoon pay this bitch a visit, too.

9168731 No! A thousand times no! Spoiled is a bad influence as it is, the last thing she needs is a filly who's committed treason and thinks friendship means power. The two of them could become dangerous if left to their own devices. :pinkiegasp:

Let me rephrase. Anyone think it would be horribly fascinating to watch Spoiled Rich adopt Cozy Glow?


Cozy is already capable of running circles around Spoiled.
In fact, if I had to write an older Cozy Glow I would make her a Livia's expy

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