• Published 9th Apr 2018
  • 5,145 Views, 44 Comments

To Clean Slates - Bookish Delight

While preparing to host a party, Twilight Sparkle learns that she's a much better friend—and girlfriend—than she ever gave herself credit for.

  • ...

Renewed Bonds

Upon reaching the top of the steps, Twilight knocked on the door to Sunset's room.

The door unlatched, and opened a crack—just enough for Sunset Shimmer to be able to look through. When she saw Twilight, she breathed a small sigh of relief, stepped back, and opened the door wide enough for Twilight to walk in.

Twilight looked around. The last time she'd been in Sunset's loft bedroom was yesterday, and nothing looked out of place since then. The wall-mounted guitars, bed, game consoles, couch, dressers, computer, and even frumpled, thrown-aside clothes were still in their usual places. Confident that nothing was amiss externally, she decided to address Sunset herself.

"Is everything okay?" she asked. "It's almost time to come down for the party, so Princess Twilight and I just wanted to make sure you were ready—"

Twilight heard the door lock shut, turned around... and saw Sunset Shimmer wearing an outfit that Twilight had never seen on her before, but which instantly captivated her.

If Sunset's fiery hair normally stood out from the rest of her usual cool blue outerwear, it felt right at home amidst the just-as-fiery orange and purple hues of the skirt and top she was wearing right now—to say nothing of an even more ornate leather jacket than her usual. A pair of purple-streaked black leather boots completed the ensemble.

Twilight stared, wide-eyed, and struggling for words. She hadn't expected any of this. Not that she was complaining in the slightest. "W-... wow," she finally managed to breathe after several moments.

"Hmm?" Sunset said, before noticing Twilight's staring at her outfit. "Oh, right. Yeah," she said, blushing.

"Yeah." Twilight twirled a few strands of her hair around her finger, averting her gaze, and biting her lip exactly once. "You look... like... really hot right now," she said softly.

Sunset looked away just as shyly. "R-really?"

Twilight looked straight back at her. "Uh-huh. Gorgeous."

"Well, you beat me to answering that question before I could ask it." Sunset's blush deepened. "Th-thanks."

Twilight finally overcame enough of her captivation to walk over to Sunset. "But... what's with it? You've always been into blue."

"Not always, actually. Only recently." Sunset ran her hands down her outfit. "This," she said with a sigh, "is how I used to dress. Hundreds of Canterlot High students have this image of Sunset Shimmer burned into their brains as the evil would-be queen of the school." She paused, then added in a low voice, "And the world, if I originally had my way."

The whole time she spoke, Sunset avoided Twilight's eyes, holding her arm with her other hand. It didn't take a genius scientist to understand what Sunset was getting at, but Twilight did anyway. Stopping in front of Sunset, she put her hand on Sunset's shoulder.

"Twilight," Sunset breathed, turning to face her. Twilight saw Sunset's geode pendant pulsing with a bright orange glow. She looked into her girlfriend's eyes. They were still normal—not in the tranced state that usually happened when Sunset was occurred into another's heart or memories.

Twilight pondered what that could mean, as Sunset's eyes stared back into hers. Before she could say anything, however, Sunset said, "I'm ready to talk about it. All of it. Whenever you want to."

With a gasp, Twilight asked, "Are... are you sure?"

Sunset hesitated before replying. "If you're up for it. Yes."

Noticing Sunset's vulnerable voice, and her deepening breaths, Twilight shifted into giving Sunset a slow, soft hug. "I'll listen to everything."

"Th-... thank you," Sunset managed.

Twilight closed her eyes, pressing against Sunset's body, gently and firmly. She felt Sunset's breathing slow. She felt Sunset's shivers subside. She felt Sunset's arms wrap around her.

She heard the light clink of their geode pendants touching.

And then, without any warning whatsoever, Sunset's life flashed before Twilight's eyes.

Twilight saw it all.

A land full of ponies—unicorns, no less!—with Sunset holding her head high among them.

A defiant student. A disappointed teacher—who looked a lot like Principal Celestia? A huge argument, followed by self-imposed exile through a magical mirror.

Anger. Resentment. Hatred. Twilight felt everything Sunset did.

Then Twilight saw Canterlot High, and saw how one girl, over and over, year after year, turned student against student. Until one day, Twilight's other self came to town, and vanquished the demon within Sunset... while also showing Sunset a glimpse of something better.

Which Sunset tried to get to but couldn't. She felt herself, felt Sunset, being bombarded with confusion. Insecurity. Fear.

She saw three evil girls infiltrate CHS, holding musical concerts while doing exactly what Sunset used to do. Sunset was scared, but balled her fists anyway, as she strode forward, hardest face she could muster, legs shaking, being driven away once, being knocked down...

...but then getting back up. A leather jacket obscured the heavens.

And amidst a haze of song and flames, there was realization, redemption... and, finally, rebirth.

Twilight jerked back, the pangs hitting her heart so intensely each of them might as well have been stakes. She gasped for breath, her hand to her chest. "Oh... oh my gosh."

Sunset's eyes flipped up. "W-wait, did that actually... you saw?"

Twilight weakly nodded, and put her hand to Sunset's cheek. "Sunset, I'm... I'm so sorry. You've been through so much."

Sunset looked at Twilight, mystified, then looked down at her pendant, which wasn't glowing anymore. "I can't believe it. I... I was just gathering my thoughts, trying to figure out where to start for when after this party was over—" She jolted. "Oh my gosh, I think she was onto something."

Twilight blinked in confusion. "Who was?"

"Princess Twilight!" Sunset snapped her fingers. "In our letters, she told me that the Elements of Harmony have been going through some... changes, for quite some time now. Turning into a tree... then turning into a castle... it's complicated. The point is, they've kind of taken a mind of their own lately.

"But what Twilight also said is that after they... changed, they were able to zero in on friends who needed help. In fact, friendship magic connects all of Equestria—but as near as any of us know, there are only a few individuals in this world who've been exposed to that same magic. This is assuming a lot, but what if our geodes take more after the Elements of Harmony than we already think they do?"

Both girls' eyes widened and shone. Twilight fingered her own geode. "You think... our magic might be evolving as well?" she asked, barely above a whisper.

Sunset chuckled. "Well, if nothing else, this makes having long talks easier. But your guess is as good as mine. Even Twilight doesn't know what the Elements are up to half the time, much less figuring our geodes out. We'll take it as it comes, just like with any other magic that pops up in this world." She averted her gaze. "'Cause, you know. My fault, my duty, and stuff."

Twilight rested her head on Sunset's shoulder. "Even if it was a few hours early? Thank you for trusting me with everything you just did. I can see now why your past weighs on you so much."

"It does," Sunset said, cradling Twilight. "But it's all right. Because I know you're my future. The others, too."

The two stayed in the embrace for a short while before Twilight stepped back with a sly smile, looking up and down Sunset once again. "Still, I think I need to get back to my time machine blueprints, because seriously! I think I just realized I'm into leather and that thought both intrigues and scares me," she said, blushing.

Sunset blushed as well, and countered, "I don't think you really know what you're asking." Gesturing to herself, she added, "This is the Sunset Shimmer who wanted to enslave two worlds. The one who had Canterlot High so tightly in her grip that not even Principal Celestia could do anything about her."

Eyebrows slanted, sneer on her face, Sunset sauntered forward, backing Twilight towards the couch with each step. Twilight did her best to ignore the butterflies in her stomach or her shortness of breath as she ran out of room, and her calves hit the cushions.

With a single fluid motion of her arm, Sunset pushed Twilight to a sitting position on the couch... then bent over Twilight, forcing her backward. Sunset's sneering grin showed teeth as she placed her arms on either side of Twilight, supporting herself on her palms.

"The Sunset you're asking for? Never cared about anybody's feelings, anybody's wishes, but her own. And you're saying you want this?" she said sultrily, and leaned her face, her lips in close. "I used to eat girls like you for dinner."

Twi caught her breath, then reached up with one arm, wrapping her hand in Sunset's hair with happy, inviting eyes.

"Show me," she said in her huskiest voice, and pulled Sunset down for a very long, very quiet kiss, during which Sunset stopped supporting herself with her arms to lay atop Twilight as they enjoyed each other's company.

Twilight made a mental note to herself that leather warmed rather quickly under the right circumstances. She slid her hands down Sunset's sides. "You might be able to hide the good girl I know you are, but you know what you can't hide? These hips," she said, her hands settling on both sides of them, caressing, then sliding to Sunset's buttocks and squeezing.

"Mmmmm..." Sunset's eyes fluttered, and she exhaled through pursed lips. "Well, maybe when we have more time... I can show you all of the bad girl you missed out on." She placed her mouth on Twilight's neck and growled like a tiger, the vibration causing Twilight to squeal and laugh ticklishly.

"I'd like that," Twilight replied, then placed one hand on her girlfriend's cheek, caressing there as well, dancing her fingers against Sunset's blush, and relishing Sunset's revering gaze. "Watch out, though. I just might end up showing a certain 'bad girl' the angel she's always had inside her." She kissed Sunset's lips, then licked them as she pulled away. "I wonder if I can redeem her in just one night...?"

Sunset gulped, taking a moaning breath, her sly expression quickly shifting to slack desire. "W-well, it wouldn't be the first time..." she managed.

Twilight was going to reply, but just then her and Sunset's phones dinged in stereo, sending the moment to a crashing halt. Sunset got to hers first. "It's Rarity. She sent it to both of us. Ugh, timing never was her strong su—" She stopped short as she read the message. "Oh my gosh! Everyone's here!"

"Which would make sense—it's past five," said Twilight, just as alarmed. "We're the only ones not down there. And we haven't been for a while!"

"Yeah, not suspicious at all." Sunset rolled her eyes as the two scrambled to straighten themselves up in front of the wall-length bedroom mirror. "All of the jokes. They're going to hit us with all of the jokes."

Once they were both presentable again—to say nothing of cooled back down—Twilight stepped in front of Sunset. "You know... a very wise person once told me that happiness is better than regret. I never quite got what Principal Cadance meant by that until I met you."

"That is pretty wise." Seeing that Twilight didn't move from where she was, Sunset then asked, "Twi? Everything all right?"

"Well," Twilight said, "What I mean is, I may love this outfit, but if, like you said, everyone down there has some pretty bad memories associated with it... then are you sure...?" She trailed off.

Sunset nodded, and Twilight was relieved to see the determination in her eyes. "That's why. This is something I have to do. For them, but even more for me. To prove that who I am inside overrides any outward appearance." She pulled at her jacket's lapel. "Besides, I still like this thing, and I need all the outfits I can get."

She smiled. Twilight smiled back. "As long as it makes you happy, it makes me happy," Twilight said.

"It will, very soon," Sunset giggled, pulling Twilight into a hug. "I'm so glad we found each other, Twilight. Honestly, I think we were meant to. To clean slates?"

Twilight nodded, leaning into the hug. "To clean slates. For both of us."

They parted, and Sunset took a deep breath, followed by a just-as-deep exhale. "I guess it's time to do this."

"Don't worry," Twilight said, stepping to the door. "You'll have me beside you. Now, and always."

"Thanks," Sunset said. "And hey."

Twilight turned around and found herself on the receiving end of one last, breathless kiss.

"I love you," Sunset said.

"I love you too," Twilight said with a wink. "No matter which side of the bed you wake up on."

She opened the door, and Sunset stepped to Twilight's side. Twilight saw Sunset's smiling face, which never looked more peaceful than it did right now.

Maybe this shut-in science girl got some things right after all.

Twilight smiled in kind, and took Sunset's hand.

Sunset grasped it firmly, and the two of them stepped outside.

Comments ( 29 )

Loving it so far :)

All of my daaawww. This was a lovely read.

The story was decent. I loved Twilight, Sunset and Gloriosa's reflection on past selves and how they've become the people they are today.

Absolutely astounding Bookish. Best part? Twilight's banter with her other self.

The hints of Sunset/Twilight in the previous story were its biggest flaw to me, as I felt it came out of nowhere and undermined the premise. But it at least left things open ended enough for readers to draw their own conclusions. I feel that making a sequel that erases the ambiguity and embraces the forced-in Sunset/Twilight ship just retroactively hurts the original story.

While preparing to host a party, Twilight Sparkle learns that she's a much better friend—and girlfriend—than she ever gave herself credit for.

Well, someone has a bit of an ego. Let's see how this story plays out.

"All of the jokes. They're going to hit us withall of the jokes."

Even that rather crass one about Native American names? That's some dedication.:trollestia:

Anyways, this was a sweet one. I can never get enough SciSet, it seems.

Like always, a very pleasant reading. I love how you portray these two, and their interactions. It just feels so right :heart:

Nice Gloriosa moment, wonderful Purplesmart Twin nerd-outs, and some sweet and sultry Sunlight to top it all off. Thank you for what's just about a perfect EqG slice of life, Bookish.

Wait until their daily weekend makeouts.

The SunLight! It....hnnng!

Perfect, Bookish. Loved it.

Twilight fingered her own geode.



Finally, someone caught it.

I can always count on you.

Awesome! So happy to see a sequel. Your depiction of these two and their developing friendship/more-than-friendship is one of my favorites. Can’t wait to see more.

I love it! Sooooo much!

Is it wrong that I can think of someone using this to justify Sunset going back to her old outfit for some of the shorts? Or even going for a variation on her old outfit in the current shorts and Forgotten Friendship?

Not really, seeing as I had the same thing in mind writing this in the first place. :3

Ah. Well, glad to know I'm not the only one who can come up with fanwank justifications for things the animation throws at us.

A beautiful story filled with fun, laughs, a little bit of tears, and of course, the wonderful relationship that is SciSet.

This whole story is beautiful. I really love the ending.

I’m pretty much just squeeing incoherently. Double Twi, “Bad girl Sunny,” just... everything. Too busy with squees to be more coherent.

Nice to see a sequel. Though I was slightly disappointed it didn’t cover them actually getting together. Still a good read though.

OK, bear with me on this, because it's going to seem maybe a bit off-topic at first, but I promise it's relevant.  I think one of my favorite pieces of writing about Batman comes from Chris Sims, wherein he speaks to why the beauty of Robin is that he is the proof that Batman works.  That he shows the better influence Batman's existence has on the world, because he is a person who makes himself better by virtue of having Batman in his life.  And that's the beauty of this story, too.  It's this wonderfully heartfelt examination of all the Good Twilight, both Twilights, have done for the people they meet, not necessarily by actively working towards it, but by being a good person, and a good friend.
I appreciate how well you use structure to dramatize that concept, too.  I've always found your structural concepts in these stories to be really clever, and this one is an especially nice example for its simplicity and efficiency.  The succession of people who give us their perspectives on Twilight, the way we escalate from Gloriosa (someone Twilight knows and respects, and who knows and respects her, but is not necessarilycloseto her, strictly speaking) to the other Twilight (someone who can understand and relate to Twilight very intimately) to Sunset (someone who is deeply,deeplyin love with Twilight, and whose outsider's perspective allows her to understand her in ways even she, and her other self, might not), isimmenselysatisfying in and of itself.  This is especially true because each one almost feels like a distinct story unto itself, each with its own clear arc that begins, develops, and concludes, even as theyalsoall work together to make and reinforce a larger point; it's almost like a smaller, less-emotionally-intense (but no less earnestly felt) version of what you were doing over in "Being Juniper Montage", which means it makes for an exceptionally enjoyable, compelling read.
The Gloriosa chapter in particular catches my attention.  Unless I've missed something (and given my CATCH-UPPENING, it IS possible), it's your first time writing her, and man oh man is it a delight.  For one thing, I appreciate how well she plays with Twilight, both in general and in specific her relationship with Timber (which itself receives the same firm-but-understanding treatment here as it did in "Science of Choice"; I really do respect that, even as the story invites us to see the relationship as one that had to end more or less the way it did, it still allows us to have some degree of sympathy and understanding for Timber*); there's an edge to it, as befits the nature of their relationship, but there's a sincerity to it as well, and I deeply appreciate that Gloriosa specifically speaks to the nightmares that still linger from her time as an Evil Magic User which she shares with Twi and Sunset (and Juniper, come to think of it...you think Wallflower has 'em too?  Yeesh...they should start a club....); it's one of quite a few details you use here to flesh Gloriosa's character out perfectly (I'm also fond of the choice to imply her own Romantic history too), and it makes her admittedly-brief section of the story feel weighted and meaningful and enjoyable.
But that's kind of the strength of the whole story, the way each specific relationship and conversation ultimately speaks to an aspect of who Twilight is and how she affects the world around her.  For Gloriosa, it's being someone Twilight actively saved; for the other Twilight (and oh yes, I do so love how you do with the prose here the same thing you did with "A Matter of Principal" in terms of differentiating the two Twis in text form), it's because they are reflections of each other.  Not even identical, either (and again a point in conmon with "Matter of Principal" that plays equally well here is the way you show how similaranddifferent these two are from each other, and in a way it almost works evenbetterbecause their more analytical minds are able torecognizethat fact about each other in a way the Lunas couldn't necessarily have done), but by looking at one they can gain a better understanding of the other even so.  I find this especially compelling because of how their conversation winds up affirming both of them, too; the line you draw between being The Princess of Friendshipandjust plain A Good Friend bonds the two togetherveryclearly and compellingly for me, not only poking at Princess Twilight's own lingering insecurities about the weight of that title (while also showcasing the very real wisdom that comes with it, and I love how you frame that fact both sincerelyandplayfully) but also keying in on the fact that, while the Big Actions Princess Twilight took may have set Sunset on the right path, it's the smaller, intimate actions Sci-Twi has done (without ever viewing it as her Duty to do so, nor having any other motive than being there for a person she cares about) that have helped her to not juststayon that better path but toflourishthere.  It creates this really full view ofbothTwilights, but also specifically emphasizes the very particular meaning and goodness intrinsic to the ways in which Sci-Twi has learned to trust herself and open herself up to others.
And then you flip that script for the final phase to show us how others have learned the value of opening up toher.  The Sunset chapter isgreat,and I think in its way it's maybe my favorite overall chapter of the story; as ever, you make it justso much funto read about how very much in love these two are, and the playful, saucy, sincere nature of that love is simply delightful to watch in all its multitudes.  Indeed, having Sunset deliberately choose to revisit her checkered past to show for Twilight captures so many of the levels the story's been operating on the whole time in crystal clear form, and further places it within a remarkably intimate context.  This isn't just a game Sunset's playing, after all; as ever so nicely highlighted by the previous chapter (another strength of the structure, by the way: youreally nail the inter-chapter transitions here), this is Sunset sharing a part of herself that Twilight has never really seen before.  Using Sunset's own empathic abilities to bring it into sharp relief is just the perfect, most wonderful way to bring it all together, too.  I admit I'm maybe not 100% sure I bought the transition into the steamier side of the scene, though I suspect that's more a failure of my imagination than your writing, as the way you smooth the conversation in that direction feels pretty believable, not only for a pair of teenagers in a relatively-fresh andveryactive relationship, but indeed for these two specific characters as they've been written up to this point.  And for that matter, even as my doubts stem from a sense of disconnect between the dirty talk and the sincere talk it comes from, youdoplace an emphasis on how this is as much about learning to play with this potentially-scary concept that Sunset's been so ashamed of and thus diminish its power to hurt her as anything else.  Regardless, though, it feels like the right ending for this story, and yet another in the impressively long list of wonderful Sunlight scenes you've built up over the years.
And the thing that brings it all together, the element that keeps coming up more and more to the surface with each chapter, is the idea that just by virtue of being able to open herself up to the world, Twilight has improved it.  Not by being a hero or a scientist, but by being aperson.  By reaching out to Gloriosa, by reminding Princess Twilight what a good friend can really mean to others, bybeingthat friend for Sunset.  The interaction of all those lives with Twilight's own is the real unifying spine of the story, and, especially because your prose is as eversowell attuned to the character whose perspective you're putting us in (you capture the delicately-balanced push-pull of Twilight's thinkingsowell; you canreallyfeel those subtle gradations of what instinct she wishes to follow at any given moment, what mood is most at the surface of her mind, just by reading the narration), you allow us to really feel what that means for her and for them.  It winds up being this wonderful warm celebration of the good that Twilight has accomplished, the good that has enriched her life and the lives of those connected to her, and that isexactlythe kind of story I always feel like Pony 'fic could use more of.

*not that i ameverespecially inclined to sympathize with him, but you get my point, i trust l3



(Man, I usually love Sims's articles, but I hope he got a few e-slaps for kicking Steph fans while they're (perpetually) down. :derpytongue2:)

Yeah, he's got some Wonder Woman opinions I'm not super-into either. But hey, nobody's perfect, right? XD

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