• Published 21st Oct 2016
  • 8,891 Views, 77 Comments

Worth A Thousand Words - Steel Quill

Fleur de Lis shows Featherweight a kind of beauty that his camera has never photographed.

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Comments ( 60 )

A Fleur fic? Sure, I'll check it out.

7660439 Let me know what you think :twilightsmile:


Absolutely wonderful.

I hope I don't sound narcissistic when I say this but as I read it, I couldn't help but compare it to my own M-rated Fleur fic, mostly looking at character design and execution. Our two versions of Fleur are different in some ways, no better, no worse, just different, but I like yours a lot. I thought of mine simply because they are similar in some respects but yours is a much more down-to-Earth approach and doesn't rely nearly as much on pseudo-sci-fi for the sake of establishing a setting. I loved how you used Featherweight and thought that the situation, though lofty, never really felt terribly unrealistic. He's a lucky bastard but it didn't feel contrived. Fleur, well...she's all kinds of amazing (according to me, anyway), and you definitely portrayed her as such: a kind, down-to-Earth seductress with a heart of platinum. In short, you did a fantastic job with this and I wouldn't be surprised if it became an instant hit.

7660599 That's very kind of you to say! I did glance at your story, and saw it's been rather well-received and liked, judging from the number of comments and likes and all. I'll have to give yours a read sometime when I have the free chance to. :twilightsmile:

Nothing sort of amazing as usual. Darthsylar12, long time reader, first time commenter. That was great. Emotional and Sexually stimulating throughout and all in all satisfying on both ends. I like the idea of Featherweight and his photography talent but never have I seen it used so well both romantically and erotic. I've thinking of dabbling in this type of writing and the one that inspires me most is your works that manage to accomplish both rewarding reads with intimate content. From someone looking to try his hand at this, do you have any advise? Other than that I loved it and look forward to your next works.

7660689 Thank you very much for the kind words, and for being a long-time reader. It makes me happy when I hear people enjoy my stories. :twilightsmile: Concerning advice, I feel it'd be better if I pm-ed that to you than to post it all here. But I will absolutely encourage you pursuing your own ideas and writing them out. The old remark of "all ideas have been done" is a fallacy, because in reality, all ideas have been done in one singular way. The challenge is presenting your idea in your own unique way, a way that suits you.

7660966 It was a little difficult to come up with his name, but I ran with the idea about "lens flare" involving cameras. It seemed to work the best for his character.

Knocked this one out of the park! I've been reading and following you for a while and I do belive you made this one of my favorites on the site.

Ah Fleur, such a wonderful mare.

7661600 Thank you very much! Did anything in particular stand out that you liked? This one was different for me to do, so I'd like to know what worked well or stood out the most.

Comment posted by tgrtyhythrth deleted Oct 22nd, 2016

>>Steel Quill Firstly I'm a sucker for Fleur and the way you wrote her character was phenomenal. Big part for me was the dialog for me it's hard to write with an accent but you managed to capture not only Fleur's but Photo's accents without over exaggerating them.

7662487 The dialogue for her and Photo Finish was a little tricky. Fleur's accent, to me, comes out most when she is emotional or passionate. For Photo Finish, I actually channeled some J. Jonah Jameson for her behavior, and as for her accent, that's entirely natural for her.

7662602 My first thought when Featherweight was in Photo's office and Flare burst in was Peter Parker and Eddie Brock so I totally can see the J. Jonah Jameson in her. Back to the accents even when you didn't write it in it was easy to keep it going in my mind as I read. Definitely something I'm taking away from this story to make my own writing sound so forced.

7661913 Everything that I read in the story was able to keep me from cringing too much, while the drama was more than enough to keep me at the back of my seat. And... well I did get a bit aroused at the final chapter. Just like in your story w/ Fluttershy in it. I wonder if you'll do the rest of the Mane 6 though. I look forward to your future AU stories with them.

7662754 I have put some thought to a Rarity story in the future, but thats still in the R&D department of my brain. So we'll just have to wait and see :raritywink:

Please excuse my blistering ignorance but...have we met?

Also, apparently, someone disagrees that a woman is perfectly capable of coming to a man's rescue every so often. Oh noes! :derpyderp2:

7662771 I would like to see this continued, maybe not as Clio if you don't want, but the way you set this up was masterful! I want to see more of these two in a slice of life kind of deal

7663169 I do not know if I would have success in writing a sequel, as this one was quite an endeavor for me. I'm delighted so many people are liking it. Perhaps in the future, if inspiration strikes?

Can you make a bonus?

7665155 A bonus chapter? Or how do you mean?

7665162 An aftermath leading up to even more sex for those two.

7665168 Well, I do like this pairing. Even with how difficult it was to make the whole story work, the end result is nice, in my eyes. As for a bonus piece with them getting down and dirty again, maybe one day? I mean, there's plenty of opportunity for them both. I just have to figure out what that'd precisely be :twilightsheepish:

7665333 Feel free to let me know what you think! Positive remarks, constructive criticism, so on.

This is unlike most clopfics. It's interesting not just erotic. The story really pulls you in unlike other fics where you just want to see the clop. This story is by far, C'est Magnifique!

7669488 Thank you very much, that's very kind of you! :twilightsmile: I've always just had a thing to give the side/background characters their own fair chance for a spotlight. Plus, its fun getting to shape them and give them depth that we don't see in the show. A lot of Photo Finish's character actually came from channeling J. Jonah Jameson into her.

7669909 Thank you! I like making my stories have some purpose and thought behind them, and not just go straight for the nitty-gritty.

7670004 I like to my work to follow the exact same theme as well, building the relationship between the couple and developing the character past what is expected of them.

Can you make an epilogue chapter where Feather makes it big as a photographer?

7670604 I wanted to make that be an ending chapter, but I had trouble writing it out. Endings are hard to get down right. :twilightsheepish:

7670622 ah well the story is good as is but it leaves the question of whether or not Feather was successful as a photographer


well he definitely succeeded somewhere :trollestia:

Wow... that was actually really good. Like... EXTREMELY good! You got ME falling in love with Fleur, and I could see everything so vividly.

Your story definitely too me THERE.

7692130 Thank you! That explains the extra section you added it to also, huh? :rainbowlaugh: But I am glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

ME WANT MORE!!!!!!! I really like this one. Please continue this

7761976 I'm going to take that as a compliment :rainbowlaugh:

No. I can assure you for a 100% fact that you had no hand in inspiring this at all.

7823700 Not to be mean, but no, it did not. I usually take about a month on average to fully write out my stories once the ball is rolling. Simply a matter of coincidence that our stories both involve Featherweight and Fleur de Lis in a mature situation. :twilightsheepish:


Awwwwww :(

Here's the thing: I dominated the box with it for a week, put it into dozens of folders on dozens of groups, and spread it around on Skype chats. There's practically no way you didn't see it. Don't worry, I'm not going to demand a credit of some kind; I'm just a little surprised. Having read it, I see what you mean by it being developed differently, but it still find it highly unlikely that neither of you didn't at least get the idea from somewhere, given that Laybor Day went up on Sept 3 and this went up on Oct 16, and I did everything in my power to make Laybor Day as visible as possibe. What you've come up with, it's really good clop. How do you do it? Not just the sex. but the buildup and aftermath. Just perfect, honestly. I wish I could write like this.

About Photo Finish... Her accent is godawfully written. It's more like a Russian's bad impression of a German accent than a German accent. Germans like their stop consonants. They normally cock up the TH sounds to either "d" or "t", not zh. In the show, PF turns Th into Z, which is something I've seen done by both nationalities. Another thing. they take the short "i" sound and make it long "i", so "this" is said like "deese", which is how it would be said in German, actually. Also, Germans LOVE to use the word "exactly". They also make mistakes with the word "become", because "Bekommen" in German means to get, but "become" in English translates to German "Werden". I once cashed a traveler's check in Germany and was told by the lady that I would become my money.

I have to go to work now, but if you don't mind, I'd be happy to offer more feedback.

Of course we saw it. We saw it when we were about a week from putting the finishing touches on the draft we'd started about 2-3 months before we saw your story. Quill almost wanted to throw it away, but I urged him to finish it, because it wasn't the first time someone made an anthro story about Fleur, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.
Trust me; Quill and I hardly ever read anyone else's stories on this website. If we ever find anything worth being inspired by, we'd probably be more likely to share it with other people and leave it alone, or in the very rare case, make a pseudo-sequel where we continue the story where the previous one ended. We wouldn't outright make our "own version" of the same exact story. I'm not trying to come off as aggressive or anything, it just really irks me when someone tries to take credit where credit isn't due.
You and Quill happened to have similar ideas and published them at different times. You published yours Sept. 3rd and finished it Sept 5th. He published his on Oct. 19th. That means he would have had to read yours, and the written, self-proofread, have me proofread, and then make revisions to five full-length chapters, all within about a month and a week. It just doesn't add up.
I'm glad your awesome story got featured so much though. Congrats.


I see. I'm sorry if I pissed you off, or discouraged him. I didn't come here looking for credit; just wanted to know if I'd set off some synapses (if by chance I had, I'd be tickled pink :pinkiesmile:). Trust me, If I thought you'd actually ripped me off without at least asking, let along giving credit, that would be a pretty ugly scene (and I would've brought proof of things like story structure, passages, and so on having actually plagiarized before I got ugly). I didn't do myself any favors with how I phrased my question the second time around and I'm sorry for hounding at you like that. I'm going to be honest, your work here is orders of magnitude beyond what I put out; you guys are too awesome to fic steal, anyway, and since neither of you is 13, I doubt you'd just "make your own version". You work like maniacs on these things, y'know, and it really shows. And admittedly, I too hardly read fics unless I'm helping people or trying to get my brain going on something (though normally I like to think of what people haven't yet written and then make something which fills in that gap. Thanks for setting the record straight. I can't wait to see what you come up with next. :coolphoto: To make it up to you guys, mind if I spread this fic around in groups?

7826834 You're fine to share the story around if you want. We're all good folks here, nothing wrong with sharing a story we've enjoyed. And don't worry about asking those questions. It is as Cloperella said though: I started work on this around mid August and got to a finished first draft stage around September, which was around the time you published yours. I wanted to avoid any sort of stigma or possibility of the idea of "copy-catting" between your story and mine. Of course, the most obvious difference between us is your story fixates on Featherweight and Nurse Redheart, with Fleur as a secondary. Mine focuses on Fleur and Featherweight only, and builds on the romance first and not just sexual wants.


:) Heh, you started like a week before I did. I really love the work you do. Sorry for being a PITA. I'm hoping to do something in the vein of your multiparters to raise the bar on my own clopfics; you've shown me what can be done with porn.

EDIT: It's in the groups now. Check the traffic. :twilightsmile:

1- That was damn hot

2- That was a AMAZING story!

3- Will there be a sequel (<--- if its possible)

4- Why is this in a Herd Group?

7913274 In that order:

1. Thank you very much!
2. Thank you again!
3. Not likely, since this is pretty much a good one-shot stand-alone piece.
4. I have...no idea.

Amazing story. It was a great thing to read, and I really enjoyed it.

It was also nice to see two great writers talking about a great story like this one.:yay:

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