(Disclaimer I do not own anything from My little pony or Pokemon this is for entertainment purposes only and the art for the cover image is not mine as well.) Editor: ItIsASillyLittleGame
The Princess had found a strange egg after Discord's first defeat and Celestia had no idea what to do with so checked to see if a friend would have better luck. Unknown to them Discord had caught a newly lost soul thinking to it might throw a spin into the world, scanning the beings memories before finding a new form that would create a good amount of interest. The Princesses have no idea of what could possible be in this kind of egg or if it would be dangerous or not. Will the being be a power of good in the already peaceful world or will it be a new evil that raises to end the reign of peace?
Awww, look at that little coverart.
It's so cute.
So I wonder who is going to hatch the egg I wonder?
This is pretty damn good. Keep it up man.
Ok, this has possibilities! I'll watch and see
Interesting ... I will most definitely keep an eye on this and if you want some help with writing read this Guide it was made by Ezn and should really help you good luck with your Story
7562170 Yeah the way I write it is mostly cause my head is a bit stuck in the MLA format since well my school had hammered that into my head and also good luck with your own Story I might try and update it either once a week or two. I am really almost at the halfway point of the first chapter.
I see a good reference to Pokémon Go there. Looking forward to future chapters!
7568021 That was a reference to Pokemon Go I mean that was totally intended
When you listed him being smaller then normal and heavier then normal are parts of Pokémon Go. Plus our guy is a shiny, had to check on that!
7568037 Yeah didn't know that since never really played Pokemon Go cause my phone is not compatible.
That sucks. Well good luck on your next chapter!
Looking promising so far, but a suggestion if you will. You could use a little bit more punctuation, as you tend to use a lot of run-on sentences, which many find unattractive to read if there's too much of it. And you could also work on the grammar, as it is a bit under average. Other than that, I consider this a decent story, and I can't wait for your next chapter!
7568158 Yeah Grammar has never really been my high point when I start typing I from time to time forget to do any punctuation. The funny thing is my sister is an English major I was always better with numbers rather than word. Funny thing is this is the only thing i have written that wasn't for school.
7568158 Well we can look at the bright side at least i make sure to check my spelling most of the time though from time to time i will have a sentence that doesn't make sense though that is only if I have been typing late at night.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck yooooooou Luna! I hope he eats canterlot mountain. Rocks fall, everybody dies!
On a more serious note I am enjoying this story even with all its faults, and I hope it goes on a more neutral route rather than Aron just being an ad on to the main six.
Also I'm not going to lie, I was kinda hoping he'd be a ditto. But, I realise that if that had been so then this would be a very different type of story.
7577235 Yeah think he will most likely be a bit neutral though mostly I am really just making the story up as a I go I have some parts already thought up I am just trying to feel in the spots I don't have thought out.
I wonder how Fluttershy will react to his eventual evolution? I mean he will be gaining experience from fighting Angel and everything else that the girls run into.
It will freak them the hell out and it will be glorious.
7577274 planing is good.
Having a goal or ending point to work towards is important as it lets you think about what needs to happen for the ending events to play out.
7577556 Well being truthful my thought process is about as chaotic as Discord's I mean I can have an idea one minute and the next minute it's gone and for the life of me I can't remember it. I already have certain events planned out but other than that it's true I don't have an ending planned out but I rather have fun with the trip and see where it goes.
7577658 well okay, good luck to you then.
Accidental good guy move? Wow, that is kinda funny. Now Princess Luna is gonna be completely paranoid about the Aron now. That is either gonna culminate into something amusing or cringe worthy/annoyingly stereotypical later on. Still interesting chapter.
You play the Mongolian leader? Well then, Fuck you! Sincerely from, everybody.
Fairly okay chapter except the 'Misunderstanding because people don't communicate at all' cliche to create drama is overdone in stories to the point of silliness.
How did Twilight know it was him?
7614506 Except for the books up to the door handle which he did not put on a shelf, I think she's just using it as an excuse to science
7614522 Either way I hope he uses screech if Twilight tries anything
I agree. How did she find out it was him? Let's see him continue to screw with Twilight during the tests!
7562208 commas, man. commas are your friend. otherwise good.
7614585 Well think of it this way do you think anyone else in the town would think it was a good idea to put her own ink in her hair since if she is the brainy time I think she is it most likely is water proof and will take forever to wash out after drying
7614596 Fear me commas I will have the great muffin and cupcake empires attack you since I still am not sure how to use you properly
No one but a few really think that Aron is that smart though. So it us still kinda flawed in a way. If there were some kinda clue mentioned like his foot prints due to the ink being everywhere, then I could believe that she would know that it was him. Otherwise as it stands it makes no sense.
7617999 Well I will explain why though some will remember the books he left stacked next to the door and well the way she would know he is intelligent is well she is technology the one who is in charge of him with the link to the Princesses and Luna had found out. So basically mostly just those three and Angel bunny along with of course Discord I will most likely type in something like that in the next chapter.
So he is using mimic to talk, interesting. Now let's see how he can help Trixie out or if she will listen to him.
Update when you can, just don't forget about us please!
Loving the little stinker
7632031 I'm glad you are enjoying it and hopefully the next part will be around three thousand or so words this one should have been longer though I get distracted easily. To think this is the first story I have every tried writing that wasn't for school also you should have seen how many times I got in trouble over commas in school .
Replace know with if.
Replace thing with think.
I would go over the last six paragraphs as they are difficult to read and feel as if they are missing some information. Plus the actual last paragraph should be an authors note not in the regular story. This chapter just read clunky and not to your usual standard. Overall good chapter and let's see the adventures that Trixie and our protagonist get into.
7667584 Okay and thank you I'll fix that real quick
Well, its an interesting Idea but your execution is a off I'm sorry to say.
The main issue is in sentence structure compounded by pacing issues. I'd advice the old axiom "Show don't tell" as a good start to improve your writing.
7667661 Well I hope I might improve over time since haven't really been writing much I am trying to keep it a steady sign of progress, but I will say I might just go back to being in an MLA format just cause it is what I am use to maybe when I get better I might go back and edit the older stuff. I feel like I may have been told this in school before if you would mind it be nice to have some examples just message me and I'll see what I can do about getting better at it.
Well, it isn't that unthinkable that he would run away from Twilight. What she did was not cool, then again he had gotten ink all over the place and this happened before Twilight could get anything that resembled chill..... at a bit of a crossroad here. Also forgot what the hell this rambling was leading to so I will end it here.
i love this
So, you have a good setup here. Placing your character in an unintentional villain role is something I rarely see done right. The only thing keeping me from liking this more is the poor grammar in spots. Now this isn't anything minuscule, like a period or comma missing, but rather it's the problem of dialogue. When you are changing speakers, you always start a new paragraph. Otherwise it confuses the reader on who's speaking, and in turn, breaks immersion.
If you can edit your chapters, and set your future chapters with this in mind, this will be a much more enjoyable story for me. Keep it up.
7766627 I wouldn't call him a villain, a angry suppressed soul yes but he hardly going around destroying things beside his nemesis crazy purple smarts stuff
ahh well even with Starwsirls the weirdest, I can probably enjoy it.
7766627 Sorry about the grammar it was never my best subject I was always more of a math person though if it make you feel better I never really wrote a story with characters talking. This is the first story I have written outside of school I'll try and split up the paragraphs more when writing dialogue it will just most likely take some getting use to.
story is good, but you need an editor. walls of text and run on sentences makes this extremely difficult to read
the unintentional villi and thing that got set up does suck. Though I don't think that he has quite gotten that far on the scale. At this point I think he is comparable to the birds in the episode where Rainbow got Tank. Kinda of a bunch of assholes but not real villiany. Or like the guy who was helping the Flim Flam Bros sell the fake elixir.
7859687 Well if it makes you feel better I am thinking of looking for an editor just cause English was not my best subject in school. Never been good with not having repetitive words or commas.