• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,963 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Time Out: Just a Jump

Once things had quieted down, Rioichi led Carmelita back to the hideout. As soon as they caught sight of each other, Sly and Carmelita rushed forward into a very passionate embrace and kiss, plainly overjoyed to see each other again. Rioichi smiled as he saw this. "So...you are not married?" he asked playfully.

"Not yet!" Coco piped up, pointing to the ring on Carmelita's finger. "Hopefully soon, though."

"Then perhaps you could explain how it is that they are both your parents?" Rioichi inquired curiously, kneeling down to Coco's level.

"Oh, I'm adopted," Coco explained.

"Oh?" Rioichi purred. "Was the adoption the result of rescuing you from a villain who sought to use your magical nature to conquer the higher plane from which you hail?"

Everyone turned to stare at Rioichi in shock. "How did you...?" Bentley finally managed to ask.

Rioichi rolled his eyes. "You act like it has never happened before. That's how most of the god-born of our country found their way into the families that became noble as a result of adopting them!" Noticing continued stares, he shook his head. "Your time has forgotten much, it seems..."

"How'd you even get here?" Sly asked Carmelita, trying to change the direction of the conversation to something he hoped would make sense and not make him feel foolish.

Carmelita held up the device in the hand not holding her shock pistol. It was a small sphere that looked like a grenade, but with a screen on one side and a button on top. It showed no sign of response, however. "Turns out you were 100% right about Le Paradox," she explained softly. "Not only was his warehouse chock full of stolen relics and all the evidence I could possibly have needed to take him down, he also has quite a few time travel related gadgets in addition to a blimp equipped with it. I managed to learn that much before I was cornered by his goons. I was outmatched and outgunned...and then I grabbed this thing. It was labeled as a Quantum Shift Beacon, and I activated in desperation when Le Paradox ordered the chamber gassed. Next thing I know, I'm in a kitchen somewhere and the Beacon is fried. I start trying to shoot my way out, and Splinter over here comes in and I almost mistake him for you."

"My name is Rioichi," the elder Cooper corrected with a frown as Coco giggled.

Bentley took hold of the device, cracking it open along a seam to examine the circuitry inside. "Fascinating...it's a time travel device in miniature! It seems to be the same overall tech design as my own machine, but much more portable and far less stable. Looks like it's good for one, maybe two jumps before it fries itself, and works on coordinate inputs. Without inputs, though...it probably set your destination to random. That's probably what fried the device." He looked up at Carmelita. "You could have wound up anywhere in time in space. It's dumb luck you wound up here safe, and not in the middle of the Big Bang!"

"The time energies didn't have enough to get her that far," Felicia suddenly spoke up as the quantum communicator hummed to life, projecting a holographic image of the gatordog appeared over the glowing crystal that was the focus of its circuitry. "I picked up the unexpected surge of time waves and recognized Coco's Mom's life energies bound up in them, so I worked a little spell to send her to Coco. Got the time right, but had to leave a wide margin for error on the space part to avoid tele-fragging."

"Thanks, Felicia!" Coco piped up happily. "It's good to have Mom here with us...as long as Dad remembers our hideouts aren't soundproof!" Sly and Carmelita both blushed brightly as Bentley, Murray, and Rioichi shared a guffaw.

"Glad it worked out," Felicia responded in relief. "Time magic's still pretty new to me. Speaking of, I need to renew my protections..." The signal faded out.

As everyone calmed down, Rioichi spoke up. "We need information before anything else. We must know what this El Jefe plans." Noticing surprised looks turned his way, he raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"We're just...surprised you're taking this all in stride so well," Murray explained. "I'm living through it, and I'm still a little off balance."

Rioichi sniffed disdainfully. "I am ninja. You act like this is the strangest thing to ever happen in my life."

"I...it's not?" Carmelita gasped out as Coco's eyes lit up, eager for the story.

"Of course it is!" Rioichi snapped back. "Still, that is no reason to stand around gawking, is it? I am ninja."

"Well, I actually have a plan as far as learning El Jefe's plans go," Bentley spoke up. "He's been seen visiting the geisha house extremely frequently, and that's the only time he comes out of the safehouse. However, the Madame of the house has just gone on vacation...but El Jefe doesn't know it yet." He turned to the whole group. "If Rioichi can slip in and steal her outfit, one of us can take her place and get information out of El Jefe."

"Then it's a good thing Mom's here, isn't it?" Coco asked impishly. "I mean, who else would wear it?"

"I could pull it off!" Murray spoke up eagerly. "Lemme go undercover, Sly! I won't let you down!"

"Don't you think El Jefe might...notice a male geisha?" Bentley offered delicately.

"I don't see why," Rioichi countered. "Quite a few young men enjoy taking the time to 'live as a woman' for a number of reasons, and working at a geisha house is a safe, controlled way to do so where one's masculinity can easily be concealed." He shrugged his shoulders. "While not my own pleasure, there are others in my clan who enjoy such pursuits...and they are quite popular."

Bentley's jaw hung briefly. "Oh, right. This is ancient Japan," he reminded himself. "Still, I think perhaps Coco is right and that Carmelita might be able to pull off the role better."

"It should be a decision of who can best handle the role," Rioichi pointed out. "Which of them do you think will do a better job being calm, demure, but with an awareness of authority?"

Silence greeted that question. After a time, Deik-Beck spoke up. "Demure? Coco only!"

"Why you!" Murray growled out angrily.

"What did you say you stupid machine?" Carmelita snapped out.

"QED!" Deik-Beck beeped out.

"El Jefe's had his encounters with Interpol before," Sly pointed out. "Would he recognize you, Carmelita?"

Carmelita rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "I'm not sure. We've never crossed paths directly, but he's known for researching his foes thoroughly..."

"I still think Carmelita will pull off being feminine better than Murray," Bentley spoke up. "For...certain obvious reasons."

"Hey!" Coco shouted out as it looked like it was about to come to another argument. "Either way, we need the clothes, right? So how about Grandpa goes and swipes them, and then we decide who goes undercover based on what size they are? Pretty sure he'd notice if the outfit suddenly didn't fit right."

"The young kunoichi speaks sense," Rioichi observed. "I shall retrieve the outfit immediately." With that, he turned and headed for the Geisha house.

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