• Published 14th Aug 2016
  • 17,440 Views, 154 Comments

Anon-A-Miss With a Twist - KR Chrome

We know the story of Anon-A-Miss, how Sunset Shimmer suffered during the holiday season. We've all ready the stories of how tragic it was for her. Now see the same story but with a twist.

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“It feels so good to have fingers again,” Sunset smiled as she wiggled her fingers and toes.

“Considering the things you need to use fingers for, I’d have to agree,” nodded Twilight. The two were sitting in Sugarcube Corner and having drinks together.

“So, it was Rarity and Applejack’s sisters and their friend Scootaloo,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Yes, turns out they were jealous of how much time you’ve been spending with their sisters,” answered Twilight.

“A bit petty if you ask me,” Sunset sighed.

“Well, ponies, I mean people, can do stupid things when they’re upset,” Twilight replied.

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Sunset agreed. She only ended up in this world because she was too stubborn to listen to Princess Celestia. “Well, now the girls are going to be spending a whole lot of time with their big sisters.”

Besides detention, the girls would have to spend time with their big sisters and do everything they said, even if it was unpleasant. Applebloom also ended up grounded with many of her privileges suspended, meaning no friends, phone, TV or Internet. She also had her chores doubled as punishment. Applejack really was showing leniency. She could do a whole lot worse.

Sweetie Belle also had detention and was grounded as well. She would also end up having lessons with Rarity on how a proper lady should behave, and not succumb to her emotions so easily.

Scootaloo had to do a ton of exercise drills with Rainbow Dash as a drill sergeant. She wasn’t showing mercy. Scootaloo had to do all kinds of exercise drills until Rainbow Dash told her to stop.

In the end, they got their wish. They got to spend more time with their big sisters, just not doing anything fun.

Twilight was upset but the girls managed to calm her down. They brought her to Sunset Shimmer to fix her own pony problem. To be honest, the only problem was that Sunset couldn’t leave her apartment. A unicorn pony would draw way too much attention. She would have to order her groceries by phone, but she would be able to fend for herself. Still, that would mean missing school and she still needed to go to CHS.

So, the girls banded together with Twilight, summoned up their Pony Up magic powers, and blasted Sunset with enough magic to change her back to human form. They did have to test it out again with the portal to see if it worked. When Sunset stepped into the portal then stepped out again, she was human. The girls embraced her, happy that she was back.

There was a lot of apologizing too. The Crusaders had to apologize to the whole school. It was only with the help of the Rainbooms and the faculty that the students hadn’t exploded into a full blown riot. Angry insults were thrown at the girls responsible for Anon-A-Miss. They won’t be able to have another peaceful day at CHS until the entire thing blew over. They would have to experience the same anger and ostracization as Sunset Shimmer after the Fall Formal.

Well, they had tried to be like her to frame her, so they had to pay the consequences.

“So, what do you plan to do now?” Twilight asked.

“I have a Christmas Party to get to. You coming?” Sunset asked.

“Christmas...that’s like Hearth’s Warming Eve, right?”

“Well, sort of. I have a good source that tells me a certain blue-haired guitar player will be there.”

Twilight blushed at the mention of Flash Sentry, “Well, I guess it would be rude to refuse.”

“Good, come on Your Highness. Let’s go meet our friends.”


Author's Note:

OK, why did I write this? Well, if you want to know, it’s because I’ve read so many Anon-A-Miss fics that it’s just getting old. They all make me so depressed inside and sap any Christmas spirit I get. The fics are all just mean-spirited. Even if there is some resolution in the end, it’s just so heavy and just doesn’t make me happy. I know, they’re not meant to have happy endings, but they get to me. So I decided to give this a bit of a twist. Yeah, I changed Sunset Shimmer back into a pony without an explanation. That was not the focus. The focus was to have the girls calm down. I mean, they were angry and ready to give Sunset Shimmer a piece of their mind...until they saw her state. Really threw them off and well they couldn’t just yell at a cute little unicorn. It would just feel weird. So, they paused and had no choice but to be reasonable and actually talk to Sunset Shimmer instead of yelling at her.

I know, it was too fast-paced, but that’s the intent. I didn’t want it to drag out like the rest of those Anon-A-Miss fics. So, yeah, this fic was done in the span of a few days, with short chapters. If you guys want to expand this, be my guest. I just wanted to write something and this was the result.

Comments ( 55 )

It was alright, but it feels a bit too light handed IMO. I know the other ones are a lot more dark and depressing but that's because its a dark and serious topic. This is good, but it feels too much like the comic with an altered plot if you know what I mean. A different path was taken, but the outcome didn't differ.
That aside, it is nice to have a non-all sad one for once.


So not great, not bad, just OK.

Eh, I'll take it.

7484599 More or less. nothing grand, but its not bad. Certainly more than can be said about some of the stuff on the site. Enough to warrant a good job! :heart:


Well, to be honest, I'm not a hardcore MLP. I just react to some fic ideas and make my own response. This was my personal response to Anon-A-Miss fics.

I know it's serious, but it doesn't have to be sad.

7484610 Fair enough, fair enough. that's what the site's for.

In the end, they got their wish. They got to spend more time with their big sisters, just not doing anything fun.

:unsuresweetie: "Why does life have to be so ironic?"

It's a good story, but the end is just WAY too fast paced....

So, the girls banded together with Twilight, summoned up their Pony Up magic powers, and blasted Sunset with enough magic to change her back to human form. They did have to test it out again with the portal to see if it worked. When Sunset stepped into the portal then stepped out again, she was human. The girls embraced her, happy that she was back.

SO much more could have been done with that pony issue of Sunset's, but of course it's just the Cliche "Use the pony power!"
But hey, if you were looking to just make a short story, then I guess there's not too much that can be done in that sense.

I like the twist introduced that throws a monkey wrench into what would've happen. Very unique in these Anon-A-Miss fics. My only complaint is that the story seemed too fast for it's own good. I feel as though some of the elements of the story could've been expanded or explored further. But overall, not bad of a story.


If you wish to, u r free to expand on it

To be honest, I wasn't aiming to make something epic or overly emotional, I merely wanted to write something pretty straightforward. Lazy, I know, but this isn't really my usual area of fanfic writing. I write Kamen Rider fics, now those I put in a bit more thought.

Very good and the twist of the girls listen to Sunset is a very welcome one! :twilightsmile: (I hope to see more of the kind!)

If you revisit this fic, my suggestion would be add a bit more of legwork from the girls's part in order to discover who was Anon-A-Miss.


Maybe, maybe not, but thanks for giving it a chance

How many more people are going to take this as a fave.


Part of me was also thinking of a second twist. What if after Sunset Shimmer went on home after the sleepover she got into an accident? And then the Anon-A-Miss thing started but she's actually in a coma in the hospital?

Probably the only Anon-A-Miss story I'll ever enjoy- did a good job deconstructing and reconstructing a (truth be told) kinda bad story. Pacing was a little fast, but that's fine. Like it.

7507558 That would be an interesting twist and would logically bring up the question, "If Sunset is Anon-A-Miss then how she posting these secrets and stuff if she's in a coma? It's impossible." That would give her the perfect alibi and completely remove suspicion from her and have everyone think more on who's really responsible. Only thing would be how to get Sunset out of the coma?


If you wanna go with the accident route, be my guest.

7566920 which story? I have read my fair share of Anon-a-miss stories and I don't remember one like that.

Besides detention, the girls would have to spend time with their big sisters and do everything they said, even if it was unpleasant. Applebloom also ended up grounded with many of her privileges suspended, meaning no friends, phone, TV or Internet. She also had her chores doubled as punishment. Applejack really was showing leniency. She could do a whole lot worse.

Yes, yes indeed. If I was AJ (and I've been compared to her a whole lot), I would have suspended all electronic privileges, taken away all things that she liked (so no art, no sewing, no apple pie) banned from the family's fields, and made her use all her free time to take care of the farm and the family budgets without a calculator. Also, she wouldn't be able to see her friends unless it was for school or punishment purposes. I would also have pulled her out of all her electives except stuff like history, science, english, and mathematics, and made her use that extra time to write and hand-deliver apology notes to every student and teacher in the school. Then, if she finished before her six months of punishment were up, she would have to be Sunset Shimmer's personal assistant. Her family would not talk to her unless it was about school, the family/farm budget, or life necessities.

Well just finished reading the last chapter and this has been an excellent story. Like everyone else has pointed out it was fast passed but I still enjoyed it. Also when I get the chance I will try my hand in expanding this story as I got a couple of ideas. Another thing about the comic for this is that it was a bad retelling of Ponyville Confidential, only that the human CMC were nothing more than selfish petty little shits that got off too easily and should have been giving a harsher punishment.

Something like this could have gotten the police involved and all three of them would have ended up in juvenile prison. I like how Apple Jack, Rarity and even Rainbow Dash had giving out their own brand of punishments to the three and I'm pretty sure all three were grounded. Not to mention the students are pretty ticked off as well.

This has been an excellent story which I greatly enjoyed and I hope to see you write some new story's soon.

Good Luck KR Chrome.


Thank you for reading. I actually have an idea for another version featuring a teenage Phoenix Wright and shouting "OBJECTION!" Anyway, best of luck to you. Tell me when you finally publish your own story.

7643650 I will and thank you. Also I had the same kind of idea you just mentioned.

7643584 Actually, the comic was ment to make use of a common problem like the show and help develop the characters a bit more. Also Sunset was the main focus of the comic, why bring Twilight into a Sunset centered story where Sunset is the one supposed to be learning lessons in friendship, especially when it's a lesson Twilight herself learned already?

I'm surprised Twilight didn't mention the whole thing with Gabby Gums

Well, this was definitely more lighthearted than my take on it.

So I finished reading this all in one night which was like.. an hour or less.

Tbh, it's too short. It felt like I was reading a comic book and it wasn't paced in a timely manner. I did like the plot of the story don't get me wrong. It's just there was no explanation of why Sunset was turned back into a pony. That came out of the blue. With her letting her friends into her apartment even though she was a pony was a sign of trust which they were just about to blow their heads off at her for being Anon-A-Miss. But she wasn't.

Now, did she turn into a Pony before Anon-A-Miss or after Anon-A-Miss happened? Cause from the comic she was at the sleepovers in which the crusaders took her phone while she slept and uploaded them to the mystable page. So i can assume that she turned into a pony somehow after the sleepovers.

I kind of wish though that there was a build up to that point before the stories climax.

It's funny that her friends didn't tell Principal Celestia VP-Luna that Sunset turned back into a pony even though they all know that she's from a different world and knows of magic. They clearly could've told them that instead of telling them she was sick. That just didn't make sense to me honestly.

It did make sense when they said that the crusaders never posted anything about themselves on the Anon-A-Miss page which should've been obvious from the very beginning after everyone's secrets were being posted including Diamond Tiara's. In the end, they screwed themselves over even if that virus was never uploaded to the page.

That part where Sunset was blasted with magic and turned back into a human.. I'm sorry.. Like, what the fuck. That to me is just silly. I don't see how that would work in any sense. The more logical thing they could've done was have Sunset go back to Equestria for a couple minutes and then come back through and see if she became a human again. I think that would've worked better.

However, there still wasn't an explanation of just HOW Sunset was turned back into a Pony but Twilight when she came through was still human. I don't understand.

In the end, the crusaders punishments could've been a whole lot worse. So, the leniency there is crazy. But for Dash to put Scootaloo through her own version of Military Training.. I think is a bit much. But it'll make her stronger in the end but come on, don't do that to a 14 year old girl.

Appleblooms Punishment= A bit much but not too harsh.
Sweetie Belle's Punishment= Seems to me, too easy.
Scootaloo's Punishment= Quite harsh if you ask me.

A damn fine storyline friend, I like it!
Probably the fourth one I've read this morning and I gotta say... this spurred some ideas in me head.

Good show!


Thanks for enjoying the fic, and I may notice some plot holes, but really I just wanted to write a short story. Nothing beyond that.

No problem man, a damn fine job you've done! :heart:
Keep up the fantastic work dude, and I totally get ya.

Keep on rockin'!

Now I feel much better from all the Anon-A-Miss fics that've been plaguing fimfiction.

Also, I know the moral of the story is, "not to jump to conclusions instantly," but for some reason, Sunset Shimmer in her pony form in the human world, I thought for sure Discord was behind that.....Oh well.

To me, this wasn't all that funny. The Crusaders are getting what they deserve but I'm worried about afterwards. Are the big sisters going to be back to spending less time with them when their punishment is over? Are the CMC going to start associating time with their big sisters is never fun? Also, is it going to take the Crusaders saving the school/world in order to be forgiven? Consequences without any positive reinforcement can do more harm than good.

7879066 I was rightfully pissed at the Crusaders. I simply would've written in AJ, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash disowning them.

Rainbow: You're no sister of mine. Get out and never return.
AJ: *removes Apple Bloom's bow* Yer no longer an Apple. Go away.
Rarity: I never want to see you again.

That would have been their punishment if I had written a story based on it.

I NEEDED THIS FIC. Thank you so much...

I'd hope that the Crusaders have to deal with being shunned for a while too. After all, not even Sunset at her worst was so cold as to frame others for her actions. The other kids at school are going to spend a long time wondering if they are trustworthy.

nicely done; also:

Applebloom also ended up grounded with many of her privileges suspended, meaning no friends, phone, TV or Internet. She also had her chores doubled as punishment. Applejack really was showing leniency. She could do a whole lot worse.

punishment seems to fit the crime, though I think Sunset should be glad the issue got resolved the way it did: after all, I'm kind of worried now about what happens when you REALLY get on AJ's bad side...

Sweetie Belle also had detention and was grounded as well. She would also end up having lessons with Rarity on how a proper lady should behave, and not succumb to her emotions so easily.

hmm, not necessarily what I would have chosen, but given who we're talking about, it DOES seem to fit; also, look on the bright side, Sweetie: tea parties with your big sister

Scootaloo had to do a ton of exercise drills with Rainbow Dash as a drill sergeant. She wasn’t showing mercy. Scootaloo had to do all kinds of exercise drills until Rainbow Dash told her to stop.

a bit harsh, but then again, Dash isn't known for doing things half-way; on the other hand, I suppose that this COULD open the door for more a more friendly variety sports training once the punishment's been lifted...

In the end, they got their wish. They got to spend more time with their big sisters, just not doing anything fun.

“I have a Christmas Party to get to. You coming?” Sunset asked.
“Christmas...that’s like Hearth’s Warming Eve, right?”
“Well, sort of. I have a good source that tells me a certain blue-haired guitar player will be there.”
Twilight blushed at the mention of Flash Sentry, “Well, I guess it would be rude to refuse.”

"Hi: my relationship is still a thing, but we're not doing anything with it. Bye!"
"Hewbert J Flank" Josh Scorcher's Review of "Rainbow Rocks"

Okay, I like this one, but I do have a question: Don't you think using the rainbow friendship nuke just to cure poison joke was a little much.


I was writing this on the spot, and really it wasn't a serious thing for me.

8161947 OK, I just thought it made it hilarious when I realized that it was the equivalent of using a dynamite to cure a toothache or a sledgehammer to swat a fly.

This wasn't bad. Fast paced, but not bad at all. There will be a sequel?

I get where you’re coming from, wanting the Anon-a-Miss fics to stop being depressing. Even the ones I’m writing in preparation for this year’s Christmas are mostly depressing and heavy. (I guess that’s why people write them?) It will be nice being able to go through the Anon-a-Miss fics this Christmas and seeing this one to cheer me up after I’ve cried over the thirteen others I’ll be reading again. This was a fun ride and pony Sunset is cutest Sunset.

You do raise a good point there...if the Human Crusaders punishment is over and their big sisters spend even less time with them, and they would have to resort to what the Human Six and Sunset did in order to be forgiven, then that may have any grave effect on their phsyce:twilightoops:. That won’t be good...

Good God! That's rather extreme, and frightfully out of order.

My thoughts exactly. The way I write Sweetie Belle, that would be like Hell. The irony is of course they'll just end up hating their siblings even more this way.

7693079 wrote : " Well, this was definitely more lighthearted than my take on it. "

Much lighter than mine too.

Mine winds up with a dead Sunset Shimmer a dead Apple Bloom Rainbow Dash in a coma a tortured, but still alive, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy framed, arrested, and convicted for it.

So yeah, this one is way much lighter here,

...egads that's dark.

9471354 It gets better.

When Fluttershy is on the run, with a shoot-to-kill order out on her, she meets someone who can help.

She meets a certain madman in a blue box who tells her that things were not meant to be this way. And that they can fix it now. All he needs is for her to come with him now.

...I approve of this.

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