• Member Since 16th May, 2016
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Current stuff and irritations · 7:59pm Jul 20th, 2019

So life has been a series of ups and downs with the past year... Got evicted from the place I was loving with, couldn't stay with my roommates cause I didn't make enough, and now I'm back with my family... yay :facehoof:

So I've been trying to write but so far that just makes it harder too and to top it all off, I don't have access to Photoshop or illustrator anymore so for those of you excited to see the next image in "A Naughty Prank", it'll be awhile.

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Report ManicQuill · 470 views · Story: A Naughty Prank ·
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Hi manicquill you'r not still mad at me for not typing to you in long time are just being helping dinodisneylover1 out no hared feelings ok😉

hi manicquill this pokemon24 sorry if i have'd being typing to you in a long time i being finding more fictions

I can tell you right now it might not go how you want it too.

yeah but want are you going to make part 2 of don't open till christmas manicquill 😉😇

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