• Published 19th Aug 2016
  • 10,981 Views, 39 Comments

Sunrise - Golden Flare

You heard the rumors about Anon-a-Miss, but after everything that's happened, you don't believe it's Sunset. You try to find her and save her Christmas spirit before it's too late.

  • ...


You leave the classroom in a hurry to start your winter break off right with your family. You were glad school was finally over, especially after final exams, now you can spend time with your family, not worrying about homework or getting in trouble during school. But something was nagging you in your mind, something that was enough to put a damper on your happy mood, and you knew exactly what that was.

Sunset Shimmer had just ran past you in tears because of the student body harassing her about being the MyStable user, "Anon-a-Miss". It had been all too recently since this Anon-a-Miss surfaced, and everybody, even her friends, were quick to blame her. All of it made your blood boil, because you personally believe Sunset didn't do this, she had changed ever since the Fall Formal incident, and you saw it, even when everyone else didn't. You wanted to help her, but how would you go about it?

Just then, you suddenly had an idea, you knew exactly how to help her, now you just have to find her and hope she agrees.

Ignoring all the jeers from the students, you ran out of the school and after Sunset Shimmer.

After what seemed like hours of searching, you found her, crying underneath a bridge just outside of Canterlot, if you didn't keep your ears open, you wouldn't have found her. You quietly climb down and see her hunched over form.


Sunset snapped her head toward you with a fearful expression on her face.

"Are you okay?" you mentally kick yourself for asking that. Stupid question. you thought.

She sniffled, "Please go away."

"No, I'm won't. I'm here to help you."

"Help me what? Take me back to school so everyone can ridicule me again?"

"No, that's not it—"

"Then what is it then, huh?" she harshly interrupts.

"I wanna help you through this. Through this whole stupid 'Anon-a-Miss' business, it's ridiculous! I know you're innocent, I know you're not doing this."

"You...You believe me?"

"Yeah. After everything you've done, good and bad, I don't think you're Anon-a-Miss; I mean, why would you do everything in your power to earn back the school's trust and just throw it away after everything you've learned from Princess Twilight? It doesn't make sense."

She sighs, "I wish everyone else knew that."

You scowl, "Let them figure it out for themselves, when and if they find out the truth, I'm willing to bet all of my pocket change that they'll be on their knees, begging for your forgiveness."


You calm down and spoke, "Hey, how about you come back to my place and spend the holiday with me and my family?"

Sunset wipes her tears and smiles, "That...sounds very nice."

You smile as well, "Okay then, c'mon."

You two re-entered Canterlot and headed to your house, hoping deep within your mind that you'll be able to cheer Sunset up.

You made it to your house and, like a kind soul, you held the door open for Sunset. She smiles and utters a thank you before entering your humble home. Inside, you had plain, old furniture, nothing too fancy, just stuff that makes your house look good.

"Mom!" you called, "I'm home! And I brought a guest!"

"Okay dear!" your mom calls back, "Just make sure they wash up for dinner!"

"Okay!" you turn to Sunset, "Welp, you heard her, let's get cleaned up."

She nods and you two walked into the hallway and to the bathroom. You step aside and allow her to go first, which she smiles and thanks you again before she went in. After a few minutes, she came out and allowed you to go in and wash up, which you finish in a few minutes as well. You two entered the kitchen to see your mom and dad putting the finishing touches on the Christmas dinner, afterwards they turned and saw their guest.

"So this our guest?" your mom asked and you nodded, "She's very beautiful."

Sunset blushed, "Oh, u-um, thank you."

"Well?" your dad asked you, "Aren't you going to introduce us?"

"Oh! Right, sorry. Mom, dad, this is Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset shook both their hands, "It's nice to meet you both."

"Likewise." your mom said, "Now come on, let's go eat!"

You all sit down at the table, say grace, and began to dig in, Sunset seems to enjoy the food your family has cooked.

"Mmm! This is delicious!" she said.

"Glad you like it," your dad replies, "it's a family recipe, all the way back to the 1900's."

"Well, your ancestors had great taste."

"Yeah, they did." you add.

You all finish up dinner and get ready for dessert, but unfortunately, your parents forgot to pick it up. You couldn't blame them though, they've been busy all day.

"Sweetie?" your mom speaks, "Could you go to Sugarcube Corner and pick up the dessert we forgot?"

"Sure thing." you turn to Sunset, "I'll be right back."

"Wait! Shouldn't I go with you?" Sunset asked.

"I would like that, I really would, but with what's going on outside this house, I don't think you'll want to be caught out and about."

"...Good point."

"Don't worry, I'll be quick."

You head out the door and make a jog to Sugarcube Corner.


Sunset looks over to your parents, more specifically your mom.

"What's going on out there?"

Sunset hesitated, but sighs dejectedly, "It's a long story."

Your mom guides Sunset to the couch and sits down next to her with a warm smile, "I think we can keep up. Right, dear?"

"Yes." your dad agrees and sits down with your mom and Sunset, "Now tell us what's wrong."

"Well..." Sunset sighs again, "It started out like a normal day, Applejack was walking me to school when we started talking about Christmas..."

You made it to Sugarcube Corner and entered the establishment, immediately noticing the Rainbooms. Your expression turns sour, but you try not to let them see it as you proceeded to the counter.

"Hello there!" Mrs. Cake said, "What can I get ya?"

"I'm here to pick up an order for," you say your family's last name.

"Oh yes! We've been waiting for you to come all day! Be right back!"

Mrs. Cake disappears behind the door to the storage room, leaving you to your thoughts. You still couldn't believe Sunset's friends would abandon her like that. What proof did they have to just label Sunset as Anon-a-Miss? More importantly, who really is Anon-a-Miss?

"It was us."

You couldn't help but overhear the three girls calling themselves "The Crusaders" as they walked in the shop; they explained that they were Anon-a-Miss and that they only did it to get their sisters back from Sunset Shimmer, but things got out of hand, and they apologized over and over again. Your blood wasn't just boiling, it became a raging inferno inside you as you clenched your hands tight, turning your knuckles white as a sheet. But nonetheless, you kept a calm exterior when Mrs. Cake came back with your order.

"Here you go, dearie, have a merry Christmas!"

"Thank you." you uttered.

You took your order and turned around, but you didn't leave yet, you had some choice words for Sunset's friends.

"Well," you began, earning the group's attention with a fake smile plastered on your face, "That was a very touching confession you three..."

The Crusaders gave you hopeful smiles.

You dropped the charade and glared at the little offenders, "...But I'm afraid the damage is already done." their smiles fell back to dejected frowns, "The whole school hates Sunset and Sunset herself believes she lost everything, all for a petty excuse for three girls to see their sisters more often."

"Do you...know where she is?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"She's at my house."

"Can we see her? So we can apologize?"

"Same here," Rainbow spoke up, "we were jerks to Sunset, so we should apologize too—"

"Sorry," you cut her off in a harsh tone that made it sound like you weren't, "but she's spending Christmas with me and my family, so you'll just have to make do without her. If she wants to talk to you girls, then I'll be glad to accommodate her, but until I hear otherwise, I'll see to it that you all don't come within ten feet of her."

"But...!" Pinkie tried to interject.

"And if I catch any of you at my house...I will call the cops."

The girls looked downtrodden with shame on their faces.

"Now, if you bullies will excuse me, I have a friend to get back to, too bad I can't say the same for either of you."

You finally leave Sugarcube Corner and head back to the house, leaving the girls to stew in their own misery.

You make it back to your humble home with slight anger on your features, but you put on a mask of kindness, metaphorically, and go in your house to Sunset talking with your parents.

"—And that's pretty much it." Sunset said.

You didn't know what she was talking about, but you had a clue on what it was.

"You told them about Anon-a-Miss, didn't you?" you ask her.

"Yeah...I did."

"Oh, you poor thing!" your mom said before giving Sunset a meaningful hug.

"That's just not right." your dad says.

"Yeah...about that..."

Sunset pulls out of your mother's grasp and looks at you, "What?"

You sigh and explain to them what you heard and said back at Sugarcube Corner. Sunset was horrified by who framed her, your mom had a hand to her mouth, trying to hold back her emotions, while your dad had a look of respect when he heard your "choice words" for the girls.

"So yeah, I nearly lost my cool and just decide to combat them with words." you say.

"Well, while I'm grateful that you stood up for me, what you said was wrong." Sunset scolded.

"Sorry, but it had to be said."

"Hear, hear!" your mom said, "Don't you worry about them for now, you're pretty much family already. I know! Why don't you stay the night after dessert?"

"R-Really? I wouldn't want to impose—"

"Nonsense," your father speaks up, "you've been trying to be strong all day, you can let your guard down around family."

"...O-Okay then."

And so it was decided; Sunset would sleep in your room, and you get the couch with a pillow and a blanket. You all ate up the dessert you brought home and retired for the night, for you, the couch was surprisingly comfortable.


You open your eyes to Sunset, clad in her pajamas, clutching a pillow her arms.

"I had a bad dream. Can I...sleep with you?" she blushes.

You blush as well, "Um...sure."

You move over to give Sunset some room to lay down next to you, when she does, the two of you are so close you can feel each other's breath.

"Comfy?" you ask to be sure, but it only succeeded in making her blush deeper.

"Y-Yes." she was silent for a time, "Can we...c-cuddle?"

You swear your face went a few degrees hotter, "O-Of course. Nothing wrong with t-that."

You two wrapped your arms around each other in a comfortable embrace.

"Good night." Sunset said.

"Good night." you repeated.

Soon enough, you and Sunset fell asleep, the warmth of your cuddle lulling you into dreamland.


You have a weird feeling about school tomorrow.

After getting up and eating your breakfast, you and Sunset headed off to school for the last day before winter break, taking the scenic route as Sunset is not all that anxious to see the student body again.

You turn to face her, "Listen, are you gonna be okay? If I have to, I'll have my parents call us both in sick and we can spend the holidays together."

"No, no," Sunset waves off, "if Anon-a-Miss has finally stopped, then I need to be there."

"Well, if you're sure." you reply uncertainly.

You two walked a few more blocks until you came up to the school. As you made it to the front courtyard, you noticed the Rainbooms, the Crusaders, and the entire CHS student body standing in front of the school waiting for Sunset, you knew that because there was a large banner saying, "WE'RE SO SORRY, SUNSET SHIMMER!" hanging above their heads. You began to feel angry as a scowl made its way onto your face, was this supposed to be an apology party? The nerve of these hypocrites!

Sunset, noticing your anger, puts a hand on your shoulder and gives you a reassuring smile, "It's okay." she then walks over to the Rainbooms and Crusaders, "So, what is this?"

"It's a huge apology, because we owe you one." Rainbow said.

"Ah'm so sorry Ah accused you of bein' Anon-a-Miss." Applejack said.

"We all are, darling." Rarity said.

"And I'm sorry I called you a secret stealer." Pinkie added.

"Can you ever forgive us?" Fluttershy asked.

Sunset put a finger to her chin.

"Don't worry about ma sister and her friends," Applejack glared at the Crusaders, "They're gittin' their punishment after school's over."

"And we're sorry, too." Apple Bloom added.

"Is there...any way you can forgive us, too?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Sunset thought for a moment before she answered, "...I won't lie, you all hurt me really bad," everyone looked downtrodden, "But...that doesn't mean I won't forgive you," they all perked back up, "it may take some time, but down the road, maybe one day we can look back on this and laugh."

Everyone smiled as Sunset turned to you, awaiting your response, making you sigh, "I suppose I can't stay mad at you guys forever."

The whole school cheered in happiness as the Rainbooms brought Sunset into a hug, Pinkie was about to get you to join in, but your all of a sudden glare stopped her.


That one word managed to silence the whole crowd, you weren't surprised, you put every bit of emotion into that one word.

"Don't think for a moment that I've forgiven you. I may never be able to stay mad for what you all did...but I'll never forget it."

You ignore all the stares and head into the school. Everyone in Canterlot High has got a long way to go before you can forgive them, but at least Sunset's happy, that's all that matters to you right now.


Author's Note:

Let me know if you want some sort of sequel one-shot :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 39 )

This was SO AWESOME! I enjoyed this a ton! I'd love it if there was a one-shot sequel! Keep up the fantastic work! I look forward to more awesome fics from ya!

7494866 Sure thing pal!

This was amazing, please make a sequel.

Very noice :ajsmug:

Please do make more

7494866 a sequel would be nice making sunset shimmer fall in love with "you" after all you did for her in the end would be nice i reall think this deserves a sequel :twilightsheepish:

Obligatory musical reference;

That was a surprisingly intimate cuddle. Ponies are weird.

sequel please. :raritystarry:

I enjoyed this

I say you should do a sequel.

Is there a background story so I can figure out how all of this started? Great, really cute story by the way

You should do a sequel, this was good and cute

"Y-Yes." she was silent for a time, "Can we...c-cuddle?"

Hey I just met you
And this might sound crazy
But can we cuddle?
Holy balls I rhymed without even trying! :D

Also nice story, hehe

Sequel pls!

as someone said before me, no pressure, but

SEQUAL. please?..

clicks upvote button

That said, there is one little problem that nagged at me. When the narrator leaves, nothing that Sunset said should have been heard. It’s not that it’s bad, in a second person story per say, but it’s a pet peeve of mine. You also seem to hit extremes for someone that the narrator has minimal feelings for, and the family takes her in rather rapidly.

Now for the good: your characterization of Sunset (the only person that we have a benchmark for that is around for any appreciable time) was very good considering the stage of her life it was in. You also manage to capture that vague feeling of anger that we have when a friend gets unfairly slandered, that want to do something but not exactly knowing what.

You really did a bang up job with this and if you do a sequel I really look forward to it! :twilightsmile:

Nice story. I partly imagined him holding the desert box on one hand while slapping the crusaders on his way out the door

Please do a sequel to this story


9503432 Give me some time, I have a bunch of ideas for it, but I need time

Yup, sequel would be appreciated. :twilightsmile:


Can you please do a sequel

there's no sequal is there?

10279094 It's in the works, I just haven't had time

The only thing you got wrong is that When Sunset would've said "Please go away" I would've just said "Okay" and left. Oh Who am I kidding? My dad left me five years ago, my mom never tells me to "wash up" for dinner. And I couldn't tell off Sunset's friends in such a way. It hurts too much.


yes i would like a sequel

I wish for a sequel so badly, it may be short but its one of the best second person stories ive seen along with Holy's works.

10384324 Thank you for the praise, and I enjoy Holy's works as well, but a sequel will have to wait until I can get more time to myself to work on it, and yes, it IS in the works, I just haven't had a mountain of free time. Again, thank you for your kind words, I try to do my best with Second Person stories :twilightsmile:

buh buh dadada
in a weird voice, it was from a channel that went south for me it was funny but now its merch merch merch change change change
less and less Mario and comedy if you know tell me its a riddle in a way will you play this game ( i tried to rhyme it crashed and burned )

I’m up for a sequel. Good job here.

Hey, how about one with Forgotten Friendship, where the reader, despite not remembering, helps Sunset Shimmer regain their good memories of her?

"And if I catch any of you at my house...I will call the cops."

The story was pretty heartwarming... :pinkiesad2:
Pretty please? :fluttershysad:

"Then what is it then, huh?" she harshly interrupts.

If you would let me finish, I’m here to be your guardian!

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