• Published 11th Apr 2016
  • 2,703 Views, 49 Comments

Twilight is a Kitten - PonyThunder

Twilight Sparkle makes a mistake in a spell, resulting in her switching places with a kitten, and it's up to Fluttershy to take care of her new pet in the meantime...

  • ...

TwiCat 3: Revenge of the Sith


Twilight and Winona raced around Fluttershy's already destroyed home, knocking down lampshades, kicking up forks and knives laying on the kitchen floor, and clawing up her furniture. Fluttershy fell to her knees and covered the rest of her body with her hooves. Things were getting exponentially out of her control. She watched Twilight desperately flying away from Winona, quite literally bouncing off the walls until the duo disappeared from view into another room for a few moments.

Before Fluttershy had a chance to regain her composure, they reappeared. Fluttershy had only a couple moments to react as Twilight flew directly towards her and the open window behind her. "No! You can't leave!" Fluttershy exclaimed, but Twilight flew past her, sending Fluttershy's mane fluttering into the air as she flew out of the window. Winona bounded right behind with a leash still attached around her neck. Fluttershy tried to stop her by grabbing it, but immediately regretted that decision as Winona leapt out of the window in hot pursuit, dragging Fluttershy with her.

She was now out in the open, being dragged along by a surprisingly strong dog chasing a purple alicorn...with the mind of a kitten. Today was definitely up there on the weirdness scale.

Twilight soared several feet in the air with Winona chasing her from the ground below and an unending determinism, kicking up dirt and pebbles from the roads in Ponyville. Fluttershy kept her grip on the leash out of sheer determination not to let down her friends. Although, she also partly clenched it with a death grip, so that played a role as well.

Ponies gawked in surprise at the display that unfolded in their wake through town. They flew past Sugarcube Corner as the Cake family was transporting a moderately sized cake out the front door, which unfortunately happened to be the same time that their traveling circus act of sorts was in that particular location.

Winona weaved beneath them with agility. Fluttershy, however, who was still holding onto the leash for dear life smashed right through the confectionery delight, causing an explosion of cake and frosting.

"Sorry!" she shrieked as they zoomed by further into Ponyville.

Meanwhile, Twilight in cat form was once again out on the town heading towards Fluttershy's cottage, but she suddenly heard the all to familiar sound of Fluttershy's screaming coming from off in the distance. At least, it was that way for a few moments until the screaming got louder and louder.

Rounding the corner of an alleyway, Twilight watched herself in alicorn form fly overhead with Winona and Fluttershy trailing close behind. They zoomed straight past her before she had any chance to react, kicking up dust in her eyes.

I need to get to her, she thought. But even if she did, she had no idea how she would be able to reverse the spell without her magic.

Right now, Twilight just hoped that nopony important saw her acting this way...

Twilight, in equine form, rest atop one of the town's building, hissing downwards at Winona with one hoof raised in the air aggressively. Ponies were starting to gather around at the ludicrous display, and Fluttershy was nowhere to be found.

And, as fate would have it, two rather important princesses had just arrived in Ponyville: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They gracefully exited from the chariot that had brought them there and it flew off without them.

They walked up to the large gathering of ponies, unable to see Twilight on the rooftop above them. "Excuse me," said Celestia, "what is going on here?"

"Beats me," said a random bystander, "I was just out doing some shopping and all of a sudden I see the Princess of Friendship running away from a dog." The pony gestured upwards at the rooftop towards Twilight, who was still hissing aggressively at the barking Winona on the ground.

"Oh!' Celestia gasped in surprise, Luna looking confused. Celestia flew up towards Twilight. "Twilight...is everything...okay here?"

Twilight turned her head towards Celestia and hissed. Celestia reared her head backwards slightly. "...did you just...hiss at me?"

Realizing that Celestia wasn't a threat, Twilight stopped hissing and immediately came towards Celestia, rubbing her body against her side and legs, purring excitedly.

Celestia stumbled to say anything "...I...have no words...Twilight, what is the matter with you? Is this Discord's doing?"

Discord appeared in a flash of magic beside them, everypony still watching from the ground with mouths agape. "Somepony rang?" he said.

"Did you do this, Discord?" said Celestia as Twilight continued to purr and nuzzle herself against Celestia's thigh.

Discord looked at Twilight in surprise, then giddyness, and then with sadness. "No, but I wish I had. This is gold. Why hadn't I thought of this before?"

Celestia shot him a glare, but she knew when Discord was telling the truth. Twilight flopped over between them to ask for a belly rub as they both looked down at her with opposite emotions.

"Seems completely purrfect to me," said Discord.

"Can you undo it?"

"...perhaps," he replied slyly. Twilight had now seemingly noticed her tail for the first time, and begun to chase after it in a circle,"but can we just enjoy the show for awhile? "

Celestia glared at him again.

"What?" he replied, gesturing a claw upwards. "Cat you appreciate a funny scenario every now and then?"

"Discord," said Celestia, "don't make me do something rash..."

"Alright, alright, hold your horses," he said with a grin. "I just need to find the body she switched places with. It seems your Princess of Friendship has been dabbling in mind displacement and got a little too over her head."

Celestia fumed. "Enough with the wordplay you sniveling rep--"

Suddenly, she realized everypony was still watching from below in complete silence. Even Winona had stopped barking.

Celestia cleared her throat awkwardly. "Okay, well I suppose we should get looking."

Suddenly a faint mewing could be heard from the ground below in the midst of the crowd. The ponies around it moved out of the way to reveal a small, white kitten.

"Well that was surprisingly easy," said Discord. He poofed down to the kitten, putting it in his claws and petting it softly.

Get your claws off me you jerk, Twilight thought to herself.

"Looks like somekitty got a little too hasty with her spellbook."

Twilight hissed at Discord.

"Sheesh, don't have such a catitude. Are you not feline well?" Discord laughed heartily at his own jokes. "Oh, I'm just kitten," he added.

"Discord," said Celestia, "bring her up here right now!"

Discord smiled. "Sure thing, princess. I'll bring her up there right...meow!"

Discord poofed back up onto the rooftop with Celestia and Twilight in equine form. She was now licking herself in an unspeakable region of her body. "Yikes," said Discord. "Maybe this is a little too chaotic for my taste..."

Celestia wasn't the slightest bit amused. "Just undo the spell..." she said with a hoof to her forehead in secondhand-embarrassment.

With a snap of his fingers, an aura appeared around both of them, sending white tendrils between their foreheads for a few moments until everything stopped in a flash.

Twilight awoke in her own body with her tongue somewhere where it shouldn't be. "Awgth, again?" she said, spitting out hair in her mouth.

Celestia and Discord, who was now holding an ordinary kitten, looked at her. "Twilight, how did this happen?" Celestia inquired.

"I...got a little hasty with some advanced spells..."

Celestia smiled, "it happens to the best of us."

"...where's Fluttershy?" asked Twilight, looking around.

"I'm down here!" she replied from the nearby alleyway, covered in cake frosting. She flew up to them.

"...what happened to you?" Celestia inquired.

"...a lot..." Fluttershy replied un-descriptively.

"Did you switch places with a frosted confection?" Discord asked sarcastically.

Fluttershy turned her head and gave him an un-amused glare, which actually shut him down rather well.

"I'm so sorry, Fluttershy," said Twilight, "I hope...I... didnt do too much damage to your cottage."

"Oh, don't worry about it. There's...just a few scratches here and there..."

The kitten in Discord's claw squirmed to get free, and he let it down. Instantly, it tumbled over towards Twilight and began purring against her hoof.

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, when suddenly she felt something emerge from the back of her throat. "Gak...gak..." Twilight spasmed for a few moments until coughing out a slimy, purple wad of hair from her mouth onto the rooftop.

Twilight looked at it with with complete and utter disgust. "Nopony ever talks about this."

Discord smiled and put a claw around her back. "Your secret's safe with me. I won't let this cat out of the bag."

Comments ( 30 )

Those puns. My god i was smiling way more then i should have.


Mission successful!

Aw. It's finished. :fluttercry:

Although I suppose if it had gone on any longer then Twilight would have been catatonic with embarrassment :pinkiehappy:

One word : Lol. :rainbowlaugh:

that was genius, and you found a nice way to impline Discord in your story as well. All these puns... :rainbowlaugh:


I practically only do one shots lol. Although at how many words does it become a short story?

Loooooooooooove :heart: WOOP- Here goes the pop! What's inside?
Your very own :twilightsmile:

Mwahahahahahahahaha 10/10 you have done it again.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. These cutesy stories are fun to write.

7163074 I can see why, that ending was hilarious!

Next thing you know Starlight cast a spell on Spike giving him the ability to talk to animals.

Oh good heavens, your choices for atmospheric music are SO perfect. :rainbowlaugh:


Thanks, I had fun with the choices on this story :twilightsheepish:

I'll bet you did! :rainbowlaugh:

I held off laughing until the puns of Discord came on. I just couldn't handle the puns and the CAT-astrophe going on....:rainbowlaugh:

7523383 Thanks for reading :heart:

*Noticed "Rainbow Dash, heel!" in the list of stories similar to my own story, "I Think I Summoned a Ponk"*


*Sees this*



You have made my day. :rainbowlaugh:


Thanks, I'm glad you liked it and appreciate your comment! :heart:

7523492 ... what if Rarity is suddenly a dragon, and Spike doesn't recognize her anymore, not to mention the poor dragon that's now in Rarity's body is constantly pestered by Spike...

So, who's gonna get switched with Gummy? :pinkiecrazy:

I think the writers need to make this an actual episode :rainbowlaugh: it would be too funny.

Once again you have made my day and your atmospheric music choice is excellent.

7739352 Thanks, and you've brightened my day as well!

7670133 pinkie becomes tank, and fluttershy becomes gummy.

The next pony to end up swapping minds with a pet should be Applejack.

"Seems completely purrfect to me," said Discord.

"What?" he replied, gesturing a claw upwards. "Cat you appreciate a funny scenario every now and then?"

"Sheesh, don't have such a catitude. Are you not feline well?" Discord laughed heartily at his own jokes. "Oh, I'm just kitten," he added.

Discord smiled. "Sure thing, princess. I'll bring her up there right...meow!"

.......Sans would be proud.

Wish there were more of these.... like.... Parrot-y (parrot rarity) or maybe Flutterfish, Pinkie Piglet, Applejackrabbit....


Maybe someday. They're fun to write.

An engaging read. Initially I thought that Twilight (the kitten) would be cared for by Fluttershy - who would likely understand her meows. But unfortunately for Twilight though, it didn't work out that way. :twilightsheepish: Thanks for sharing! :twilightsmile:

I might try this out. Twilight's already cute and she'll be even cuter as a kitten.

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