• Member Since 26th Jun, 2018
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Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


Twilight Sparkle decides to stop wearing a costume for Nightmare Night... and then discovers the perfect reason to keep doing it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

Aww, that was sweet. I love this portrayal of Luna. Immortality truly is both a blessing and a curse. Happy Nightmare Night!

Thanks! This is the version of Luna I like as well: proud yet pranksterish.
And Happy Candy to you too! :pinkiehappy:

This was really charming. It was nice to see Luna cheer Twilight up; and that ending letter was a great touch too. Made me imagine this as an actual episode of the show! :twilightsmile:

You know. I wonder what would happen if anyone from the Crystal Empire would say if they saw Twilight as she is now.

Well... if this was set in the Crystal Empire, say on Sombra Night, then Princess Cadance might be introducing everyone to her guest for the evening, Nightmare Moon...

Annnd the analogy's rubber band just snapped... :twilightsmile:

One of the hardest feats on FimFiction is writing a fic that could be a good episode of the show. This one ticks all of the boxes. Bravo!

I'm more curious as to whether anypony could be offended. We don't even know if the Empire has a Halloween expy.

Sombra Night does sound like it would fit though.

Their empire is powered by a crystal heart, which is charged up by the good feelings of the citizenry, so somehow I imagine them being tickled pink by the idea... particularly if it's as obsessively good a rendition as Twilight always comes up with. They'd probably just want a selfie and they'd be good. :twilightsmile:

Many thanks! I do try to stay in "style canon" so to speak, so it's great to hear it works for you!

This should be an actual episode!

Thanks! I miss this version of Twilight myself -- the obsessive, geekish Twilight who had time to do stuff, learn stuff, and occasionally just kick back and have fun!

Excellent work! Bravo!

I agree with many others, this does seem show accurate

This one did not go where I expected, and it was excellent.

The costume Twilight made for that night sounded so beautiful - it was honestly disappointing when she decided not to wear it. :fluttershysad:

I felt like the moral of this story was going to be about being true to yourself, but caring about the quality of your audience over the quantity of it, was a nice way to make the lesson more novel (while also not dismissing the validity of the former applicable moral too). :pinkiesmile:

One thing though, why did Pinkie say she was Crazy Putty, but then later she said she was the Blob That Ate Ponyville? :rainbowhuh: Just Pinkie being Pinkie, maybe? :twilightsheepish:

Also, the story title totally makes me think of that song:

Last Nightmare Night I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away... ♫ :raritydespair:

And, don't think I didn't notice Spike calling a Princess m'lady again. :raritywink:


The costume Twilight made for that night sounded so beautiful - it was honestly disappointing when she decided not to wear it. :fluttershysad:

You mean at the beginning of the story? Yeah, that was heartfelt.

Happily she does wear it at the end of the story. Princess Luna just helps out by pretending that "Princess Amore" is actually a visiting princess, because Luna loves a good prank as much as anypony.

I felt like the moral of this story was going to be about being true to yourself, but caring about the quality of your audience over the quantity of it, was a nice way to make the lesson more novel (while also not dismissing the validity of the former applicable moral too). :pinkiesmile:

I'm not sure if anyone noticed it, but this story is actually an allegory for the process of writing fan-fiction (or indeed any creative work for a popular audience): you pour your heart and soul into a piece, give it everything you've got -- and then realize when it tanks that you were writing too much for yourself, and not paying enough attention to what the audience is actually looking for. But that doesn't necessarily mean you have to give up writing what you like, it just means you may need to find the (perhaps smaller) readership that really gets what you're aiming for, and focus on making a connection with them. It's a lesson I have to constantly remind myself of, as I work on improving my skills as a writer, while still writing about stuff that appeals to me -- because if you aren't invested enough, you don't get really good story output.

One thing though, why did Pinkie say she was Crazy Putty, but then later she said she was the Blob That Ate Ponyville? :rainbowhuh:

Because from Pinkie's point of view, a costume isn't about playing a single fixed role. It's a springboard for imagination. For her, the best kind of costume is one that's almost Zen-like in its simplicity, allowing her free reign to come up with endless spur-of-the-moment "explanations" of what it is.

Also, the story title totally makes me think of that song:

Last Nightmare Night I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away... ♫ :raritydespair:

Nice! Though it's actually a play on the title of the Doctor Who holiday special, "Last Christmas" -- in which the point is that every Christmas may be the last Christmas, so it's important not to take them for granted. Every Nightmare Night may be Last Nightmare Night, so you should throw yourself into celebrating every single one with gusto, make every costume count.

And, don't think I didn't notice Spike calling a Princess m'lady again. :raritywink:

Honestly, what's the beef with that, really? :twilightsmile: He's just a conscientious young drake, and a little courtly formality is totally in keeping with the way (at least in the first season) that he coughs importantly before reading one of Princess Celestia's letters to Twilight.

Oh yes, I knew she wore the Amore costume in the end, and of course I thought that was nice. :twilightsmile:

Well, I definitely saw the parallels between the message and writing fiction immediately. When you create something and put it out there for people to enjoy, you can't help but notice that sometimes the public doesn't give it positive attention proportionate to how much you were pleased with it, and then sometimes you think a story is average and it gets a crazy amount likes too. :twilightoops:

Now that I think about it, I do see how the story events themselves make sense as an allegory like you said. That's an interesting bit of trivia, you should put it in the Author's Note at the end! :pinkiehappy:

To be honest I think that Spike calling Princesses m'lady is adorable, respectful, and charming... that's actually why I mentioned it, as I was glad to see that again, and it felt like an homage to your first lovely story. :raritywink:

And thank you for answering my questions. :pinkiesmile:

A lot of shows, stories, and other mediums will often have a character with a special interest have it dismissed or ignored because other characters feel it isn't relevant, is childish, or inconveniences something. Later on, they'll rarely acknowledge this and the character passionate about their interest will just have to give it up and kinda be treated like they were in the wrong for loving their hobby like Twilight loves her historically accurate costumes.

Seeing this subversion was nice. Twilight isn't too old to enjoy holiday traditions, her friends still support her, acknowledged their actions, and Twilight found a different way to have fun without giving up something else. Giving each character their own reaction to Twilight's choice and explanation was a nice touch too, and kept each scene from feeling like a repeat in ways other writers might not have considered! Your Spike and Twilight interactions are always fun, too.

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