• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen January 29th

Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.


This story is a sequel to Starlight Glimmer gets dunked on

Starlight is absolutely engulfed with rage. Because of her naivety, she expected Sans to actually spare her when she played the Genocide route. Still reeling from her failure to beat him last time, and having nightmares that taunt her over this, one thing is for certain. She won't be making the mistake of showing him mercy again, no matter how bad it makes her look.

It's too bad Twilight has left her uninformed about what happens AFTER Sans. Otherwise, Starlight would've let it be.

Note from Author: This will probably be a pretty short fic.

Sort of a crossover with Undertale. Contains spoilers for Undertale's Genocide route

Reading the first fic is recommended.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 46 )

Briefly i was worried Starlight Glimmer was facing down Chara.

Ok, I don't even really like Starlight, and I think that her motivations to do what she did was weak. That said- Flowey is infuriating me to no end here. ...so good job writing him.

I'll say it once, I'll say it a million times- someone take notice.

Never. Trust. A. Flower!

6941897 Just goes to show no matter how bad someone is, there will always be someone that shows up that's ten times worse.

Starlight wanted revenge so she messed with time.

Flowey killed the world multiple times out of morbid curiosity. (except for Sans because he could never get past him)

(To be honest I don't like Starlight either, but that isn't going to stop me from writing stories regarding her, kinda like how I do so with Diamond Tiara. I've got some other fanfics in mind centering around Starlight that'll expand on her more than the show bothered to do when she was redeemed but I just don't know when/if I'll go through with them)


But Flowey has killed Sans. He says during the genocide route:

I've done everything this world has to offer. I've read every book. I've burned every book. I've won every game. I've lost every game. I've appeased everyone. I've killed everyone. Sets of numbers... Lines of dialog... I've seen them all.

He doesn't omit Sans from his statement. And since he was created after Alphys became the Royal Scientist, we can't even say he's talking about a long, long time ago.

I suppose that's the true power of DETERMINATION though, isn't it? So long as you're the most DETERMINED, you get infinite retries. :pinkiecrazy:

6945378 Oh right.:twilightblush:

I may have misinterpreted some lines in a neutral route when he was talking about Sans. He's beaten him but it was very, VERY frustrating

Keeping my eyes on this one. I'm curious to see how this'll play out.

She finally beats Sans.

She ends Flowey.

She meets Chara.

She is given an offer.

And then she is genre savvy enough to never play the game again.

And she realizes that Sans was right about her. But the least she could do is listen to his advice.

Starlight, Starlight, Starlight... when are you going to figure out that Sans isn't just ribbing you?

...Okay, bad joke, sorry. :rainbowderp:

Gotta wonder if this will cause Starlight to relapse to her evil ways and get payback on Twilight for the stunt she pulled on her.

I just know there's going to be tartarus to pay when starlight finishes the game.

I wonder is she going to do the soulless pacifist without knowing it after this it would be amazing and I want to see her reaction to chara...

My favorite line from Sans's Genocide text is when he talks about how you feel like just because you CAN, you HAVE to. That one hit me the hardest...

To date, I have killed him 5 times. And that line still makes me feel like shit. I feel like Starlight would feel the same.

7092192 Yeah the entire scenario with Starlight fighting Sans is pretty sad. Basically all of San's dialogue hits way close to home for her, but she keeps trying to convince herself that everything will be fine once it's over and done with. Her main conflict is "Okay I want to be a good pony but I NEED closure on this or I'll probably go insane."

And we ALL know what actually comes out of beating the genocide route.

7092222 Well, at least I can safely say I've never done a soulless pacifist run! That would kill me. No, I just wipe the game files every time to let myself keep some good feeling from the game...

That being said, yeah, the end of the genocide route is going to scare her. Then she's going to give her soul up to 'make it all okay'... And then...


7092232 soulless pacifist, what a strange game. the only way to win, is not to play

7096691 Only way to win is to quit after the Pacifist run. Anything else is a loss.

Im gonna find Chara and Celestia knows what is gonna happen next:twilightangry2:

I really want to see her get jumpscared by Chara XD

Wait! I just thought lf something... In this story is Toby Fox actually a Fox that made a game?!

I also thank celestia for the Steam Cloud!

I suck at the sans fight too...


"giving time and space a good spanking just to see them suffer, I could go on all day."

Really takes one to know one, amirite fellas?

7266471 why wouldn't it still be the annoying dog? :trixieshiftright:

7376507 Could be, but if we go off of Toby's name He could be a fox, but it could also be an annoying dog with the name

7379695 toby actually confirmed that the annoying dog is indeed him with this


This is a quote that shall be remembered 'till the end of time.

Everytime I read this, I think of...this...(I´m ashamed of myself...:facehoof:)

Who else cheated their way past sans :twilightblush:

“O-Oh goodness…Twilight um…doesn’t introducing Starlight of all ponies to the most unforgiving video game boss in history seem a little bit…um…sadistic?”

Sans isn't unforgiving. He's got hard attacks, sure, but the most unfair thing I see with the fight is Dunked On and the SAVE/LOAD attacks that give you little time to react. Something like Bonetail from Paper Mario: TTYD is more unforgiving because you have to the Pit of 100 Trials from that game all over again, which is both tough and time-consuming. You do have to do the Sans fight over again if you lose, but it doesn't take too much time to redo the fight after you do the patterns the first few times.

Dude, if I found myself dreaming about talking with Flowey, I don’t know if I would laugh, cry, or both. It’s just... so absurd, but at the same time somewhat terrifying.
Couldn’t see myself hurting him after playing through the game, but maybe potting him up and carrying him around in a demeaning way. That would work for me.

Please finish the darn story! :'( Where's the "Should be burning in h*ll" bit?! :'(

Dang bruh, poor Starlight! 0_0. Not even she - just being reformed - deserves Flowey's taunting! Great chapter tho.

"That thing that happened to her last time of which nopony should ever speak of..."

*SPEAKS OF IT* #sadlythereisnomercyhere...

Oh, my...Starlight is DETERMINED...even after OOFing her poor husbando...XD.

“For Faust’s sake just LET ME WIN!” - Starlight=Asriel. This is interesting, well-written, and delves into gamers' minds! So coooool! Please continue! :'(

Pleaaaaaaaaaase finish this storyyyyyyyyyy! :'3

Look, I didn’t expect her to try this AGAIN okay? She’s just more determined to get through it than I thought.” Twilight continued.

If only anypony could have predicted that :rainbowlaugh:

I'm guessing Omega Flowey also really aggravated Starlight

If she DOES do another Pacifist Route, she's gonna get the Soulless Pacifist Ending, unless she deletes the Genocide Data, and yet the game will still remember...

How did Toby Fox do that game programming magic!?

‘ So a side effect of sleep deprivation is bitch syndrome. Good to know ’

I can not agree MORE!!!!

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