[EqG] Rainbow Dash injures herself during a run one morning. When you step in to intervene, she's unsure how to react.
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I like where this is going. Im a sucker for romantics. Keep up the good work and looking forward to more.
I'd do anything to make Rainbow Dash love me.
Have a Dashie.
And a Rarity.
Damn he's like Prince Charming helping his damsel in distress
Great story so far
Nicely done. Set-up is there and flow is pretty good so far. I expect more!
Your picture is glitchy for me in some places.
I like it. Love to see more
Its great! :D Moar!
I do like the bonding here, though I have to question why he would bring Rainbow back to school? He said she wasn't going to be able to walk on her leg for a while, and yet instead of letting her stay and rest up he then takes her back to school to limp around inured all day. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Same here. It's with a few stories actually. FiMFiction glitch, or our computers being stupid?
So far so good. I can't wait to see the other chapters. I'm also glad that you took the few minutes to think of a proper name for the character (unlike other writers who would just settle for Anon, ugh, stupid overused name).
You get a like from me.
I like it.
You like glitched out pictures? Huh. I guess that's not weird. You must be a fan of science fiction.
Also, my name.
Oh yeah. Just noticed that.
I don´t mind it, but in the last time, every boy, is getting easily distracted by every little feature of the girls, maybe even because of things, that aren´t exactly embrassing. Maybe he has some sort of foot fetish (I don´t mean it bad), but I don´t understood why they work themself up so easily. I hope i got that sentence right, not sure about the grammar in the last sentence.
Like I said, I don´t mind it, but I wanted to say something, this story was just a random target. I mean if I say nothing, there is no chance that there are going to be new storys, where the main char isn´t to easily.....affected by something like touching the girls hand, or stuff like that.
Now that I think about it, this was even a more or less serious moment.
another little thing, that I would wish for, but again nothing bad. It would be nice to see, that they don´t like the same stuff all the time, that is happening everytime in every fanfiction I read at the moment too.
I guess I can understand that more easy, but maybe I´m just the type, that can see this stuff more as normal. I never really freaked out about that kind of stuff as long as it didn´t really had something to do with me. If I don´t want a relationship with that person, I don´t really don´t care seeing that accidently.
Now to my final verdict : If the story continues that awesome, then I´m happy to read more. I know what said, but that was just becaue I noiced that it happens very often.
I like it how you have written Rainbow dash so far, I just hope the guy isn´t some sort of cliche.
I hope for something funny the moment her friends notice, or she herself notice, that she is probably madly in love with him.
even if there were more words this time, I can´t help but to wish for more progress at the moment, maybe it is because I´m a bit nervous at the moment, because of things I have to do in a short while, and I have a few free days, and nearly nothing to do this time.
So I somehow can´t get enough at the moment.
I really like your story so far, this time I didn´t even had anything to complain, and I really thought I could say something as I noticed him against Rainbow Dash, but no you have written it pretty well I think.
I appreciate the feedback, mate. I'm alternating between this and TF2, but I'm hoping to have the third chapter out by tomorrow.
Oh shit RD means business when it comes to dodgeball
I like it!
Look forward to more
How about some swim practice in the future?
And they say chivalry is dead...
This was cute, I like it. Also, applejack is a snitch! Let him figure it out on his own.
I'm loving how you're writing Dash in this. You're getting that nervous side of her that we only see briefly in the show and taking a look at her budding love life. It's a really cool process to watch even if I'm not a huge fan of the 2nd person perspective. Can't wait to read more!
What if AJ falls in love with Blu?

That would be interesting.
Awww ;)
I´m not sure if he was already interessted in her, but I would be curious about a story, where it is one sided for once, and the other one realize it a bit later.
Don´t get me wrong I like it, but after a while it looks like they are falling in love to fast, and maybe even without a reason. Suddenly they are asked if they like someone, and even if they know them for twenty minutes, they would answer with how perfect the other one is.
I have to thank you for how you have written Rainbow Dash, it is nice to see her so different, but the guy ist starting to look a bit more clumsy, and well I haven´t thought that he was the coolest guy before, but he is starting to look a bit more like a punching bag?
Trust me I like it, there are just a few things that I sometimes want to see for a change, and I somehow thought this time it would be shy Dash, and more or less strong willed guy. Right now it looks like he would handle the situation even worse than her if he should start to feel the same.
I think the next book someone finds of Blu's should be called "Sex: A Men's Guide". I personally have a book with the same title... for research purposes. In all truth, it goes into scientific detail of sexual pleasure and what causes the greatest orgasms. Though, I can't think of a single reason why a future paramedic would have this book.
(Speaks in sing-song tone) She's becoming possessive...
Huh... how ironic. Your 'weak' chapter has good action moments and nice characterization. Between this and chapter 1's ending, the like is earned! Let's see what down the line earns the favorite, if any.
"Uh huh." She replies. You can't tell if she's believes you or not. "Look, my point is, she really likes you, a lot in fact. I don't know why, or how, maybe you did something to make her love you, but she does."
Roll credits *ding*
6815312 I can respect a good Cinema Sin reference.
Yeay!! I've been like :" seriously, those affections rainbow showed are so obvious. .Blu, plz realise it so it'll be cute. Oh, so.. AJ told him.. well, she may be my personal best pony but I think he should figure it out himself so it's a LOT more cute ( that's kinda snitchy, AJ)"
Great Chapter, btw.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Bruh I cant wait, quit your job man DO ANYTHING JUST WRITE MORE!
Do you have an editor/Proofreader? Would you like one?
I'm aware that the last chapter was poorly written, but I try to do my own writing, editing, and proofreading.
I already have the next chapter written, I'm just trying to proofread it.
6830221 My offer still stands. I'm currently editing and proofing for a couple other people at the moment and they seem happy with my services. We can chat more through PMs if your interested.
6830267 Uhhhh, mate? *You're......
6830268 My apologies for the bad show. I don't normally edit comments I make, but I understand the hesitation you see when I don't correct errors like that in my proposition.
I like it. The Biology lesson from Dash had me for a loop as well.
New chapter! *squee*
Not sure why I´m a bit wary about Applejack trying to interfere in the whole matter, but I think it´s a bit cute that Rainbow tries to learn, in order to impress him.
I think I don´t want him to looks bad in a way, sometimes the look more like a wimp in a excessive way. I don´t expect some sort of macho, but the main six, or Applejack and Rainbow are often enough more...?........strong willed than the guy himself, but right now I´m only still a bit anxious because I really want it, that it doesn´t look like the main six have to babystit him, and that he is an equal impressive part of the group. (I´just thought I better try to xplain how I see it, before something like that happens, and I have no chance to say anything anymore.)
Sorry that I still keep trying to prevent a certain outcome for his character development, but I saw pretty much storys, that were as good as this, but had a total wimp a the main char, I don´t really like it either, if the main char is being sort of manipulated by Rarity in a romance fanfiction. I think I like the exceptions, like a shy Rainbow Dash (in a relationship), and a average guy, and not the helpless kid type.
A pretty good chapter again, I think I would like a chapter with them alone again, maybe he can meet her parents? I just like it if they react shocked, or if she would have a dad that would panick over their relationship,....a mother that embrass her in front of him with baby pictures, or stuff like that would be funny too. Maybe she isn´t ready to admit it yet, but I could see her mother being eager to get her a boyfriends as soon as possible.
On the other hand, I´m not sure what I would wish for her meeting his parents (was he alonge, oder did he had his parents home with him?). but that the guys mom would tease happens a bit often too. I know I wished for it to happen to Rainbow, but I don´t see that as often as it happens with the guy. Maybe his father would try to make them sign a chastity contract?, that could be funny to to have the paranoid dad type. I think I would like to see his mother as the understanding type.
However I just like it that he is interessted in medicin, I learned a bit in that direction too, and I think it´s interessting,...mostly, I think it coud be a bit to much too if there were to many informations.
So now she's familiarizing herself with HIS field of interest and getting his contact info....
She is warming up to him gradually. Its kinda not what you'd expect from Dash, yet it isn't so alien as to freak you out.
I have learned something today. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
Don't worry about bothering me with the medical stuff. I love it! Mt grandmother is a registered nurse so I know most of it already. And I'm also learning a lot about new terms as well!
Uh, you feelin okay?
( *whispers ) Someone call the asylum! Quick!