• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 20,661 Views, 3,414 Comments

Just Girls Talking - MythrilMoth

Ponies and their human counterparts talk about various things.

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Just Girl's Best Friend Talking

Spike the Dog padded into Twilight Sparkle's bedroom, a pensive look on his face. The sun had gone down, the family had eaten dinner, and Twilight was sitting on her bed, not yet changed into her pajamas but dressed in comfortable, casual around-the-house clothes. Spike hopped up onto the bed, sat down on the foot, and looked up at his mistress. "Hey, Twilight?"

Twilight looked up from her book. "Yeah, Spike?"

Spike flicked one ear with a rear leg. "I wanted to ask you something. Something that's been bothering me."

Twilight's face went pale with dread. "Oh no," she moaned. "Fluttershy warned me about this. This, umm...is this about, y'know, your..." She coughed. "Balls?"

"Huh?" Spike tilted his head. "Oh! Nono, I looked that up on the Internet. I'm not happy about it but I kinda get why, and I don't really miss 'em."

"Oh. Whew." Twilight let out a huge sigh of relief. "Okay, so what's up?"

"Why won't any of the girls let me sniff their butts?"

Twilight made a funny choke-splutter sound, her glasses falling askew. "WHAT?!"

Spike flumped down on the mattress. "I tried to sniff Rarity today and she yelled at me," he whined.

"Uh-umm..." Twilight's face burned crimson. "W-well, that's...that's because!"

"Because why?"

"Umm..." Twilight coughed. "Be...cause, well..." She shook her head. "It may be normal canine behavior, but for humans, it...it isn't...a thing. We do."

"Well yeah, I know you don't," Spike said. "But like you just said, it's normal canine behavior. I'm a canine. So why?"

Twilight adjusted her glasses. "W-well..." She coughed into her fist. "It's just...humans, girls especially, are, well...really sensitive about invasion of their personal space. Especially around, umm...certain areas of the body."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "You mean like how you screamed for five minutes straight when Pinkie Pie squeezed your tit that one time!"

"YES! Yes, exactly that!" Twilight stammered.

"But I don't wanna touch it, I just wanna give it a sniff!"

"It's the same thing!" Twilight said. "You just...you don't walk up to a girl and..." She ducked her head. "Smell their butt!"

"But I need to, Twilight!" Spike insisted. "So far the only girl whose anus I've sniffed is yours! I need to sniff the others!"

Twilight yelped, scooting backward on the bed. "Wh-wh-when did you...?" She squeezed her thighs together, her hair beginning to frazzle. "When did you smell my—"

"When you were asleep," Spike said. "A couple days after I started talking."

"Umm...w-well...please don't...ever...do that again," Twilight said, her face a deep red-purple and her irises contracted to pinpricks.

Spike rolled his eyes. "What's the big deal?" he complained. "It's just a butt. You can sniff mine all you want, I won't complain."

"GAH! I don't wanna smell it!" Twilight cried. "It's bad enough I have to smell what comes out of it after I walk you!"

"Yeah, what's up with that, anyway?" Spike asked, shaking his head. "You humans are obsessed with picking up dog turds. Don't you know what turds are for?"

Twilight coughed. "Y-yeah, that one I'll agree with you on," she said. "The laws about picking up after your dog are kinda stupid when leaving it there would be better for the environment, plus it's just really gross having to mess with all that."

Spike snorted. "Sure, it's gross picking mine up, but you and your family put yours in the big water bowl. You don't see me complaining."

"The big...?" Twilight blinked. Her nose crinkled. "Eww, Spike! Don't drink out of the toilet!"

"Aww, but it's got so much more water in it!"

"But it's not a water dish! It's bad to drink out of that! And anyway, you might fall in!"

Spike shrugged. "Dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do," he said. "Anyway, we're getting off the subject here. You still haven't given me a really good explanation for why I can't sniff the girls' butts."

Twilight dragged her hand down her face. "You just...you just can't," she insisted.

"But why though?"

"AUGH!" Twilight threw up her hands in frustration, pulled out her phone, and called Fluttershy. When Fluttershy picked up, she put her phone on the bed and put it on speaker. "Fluttershy? Spike has a question, and I'm not sure how to give him an answer he'll accept."

//Oh...oh my. Is it about...his balls?//

"No, he's surprisingly okay with that. It's...well...you're on speaker, I'll just let him ask you." She nodded to Spike, who approached the phone and sniffed it curiously.

"Fluttershy?" Spike asked.

//Yes, Spike? Oh, and good evening. Did you have a good day?//

"More or less," Spike said. "Chased a squirrel, barked at the guy who keeps putting stuff in the door, rolled in some leaves. Supper was kinda stale, but Dad gave me scraps off his plate."

"Spike," Twilight hissed. "Get on with it!"

"Oh, right." Spike inched his nose closer to the phone. "Fluttershy, why won't Rarity let me sniff her butt, and why does Twilight think it's a bad thing for me to sniff girls' butts?"

There was a long silence.

Then, a soft giggle.

//Oh. Oh my. Oh. Heheh. Umm. Wow, I wasn't expecting that.// Fluttershy coughed to smother a laugh. //Okay, umm. Sorry. Okay. Spike? I know it's normal for you to want to sniff your friends' butts, and...and me and Twilight and Rarity and the other girls are all your friends now, but, well...// She paused. //Umm. For humans, butt-sniffing, well...it's something you only do with somebody you're gonna have puppies with. It's really, really not something you let just anybody do, even if they're good friends. Do you understand?//

Spike blinked. "Oh." His brow furrowed. "Oh. Oh man. I mean, I like Rarity, she's pretty and she smells nice, but...I don't think I want her to have my puppies. Umm, if I...if I could have puppies I mean." He started pacing on the bed. "So...so if I sniff the girls' butts, they're gonna think I wanna...make puppies?"


"Oh. Okay. Thanks for clearing that up. You make a lot more sense than Twilight. Heh, funny, she's supposed to be the smart one."

"HEY!" Twilight cried.

Fluttershy giggled. //Glad I could clear that up. G'nite, Spike! G'nite Twilight!//

"Goodnight Fluttershy!" Twilight said.

"Nite, Fluttershy," Spike added as Twilight picked up her phone and ended the call.

"So, happy now?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah yeah," Spike said, rolling his eyes. "I get it now. No more sniffing human butts."

"Glad to hear it," Twilight said, shifting around into a comfortable position and going back to her book. Spike curled up on the end of the bed after making a few circles in place.

A few minutes later, he looked up at Twilight with one eye. "Hey Twilight?"

"Yeah, Spike?"

"How come when I throw up on something I'm saving for later, Mom picks it up and throws it away?"

Twilight sighed...

Author's Note:

What, you thought this was gonna be about diamonds? :derpytongue2:

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