• Published 31st Aug 2015
  • 1,676 Views, 33 Comments

Dashwhinny: The Musical - Rune Soldier Dan

Rainbow Dash faces the most difficult challenge of her life: befriending Harshwhinny. And then some.

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Laying in the tangled bed, Rainbow Dash could only groan.

Like a carriage had run over her, then backed up to finish the job. Catching her head under the wheel both times.

Actually, her head was really the only thing that hurt. Her limbs and wings were sore, but not drastically so. Miss Harshwhinny hadn’t done anything painful, just mind blowing. Like when she took that feather and…

Dash tensed, giggling with the memory. Her headache wasn’t so bad, anymore. Just a product of the busy night, and the terrible hour Harshwhinny had set for the alarm.

7 o’clock, A.M. The last time Dash saw it was a sleepover at Rarity’s, and that was because they had stayed up all night. Here, she had maybe four hours of sleep behind her when the clock chimed its dirge.

Miss Harshwhinny had seemed unfazed, rising with the alarm to enter the shower. Dash focused on the gentle pattering of water from the other room, willing herself to stay awake. Tempting as it was to roll over and doze, Harshwhinny was totally the type to leave without waking her.

No way that’d happen. Rainbow needed to say goodbye.

And she needed to say… thank you.

The night had been incredible. ‘Mind blowing’ times ten. Harshwhinny seemed to know exactly what buttons to push, taking Rainbow on the ride of her life. Sometimes even the foreplay drove her wild, to Harshwhinny’s dismay. But Dash couldn’t help it! The brown-sugar mare wasn’t just experienced – she was sexy, controlling, and creative. Dash had read plenty about sex, yet it seemed Harshwhinny had delivered a fresh and amazing surprise every five minutes.

Rainbow rolled, facing skywards. She raised a fluffy hotel pillow high, and slapped it onto her face.

“Amazing” didn’t begin to describe it. It had been the most splendiferous, fantasterrific night that could possibly be imagined.

For Dash, anyway. Harshwhinny had seemed… less enthused.

“Oh, for the love of… Miss Dash! Contain yourself!”

“Well, we were getting to the good part. But the chance has come and gone, hm?”

“You’re a wellspring of enthusiasm, Miss Dash. That is not a compliment.”

She raised the pillow again, and smacked it a second time on her nose.

It had been obvious all night that Rainbow was an amateur at the whole “sex” thing. She tried to make up the difference with enthusiasm, but Harshwhinny had wasted no time in letting her know that wasn’t how it worked.

Overall, though, the criticisms had been muted. Harshwhinny offered a complaint now and then, but generally busied herself with the labor of driving Rainbow wild.

Time. And time. Again.

A shiver coursed through Rainbow’s body, and a grin sang out. Another memory: Rainbow forced onto her back and blindfolded, wondering which sensitive spot Harshwhinny would bite next…

But a ‘labor’ was all it seemed to be. Harshwhinny never grew as passionate as Rainbow, or even terribly interested. The hours came and went with what passed for good cheer from the older mare, but that was all. Rainbow had maybe, maybe pushed her over the edge once or twice. If Harshwhinny hadn’t faked it. All in all, a horribly lopsided affair.

The sounds of running water abruptly ceased, leaving a dripping noise and the swish of a shower curtain.

Rainbow gulped.

She did her best. But Harshwhinny never cared about that. She cared for results, and Rainbow hasn’t come through. And still the question remained…

Dash glanced to the window. She could flee.

No. Heck, no! She was Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash. She had faced down Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, and Pinkie Pie. She could definitely face Harshwhinny and ask the question.

A second chance. Rainbow’s breath quickened, her thoughts scattered by the notion that the incredible night might be repeated someday. If only Harshwhinny would agree.

If only Dash had impressed her.

The bathroom door opened, revealing a still-damp Harshwhinny. The manic gleam had left her, as had the relative friendliness. She was herself once more – dour and efficient. Already she had packed her toiletries, and now carried their parcel to a heavy travel bag at the foot of the bed.

“Good morning!” Dash piped, cursing inwardly as the fear squeaked out.

“Good morning, yourself.”

Rainbow winced at the reply – disinterested, almost bored. But she pressed on. She had to.

“So, uh…” Rainbow grinned with confidence she didn’t feel. “It was good for me. How ‘bout you?”


Dash could almost hear it as her morale snapped in half. Tolerable? Tolerable!? It was freaking sex! It wasn’t supposed to be ‘tolerable.’

“W-well.” Shakily, Dash tried to lead it on. “If you thought it was good then, you’ll have to check out what I have saved for next time.”

No reaction – no scathing comment, but also no following of the lead. Harshwhinny’s eyes glided to Rainbow’s, but quickly fell away as she continued to pack.

A few seconds later, the considered response began. “I don’t know, Miss Dash. I–”

“I’ll do better!” Rainbow heaved herself upright, a few quick flaps sending the blankets flying. Four hooves met the mattress as she flipped, facing the startled Harshwhinny.

“A hundred percent better!” She promised wildly, seizing on the final chance. “I’ll do a thousand percent better if you come back! I’ll practice real hard in the meantime, and it’ll be the most amazstop laughing!”

Once more, Rainbow could only flush and hiss at the miracle of Harshwhinny’s laugh. This time it was a short thing, ended at Dash’s command.

A strong smile remained as Harshwhinny arched an eyebrow. “My apologies. But pray tell: how, exactly, do you intend to practice?”

Rainbow slapped a hoof to her nose – both a self-deprecating punch, and a quick check to see if her face had caught fire. A mumbled, humiliated reply came out, and Harshwhinny laughed again.

“Miss Dash, you have been very forthcoming with me this past day. I believe it is time I returned the favor, but I do insist that you look at me first.”

Obediently, Dash lowered her hoof. Harshwhinny was giving her a new kind of smile. Not bitter or sarcastic, or even patient and accepting. A friendly smile, and yes, it looked strange on her face.

“You have shared with me the reasons for your attraction,” Harshwhinny began, holding her gaze. “My strength of personality, and my unwillingness to settle for less. What if I told you that the feeling was shared for entirely the same reasons?”


Harshwhinny’s smile flickered, but did not fall. “Miss Dash, you are an excessively confident young mare. Unlike many ponies of that quality, though, you deserve to be. You have accomplished much, and you seek only to keep accomplishing. That takes a kind of strength, and an altogether supreme self-expectation. I demand good things out of other ponies; you demand phenomenal things from yourself. And you’re willing to work for them. I admire that, more than I can say. Your confidence is not founded on an inflated self-worth, or your past deeds. It is founded on the present. On who you are, and what you will do, today.”

Rainbow barely noticed as the other mare stepped closer. Those words. Those awesome, awesome words… from Harshwhinny.

She startled as a brown hoof touched her cheek, and blue eyes embraced her own.

“Now,” Harshwhinny said. “Take a word of advice. If you approach me with as much confidence as you do the rest of your life, I daresay your… ‘performance’ will improve markedly.”

“W-wait,” Dash stammered. Hope flared in her chest, and came out as words. “Does that mean you’ll come back? Wait, no – I can come to you! I mean I can easily ditch a few weeks and–”

“Enough of that.” The cold command silenced Rainbow. Harshwhinny shook her head, voicing the rebuttal. “You have responsibilities: your work, your friends, and training for your future. You will not drop them for this.”

A quirk of a smile returned, though the voice remained hard. “You will simply have to develop patience.”

“So you are coming back?” The answer had all but been spoken, but Dash asked anyway. She needed to hear it.

“I plan to.” Harshwhinny nodded, planting a hot joy in Rainbow's breast. “After the Games conclude, I will have a few weeks of down time while EGO celebrates. Normally I just return to the doom fortress, but…”

She leaned in. Dash leaned forward, and a fresh kiss was shared. Not awkward like in the theater, or clouded with the passion of last evening. A warmer, softer touch that spoke of something beyond the moment.

Harshwhinny drew back, speaking low and kindly. “Confidence, Miss Dash.”

The smile grew wry. “A little discipline wouldn’t hurt, either.”

“Discipline is my middle name,” Dash said, cheekily grinning back.

“No, it is not.” Harshwhinny rolled her eyes, but kept the smile as she turned away. “Regardless, I look forward to seeing you again.”

Harshwhinny picked up her bag. Dash flew off from the bed in one smooth motion, carrying herself to the door a half-step before the other mare. Giving neither of them time to question it, Rainbow wrapped Harshwhinny with her hooves and kissed again. Not long, deep, or passionate. Just goodbye.

Then, giggling impishly, Rainbow rubbed her nose against Harshwhinny’s. The brown mare laughed at the childish gesture, but returned it with a will.

“Goodbye, Nags.” Rainbow said the words softly, stepping out of the way.

Harshwhinny sniffed at the nickname, but again, the smile remained. “I’ll get you for that.”

“You better.”

“Look forward to it.”

As Harshwhinny passed to the doorway, her face returned to its natural glower. She would groan at the innkeeper’s practiced greeting, and grumble at the inevitable lateness of Ponyville trains. Even before the door closed, she was the ice-eyed Miss Harshwhinny once more.

The blonde tail swished once as she stepped out to the hallway. It slapped gently to Dash's leg, and lingered there for a second until prim hoofsteps carried it away.

Rainbow closed the door and immediately broke into a terrific yawn, feeling the exhaustion catch up with her. It had been a heck of a day. Heck of a night, too.

Well. Here was a good bed, and it wouldn’t do her sleeping for her. Rainbow crawled back on top, discarding the sweat-damp sheets in favor of the blanket.

Lots to think about. Lots to plan for.

There’d be time for that later. For now, Rainbow grinned as the blanket gave its warmth, lulling her mind to the drowsy, flighty place where dreams are born. Where blue eyes waited, holding a trophy beneath them as she drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

This definitely wasn't my usual. No philosophical undertones, moral questions, "hard but important lessons," etc.

But boy, it was fun. A reminder of why I started writing in the first place.

Hope you liked.

Harshwhinny is best pony.

Comments ( 28 )

I have a problem, and maybe you can help me.

I upvoted this before reading, because Harshwhinny. But now I've read it and want to upvote it, except stupid past me robbed me of the opportunity. So I need to know: what's the best way to time-travel back to kill my past self before I can upvote this story, so that I can upvote this story?

For the sake of argument, if you ever had succeeded at that, you wouldn't be typing this now. Right? Or am I misunderstanding things again? Damn time travel anyway!

Nice job on this RSD. I unironically enjoyed it. You got a rare literal laugh-out-loud from me with "Quick and the Furious 37: Quicker, and with Greater Fury."

I do believe it's "fourth," however. Not "forth."


And yet again I am reminded that my ability to self-edit is hamstrung by my lack of actual editing experience.


All my yes!

Loved it! You got both ponies perfect

“It’s not them, either. It’s…”
The screen followed Daring’s eyes as it fell upon a red flag, with familiar lightning bolts emblazoned in black.
Rainbow couldn’t resist. She said the words along with Daring, hoping her neighbor wouldn’t mind.


Awesome excellent work!

I got much more then I expected from this. They still read like themselves for all that I thought you couldn't match them together this piece works.


What I am most interested in is the EGO Doom Fortress. What's it like there?


On a craggy hill above a desolate village, there rests the EGO Doom Fortress. It is a menacing and decrepit building of black stone and tall towers, behind which the moon looms large in the nighttime. Children dare each other to trespass on the graveyard beneath, but few stay for long, for the tortured noises from the earth quickly frighten away even the most foolhardy. And not even the bravest child will knock on the massive wooden door, or breach one of the many broken windows. If they did, they would find themselves in a maze of cobwebs and candles, rife with hidden passageways and buried secrets.

It is within these walls that EGO does its work, planning and organizing the Equestria Games. Unwilling to let little things like a lack of electricity and omnipresent bats deter them, these dutiful souls conduct their thankless bureaucracy in relative peace and seclusion. "Relative" because occasionally they must fend off a torch-and-stake wielding mob from the village below.


6384961 Wonderful!

Two more questions. One, why is it called a musical if there is none. Two…NAZIS!

Yes, I know that's not a question.


Because I liked the way it sounded in my head.:twilightsheepish:


6385007 Fair enough.


It was a symphony of battling egos and a masterpiece of squeals and groans punctuated by the sounds of leather on lightly-furred flesh.


Rainbow Dash isn't my favorite character in the show, but her perspective is immensely fun to read when it's written well. And this is written well.

Likewise, my opinion of shipping is that a good pairing is "whatever you can get away with". I came into this story expecting madness, but you convinced me that these two really could be a good match for each other.

Thank you for bringing this into the world.

Damn, this story needs more likes. Awesome job, and hoping to see more Harshwhinny!


Thanks! Write Harshwhinny, and one receives a small, but devoted viewing from her group.:rainbowdetermined2:

Such an excellent piece of work. Not many stories can get me to laugh while reading, This being one of the few that has succeeded. Your style is very engaging, every detail feels important to take in, and not at all like filler. Easily making it worth reading over again in the future, and not to just skip to what one may consider the good parts.

Characterization was also very good in my opinion. It's nice to see ponies like Ms. Harshwinny getting more depth. The idea of the pairing is not unfamiliar to me. I'm not against it, but I honestly never saw them being able to hook up. The differences in the two never seemed to click, but somehow you made it more believable.

I don't know why I never commented on this when I originally read it. Apparently it's because I'm so unprofessional I can't even express my approval beyond clicking a thumb and a star.

Mrs. Harshwhinny would be most displeased.

In any case, I loved this story. I wasn't too sure about the ship, but you certainly delivered on the comedy and characterization.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to flagellate myself for my lack of professionalism. Or to ponder writing Harshwhinny in some form.


I need more.

I'm not sure which is more questionable, this story or the fact that I initially read it at three in the morning.

Also Florina/Nagatha OTP.

Interessting, just to short already, I still want to read it through since their are not much Harshwinny stories.


Well, Harshwhinny is the only one worthy of Harshwhinny's affection, so they seem very reasonable as a OTP.

Loved this. Such an odd pairing yet pulled off so well.

I'll admit, I lost it when the Nazis showed up. You didn't even try for a horse pun! Just boom, Nazis. They're the universal mook.

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