• Member Since 8th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Keep your heads up, gamers. I believe in you.

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  • 244 weeks
    I'm back

    Sorry, for the lengthy delay. I contracted a moderately severe respiratory infection and have been on quite the cocktail of medications. I didn't want to post anything while somewhat out of my mind and thus postponed uploading my chapters until I could edit them with a clear head. I am now waiting on a pre-reader to check out the next chapter which will then be posted, hopefully tomorrow. I apologize again for the delay, and urge future persons displeased with my failure to update; to message

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    8 comments · 222 views
  • 247 weeks
    Small delay

    Been sick these past two days. The next Hugz chapter is done but I’m kind of loopy from my medicine so I’m holding off on posting it until I can review it without a fever. I’d like to apologize for this short delay and assure you all that I am working on creating a buffer of several chapters in case of future unforeseen events. It was just bad timing this should happen so early on.

    0 comments · 249 views
  • 248 weeks
    Regarding Hugz updates

    I was wondering if you guys would prefer if I upload chapters as soon as they're done, or would rather I attempt to stick to a schedule to avoid potential hiatuses?

    3 comments · 188 views
  • 249 weeks
    Working on a long term project

    I'm gonna be posting a (hopefully) very long running series. It will be a human in reverse gender role equestria. If I take too long to post an update, feel free to message me; berating me for my failure. First chapter of Hugz the Human Hero will be posted in the next couple of days hopefully. The series will mostly be a wholesome slice of life, but will eventually shift into darker themes such as dealing with trauma and abuse. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, let me know.

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    0 comments · 170 views

I'm back · 6:44am Nov 21st, 2019

Sorry, for the lengthy delay. I contracted a moderately severe respiratory infection and have been on quite the cocktail of medications. I didn't want to post anything while somewhat out of my mind and thus postponed uploading my chapters until I could edit them with a clear head. I am now waiting on a pre-reader to check out the next chapter which will then be posted, hopefully tomorrow. I apologize again for the delay, and urge future persons displeased with my failure to update; to message

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Report Gregisademon · 222 views · Story: Hugz the Human Hero ·
Comments ( 3 )
  • Viewing 1 - 3 of 3

Is there any chance you'll continue the Hugz story? I am really intrigued by it.

You deserve it, mate. I really enjoy your work.

Hello there, thank you for the follow.

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