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Unblock turkey · 6:25pm Feb 23rd, 2014

The government of Turkey just passed a draconian new Internet law that allows bureaucrats to censor websites and block social media accounts. Worse, it forces ISPs to retain every Internet user’s web history for 2 years and be ready to hand it over to authorities whenever they ask. Thousands have taken to the street to protest, but they've been met brutal attacks by riot police, tear gas, and water cannons.

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Report grogar · 541 views ·
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200493 very well i will give you a benefit of a doubt.

"Sir do you take me for an idiot,"

No. I do not.

"you could have EASILY avoided it, you knew that sight like this would have fanfic base on ep. (ESPECIALLY when it only a SMALL one you could have easily ignore it.) but did you, no. you decided to read it, even though you knew there was a STRONG chance of spoiler."

I didn't read the fanfic. I put it on my favorites to read it after I complete the project. I was commenting on the premise.

I know it's hard to admit your emotions are wrong, in particular on the internet where people's personhoods are limited, but seriously, I have been avoiding Equestria Daily to avoid spoilers, and I have NOT watched any of the Season 3 episodes yet.


I didn't realize he was the one who bloody let it go!!

Comment posted by Sparknanator deleted Jan 14th, 2013
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Unblock turkey · 6:25pm Feb 23rd, 2014

The government of Turkey just passed a draconian new Internet law that allows bureaucrats to censor websites and block social media accounts. Worse, it forces ISPs to retain every Internet user’s web history for 2 years and be ready to hand it over to authorities whenever they ask. Thousands have taken to the street to protest, but they've been met brutal attacks by riot police, tear gas, and water cannons.

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Report grogar · 541 views ·

Unblock turkey · 6:25pm Feb 23rd, 2014

The government of Turkey just passed a draconian new Internet law that allows bureaucrats to censor websites and block social media accounts. Worse, it forces ISPs to retain every Internet user’s web history for 2 years and be ready to hand it over to authorities whenever they ask. Thousands have taken to the street to protest, but they've been met brutal attacks by riot police, tear gas, and water cannons.

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Report grogar · 541 views ·