Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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This chapter in particular. Easily my favorite of Volume One, and possibly my personal favorite of the serial.
It makes a strong standalone. Most of what needs to be known to follow the story is explained upfront, and the somewhat cartoony somewhat explicit tone is setup almost immediately in the first few paragraphs.
Loads of memorable moments. Fun, drama, sadness, confusion, and surprises sprinkled here and there.
When I think of Project Horizons, this is the chapter that sets most of the mental images that immediately spring to my mind. Stone simply fits right in my quirky set of tastes more than anything else I have ever read, and I adore it for that.
Well damn... I don't think I like Lancer, the bastard Dx Killed his Zebra breathren? How dare he! D:
But awesome chapter well done, and lol to Blackjack, wanting to press a button 8'D
Cheerilee a hardcore teacher with guns... I love that mental image 8D
Nicely done!
What the hell are the "winning" criteria then? Seems like there is only losing criteria.
Achievement unlocked:abolition
Shite, once again Blackjack should've listened to the Crusaders, I guess...
Poor Gorgon, P-21's joke had been right, he did just want to be loved. I read up to around chapter 50 when this was on Google docs
That was THE best chapter ending. :D
I'm impressed you didn't go for the classic mythology victory over Gorgon. Considerably more impressive is your restraint in deciding which fights to show.
The war is never over. The war never changes.
6408111 It's stated at some point the Reminant believe that even if only one zebra was left alive, they would win if every pony was dead. Dumbest philosopy I've ever heard.
The following is the only thing I can imagine Blackjack was thinking when she looked at the red button.
Why must you be so tempting to press, red button?
6676497 what is gorgon?
You just read a chapter about him, right? <.<
Well, if you mean what the mythology was, they were three creatures from Greek mythology, only one of which (Medusa) was mortal, who were such that anyone who saw their face would turn to stone.
If you mean the character, the best way to learn that is to read a few more chapters.
Muffin button
7065715 to be exact, the two older sisters are immortal but their gaze is not petrifying. Only medusa is mortal and can turn people to stone.
The 'gorgon' in this chapter looks like a chimera with medusa's power
7356490 I thought that Gorgon was a Dragon or Manticore that had merged wit a cockatrice or something.
Will them lols never end
Why so much description about the red button. hahaha. Fucking nice chapter. Why won't Zebras be nice :(
Ahhhhh the inconspicuous big red button, must press. Must. Find. Out. What. Do does this mean Blackjack is a certified Reaper now?
6906436 it mirrors either a movie or a real life general. I think it went " if there was tow Americans and only one Russian left, we would win"
It’s like I’m watching a RPG group planning session...I love this.
That ending though...
“Of all the shit going on in my life,
Extra 'the'
Multiple reasons to name this chapter as just Stone. It just works. The beginning part of the chapter is just fun. The Roosevelt Academy ponified and good bits of humor. That exposition on the Proditor zebras up to the twist ending really shows why red striped zebras have a rough occupation. If the ending's ones were red striped, at all. Good reason not to fully trust a mysterious sniper. As I remembered why. The foreshadowing helps explain it with closer attention to detail.
Don't press that shiny red button, it's.. something bad.
I like how Glory cursed in a mutter, and Blackjack said that's her line. Good thing the pertification process ends once the Gorgon is slain. I completely forgot Glory, P-21, and Lancer all got turned to stone for a moment. Can't say the same for the broken statues, they're permanent. Also, props to this chapter for showing the just-living and humanizing (equinizing?) side of a gang from multiple walks of life of former raiders/slavers, etc of the Pecos gang. Which I found interesting, Pecos was a Native American term, for the Pecos Pueblo and more. So to have the gang dress up as cowponies, is quite funny. Good timing for Blackjack's crew to find the Pecos gang on the crappy end of a deal. Blackjack fit right in with them at the bar, besides the whole interrogation attempt. I quite enjoyed the Pecos' introduction part of the chapter, Blackjack didn't have to fight them at all, so I guess her crew just stayed back until the mine plan was ready. Guess loyalty can be easily bought when you treat your protectors like brahmin shit. I don't pity that arrogant mine operation, they just got a new brand of ownership.
"and you let HER come up with plans? on purpose?!" (someone said that about Littlepip in FE)
Curiosity almost killed the blackjack
That ending... damn.
That sick fucker!!
little did they know that blackjack and granted gorgons wish of finally killing him. The only reason the petrified people are still alive is because he unfroze them as he was dying. Just because it was the right to do.Make you wonder why the even allowed the stallions to go to school? I doubt any of the mares cared that much about their breeder being a good conversation partner.
Of course, just think of all the lot and XP you missed out.
Serious answer: When they tried to claim the bounty on your head, they became fair game. They also knew that the bounty was placed by Deus (aka Mr. Murderrape) and Usury (becaue Blackjack killed slavers). So they can’t claim that they thought Blackjack was a bad pony and that the bounty was justified.
Also would they have hesitated if the same amount of caps has been offered for somepony else? Somepony less able to fight back than the worst Security Pony of Stable 99 who kills dragons for breakfast? Probably not! They decided to throw away their morals for quick cash.
However, one also needs to take in account how much “evil” things they’ve done before trying to capture Blackjack and how much evil they’re likely going to cause in the near future because Blackjack left them alive. Based on the limited knowledge we have, this was probably a one-time occurrence. The chance of another 10,000 caps bounty passing through their town are incredible slime and the beating they received may be a humbling experience for them. Probably also get a lot of shit from the other ponies in town for being so stupid.
So in my very personal opinion,no, it wasn’t wrong to show them mercy.
Isn’t that exactly what a hero is supposed to do? Trying to make things better in a crappy world? Even when the odds are against you?
Buckfriend sounds really weird. Why not just use clotfriend?
“Halt! Present hall pass!”[/url]
Whoever thought that robots acting as Hall Monitors inside a school needed deadly weapons, deserves to be punched in the face repentantly.
Oh right, she doesn’t know Stable 99. Can’t wait to see her reaction when she learns what kind of place it is.
I thought they used potions to turn their stripes red, not talismans?
You have two smart ponies around you. Just tell them your plan and ask for feedback. Nopony said Blackjack is the only one allowed to make plans.
And if the plan is still stupid and result in deaths and misery, its everypony’s fault and Blackjack doesn’t have to only blame herself.
So ponies are willing to pay Usury for the right to sell slaves to her and its working. Now wonder she’s making a lot more caps than Bottlecap.
For a supposedly not so clever pony you put a lot of thoughts into this.
Careful Blackjack, I think he has s second rifle stuck inside his butt.
Help me out here Lancer, what are you long term goals? There’s no longer any kind of Zebra government that’s giving you orders and support. Neither is there one big Pony government. So who exactly is the opponent you’re fighting against? Ponies in general? That basically makes you a saner Raider with a delusions of working for a greater cause.
Okay that really screams Raiders with a delusions of working for a greater cause. Also remember what happened last time you decided not to listen the Crusader filly.
So the slavers just decided to be morons for now reason and antagonize the group of armed Ponies that are supposed to help protecting their slave mine from danger. Giving Blackjack just the opportunity she needs to turn them against the slavers. What a lucky coincidence.
Feels a bit too convenient for my taste. It would’ve been better if the Pecos had no alliance with the slavers. It wouldn’t really change much but helped making the slavers look less stupid.
Which countless slavers and raiders who ran into Blackjack can confirm – if they weren’t death.
She didn’t instantly wet herself when she realized who Marigold really was. I’m impressed!
She’s really putting a lot of trust into this mare, she only met a few hours ago.
Glory is awfully excited about having found a weapon than can turn ponies to dust. Guess Blackjack is rubbing off on her.
Sounds almost like solid plan. Far better better than just rushing at him and shooting wildly aka the usual Blackjack plan.
Uh oh! Don’t like at the button, Blackjack! It’s a trap! You will be compelled to push it.
Time to play the Boss theme!
Clever girl!
A horrible way to go! Even for somepony like him.
Well, fuck you Lancer! You just managed to reach the top spot on the list of characters I want to see die slowly and painful.
Still, he’s able to kill twelve Zebras and nopony has any time to react? And none of the Zebras tries to run away or doing anything? They just wait patiently until they’re all death? Maybe if he was using an automatic rifle, but that doesn’t seem the case.
Blackjack’s On-screen Body Count: 81
She was already infected when Jackie met her. Fun.
Assuming Weeds was the infected one...
I can't believe he killed them all 😢
My reaction to the end of this chapter.
Jontron what? WTF!!! - YouTube
And I thought Lancer would be the Xenith of the group. What a strange turn of events