Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Hell, I remember how I waited for new chapters to come, and man, I'm sad that it ended. T'was a good ride. Just wanted to tell ya that you're awesome, and that I await for the next creation of yours with baited breath!
I didn't expect my re-read to come with this much dramatic irony. Then again, I read this so long ago that I'm re-acquainting myself with forgotten details as much I am stumbling upon the foreshadowing I completely missed. I'd completely forgotten about Applebot, for instance.
And while those scenes were depressing and horrifying alike, I can't help but find Thorn calling her Wampage as anything but sickeningly adorable. Which does nothing but make me feel bad.
Well... wasn't expecting that, in the slightest, shit this story is full of depressing stuff...
Sadly, I enjoy it, nice job once more dude...
Ugh I don't know what to say to any of this, but I loved it... loved it...
Fuck me RUNNING that was brutal...
Oh my goodness. this is just deep. just deep. wow. ok. wow. I am at a loss of words here. this is nuts!
Especially at Pinkie's party.
that's why I take breaks when reading FOE.
6452672 I know it ain;t happy, this universe takes depressing to a whole new level...
but its so damn gooooood
Hahahaha. You think that was bad? It gets so much worse. The next twenty-ish chapters are like a descent to the eleventh circle of hell. Yes, eleventh.
Same here XD It's so well written and engrossing, but so frickin DARK.
Then again, that's why I'm writting a spin off. Not canon, but a happier-alternate reality.
So the avatar I've been using...was this 'Blackjack'?
Damn, I'm SO out of everything...
When will I ever read these stories..?
Who else listened to Adagio for Strings when reading this?
6452693 I'm a fan of such darkness...
I love it and I hate it... to me, its the one ring and I'm Gollum.
I';m writing a story to, but its going slowly~
Happy sad Happy sad <--
God damn you making me go on a rollercoaster like that!!
I want more
Damn, Rampage... you killed an innocent to spare her from the possibility of becoming like you...
Beginning of Mint-als?
I feel like I just got smashed with an irony shovel.
ERROR: "find"
Well... shit. Goodbye Thorn, can't trust all the personalities in a pony.
What is special about Pinkie's Party? Goldenblood doing bad things to good ponies?
Stuff that if you've read the fic before, you catch details and you're like "holy crap, I know what that means/signifies later how did I not catch that earlier!?"
The foreshadowing... it's real...
I have this distinct feeling that sanguine is blueblood's son and the crazy reapers are all members of the marauders (including murder-happy Rampage).
We'll see if I'm right.
Why did I not see that ending coming? Jack, you are not a smart pony...
6455778 Not even close.
Here's a funny thought... is Lacunae Psalm? Cause seeing as how the Marauders have a habit of showing up two hundred ears after the War so far it could make sense. Meh I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. Also that ending!
Holy shit. This one actually made me cry, and I NEVER cry. Good show, jolly good show.
Especially the part when BlackJack played Adagio for Strings during the funeral. Also when Rampage decided to be an ass an kill Thorn...
Sorry, still too funny.
Ever read Pink Eyes?
Friend:"Hey what are you going to do today?"
Me:"Oh read chapter 19 because i feel like getting slapped in the face!"
Wait, wtf just happened. <.<
Uh, anyway, ignoring that, this was the best chapter ever, and everything is obviously going to go downhill from here, like everyone told me it would. :V But I mean, the plot finally reared its ugly head! That was not what I expected EC-1101 to be, I like it. Project Horizons (we have a title!) is almost assuredly related to that space program, which I knew the moment somepony mentioned a rocket back in chapter, like, two or three. Twist invented Mintals? Fifth party member, not that I have any particular feelings on her (though she's already more interesting than Starlight). Charity is amazing. Gorgon's backstory was interesting. I like the way you built toward that meeting with Apple-kinda-Bloom, not to mention that's a good way to get a show character in this without making yet another ghoul. And the funeral was actually a very well-written scene. For all that I wasn't particularly invested in Roses as a character, the whole setting was put together well and evoked emotion without crushing it.
But the best part.
Ohh, sweet child.
They finally kissed. :D I don't even care if they fuck or get together or anything, that was some sweet, sweet vindication right there, and that's why this is best chapter. :3
Downsides include Rampage's ridiculous cutie mark (though I suspect it's some kind of side-effect of whatever caused her to become what she is), that "twenty percent cooler", and
Here's to the inevitable downward plunge!
That's a depressing statement about Starlight . . . granted, I became pretty invested in Lacunae, but probably not after—what, several hundred, a few thousand? words. If you hadn't already convinced me to take it off my RiL, that might have done it. Everyone seems to like Charity more than I do. Not completely sure why. But I think that one of my favorite two or three parts with her comes in the next chapter. The Stonewing/Jetstream orb is a reminder that here, happiness is a lie that's always just out of reach, or ready to be plucked away the moment you think you've caught it. I love it. Also comes back to what I was saying about many of the Marauders not handling romantic setbacks well. The funeral was good, but I think there were at least two others that affected me more. One of them has shaped how I think and feel about the story ever since.
Yeah, gotta agree with you on the kissing. This one scene tops the entire Littlepip/Homage "romance" arc for me. Don't know if you're invested in the GloryJack ship long-term (Though it's not hard to imagine you, if you had toys of them or something, mushing their faces together waiting for this for sixteen chapters. :V But yeah, it was a long, long wait and a slow, slow build.), but suffice to say there's more. Wonder how you'll feel about the rest.
Odd that there was a "20%" in the body . . . but despite a bump up of 20% in some stat or another in the endnote, the reference was eschewed there.
Missing a space between "you" and "the".
Charity is great because she's a snot-nosed little kid who takes delight in tormenting Blackjack. :3 Not to mention she's pretty mature for her age. I didn't get a good sense of her until they came back to Chapel, but every scene since then, I've only come to love her more. I can't remember how she was described, so I envision her as Marker Pony. :P
And yes, I have been mooshing my Blackjack and Glory figurines together for the last sixteen chapters, how did you guess? :V As for the long-term, I can take it or leave it. I mean, if this is the most they ever get to, I'm satisfied, and if they do more? I'll be happy. Most likely. :V You're right about Littlepip's romance, though! Such crap. V:
As for Lacunae v. Starlight, well, Starlight was pretty much the definition of a bad alicorn OC. I liked her best when she was angsting over Unity, but that didn't happen enough. Lacunae, for all that she's got zero character so far, is interesting because I didn't think you could do an alicorn character prior to Gardens happening. All we saw of them in FoE was pallette-swapped enemies, certainly with no individuality, so the fact that she seems to have a tenuous grasp on Unity is intriguing by itself.
6756916 Because I know your kind . . . because it's also my kind. :V Though I probably went through the chapters too fast on the first run to have quite the same degree of anticipation.
On Lacunae, well, it's the power of fanfiction: if something is impossible, that just means it's a challenge for the author to come up with a reason why it isn't. (See, for example, "nuh-uh, it's totally possible for these characters from two completely different worlds and time periods, to say nothing of their separate franchises and incompatible sexual orientations, to bone, and beyond that, they were absolutely meant for each other.")
ha ha it sounds like you've been peeking at my Gravity Falls/Adventure Time crossover ideas but that's impossible ha ha c.c;
let's see... let's google that...
And so it begins.
I just freaking died! XD
What in the whole wide wasteland!!
At first I thought Thorn was just going to walk "the walk" like the pilgrims. But this was so much worse!!
I didn't even get what "Wampage" was until the bridge.
I have a theory:
Is Rampage a schizophrenic or something!? That would explain how she didn't remember killing the foal when she was younger. It would also explain how her cutie mark is a huge mess. It's actually several cutie marks from several ponies. And how the b*** is Blackjack suppose to defeat Rampage. She's indestructible! Blueblood cut her head off!! What if Rampage just killed Thorn so that Blackjack would kill her!?
Uh hwat just happened
7631406 You sure you're thinking of Schizophrenia? Isn't that when you have a lot of hallucinations and your perception of reality is distorted? Your description sounds more like DID/MPD/ Multiple Personality Disorder where you harbor many "personalities", usually caused by childhood trauma.
who else teared up a bit at the end when Thorn was with Rampage on the brigde and said Wampage? or was shocked when they found out Gorgon and Stonewing were the same person? or even actually felt bad for Deus when it was revealed he was in agony basically 24/7?
I actually laughed when Blackjack narrated Rampage's cutie mark.
I kinda wish we got more of Lacunae in her introduction chapter, though. I feel like I barely understand her character at all right now.
I love it when you make jabs at the games mechanics. especially the pipbuck.
Goddamnit Rampage
And why did she kill Thorn? The fuck man. And HOLY SHIT THEY KISSED, (Plz fuck) More backround story of the alicorn pls
scarest cutie mark ever
not unless it gets blown off trying!
Wow. I knew Rampage was messed up, but I didn't know she was this messed up.
I'm starting to get the distinct feeling that she is the result of O.I.A., and that her moshposh of a Cutie Mark is far more then meets the eye.
It is true that each one symbolizes an identity. But what if one that shifts?
... I just looked up what Lacunae means.
plural noun: lacunae
an unfilled space or interval; a gap.
"the journal has filled a lacuna in Middle Eastern studies"
a missing portion in a book or manuscript.
a cavity or depression, especially in bone.
Sadly, it's quite fitting.
Goldblood...I'm on to you.
And the end went from sad to...worse...
(Remembers Stable 2's heritage) Piiiiiiip! Or Melody even!
Also, that 20% cooler joke was totally uneeded, but it still made me chuckle.
That ending was horrifying. Nothing more.
Welp.......I'm not sleeping tonight because of that ending......and now I'm had to kill thorn man...really!?!?! You couldn't have killed capmonger!?!.. I need a drink....ever clear here I come😖
wow. i've only read one other story with a moving Cutie Mark: "Triptych" by Estee.
“Oh? And how are you going to do that?”
are so easy." (intended informal speech?)
why are you the one doing the talking?” (still not fixed as IcyShake pointed out first)
you might find some answers about what’s going on (still not fixed as Fourpony pointed out first)
ejected the magazine. (I mean it is 10mm automatic, how would you magically pop out the clip which is inside the exterior magazine first?)
snatched up her magazine (unless a gun expert proves me wrong and it is clip)
around the magazine (unless a gun expert proves me wrong)
the spent magazine (unless a gun expert proves me wrong)
while the bear itself ripped at a distorted zebra glyph
with only the hissing rain,
Why did Glory have black leather armor that Blackjack thought was for sex work? Heh. Or looked like raider wear to her? Why would P-21 buy that when they exchanged it later for the awesome sounding Skyguard armor? Yessss the kiss from Glory to Blackjack scene again. I ship it so very much.
Gorgon was Stonewing of the Marauders. Damn. He was killed in the first chapter introduced as Gorgon back in Ch. 9. By a rock crusher no less.
RIP Applebot, it didn't seem to have ill intentions..
We finally learn about what EC-1101 is exactly. A contingency program every pony wants their hooves on for one reason or another.
RIP Thorn, dammit Rampage turned 'Nurse' Angel