• Member Since 25th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen April 1st


Just a brony who appreciates good literature and enjoys trying to make it.


Let's Try this Again. · 3:50am Oct 24th, 2014

Well hello FIM Fiction.com! (Net) Travolore here. (And Footnote. Sadly.) Well It would seem I've gained another follower so yay me! (Although with a name like Bronyslayer that may not be a good thing...) In writing news I actually am planning to release a prologue for one of my stories. So to all those who viewed my last post (All 12 of you) be sure to check that out when (not if?) it come out! To my followers (all four) thank you for following a guy who has done pretty much zip up until this

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Comments ( 28 )
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Thanks for shelving my fic!

Well, do be sure to like, share and follow and all that jazz ;)

I guess I'll just wait.

Oh and events happen a lot quicker and with less reason or natural progression.

Yeah so the original versions of those chapters were far less A) Detailed and B) Written and revised by about 4 different people. So if you wanted to back and read the original Chapter 1 from there you most definitely could but keep in mind the quality will be so so until about Chapter 6.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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