quick checking in · 4:23am May 8th, 2019
Hello everyone. I logged in just now to check up on this account. I have to say I've mostly moved on to other things--mostly furry things now. I'm catching up on season 8 right now and excited for season 9.
There was a notification saying that I received a message, but no new message in my inbox. If you sent me something, please send it again, or else message me on twitter (I'm uder the same username there).
I hope everypony is doing well! Stay awesome y'all! Love you all!
Well we're always looking for writers who are ready to take their works to the next step. And feel free to ask for help on anything.
Thanks! I've been working on original fiction myself for a long while and becoming more serious recently. I'll definitely be around in the group soon!
Hey, thanks for joining Original Stories, The Next Level of Writing!