Chrysalis's plan might've failed in Canterlot, but she has a plan B.
To have a changeling/pony hybrid (thanks to a late night with Shining) and use the child's powers for her own doing.
But when a regular earth pony (that almost looks like Shining) spawns with absolutely no changeling features or powers whatsoever, she realizes that, not only will she bring it to the father, since she has no idea how take care of a pony, but that that was her last shot at getting food for her subjects. Her plans at helping her children have failed one too many times now.
Maybe she shouldn't try anymore...Maybe she should just...give up...give up and take this abomination away from her so she can finally end this!
Unless the child and his step parents can change that.
Authors words...yo: As per usual. Editing by Alticron.
and don't worry. This is Chrysie's story here. Not Shining's.
Please make Chrysalis a good queen....please oh please
Great, another story with the "Chrysalis has a kid with SA" type of deal.
Honestly the whole concept is starting to become a cliché. At least yours has a twist to it.
EDIT: Seriously, it's just annoying.
4656874 Of course it's cliché, but look on the bright side: those things aren't that popular to write.
Tell me about it. Too many have been made like this, five is a big number!
Sorry that the concept is the same, but all the ones were from his view, and it was his story.
So, I thought switching it would be a good change, hopefully that's good enough for an original story to be a great read.
Cadance will be pissed as hell. But good job on the story. Hope everything goes well with Chrysalis.
But that's just my personal opinion. Even though I'm not going to read this plenty of other people will.
It's no matter if its cliche or not its matter what you gonna do with this and right now i like it very much. Only problem is that it felt little chaotic not sure why
shinning going be like : no i didn't mean to, the condom broken !
If I may suggest, this story is a perfect candidate for Crossbreed My Heart. Even if the offspring isn't a visibly obvious hybrid, the fact it exists at all I'd say qualifies
I love it! I know some people might say the whole "Chrysi had a foal with Shining," thing is cliche, but I find the idea interesting and especially with the fact that the foal is an earth pony. Please, continue this arc.
4657068 It's probably because everyling was afraid to give her a straight answer
It seems that Chrysalis actually cared for Shining Armor, at least, from my perspective- she loved him, couldn't have him, and now hates him. On top of that, she had a hatchling-hybrid to remind her of him.
4656874 nothing is orginal
This story set up now demands a three-way romance between Cadence, Shining Armor and Chrysalis.
Good Queen please! I wanna see some sad and tragedy tags as concepts not as the whole of the story!
They also generally sucked. Can't forget that... which might be why people complain about the premise so much....
4662653 4661633 Hey!
4656930 Glad to you're taking a different view on this than I or others. I don't like tragedies, but I'll follow this anyhow to see how it develops. Be strong brother.
4668532 Yep, your story is one of the ones that ruined this premise for me... it's been over a year and given that everyone reuses that same cover art I don't remember why exactly I disliked yours.
I usually don't like tragedies, especially concerning foals. But I just hope that in the end, the kid lives, and even if Chryssy dies, the rest of her hive through a McGuffin doesn't die as well. Especially since then it would be entirely Shiny and Cadance's fault.
4668679 If you can't exactly remember what you didn't like, how do you know it ruined the premise for you?
And it has not been a year yet, only fifty one weeks and three days.
4669238 1) Because of the glowing red thumb that appears when I go to the story.
2) There were three stories that used that cover art and premise at around the same time, after reading and disliking all three the premise was spoiled. Read three stories about x, dislike three stories about x, stop reading stories about x... it's simple logic.
3) Sorry, misread the release date as June not July.
4669393 What glowing red thumb?
And If you read three stories before it, but not the actual story, how do you know you don't like that story or this one?
Please PM me if you plan on responding. I don't want to take up comment space here with discussion about my works.
Working on my own story here, but then again, I kept enjoying the many stories of SA.
I like this. It has potential to be incredibly funny.
... Okay, first sentence/paragraph nearly killed me. Please, for the love of Faust... I-T-apostrophe-S means it is. I-T-S means it belongs to you. (aka possessive.)
sorry, couldnt resisst.
your probly gona say, ur not one. But I always find it funy when people freek out over lettl gramer misstakes.
but Im shur others will say a storie neads god grammer fot it to be parfict. so i'm sorry
maybe one editer isnt enough for a storie like zis.
I'll try two find anothor.
I apologies in advace.
Didn't have to be rude about it.
But yes, an editor would probably be in your best interests. I could be a proofreader, but that's just because I like this story and reading it ahead of time makes me want to be selfish.
4672843 Excuse me, I hope this doesn't sound rude, but there is something you seemed to have missed.
If you want to blame someone for a grammar or spelling error, than blame me instead since I should have caught it..
Oh wow that shout out for Celestiophobia. Anyway I love it, its great that emotions I can go with this, but not sure about that scene with mirror did he was scared of his self and Chrysalis didn't get it uh? Or maybe I didn't get something?
4672695 he be sarry not everypeople habe perfuct grammar skillz like us
At this point I am not sure if I want it to be funny. I like the serious feel is has right now.
She's gone to daycare!
4672825 Pfft, that made me laugh, thanks. The best part is, I can actually see Snoopy doing that.
4672843 4672891 4672985
And to you, and everyone else, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be posting comments when I only just got up, and slept poorly on top of that. I let my irritation and tiredness get the better of me, so for what it's worth, sorry for being an ass in how I worded pointing out the error(s).
4673306 Apology accepted.
Your teh ki-
Your're the kind of people who deserve internet cookies.
4673383 Well... Yeah. Just because I had something to say doesn't mean I have to be rude about it. A gentleman should always have manners and be courteous, as it is required to be taken seriously. Also...
(I had to.)
4673306 good
"To my loyal subjects,
I am leaving the hive to proceed to Canterlot and demand to see the father and dump the child onto his care. As much as he and I have made a child, I cannot take care of him with my lack of knowledge of ponies. So I leave you four to organize and keep the hive safe... While. I negotiate terms with the father..."
Yeah, this set up clearly suggests Chrysalis/Shining Armor. I will support this of course.
wonder how this will turn out since we saw how the infant reacted to its own reflection like it was a being it've never seen before, since the infant is reacting this way we can conclude that it is physically a normal pony but mentally a changeling and that is the perfect recipie for interesting things that will play out.
4675023 you are everywhere
4681036 Well, You cant have fun with just staying with one type of story... I like lots of diffrent stories and I read all kinds of diffrent ones that I enjoy That is why I'm everywhere!
This should rather be called "Of smiles and tears"...
4678855 All newborns react like that. It takes time before they can realize that it's not, in fact, another being in the mirror.
power of love to spot him
spot = stop
The mare put a hoof put a hoof
Hiv patted the colt’s head
IT sounds offle to have HIV patted on your head...
loving the story
4698097 huh, I did not know that. Thanks for letting me learn something new so I won't make the same mistake again.
I'm going to stop laughing now XD
4698097 So all babies are really spiders dancing in front of mirrors?
I can't wait to see the look on Shining's and Cadance's face. I'm just waiting for the horror of the Tragedy tag to kick in. It's kinda dampening the cuteness. Sad Tag now that'd be different, but it's kinda hard for me to D'awww, when I'm waiting to see everything Chryssy is trying to do fail horribly, and her entire race suffer what I can only assume is death by starvation.
Still nice fic, good characterization, and I can't wait to see if Chrysalis warms up to her child.
Dude, she may have said single mom, but you best to know every angle of what you have done...