The changeling drone held up a clipboard to defend himself for whatever rage his queen will do. “T-t-that’s right my queen...even the DNA tests proved it.”
Chrysalis grabbed the clipboard with her magic and flipped through the pages, studying each one carefully. “How many times?” She asked intensely.
“How many times what?” He asked weakly.
Chrysalis broke the board in half and narrowed her eyes. “How many times did you test it?”
The changeling started shaking “T-t-t-three.” The drone said meekly.
“Only three?!” Chrysalis threw the board pieces back at him, knocking him in the face. “Do it again!” She yelled.
“Ow!” The drone yelped as he rubbed his head. “My Queen...w-w-we're just doing a job.”
Chrysalis growled and picked up the changeling by his throat. “You don’t understand child, this is a very important task, and I must know if it this worked. Because if it...didn’t…then...d-d-did I...hit you?” Chrysalis frowned and looked into the bugs blue eyes in sympathy.
“My Queen?” The changeling continued to shake in fear, he had never seen the queen act so evil, except for the invasion of course, but never to her own subjects. She had been acting like this for quite some time now, it was only for a few weeks after the invasion failed, and she didn't want a single changeling in her quarters, but after a couple days, she was practically begging hatchlings to sleep with her for some nights, never really explaining why.
It wasn’t until a few days ago when she made more eggs that she told the others of a new plan that was coming, one that would work. This drone just hated how he had to go to her room and tell her the news that this plan was starting to backfire. He was just another caretaker, if only he chose rock instead of paper. “Um, well Queen you-”
Chrysalis pulled him in for a hug. “Please forgive me, little one. It’s just that, this would be the fifteenth time that a plan has backfired. I don’t want it to happen again!” She sniffed a bit of tears as the changeling struggled to get out of the death grip his mother was giving him. “Please tell me the egg didn’t mutate or something that could’ve caused this.”
“I-If you’re so c-concerned...neh…then why don’t you...gu...go have a look for yourself.” The changeling pointed down the hall while trying to breath through Chrysalis’ hug.
Chrysalis dropped the changeling and stared off into space. “You’re right, I must see this with my own eyes. Come along little one, let’s see if my nights with that idiot payed off.”
The changeling caught a breath and stood up. “Nights with who?” He asked stupidly.
Chrysalis levitated him and continued walking. “You know who, the one who may have devastated our kind, but will now know that revenge is-”
“A dish best served cold?” The changeling finished with a smile, which went away as his queen glared at him.
“Something like that…” She responded coldly. “Anyway, he’ll know that trying to kill us will be the biggest mistake him, his wife, and especially his sister have ever made in their lives! I swear it!” Chrysalis stopped and looked at her subject with fire in her eyes.
The changelings gulped and pointed behind him. “Um...we-we’re at the nest now…”
Chrysalis looked behind him and smiled. “Very good.” She dropped the drone and walked over him.
She took a big breath and looked around, the entire room was filled to the brim with changelings, almost each one was being cared for, except for the hoof full of caretakers, the only ones who were capable of healing their fellow brothers and sisters, but Chrysalis was more worried about the nest (or nursery, as the ponies would call it.)
Some of the caretakers took notice to the queen’s presence and stood in attention. “Queen!” One of them said. “I see that Tim has told you about the news?”
Chrysalis glanced behind her to see the changeling at the entrance panting heavily. “Yes he has...But I must see if this is true.”
The changeling raised an eye. “But he gave you the test sco-”
“She doesn’t want those Steve.” Tim walked beside his queen and continued to pant. “She wants to see it with her own eyes.”
Steve and the other changelings looked up at their queen, her expression was the most serious they had ever seen before. “Very well,” Steve said, with slight fear in his voice. “I-if you could come this way, my queen.” He extended his bandaged arm toward the entrance to the nest. (he’d extend his other arm, but it was currently casted.)
The entrance was draped with a worn fabric, since not very many changelings saw hatching as a ‘beautiful sight’ to them and would rather stay in bed and rest their wounds away then look at the nest. The queen levitated the drape out of the way and walked in, grinding her teeth in anger. “If this is some sick joke children…” She whispered.
The other changelings quivered in fear as they followed her into the nest. They gazed at the sight, the whole room was lined with cocoons, each one carefully made by egg hatchers. (The ones who see the process happen and make sure it goes successfully.) All of them were on the ground, but the cocoon on the very far right was the one every changeling was at.
Chrysalis slowly walked toward it. The caretakers looked at each other and started thinking that she would barrel through the crowd in order for her to see.
“Move…” She said darkly, making the crowd turn around, gasp, and quickly dispersed from the cocoon. She stopped mid way and looked over at the caretakers. “Are. You. Sure.” She said.
The caretakers quickly huddled. Chrysalis could only guess they were trying to figure out who should tell her. She crossed her hooves and sighed. “Just tell me, I won’t be mad.”
The hatchers that were around the cocoon quickly went toward the others eggs while the caretakers pushed Tim out of the group. He looked at them in anger. “Why did you pick rock?!” The others just pointed behind him, making Tim do the same.
The queen facehoofed. “Is it true…” She said.
“I-I-is what true.” Tim knew the answer, he just didn’t want to say it, he wanted to stall this for as long as possible.
The queen stomped her hoof down in frustration and turned around. “Can’t I get an answer out of anyling today?!”
Tim ran back to the group and hid behind them. “Next time, you’re doing it Carl.” He whispered.
“Why me?” He said, getting no response from the others. He groaned and crossed his hooves. “Man...I hate this hive.”
Chrysalis glared at her subjects and said, “Leave.” In the darkest tone of voice possible, making every caretaker and hatcher in the room do as she said within two seconds. Chrysalis sighed and put her hooves on the edge of the cocoon.
She wanted to look in it, to see if it was a lie, to see if it was a mistake, to see if this was some prank by her children, but as her eyes gazed into the glowing green open sack, she knew it was true.
There, sleeping soundly, in a pile of shells that she could only guess were from an egg, laid an all white, blue haired, non horned or winged...pony.
Chrysalis dropped her jaw and reeled her head back in horror. “No…” She whispered. “T-that didn’t happen…” She clung to her chest and looked away. “That did..not...happen.” She turned around and looked at it again.
It was still there, and it had no transparent wings, or a jagged horn, or even holes in its hooves, even it’s tail looked like...like...HIM!
“Shining...That...that...that…” Chrysalis turned away and growled. She was trying to think of what to call him, she knew what she was thinking about, that pony, that very pony, whose DNA had made it so she couldn’t bear an all powerful hybrid, the pony that finally answered her prayers to finally help her children, only for him to take it away, that pony who she...actually had sex with. Granted, he was just a mind controlled zombie at the time and just laid there and took it, but that still didn’t make it right in her eyes. “That….MONSTER!” She yelled.
Then she heard it, she knew she did, ears don’t twitch without a reason. Maybe it’s just the wind, or another sound outside of the nest, but no, it was a small yawn from that...that abomination. She turned around and looked at the cocoon again, only for her eyes to start tearing up. “No…” She cried. “Not your eyes too…”
Please make Chrysalis a good queen....please oh please
Great, another story with the "Chrysalis has a kid with SA" type of deal.
Honestly the whole concept is starting to become a cliché. At least yours has a twist to it.
EDIT: Seriously, it's just annoying.
4656874 Of course it's cliché, but look on the bright side: those things aren't that popular to write.

Tell me about it. Too many have been made like this, five is a big number!
Sorry that the concept is the same, but all the ones were from his view, and it was his story.
So, I thought switching it would be a good change, hopefully that's good enough for an original story to be a great read.
Cadance will be pissed as hell. But good job on the story. Hope everything goes well with Chrysalis.
But that's just my personal opinion. Even though I'm not going to read this plenty of other people will.
It's no matter if its cliche or not its matter what you gonna do with this and right now i like it very much. Only problem is that it felt little chaotic not sure why
shinning going be like : no i didn't mean to, the condom broken !
If I may suggest, this story is a perfect candidate for Crossbreed My Heart. Even if the offspring isn't a visibly obvious hybrid, the fact it exists at all I'd say qualifies
I love it! I know some people might say the whole "Chrysi had a foal with Shining," thing is cliche, but I find the idea interesting and especially with the fact that the foal is an earth pony. Please, continue this arc.
4657068 It's probably because everyling was afraid to give her a straight answer
It seems that Chrysalis actually cared for Shining Armor, at least, from my perspective- she loved him, couldn't have him, and now hates him. On top of that, she had a hatchling-hybrid to remind her of him.
4656874 nothing is orginal
This story set up now demands a three-way romance between Cadence, Shining Armor and Chrysalis.
Good Queen please! I wanna see some sad and tragedy tags as concepts not as the whole of the story!
They also generally sucked.
Can't forget that... which might be why people complain about the premise so much....
4662653 4661633 Hey!
4656930 Glad to you're taking a different view on this than I or others. I don't like tragedies, but I'll follow this anyhow to see how it develops. Be strong brother.
4668532 Yep, your story is one of the ones that ruined this premise for me... it's been over a year and given that everyone reuses that same cover art I don't remember why exactly I disliked yours.
I usually don't like tragedies, especially concerning foals. But I just hope that in the end, the kid lives, and even if Chryssy dies, the rest of her hive through a McGuffin doesn't die as well. Especially since then it would be entirely Shiny and Cadance's fault.
4668679 If you can't exactly remember what you didn't like, how do you know it ruined the premise for you?
And it has not been a year yet, only fifty one weeks and three days.
4669238 1) Because of the glowing red thumb that appears when I go to the story.

2) There were three stories that used that cover art and premise at around the same time, after reading and disliking all three the premise was spoiled. Read three stories about x, dislike three stories about x, stop reading stories about x... it's simple logic.
3) Sorry, misread the release date as June not July.
4669393 What glowing red thumb?
And If you read three stories before it, but not the actual story, how do you know you don't like that story or this one?
Please PM me if you plan on responding. I don't want to take up comment space here with discussion about my works.
Working on my own story here, but then again, I kept enjoying the many stories of SA.
I like this. It has potential to be incredibly funny.
I just burst out laughing when I found out the changelings were named Tim, Steve, and Carl. It's extra funny for me because, my two cousins who are also brothers just happen to be Tim and Steve, and their nephew is Carl.
Ok. Looking forward to see where this is going.
A little edit:
missing a word here.
This seems like a great story so far and I am interested where it will go.
4657270 I agree with you. =)
Attack Canterlot 1000 changlings, Capture the main six 200 changlings, lose the battle 3 bridesmaids See the end 1 princess ,

Get knocked up by the Prince Priceless
Did they break into hooves lab? Quite sophisticated!
I question the fact the foal is a Earth Pony but wouldn't mind seeing a few fics like this. Maybe even a reincarnated human as said foal.
Shiny never fails to disappoint.