Chrysalis stared out the window and took a deep breath, she didn't want to rush things. This was something that needed to be taken with great care, and all it takes is one small mistake for this plan to fail. She just needed to-
“Um...Ma'am; your uh, child is eating your hair.”
Chrysalis grinded her teeth and looked away from the window to see that the colt was sitting on the train table and chewing on her hair. She would've throttle him if it wasn’t for the pony looking at them.
She pulled her disguised hair out of his mouth and laughed. “Oh, you know colts, they just love to mess with anything.” Chrysie grabbed the colt and held it up to her eyes. “Especially this one.”
The pony shrugged. “I wouldn’t know anything about kids. There too much of a hassle for me to have.” He pointed at the colt as it tried to grab Chrysie’s hair. “I don’t know how you mares can handle something like that.”
Chrysalis yelped at it yanked on her hair again, she growled at him and whispered. “Do it again child…” She set him on the table and stared intently at it’s blue eyes. “I don’t know how I can handle it either.”
The colt crawled up to her and tapped her on the nose, making Chrysalis sigh and the stallion chuckled. “But at least it has cuteness to make up for it. right?”
Chrysalis rested her chin on the table and sighed. “Right…”
The pony stretched in his seat. “Does he get his looks from his father? ‘cause, no offence, but, he doesn’t have any of your features.”
Chrysalis got up and look at her reflection in the window. She didn’t look like him at all, a pink mane with a yellow pelt and green eyes probably wasn’t the best disguise to use when carrying a colt like this. A being a pegasus wasn’t that convincing either. She laughed nervously and adjusted her hair. “Yes, he does look a lot like his father...almost too much.”
“How nice,” The pony smiled. “where’s your husband?”
Chrysalis turned away to hide the anger on her face. “Somewhere...” She said through her grinding teeth.
The pony chuckled. “How’s he doin’?”
Chrysalis looked back at him, trying to hold her anger. “I’m sure he’s doing fine...too fine.”
The pony seemed oblivious to her rage and looked out of his own window. “Sounds great. Where are the three of you heading?”
Chrysalis thought about that. She had no idea where this train was heading, she just flew on from the tracks, disguised, and walked in. It was almost too easy, now she just needed to figure out where that alicorn and her husband were. Perhaps they were still in Canterlot, but Chrysalis knew if her plan actually worked, she would be long gone. So where would they be?
Chrysalis snapped out of it and looked at the stallion. “, where are you going?”
He smiled. “To the Crystal Empire.”
Chrysalis shook her head. “Never heard of it.” To be fair, she never heard of any place besides Canterlot. Inside Equestria of course.
“I wouldn’t blame ya, I never heard about it until a few months ago when it was found. I just want to see what the crystal ponies look like in pony, I heard there almost see through.”
Chrysalis raised an eye. Not sure what to think about ponies with see through bodies. “Sounds… interesting.”
“Sure is, especially since the new prince and princess are there.”
Chrysalis tilted her head, doing so made the colt grab the hair that was hanging from her. “Prince and princess?”
“Yeah, I heard about them in the papers, when six brave ponies ventured out into the winter tundra, with the prince aiding them, and talking about some big bad king named Sombra after he enslaved the entire race.”
“Pfff, some villain.” Secretly, Chrysalis was rather impressed to hear one pony was able to rule like that.
The stallion got up from his seat and walked up to her. “And it was so amazing to hear that Cadenza and Shining were able to defeat that monstrosity too.”
Chrysalis stood up from her seat and dropped her jaw as the colt hung from her hair. “W-what?”
“I didn’t know they were able to do it either, but apparently the paper said that Shining’s sister and her five friends helped defeat him with some crystal heart or something.”
Chrysalis was trying to take in this new information that this stallion was giving, all the while, the colt was starting to climb from her hair to the top of her head. “H-h-how did-”
“I know, isn’t it amazing, and to think they use the power of love to stop him. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, am I right?”
Chrysalis looked around worriedly. “W-what’s that suppose to mean?”
The pony shrugged. “Well, love took down that changeling queen a few months ago, and it took out that one king, seems like it’s pretty powerful, wait...King and queen, do you think those two were trying to take over together?”
“Like I would want to…” Chrysalis scoffed before clearing her through. “I-I mean, like she, a changeling queen, would need another ruler to aid her.”
The pony backed away a bit. “ okay?”
Chrysalis felt a drip of sweat starting to form around her head. “’m just-”
“You seem pretty protective about her, you don’t think she’s a good guy, right?”
The colt interrupted her by grabbing on to one of her wings swinging from it. Chrysalis looked to her side in annoyance while the pony looked on in amusement. “Aww, quite an adventurer, isn’t he?”
Chrysalis sighed, he had to thank the little one for providing a slight distraction. “Look, do you know when we’ll be at the next stop?”
The stallion looked behind her. “Actually, we’re here now.” He pointed out the window. Chrysalis turned around to see that they had indeed reached a destination, though she had no idea what it was.
She pointed at the window. “Is this...the crystal empire?”
The stallion nodded while getting his suitcase. “Yup, now I can finally see what a crystal pony looks like.” He walked away, leaving Chrysalis with a lot of information to soak in. All of this, with her worst enemies defeating another villain. It was becoming too much for her to han-
Chrysalis held in her screams as the colt fell to the ground with a piece of her hair in his mouth. He looked up at her and smiled. Chrysalis twitched one of her eyes and slowly picked him up.
Every part of her wanted to shove that hair down his throat. But the innocence of his eyes, and the bystanders that would soon watch, only held her back. “Just a little bit longer Chrysie,” She said to herself. “then you can be done with this.” She lifted the pony on her back and walked out the door, with her hair still in his mouth.
“Okay! Okay! I spy with my big eye...something….transparent.”
“Um….lets seeeeeeeee. That pony in red!”
The guard crystal grunted and tapped his chin. “What about...that pony in the green?”
“Nope.” The other crystal guard shook her head and smiled.
“That one with the glasses?”
The mare leaned on the guard. “Nope.”
The stallion groaned. “That one with the long mane?”
“Nu uh," The mare said while adjusting her hair. "but pretty close.”
The male guard started to catch on. “Alright...How about the one with the filly?”
“Mmmmhhhhh...How about that….that...whoa.” The stallion started trailing off as his eyes gazed on a sight that was more important than this pretend game of eye spy.
“That what Hiver?” The mare put a hoof on his armor chest plate and fluttered her eyes. “Don’t you think it’s that-”
“Beautiful, colt carrying, green eyed mare….with eyes that are”
“What?” The other guard followed her partner’s eyes to see a mare with a pink mane and yellow body coming there way. What bothered her wasn’t the colt on her back, but her eyes looking straight at Hiver’s in the most seductive way possible.
The strange mare smiled and waved. “Hello, you two wouldn’t mind helping a single mare like me,” She walked up to them and looked at the Stallion with pleading, glowing green eyes. “would you?”
The mare glared while the other guard smiled. “Of course we wouldn’t, right Loula?”
“Right…What do you need help with citizen?”
Chrysalis smiled and blinked a bit to make sure her eyes were doing their job. “Maybe you can help me get to the prince and princess’ home?” She pressed her hoof on Hiver’s armor plate.
The mare stepped between the two of them. “I’m sorry, but we can’t just let some random mare-”
“Oh come on Loula, she just want’s to know where they live, it’s no big deal.”
“No big deal! Hive, we can’t let them-”
Hiver shoved her out of the way and held Chrysalis’ hoof. “I’d be happy to show you the way to their home.”
Chrysalis giggled. “How kind of you.”
Lou ground her teeth. “Why do you wanna see them anyway?”
Chrysalis patted her colt with her wing. “I just want to show the little one where the...” Chrysalis sighed. “lovely married couple are living.” She almost threw up saying that.
Hive patted the colt’s head. “Come, let me show you and your little bundle of joy where they live. Maybe I you around the town while we're at it?” Hiver leaned on her and gazed deeper into her eyes. It was only making Chrysalis’ job even easier.
All the while, Loula was resisting the urge to help that pegasus’ colt chew a piece of her hair off. “Is there a reason why that colt is chewing a piece of your hair?” She asked.
Chrysalis looked away from the guard and smiled at Lou. “Oh, he’s just having fun. Don’t you was your name?” Chrysie tugged on on Hiver’s wings.
Hiver’s eyes turned from dark blue to bright green once she said that. “It’s Hiver.” He said lovingly.
“Hiver? What a lovely name.” Chrysalis giggled again and walked with Hiver by her side, leaving Lou with dropped jaw and a colt waving to her from the back of a stallion stealer.
4678855 All newborns react like that. It takes time before they can realize that it's not, in fact, another being in the mirror.
power of love to spot him
spot = stop
The mare put a hoof put a hoof
Hiv patted the colt’s head
IT sounds offle to have HIV patted on your head...
4698097 huh, I did not know that. Thanks for letting me learn something new so I won't make the same mistake again.
I'm going to stop laughing now XD
4698097 So all babies are really spiders dancing in front of mirrors?
I can't wait to see the look on Shining's and Cadance's face. I'm just waiting for the horror of the Tragedy tag to kick in. It's kinda dampening the cuteness. Sad Tag now that'd be different, but it's kinda hard for me to D'awww, when I'm waiting to see everything Chryssy is trying to do fail horribly, and her entire race suffer what I can only assume is death by starvation.
Still nice fic, good characterization, and I can't wait to see if Chrysalis warms up to her child.
Dude, she may have said single mom, but you best to know every angle of what you have done...
4700830 Um... What?
4739989 When spiders see themselves in mirrors, they don't know it is actually intact their reflection.
Since they think it's another spider, they try to intimidate it or something.
Looks like it's dancing lel
4743537 Most animals can't recognize their reflection, very few can.
There. They're. Their.

It's not that difficult dammit!