• Member Since 6th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen February 11th


"Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional."- Walt Disney


The final Two episodes to the Canterlot Wedding really got me thinking, why? Her family, friends, and mentor abandoned her, and only Applejack tried apologizing. What if Twilight was able to save Cadence and not herself.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 75 )

I'm not crying there is just got something in my eye!:fluttershysad:

This ought to be interesting. Please continue.

This story show great promise. Please continue.


NOBODY HARMS TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2:



Twilight’s part isn’t over just yet.

Next chapter will be out soon.

Oooh, I like this. I look forward to this story!

Great story, could improve with some editing. I'd be glad to help but only after this week as I have exams. You can always find somepony/someone in 'Looking for Editors' group. I want to see where this story goes... This has potential... I guess?

Crystal Out! xxxx

No, I'm not crying... Twilight always being a hero, even in the most critical moments of all.

You have captured my attention completely, this is a totally new vision of the Canterlot Wedding. I have a feeling that the promise between Candance and Twilight will be something important in the story. What will happen to Celestia, Shining Armor, Spike and Twilight's friends when they learn about the heroic act of the magic element?

I look forward to the continuation of this story, which seems to have great potential.

Comment posted by Bookworm217 deleted Nov 11th, 2018

Hmm... I am intrigued.

Good to see that Spikey finally saw things Twilight's way

This needs some editing, but I'm curious to see the next part.

" You c-can't." Twilight begged " Canterlot i-is b-being i-invaded." Twilight stuttered "Cadence l-look at m-me."
"Promise me t-two t-things: you'll m-marry S-Shiny and that you'll t-tell him, S-Spike, Princess C-Celestia t-that I f-forgive t-them. Ok?"

But, Twilight...what about your friends?

They chose the wedding over her, which is a real slap in the face when you take Lesson Zero into account. Knowing Twilight, she most likely died assuming that they weren't her friends anymore..

You've earned yourself a follower, can't wait to see what you create in the future:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Bookworm217 deleted Nov 12th, 2018

Damn you Sombra, just because Radiant dump you ass doesn't mean you can kill random purple mares! Oh plus Princess Amore's blood relation revenge or some shit for trapping his race. Then again this is a AU and not relating to the comics, so I should expect a different background for Sombra being who he is. I will find out later if the next chapter comes in.


Unfortunately, I never read the comics. My mom just wouldn’t buy them for me. I have read a few online tho.

After Chrysalis was gone, everypony in the room looked at the figure. After Shining recovered from the shock, sputtered " T-Twilight?!" Twilight gave him no heed and turned to Cadence. She spoke so quietly that she was barely audible. After a few tries, she spoke loud enough for everyone to hear her.

Cadence, remember your promise! Promises have power! You need to-

She couldn't finish her sentence. The figure disappeared beneath the floor. Everyone looked to Cadence who had tears streaming down her face. Before running out of the room, she whispered:

I promised her...

As cheesy as this is going to sound but, Please Twilight, you can't go yet. You have so much to live for.

Understandable mate, only time you can read them is online and maybe youtube. I think a link of it exist, but do you really want it or you already have plans.

Comment posted by Bookworm217 deleted Nov 13th, 2018

No problem note it's not needed, since it isn't canon.. However, just because I like the fact the comics give a background on Sombra's story on how he became what/who he is.

This is where he comes back

Thanks! I really appreciate it!:pinkiesad2:

No problem, now if only they made a soft spot for Chrysalis in either show or comics....sadly that isn't the case. Meh we will work with what we got.

I wish you luck on this AU Sombra or show version Sombra.

What’s the name of the next comic?

sorry :facehoof:I forgot to mention them. I was trying to get this chapter out and this story approved.

yeah im really sorry about that. Homework and school have been getting to my head.:fluttercry:Im really sorry:facehoof:

Oh I completely understand school has me swamped too lately.

thanks for understanding:pinkiesad2:

It's okay mate understand and oh my, this would be interesting for Sombra for the most part as what will he do with Twilight's soul that his best friend would need it. Oh the anxiety builds up, the fact this is a AU makes backgrounds unpredictable, even if we go by comics or show, we don't know if the author changed it up for Sombra's best friend to have passed away or go to a coma after finding out the truth that she still loves him. Unless something deeper has to play in this.

I know this story focus towards Chrysalis and changelings as antagonist, but technically they caused this to happen as expecting Chrysalis to twist those emotions later. I can picture Twilight's body to be use for reincarnation sequence if we go biological means. The evil bug is such a dastardly creature, I mean she made evil clones as a last resort based on the genetics and trees.....damn dark magic is quite the beasts with that logic.

Now for Shining Armor, he is portraying the sense when a close family who deeply connected dies, they can tell something is very wrong. Magic can be seen amplifying that moment, so damn that sucks for the stallion. Now I wonder how the mane six would handle without their leader as the time passes.....We shall see on the next chapter after our author has some barrings with life. Oh yeah good luck.

Thanks. And that was some deep thinking.:pinkiegasp: I’m glad that you are liking this story. :pinkiehappy:

Yes! Shadow has made its appearance. I must say that I like your character, even if it doesn't appear much. Anyway... what does Shadow plan to do with Twilight? Will she survive?

Uff, tremendous chapter, a refreshing and quite good story.

Well, you just touched on a subject I've always been interested in. Shining Armor's brand is pretty much the same as Twilight's, except for the shield. Now, I have some theories as to why Shining Armor connected with the soul of Twilight.

What is that promise that Shadow has made? To whom was it made and what role will Twilight play? A lot of questions that gather in my mind. You know how to leave wanting more.

Thanks:pinkiehappy: I read a lot of books that they taught me sentence structure, paragraph structure, cliffhangers:scootangel: and how to get your reader thinking.

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