• Published 7th Apr 2014
  • 1,005 Views, 51 Comments

That one strange story about a donkey. - ocalhoun

There once was a very large donkey named Eugene. He used to be a pirate, before his operation... which was challenging due to his vampire autism.

  • ...

It just goes downhill from there.

Thunder crashed across the sky, sending jagged forks of lightning dancing among the dark clouds. Eugene sniffed the air.

The unmistakable smell of ponies drifted in on the growing evening breeze. Good. His vampire instincts flared. Food.

He rushed across the rolling hills of the landscape, dodging trees that were no more than small bushes to him. His three hooves pounded into the ground, nearly as loud as the thunder, and his tree trunk of a peg-leg beat out a staccato rhythm.

Before long, he reached the edge of a little town full of thatched-roof cottages. Thatched roofed cottages. His bad eye twitched behind its patch. Burninate the peasants! He shook his head. He wasn't an autistic pirate anymore. Just autistic. There was no need to burn, just to feed.

This late at night, nopony was outside. He'd have to go looking inside the houses to find any victims. It was a shame, really, having never seen the sun ever since he was bitten by that vampire-fruit-bat-pegasus hybrid. He snarled at the thought of that pegasus, with her dastardly fangs hidden behind a veil of lovely pink mane.

Slowly, as quietly as he could (which was still very loudly), he crept into the village, staying to the main streets because the smaller alleys wouldn't be able to accommodate his girth. Which house would he raid tonight?

The wind picked up, moaning around the eaves of the houses, and a delectable hint of floral perfume caught his scarred nose. That one!

He shook his head. His vampire instincts could be so insistent some times. What about all the other, closer houses? He could just lean over and suck a pony dry right now if he chose, but no the vampire in him wanted the one that smelled nice. He sighed. It would have to be done.

Rushing through the main street of the town, he abandoned stealth for no reason. It grew dull, after all, raiding villages in the night. Somewhere, not so deep inside, he longed for a little excitement and adventure... something like back in his old pirating days. Sadly, those days were no more.

Lights flickered on in the town. He was drawing attention. He didn't care.

Finally, the source of the aroma presented itself, a strange, round tent with a carousel at the top. He skidded to a stop right next to it, digging big trenches in the soft sod under his hooves. He lowered his nose to the second story windows, sniffing for the source. Not here. Slowly making his way around the building, he kept at it, until one slightly cracked window tickled his vampiric senses.

He lowered his head a little so he could peek inside.

A pale unicorn laid on a pink and red bed inside, snoring delicately. No lights or sounds disturbed the room at all. The intoxicating scent, though, that was definitely coming from her.

He grinned. This would be easy. Lightning quick, he shoved his head into the window, cracking through the glass and smashing through the wall as he bared his fangs.

A horrible screech sounded from inside. Something sharp dug into his nose.

Eugene reared back, stumbling and falling onto his rump. His eyes crossed, staring at the tip of his nose.

A little white cat stared back at him, latched onto the soft, sensitive skin of his nose with its claws. As he watched, it leaned down and bit him again.

He howled flinging his head all around, but the feline remained stubbornly in place, causing him pain far out of proportion to its size.

Finally, he was able to regain his senses, despite the attacking cat on his nose. He smirked, knowing just what to do.

His big pink tongue stuck out from his mouth, curled upward, and swept the cat down.

He swallowed it in one gulp.

An ear-splitting shriek rang out from the ruined tent. "OPAL! What has that thing done to you?"

The cat didn't reply. It was busy clawing at Eugene's esophagus most uncomfortably.

The white unicorn shrieked again. "Friendship team, ASSEMBLE!"

He just stared at her, one eyebrow rising behind his eyepatch.

With a rainbow blur, a blue pegasus landed in front of him. "Power of Awesome! ..."

An orange blur sped in, leaving an earth pony in its wake. "Power of Fruit! ..."

The white unicorn hopped down from the hole in her wall and joined the two below. "Power of Sparkly Rocks! ..."

A pink earth pony hopped in. "Power of Fun! ..."

A purple alicorn touched down behind them. "Power of Books! ..."

A yellow pegasus dropped in. "Power of Cute! ..."

"By our powers combined," the six chanted, "we are TEAM FRIENDSHIP!"

His eyes locked onto the yellow pegasus. "You!"

She just cringed away, but the orange pony stepped up. "You've got a lot of explainin' to do, missy!"

He stomped a hoof down, making them all bounce of the ground slightly. "Aargh! Who be ye callin' 'missy'?"

They all glanced at each other.

"I be a stallion now! Ever since me operation!"

The alicorn tilted her head to the side. "But... you're a donkey. That makes you a jack, not a stallion."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. What have ye. But ye be callin' me Captain jack, savvy?"

"What have you done with my cat?" the white one snarled.

He burped. The little white cat came flying out. It sailed over the carousel tent, screaming the whole way.

"All better?"

The white unicorn's magic brought the cat sailing over to her. "Not all better! All soggy!"

"Come on, team!" The purple one stepped to the front. "Let's take care of this quick and get back to bed!"

"Yeah!" The rainbow-maned one shot into the air. "Let's kick this giant ass's ass!"

"Thankfully, I've learned a new spell that should handle this just perfectly." A smug grin crept across the alicorn's face.

"Ooh, ooh!" The pink one bounced. "What's it do?"

Her grin grew even smugger. "It summons a defender from another dimension to vanquish our foes!" She smiled. "Let's give it a shot!"

"Oh no you don't!" He rushed toward them, but it was too late. The purple one's horn was already glowing.

With a crack that everypony present felt in their bones, a strange creature appeared in front of Eugene. It was tiny. It was orange. It stood on two legs. Only a tiny bit of face was visible inside the hood of its puffy orange coat.

"What is that thing?" The pink pony stared at it.

"Mhe? Imm Kmmy."

The purple alicorn grinned. "Well, Kenny, go and vanquish our foe!"

"Whmm?" The little thing turned to look at Eugene. It turned back toward the ponies and pointed a finger at itself. "Mme?" Its eyes went wide.

Without warning, Eugene swept down and bit into it, sinking his fangs deep. Within seconds, he sucked all the life out of the little thing.

"Oh my Invisible Pink Unicorn!" the purple one shouted. "He killed Kenny!"

"That bastard!" the rainbow one replied. "Try again!"

Eugene laughed, letting the drained child drop from his jaws. "Bring it on. I could use a few more snacks!"

The purple glow from the alicorn's horn shot out again.

Along the moaning wind, a melody seemed to pick up. Fell voices played at Eugene's ears as they drifted in and out of the wind.

The second time the eerie voices came, he was able to catch the words. "Go go Power Rangers!"

As another series of notes floated through the breeze, he cocked his head to the side. "What?"

It came again. "Go go Power Rangers!" The music played again. "Mighty Morhphin' Power Rang-eeers!"

With a blinding flash and huge fireball in the background, five figures in colored pajamas and helmets leapt onto the scene, flailing their arms and legs all over the place in a staggering variety of karate-like poses.

In just moments, they were upon him, flailing at his legs, each with a different kind of weapon.

"Ow! Hey, quit it!" He swung back at them with his peg leg, knocking them back one by one. "Those things sting!"

Shaking their heads, they picked themselves up off the ground. A big glowing blue face appeared in front of them, booming out "It's just as I feared" in a deep voice.

The red one turned to the blue one. "We need Megazord!"

Eugene (very politely) sat and waited for several minutes while their huge mechanical dinosaurs rolled up and assembled themselves into an even huger mechanical man. Frankly, he couldn't help but stare at the spectacle before him.

Finally the mechanical monstrosity stepped up to him. He barely came up to its knee. "Aye... That'll do it," he muttered.

An enormous metal boot rose up and then arced toward him.

He darted away, but he couldn't move fast enough, it was bearing down on him from above, and there was nothing he could do about it but watch his imminent demise on the way.

The huge metal shoe descended, blocking out his last glimpse of the sky. It made contact. He was crushed down impossibly hard. He stumbled and his face hit the road. Immense crushing pain filled his world--

* * *


Rarity wiped a smear of red goo from her face. "Ew! Gross gross gross!"

Twilight grimaced at the mess all over the street. It had splattered over half of Ponyville, and it coated the walls of all the nearby buildings. She dismissed her summoned defenders back to the universes they'd come from, whispering an apology to wherever that little orange kid had come from. "Well," she said, turning to her friends, "I guess we need to get this cleaned up."

The End

Author's Note:

Yeah. This story is terrible.
If you'd like to read a good one instead, try The Dark Side Of The Sun instead.

Comments ( 51 )

Should I read this?
You put me in a tough spot here buddy.

Yeah, that's an exclusive group alright.

You maniac! You actually did it, you maniac!

"It summons a defender from another dimension to vanquish our foes!"

I probably should have stopped, there. Heck I probably should have stopped at the title. Glad I didn't though.

Cheers, Null

Hey, somebody finally had the sense to downvote this thing! :rainbowlaugh:

And I probably shouldn't have written it. Oh well. :rainbowlaugh:

Finally, a story idea that people can't tell me is cliched!

When I saw that group, I knew I had to do this.

Only one way to find out... :raritywink:

Upon further review I realized that Eugene is transgender, not a transvestite. I’ll let it go this time, but if it happens again I’ll be forced to ban you from the group.

Aw... no 'close enough'? :rainbowwild:


I said I'd let it go, didn't I?

4194803 How do you know that Eugene isn't lying about the operation, which not only makes him/her a transvestite, but a dishonest one too. (Which goes with Pirate, I believe)

Mkay. ^.^

(And are transgenders technically also transvestites? I'm not sure.)

This is my new explanation! :rainbowkiss:


Not necessarily. If a man becomes a woman and then starts dressing as a man, then they are a transgender transvestite. If you dress as your new gender, you are merely transgender.


You just blew my mind away! It makes Eugene an interesting character study.

My god...
Sexiest thing I've ever read!

4194857 So Eugene would have to be a male donkey who only imagined that he really was female and was lying about having surgery to turn into a male, thus making him/her a deluded liar, who is only a transvestite in his own mind⁽¹⁾. (Actually I'm thinking of this from the other side where she really is a female, who only imagined that she was really a male, and is lying to everypony about having gotten surgery to be turned into a female, which she already was.)

In any case, it would make shopping for clothes a pain, particularly with the peg leg.

(1) This discounts the possibility that Eugene is really a confused hermaphrodite, or a seapony.


Exactly ^.^

I think you may be over-complicating things just a bit. :unsuresweetie::rainbowlaugh:

Well, I've decided to downvote my own fic. :derpytongue2:

4194960 I see! Eugene lying to the audience is actually a metaphor for Eugene lying to himself! But what does he lie about? His actual gender? His status as a transvestites or transsexual? Or some other aspect of his sexuality?

The answer is that we don’t know… because Eugene doesn’t know! Is there any way for us to know Eugene’s gender? No. Because there is no way for us to know our own gender, no way for us to truly know ourselves at all.

This fanfic puts us in the drivers seat of identity confusion, asking questions few dare to ask about not only sexuality, but identity in general.

Bravo, Ocalhoun. Bravo!

Yes, that is definitely the deep underpinning message I was going for with this fic. :derpyderp2:


4195038 Well, it's obvious...

That was fun to write. :twilightsheepish:

I'm glad I actually read this.

Aye. 'Tis glorious.

Me too! :rainbowlaugh:

Much glory
So wow
Big donkey

I demand a totally normal sequel about a zombie zebra midget ninja.

Only if she's also a pole-dancing firefighter!

She should end up fighting the Thundercats.

Past Sins can't even compare.

I know, right? :rainbowlaugh:
That fic didn't even have one power ranger in it!

Yes. Yes it was.

What? People are still reading this thing?

What the funambulist...

Except I doubt Eugene has the necessary balance. And he would probably break the rope.

RANDOM YAY! :scootangel:

Oh, this story.
My first failed attempt at getting a mostly negative rating on a story.

4953519 Well that worked well, didn't it? :rainbowlaugh:

Not at all! :raritydespair:
But then I succeeded with my horrific Flash Sentry fic. :pinkiecrazy:
And then I succeeded again -- without trying -- in The Opposite of Love. :facehoof:

... okay. that was... an experience.

have a like :trollestia:

People still read this thing? :rainbowderp:

6524039 i just stumbled upon a very interesting group and saw it had a single story within it, then curiosity followed.

Ah, that. Yes.

I wrote this story because I found that group, and I was determined to make a story that would fit in it.

6526020 yes, that dialouge is stiill on it's front page.

Author Interviewer

Needs more Power Rangers and less not-knowing-the-difference-between-a-transvestite-and-a-transsexual. :B

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