• Member Since 13th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen July 15th


A casual fan who enjoys casual reading and writing!


Set in Five Score, Multiplied By More, based on the hit fanfiction Five Score Divided By Four.

He's an eccentric, aspiring disc jockey from the commons of New Jersey. She's a refined, aspiring classical musician from a family of old money. Vic Spencer and Olivia Ravensdale couldn't be more different, but have been a shining example of opposites attracting. However, they discover their relationship may have more to it then they thought when their lives are turned upside down as a strange transformation overcomes them, caused by a mad god from a world once thought to be fictional. As the strange phenomenon occurs throughout the world, they look for answers of what to do next.

Rated Teen for some strong language
Pre-read by Luna-cy, big thanks!

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 166 )

There's a place between heaven and hell
Don't need a map, just follow the smell
A place filled with filthy air
A place full of dark despair
A place you have no prayer
A place called

New Jersey


I should know, I spent the first six years of my life there, and still visit family that live up there from time to time. Tis... quite a place indeed :pinkiecrazy:



how I feel about English -> :raritydespair:

Next chapter.

"Not one speaking role?!"
"Tavi it's O.K.-"
"We are complete nonponies!"
"What are"
"How does anyone know how to characterize us?"
"How can we even be ponies from the show we're practically not even in the show!"
"I am angry, Vinyl!"
"Ok but wait, wait just hear me out. What if... we're not turning into ponies from the show?"
"Have you looked in the mirror lately?"
"No no that explains why the ponies we turned into are so similar to us. All that Discord dick had to go by was a... a name, and what, a trading card? That's the only thing that really changed, is our names!"
"So what you are saying is that, aside from the name Octavia Melody is not like me because I was destined to be her, but..."
"Because she was based on you all along!"

And then they find the mountains of fan-creations, and their fragile grasp on making sense is once again shattered.


The chapter I comment on is listed inside my comment automatically. Just do a text search for "insured" after that.

Dammit, another Five Score story I end up staying up until odd hours of the morning to read.

Worth it.

Isn't this five score bullshit banned?

Edit: found the corollary. Wow. You're really /that determined/ to pollute the site that you'd actually stick out 30k words to yet another lazy fucking spinoff in an attempt to try and cash in on this particular bandwagon?

Dude, it's OVER. let it fucking die.

No. New Five Score stories need to be at least 30000 words to be published, to demonstrate the author is dedicated to it (rather than just going on permanent hiatus right near the beginning of the transformation, like a few of the early side fics did).
This fic accomplishes that, and therefore doesn't deserve to be treated any more harshly than any other Pony-on-Earth fic.

4650075 The entire series is nothing but bandwagon bait. It's people with zero creativity going 'HEY, LOOK! SOMETHING OTHER PEOPLE ARE WRITING ABOUT! OOH, I CAN DO THE SAME, THAT WAY PEOPLE WON'T REALIZE HOW UNCREATIVE I AM!"

People polluted the site with this shit so much that the nods had to actually step in and go 'wow, ok, no. Cut that shit out.'

There are only two possible reasons for this fic existing: either that this guy's narcissistic enough to think 'Hey, I know this whole genre of fic and everything related to it was so stupid it got banned from the site, but I'm so good I can magically make it not be awful!', or he's been working on it since before it all got banned, in which case... That's rather sad.

This may surprise you, but some people enjoy pony-on-Earth fics and transformation fics.

And the 30000 word rule successfully limited the bandwagon effect. For months there was not one new Five Score fic.

The nature of fanfics is that they will never be completely original. Anyone who writes one is by default relying on the efforts of others for some degree of world building or character development. Writing a fic in the Five Score universe is just choosing to rely on both the show and another fic for the world building side, instead of just the show.



Isn't that technically all fanfiction? When you get down to it, fanfiction really isn't the most creative art, but how you put your own spin on it can give it value. That's what ShadeJak is trying to do.


People polluted the site with this shit so much that the nods had to actually step in and go 'wow, ok, no. Cut that shit out.'

No, it's because people were starting stories that currently had no ponies and quit before they actually got to the ponies. It wasn't because Five Score was in great quantity, it was because people were making stories without the necessary content, which this story actually gets to.


There are only two possible reasons for this fic existing: either that this guy's narcissistic enough to think 'Hey, I know this whole genre of fic and everything related to it was so stupid it got banned from the site, but I'm so good I can magically make it not be awful!', or he's been working on it since before it all got banned, in which case... That's rather sad.

If you knew ShadeJak's views of the first story your first option is actually kind of close, just not quite so condescending... and he's not a narcissist. Five minutes with him will tell you that.

I think this fic is exceedingly well done so far. After I finish this one, I'll have to check out your other five score fic. Thanks for writing!

This is going onto the tablet to be read. I've been a fan of the 5s/4 universe for a bit now. And I've just posted my own take on the story. So, I'm always glad to see someone else wanting to tackle this universe and the massive number of ponies that end up populating the Earth. I'll post another comment once I read what you've put out so far, but initial impression, awesome!

4650089 A good story set in an established universe can be a very enjoyable read. And the best stories that are spinoffs take the basic premise of the story and play with it, making it their own. I'm trying to do that with mine, as are other authors.

4649813 It's around the beginning of the chapter!

If there was one thing that was more then crippling about this change other then losing hands, it had to be height. Being the height of a german shepherd insured I was about eye-level with the refrigerator door, but most of the stuff that I’d intended to prepare for some kind of meal had suffered a terrible lack of foresight on my part

At least, I hope that's what he's talking about really...I'm assuming. :derpytongue2:

4650089 Seriously? That's the basis of all fanfiction; taking the ideas of something and putting your own spin on it. You're going to insult someone for creating a story that you don't like? A lot of people actually do like these stories, including me. How narrow-minded do you have to be to slander an entire fan base of fiction just because you don't like what they write?

Not even taking in account that you're misinformed of the real reason the mods banned 5s/4 fics below 30k words.


Thanks, now I can go and get it. :pinkiecrazy:

Update: Fixed it!


And then they find the mountains of fan-creations, and their fragile grasp on making sense is once again shattered.

...and that's before they see the comments and replies attached to pictures of them on 4chan's /pony/ section. :trollestia:

This is the first time I've your stories and I have to say they're pretty good. Expect a follow today. ;)

I applaud you, you have done a marvelous job so far. I am looking forward to their reactions to not having a more important role in the series. I also find it interesting that discord seems to be taking a more direct role in their transformation process.


For you, sir, I have a question. Do you enjoy reading books? Do you enjoy watching movies? Maybe more specifically, anything Sci-fi or fantasy? Like Star Wars, or Star Trek? The point I am trying to make, is that very little out there is completely original. Most ideas come from being inspired by other ideas.

I refuse to hate on you, even if I feel your behavior is trollish, because I think we are all entitled to our own opinions.

Furthermore, I say that it is actually a challenge to take someone else's universe and write a story in it that is of quality. That is what those of us who write 5s/4 fics are trying to accomplish.

I personally enjoy emulating one of my favorite authors, Michael Stackpole, who wrote both Battletech and Star Wars novels. All of which were incredible!

Thanks, I'll get off my soap box now.

It occurs to me that I've never seen Five Score ponies buy their food online. I think I recall one ordering a pizza or something, but the major supermarkets in Australia have online shopping and I'd be surprised if that's not an option in much of the US as well.


I can just see it :rainbowlaugh:

Vinyl: I'm in the mood for pizza. How bout you? I can totally order one!
Octavia: And you'll explain to the delivery boy why a small white talking unicorn is answering the door how exactly?
Vinyl: ...We can worry about that later. Too hungry to right now.

This is pretty good. There's a few minor mistakes here or there but nothing major.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter and don't let anybody tell you writing a story like this is unoriginal. If that was true there'd be no such thing as fanfiction.


Thanks so much! :twilightsmile: I'm working on the new chapter as we speak, I should have it up before morning(I stay up all night since I work an overnight job)

Gettin' ideas, huh?:pinkiehappy:

Next time vinyl builds a bass cannon. Will it work???

Yes! Another Chapter!

Great Work, looking forward to more!:pinkiehappy:

Oh lordy I knew the pizza guy would totally buy their story, and Vic's buddy would just walk up right when they opened the door to get the pizza. :rainbowlaugh:

Be more stealthy, electric blue haired pony!

Only Olivia could pull off eating a piece of cheese pizza with only her mouth, and still make it look dainty and sophisticated.

Absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter!:heart::heart::heart:

A very sweet chapter. Vinyl's freakout was well done, and I liked Octavia's handling of it. Thanks for writing.

A little fun fact: The original concept of this chapter was much more lighthearted, it was changed because the stark change in tone seemed jarring and detracted from the story.


Definitely. It's always odd how quickly stories deter from what's originally planned sometimes. I actually meant for more humor earlier on in the story, but it seemed to go a different direction. It probably would take some acceptance of their situation before they can really get into circumstances that would make either of them want to laugh though and those moments would be more appropriate to put in then

As nice as it is to see a new(-ish) Five Score fic; what's going on with A Love For Madness? Out of inspiration, or are you waiting on Dash Attack's The New Boss to catch up?


The latter. Once that one's caught up it'll be resuming! :twilightsmile:

Cops..it's always Cops ruining everything! dangit...it's probably the same ones from before too! Good luck Vin-eer..Vic Spencer and Octa--Olivia. :derpytongue2:

Well I'm loving this so far. I haven't caught up with a love for madness yet either, though I've got a tiny attention span for reading the same story, despite loving to read. What I've never understood though is why the five score fics we're never rated as well as other general stories ratio wise. I suppose pony transformations on earth isn't exactly the most popular genre :ajsleepy: oh well though, I will continue reading.


Thanks! Hope you continue to enjoy it! :twilightsmile:

So glad to see a Vinyl and Octy Five Score fic that is still going. A very well done story so far, ShadeJak!

I defiantly look forward to seeing more chapters! Keep up the good work!


Thanks, I didn't have much time this weekend to make another chapter due to Bronycon, but I'll be working on the new one this week and try to have it up this coming weekend :twilightsmile:

We are here to commemorate the life of Vinyl Scratch, dream prophet. She was snuggled to death one late Friday evening in a tragic incident involving a sister and several nieces.

I was worried for a second there. :rainbowkiss:

Lol at least the girls didnt put dresses on Vinyl and Octavia.

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