• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.



Rainbow Dash needs help with a problem. It's the day before Hearth's Warming Eve, and she still doesn't have a gift for one of her friends. But for this particular friend it can't be any old gift, no. This gift is for Twilight Sparkle; Student of Princess Celestia, Element of Magic, and Rainbow's crush.

Happy Hearths' Warming to everyone. I hope you enjoy this special I threw together for the festive season.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

better late than never, good story.

Mmm, fluffy.

We needed some TwiDash goodness at this time of year. Thanks for delivering!

A few misspell words but no biggie. This wasn't too bad.:rainbowkiss::heart::twilightsmile:

A few punctuation and spelling errors aside, a really nice fic. I'd say you could try to jump less between different places, like putting the Princesses part at the end and instead add more fluff to the middle part, like:
Canterlot (RD asks for advice) -> Ponyville (the evening, the trip, the fluff and even more fluff) -> Canterlot (Tia/Luna dialogue + ending)
It's easier to read that way.

Anyway, good job! Keep it up!:rainbowwild:

That was how I originally had it planned out, but half way through that I decided to switch it up because I wanted to have Celestia write a letter in reply to the one Twi sent, but then realized I didn't have anything for either letter that would make a reply necessary, so I didn't include the second letter, and just never fixed to order.

Twilight's weight settled evenly across her book.

I think you mean back at the end

Its too bad we have to wait for more... but i want it NOWW!:applecry:

Just a few minor spelling issues:

“Thanks for the help!” she called over her shoulder as she starter walking out of the throne room.


“So... yeah...” she started awkwardly as Twilight continued to stared at her.


Thankful that she could magically heat the water,s he set both mugs on the coffee table and joined Rainbow on the couch,


With that aside...this was a wonderfully fluffy Twidash. :twilightsmile:

Aww, how cute! What a perfect way to start the new year.

There were a few spelling errors here and there, but not to any extent that it drew me out of the story. Also, the fireplace and hot chocolate scene reminded me quite a bit of "Winter's warmth", which I loved.

A great little story for christmas. Sad I only found it on new year's, but as I said, a great way to start it.

Nothing like a good bit o' fluff to lighten up your day, and this is just full of it! Love the bit with the box!

This is absolutely the sweetest thing :3 I especially love the structure of the gift (the whole three parts thing) and the inclusion/equality of the royal sisters in the plot. Overall, beautifully written TwiDash, somewhat fluffy but most importantly pleasantly heartwarming. You seem to have taken a different direction in your writing with this one, which I suppose could be because it's a holiday setting rather than a normal situation. Still, props for venturing out of the legendary comfort zone :twilightsmile:

As always, I enjoyed reading and I look forward to more. Ren out.

PS. Thank you for referring to Boxing Day; it's so disappointing when people (Americans) don't even know what that is.

PPS. Tell AppleDashFan132 that the editing is beautiful.

Honestly that was one of the most adorable Twidash stories I have ever read. Great job. Just one quick spelling change.

While the clouds were formed originally by pegasi, the longer they staid in the sky the bigger nature's effect on them.

It should be corrected to stayed or even better a word would be remained
But I love love love this story. Quickly into my favorites.

Hehehe, good timing; I'm actually working on a sequel to this right now for my second Christmas Special.

Thanks for the mistake, by the way, I'll get on that

TOO MUCH D'AWWWWW. My heart melted

Not much of a TwiDash fan, but this was nice.

You get :derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2: out of :derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2:

Great job once again! All the d'aaaaaaawwwww's were given that day.

Well executed. A great fluff piece.

D'awww that was such a sweet story :pinkiesad2::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::fluttercry:

Great little :twilightsmile::heart::rainbowkiss: well written.

Upon seeing Rainbow's fascinated look, she sighed. “It's not as interesting as you might think. Trust me. Just the other night I found a pony dreaming about eating dinner. Eating dinner! Can you believe it? In one's dreams, the only limit's are the imagination of the dreamer, and they dream about eating dinner!”

My favourite part of this. XD

"Too much fluffy romance!" *heart explodes* I legitimately cannot get over how cute and sweet this is, brilliant job mate. #TwiDash4life

“Princess of the Night means Princess of everything that goes on during the night, including – but not limited to – dreams,” she explained, sounding almost bored by the prospect. Upon seeing Rainbow's fascinated look, she sighed. “It's not as interesting as you might think. Trust me. Just the other night I found a pony dreaming about eating dinner. Eating dinner! Can you believe it? In one's dreams, the only limit's are the imagination of the dreamer, and they dream about eating dinner!”

Oh no. Somebody check on Scootaloo, quick!

How can that be your favorite part when it has dark connotations for Scootaloo!?

“Now Luna, I'm sure they quite enjoyed their dinner,” Celestia mocked with a teasing smile, making Luna cross her hooves and grumble about boring ponies and their boring dreams.

Come on, Celestia! Aren't you the least bit worried!?
:trollestia: over a chicken?

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