To whom it may concern. · 12:17am Oct 21st, 2014
Hello, guys, it's my blog and its here you'll find projected update dates, and whatever ideas i might have. So about that, i have chapters 2 and 3 for posting, but im really busy and updates may be few and far between. thank you for your time.
Thanks for the fave on In the Moonlight!!
Glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for the fave!
1491595 Okay. I'm not too sure I could work a gdoc, but I'll try.
1489910 its fine i could also link u to the gdocs
Saw the stuff that went down on my email.
My sis and I have to share an account, and she does not know what kind of things I do here.
My bad. And sorry, I don't have Skype.