• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen July 15th


Notice Board

Hello everyone,
I just wanted to say that at the moment I am drafting my stories to be well written and dynamic, so in the beginning updates will most likely be very slow.

Also as I go any important events that will affect my posting schedule (once I establish one), polls, and the such.

Post Scripture: I'm taking a small break to organize my ideas then I'll be pumping out chapter at least once a week.

And remember

To be fancy or not to be fancy, that is not a question.

Comments ( 7 )
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Thanks for the watch! ;;

Thank you very much for the watch. :D
I hope I've earned it!


What is this place?

Thanks for faving Tough Stains. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

*hugs* Have my love in the form of a follow!:heart:

Thanks for the favorite on Man of War! Feel free to comment and be sure to check out my blogs.

Brony on!

Thanks for the fav.:twilightsmile:

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