• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 4,611 Views, 21 Comments

The Time We Have Now - HiddenBrony

Rainbow Dash is accepted into the Wonderbolts, but one pony sees their time is running out.

  • ...

The Time We Have Now

“It’s supposed to be super-tough, but I’m not worried about it! I am the greatest flyer in all of Equestria, after all!” The high-flying boast could only come the one and only Rainbow Dash. Sky blue with signature Rainbow mane, the speedster was in the middle of her self-congratulatory speech in front of her assembled friends. “This time next year, you’re looking at a certified Wonderbolt!” Despite the calm and collected mare she was attempting to portray herself as, Dash couldn’t help but give off a high pitched squeal of delight as her friends surrounded her with praise and wishes of good luck.

“Congratulations Rainbow!” Twilight Sparkle chimed, an excited grin on her face. The lavender pony hugged her friend briefly as she spoke to the assembled group. “Everypony should be able to follow their dreams like this!”

“Oh this is so exciting!” Pinkie Pie cheered. The pink mare spun around on one hoof with her forelegs extended out like wing. “Rainbow Dash, you’re gonna be like zoom, and then pwabam, woosh, zoosh! Dipping and ducking around, Pinkie kept up an unreal sense of balance before finally hitting the ground with all four hooves as Applejack brought the pony back to earth.

“Whoa there missy, let’s keep the flyin’ to tha’ ponies with wings,” she smiled, letting Pinkie go as the hyperactive mare nodded her head at Rainbow Dash. “Well, that’s quite the news, R-D. Ah know if anypony’s up for the challenge, it’s you.” Dash beamed as Applejack gave her blessing, a slight blush creeping up on her face at the wave of compliments from the friends who had a history of keeping her grounded.

“Well, I for one am simply jealous that our Rainbow Dash gets to spend six months in Canterlot.” Rarity’s eyes fluttered at the prospect, a small smile on her face. “To be surrounded by such like-minded ponies...” she trailed, before chuckling. “Of course, after your little stunt at the Best Young Flyer’s Competition, I think this whole training thing is a bit redundant.”

Twilight smiled as she shook her head, her horn glowing as she approached one of the many books that lined the shelves at her library. “Actually Rarity,” she began, a book flying out towards her friend, the insignia of the Wonderbolts emblazoned upon it, “The Wonderbolts are more than just stunt ponies. They’re also some of Equestria’s most accomplished service ponies. You remember when they came to your aid during Spike’s...” Twilight trailed, words lost on her to explain the terrifying day when Spike’s dragon instincts kicked in.

“I think we can call it a ‘big episode.’” A voice called from the back. Spike sat away from the girls, a gemstone in one hand and a quill in the other as he tapped the sapphire against his chin. He seemed lost in thought, but soon shuddered as he relived the day in his head. “I’m not gonna let that happen again. Big dragons are really dumb.”

Giggling at Spike’s candor, Twilight referred back to Rarity. “The Wonderbolts require a lot of teamwork and have to learn how to deal with unexpected threats across Equestria. They’re a first response team,” Twilight exposed. A smirk played on her face as Dash took everypony’s attention.

“Yeah, and I’ve spent the last few years becoming on expert on Dragons!” Rainbow Dash cut in, a smirk plastered on her face. Rarity smiled, her eyes averting from the sky-blue pegasus as she closed them.

“So when are you leaving, Dash?” A demure voice broke the silence, Fluttershy looking interested. “I wanna spend as much time as possible with you and all the girls before you head off; it’s going to be awhile before we can see you again.”

Twilight nodded slowly, her expression slowly changing. “That’s right, Rainbow. You won’t be able to come back to Ponyville during your training.” Rainbow Dash tapped her chin, shrugging nonchalantly.

“Don’t worry about it Twi, I’ve gotten a lot better at writing letters recently,” Rainbow joked, a knowing smile passing between all the ponies present. Turning towards Fluttershy, Dash waved a hoof through the air. “Well, there isn’t a whole lot of winter left, and training starts in the middle of spring, so I think I’ve got maybe two months to hang with you girls,” she said, her wings outstretched. “I should be back before you know it- and back before the next Running of the Leaves.”

Applejack chuckled, throwing a hoof over her friend’s back as she butted her head against Dash’s softly. “Maybe this year you’ll actually run, or do we need to get that rope tied around your waist again?” Dash visibly winced, nervously laughing the remark off. Applejack, pleased with herself, let the mare go as she returned alongside Fluttershy, a victorious smile on her face as the butteryellow pegasus giggled softly.

“Six months and then you’ll be back, right?” Rarity asked, her voice subdued. Dash looked over, her self-confident smirk met with Rarity’s brilliant cerulean eyes, but instead of their usual sparkle, her eyes seemed fearful. Hurt, even. Rainbow’s smile faded as it was replaced instead with a bemused stare. “Right, Rainbow Dash?”

“Well, I...” Dash began, her eyes darting back and forth as she searched for an answer.

“Well a’course she’s comin’ back!” Applejack hooted. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything further, her eyes watching her white-coated friend. “Ya can’t keep a pony like Dash away from her home for much longer’n that!”

Twilight’s eyes never left Rarity as Applejack rebutted Rarity’s question. Walking forward, Twilight looked over all her friends slowly before speaking. “Rarity, I wasn’t aware you’d miss Rainbow Dash so much if she left.”

Rarity’s eyes bulged slightly, but as she was met with the stares of all her friends, she quickly cleared her throat. “Well, yes. Somepony has to miss our fair Rainbow Dash and await her gallant return into Ponyville.” Her eyes drifted from the group, instead finding interest in the clouds outside. “I cherish all my friend’s equally, and I’m sad to see them go,” she defended, before adding, “even if it’s just for a short while.”

Rainbow Dash’s confused expression had been replaced with a softer, more bashful smile as she looked at her unicorn friend. “Thanks Rarity. It means a lot to me that you’d miss me enough that you’d be upset.” Locking eyes with the unicorn, the two regarding each other from across the room.

“Well, duh!” Pinkie said, cutting the mood. The rest of the friends shot glances over to the pink party pony, who wore a look of mild contempt. “Of course we’ll be sad when you’re gone, Dashie!” Hopping over to her partner-in-pranks, Rainbow found herself subjected to another one-hoofed hug as Pinkie nuzzled the pegasus roughly. “But you’re still here, so we’re gonna make the best of the time we have!”

Rarity shot up, her eyes once again back to their bedazzling norm. “You’re right Pinkie! Now is not the time to focus on the negative.” Pointing a dramatic hoof toward the pegasus, Rarity shot a confidant smile as she slammed her hoof down for effect. “Rainbow Dash! As Celestia as my witness, you shall have the best two months you ever had in Ponyville, ever!” Poignant delivery aside, her speech was met with a stunned silence from most everypony.

Applejack’s amused expression was all that partnered up with Rarity’s declaration, the farmpony shrugging. “Well, S’far as anypony else is concerned, Ah’m gonna treat ya like always, RD. No use’n changing things up when you’re bound to come back.”

Fluttershy looked at her feet. “Well, um, I guess I could spend some more time watching you train over Sweet Apple Acres more often than I do. And don’t worry about Tank, I’ll make sure he’s taken care of until you get back.”

“Thanks Fluttershy, saved me the trouble of asking you myself.” Rainbow chuckled, her eyes continually glancing at the white unicorn as she busied herself talking to Pinkie Pie about party plans. As Twilight joined the two, Rainbow lowered her voice as she pointed over at them. “Say, you guys notice anything... I dunno, weird, about Rarity today?”

Fluttershy stared blankly at the group of ponies before shaking her mane. “Nothing too out of the ordinary, no. She’s always been kinda dramatic.” Fluttershy giggled a little, but by the expression on Dash’s face, she stopped and cocked her head to the side. “Why, do you think something’s wrong?” Her voice was already filled with concern, but Dash quickly shook her head.

“No, it’s... probably nothing,” Dash admitted. “I just thought... yeah, it’s nothing.” Covering up her unsureness with a smirk, Dash dropped the subject, her eyes floating towards the white unicorn, who continued to help Pinkie plan a party like she’d never seen.


“She’s up to something, I know it,” Dash muttered, her hoof on a glass of punch. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie sat opposite her as they sat together for lunch. “Are you sure she isn’t trying anything weird for that party she keeps trying to throw?”

Pinkie Pie shook her head, he lips puckered in confusion. “No, I don’t think so. It’s been really nice that she’s been so helpful with planning parties - I never knew she was such a party pony at heart! She’s been really excited too!” she admitted, her grin broadening as she continued. “I think she really wants you to feel special, Dash.”

“I guess.” Dash drummed her other hoof on the table as she looked over to Fluttershy. “And she hasn’t said anything to you at the spa?”

Fluttershy shook her head softly, taking up her juicebox she had brought from home to save money. “No, nothing really out of the ordinary,” she said. There was a moment’s thought before her eyes brightened. “Oh, she did say something new, last time.”

“She did?” Dash jumped up, her tail whipping about as she put her hooves on the table and leaned forward. “What did she say?”

“She said she wasn’t going to let a chance like this slip by her again,” Fluttershy mumbled, her eyes staring at the smooth yellow table beneath her hooves. “She’s said that on and off for a year now, but Rarity never tells me what it means. I’m worried about her sometimes.” Looking up, Fluttershy saw that she only served to confuse her friend more, so she shook her head with a frown. “I’m sorry, that really didn’t help, did it?”

Dash leaned back, her wings flaring to stop her momentum. “What chance? I don’t remember any really big pranks or something.” Tapping her hoof on the table, her mind wandering. What could Rarity possibilty be doing, that’s she’s going to such lengths for?

Pinkie Pie shook her head, prodding Dash’s side with her snout as she smiled. “Silly filly, why do you gotta think it’s bad?” she reiterated. Dash had to admit, Rarity wasn’t exactly known for being vindictive. In fact, she was quite the opposite, which only served to confuse Dash further. “So okay, why would she want to be all super friend now? I know I’m leaving but, I mean, I’m gonna be back a lot of the time... What could she possibly want to do with this...” she waved her hooves around in a tight circle around eachother, her eyes darting over to her fellow pegasus. “...Chance?”


“I’m sorry, can you say that again? Slowly.” Twilight breathed, putting a hoof on her forehead. Rarity stood opposite her, her eyes flying all over the library looking for Spike. Spinning about on her hooves, the ivory mare flew both hooves on to Twilight and looked her right in the eyes.

“I. Love. Rainbow Dash,” she seethed, throwing her hooves off of Twilight as she stomped about the library. “I don’t even know why, but I can’t even begin to doubt my feelings for her, Twilight.” Twilight was shaking her head repeatedly as Rarity went on, her head trying to wrap itself around it. “I just keep reliving every single moment I’ve spent around her. That wonderful mane, that chiseled body, oh how I yearn to touch-”

“OKAY!” Twilight shouted, her horn sparking as she reflexively shot a pillow across the room and into Rarity’s open mouth. Opening her eyes, Twilight realized her reaction was a bit off, but swallowed her mistake and acted as if it was all part of her plan. “I don’t need to know about any yearning, no yearning.” Rarity nodded dumbly as she spat the pillow out of her mouth, kicking it away with a limp hoof like some used rag. “I don’t even know where to begin with this, Rarity.”

“I-I know darling, but you must realize I was going to explode with this secret if I hadn’t told somepony.” Rarity threw her forelimb over her head in some dramatic fashion, which her friend took in stride as she walked over to one of her bookshelves. “I certainly hope that I haven’t offended you in some way, Twilight. I know you’ve mentioned your own preferences before...”

“My preference is that I have no preference. Anypony worthwhile is fine by me, you know that,” Twilight said with a smile, looking back at her friend as her magic pulled a book off the shelf. “You don’t need to worry about that - lots of ponies have been opening up their dating pool these days - it’s hardly the social issue it used to be, back in Granny Smith’s time.” Looking at the book that levitated near her head, Twilight congratulated herself for pulling it off the shelf without looking. “Ah, here’s the book I’m looking for. The Egghead’s Guide to Matchmaking - Fillyfoolers edition.”

Rarity trotted over, peering at the title herself. “I cannot believe that’s an actual book, Twilight.” Twilight shrugged and opened the book, sliding on the table. She figured she’d give it a look later, and wheeled about on her friend. “So, how long has this been going on? You never really struck me as a pony who enjoys... you know, other mares.” Twilight flicked her hoof in one direction, than a couple times in the other as to indicate Rarity’s ‘other direction.’ “If you ask me you don’t even seem all that happy about it.”

“I’m not!” Rarity raised her voice, much to Twilight’s surprise. “Can you imagine me in a relationship with Rainbow? We have nothing in common, and she’s so... brash! The very definition of uncouth!” Rarity worked herself into a tizzy as she paced around the library, her steps quick and deliberate. “And don’t get me started on her mane! Such a beautiful array of colors and she hardly ever washes it! I know sleeping on clouds has its benefits, but so does shampoo and conditioner!” As Rarity continued her tirade against Rainbow Dash’s lack of personal hygiene, Twilight felt she was getting further from the answers she sought.


“I got my hooves on it once you know, Twilight,” Rarity ignored, looking at her hoof as if Rainbow’s mane was resting in it. “She allowed me to wash it, just that one time when I got to focus on it, just me and her. It was wonderful.”


“Have you felt her mane before, Twilight, when it’s so clean? It’s like the smoothest silk- I can hardly keep my hooves off of it, but alas, she had to go! Oh Rainbow Dash, if only you knew how I felt!”


Rarity stopped, her pupils shrinking at Twilight’s annoyed expression. “Oh, um, yes Twilight?”

“How in Equestria have you even kept this a secret?” Twilight exasperated, groaning loudly as she folded her hooves, sitting down on her haunches. Rarity sent her a bashful smile that the mare ignored, her hoof tapping against her chin. “You avoided my question earlier. How long have you been harboring these feeling for Rainbow Dash?” Twilight imagined that it couldn’t have been long - the outspokenness of her friend wouldn’t have allowed the crush to have stayed a secret.

“Oh, well...” Rarity muttered, her eyes flickering as she stared at the floor. “Not very long at all. Just since the... Best Young Flyer’s competition,” she admitted. Twilight’s jaw dropped.

“Rarity! That was more than a year ago!” she screamed. Reeling in disbelief, Twilight slowly let herself digest the information.

Rarity, on the other hoof, slammed her forelimb on the ground in defiance. “It was not a year ago Twilight Sparkle!” she defended. Twilight looked up, mildly confused. “It was a mere eleven months, twenty nine days, and two hours ago!”

Twilight’s face fell, her hoof greeting her forehead for the umpteenth time today. “No. Of course that’s not a year. Silly me.” Deciding not to press the issue further, Twilight quickly got the idea of what sparked Rarity’s interest in Dash. “So, what you’re saying is you’ve been harboring emotions for our fair blue pegasus friend after she saved your life.”

Rarity’s eyes bulged at the suggestion. “Twilight! How dare you make such a claim that I could be so shallow? I’m not some mare to be won over by some daring... selfless... wonderful...” her words trailing, Rarity looked at the floor. “Well, I guess I do make a pretty good damsel.”

“Twice over. She and Fluttershy had to save you again after Spike’s ‘Big Episode.’” The lavender unicorn looked about for her assistant, making doubly sure he wasn’t about to walk in on them having this conversation. Poor guy’s heart would break. “Rainbow does have a penchant for always being there for everypony. I can see how that’s attractive.” Twilight mused, her hoof reaching toward her chin as she considered Rarity’s problem. “Rarity, have you, y’know, tried talking to Rainbow Dash about this?”

Rarity shook her head, bucking off the suggestion. “Certainly not! Why, I don’t even know what I’d say - I mean, she’s so driven in her training, she might not even really want to consider having a relationship with anypony.”

Twilight chuckled, opening her book as her magic flipped through the pages, the whipping sound of paper turning quickly bringing the white unicorn close to Twilight. “Oh Rarity, you’re not just anypony though. You’re just as driven in your work with your dresses, it’s just a different interest.” Pausing, Twilight shot a knowing smile toward her friend. “And if this is any indication, I’d say you’ve had tons of time to consider dating.”

“You really don’t have to put it in such plain terms, Twilight.” Rarity huffed, her eye catching a page in the guidebook. “Hold on Twilight, go back a few pages.” Kicking the red aura into reverse, Rarity’s hoof slammed down on a page as Twilight flipped through the book. Gripping the book in her own magic, Rarity lifted it off the desk and started to look through it carefully.

Twilight raised an eyebrow as Rarity took off with the book. “Why, what’s on that page, Rarity?” A moment’s silence followed as Rarity continued to look deep into the book, whereas Twilight took a step forward. “Rarity? Oh not again.” Horn sparkling, Rarity found herself reading thin air as Twilight plucked the book right out of her grasp, drawing it close as she read it. “What has you so interested in this that you can’t...” Twilight trailed, her pupils shrinking. “C-can’t.... oh my.” Closing the book with a slam, Twilight matched gazes with Rarity. “So, I guess that’s how wings work in bed.”

“Deeply informative.” Rarity replied automatically, her voice wooden.

“I guess that’s explains the term ‘wingboner.’” Twilight’s eyes stared at the ground as her cheeks reddened deeply. “I didn’t even consider using them in that fashion.”

Rarity closed her eyes hard as she shook her mane about. “Agree to never speak of this again?”

Twilight nodded numbly, her magic quickly tossing the book into the nearby fireplace.


“Well Ah tell you, RD, Ah ain’t got no idea what goes on in that pony’s head sometimes.” Applejack grunted, throwing a hay bale on to a stack several ponies high. Wiping her brow with her foreleg, she wearily shrugged as she worked her way past Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, intent on finishing her chores before midday. “Rarity’s always been a bit of a pickle to me, but if’n you ask me, she’s always got her mind on somethin’ or other. Can’t take a moment to relax, that one.”

“But she goes to the spa and everything, that’s relaxing!” Pinkie Pie rebutted, to which Applejack merely bleated back, her mouth filled with rope. The two ponies followed her outside, where she quickly lassoed a large, nearly-empty barrel, pulling it alongside her towards the barn. As she placed it along the broad side of the barn, she saw fit to answer Pinkie.

“Yeah, but she’s always talkin’ about the spa at work and work at the spa,” she countered. As she did, though, Applejack stopped, taking a moment to lean against the barrel, propping herself on her hoof as she considered something new. “‘Course, she hasn’t been talkin’ a lot about either as of late.”

Rainbow stepped forward, her eyes sparkling as she suspected Applejack was on to something. “What’s she been saying, AJ? I’ve got to know!”

Applejack’s gaze shifted from Rainbow Dash to Pinkie Pie in slight befuddlement. “Well that’s why Ah’m confused y’all are asking me. She’s been spending her time with Pinkie and Twilight most days, preparing your party. Ah hear it’s gonna be a big one.”

“Oh, the biggest party!” Pinkie agreed, throwing a hoof over her friend’s back. “There’s gonna be cake and ice cream and punch and games like Pin the Tail on the pony, and Spin the Bottle and she said I get to mix the jams!”

Applejack shook her head quickly as she stared at Pinkie Pie. As she opened her mouth to speak, Rainbow Dash took the lead instead, “Whoa, hey, aren’t we all a bit old to be playing Spin the Bottle? I haven’t played that since I was at flight camp.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, RD, but didn’t you go to an all-fillies camp?” the farmer chuckled, neatly dodging a swipe at her hat from the cyan mare.

“There was a boys camp too!” Rainbow challenged, her face beet red. “Besides, I never got picked, so there.” Crossing her forelegs, Applejack just silently chuckled at her friend’s expense, prying herself off the barrel and leading the girls to another part of her farm.

Pinkie Pie picked up the conversation from where Rainbow left off. “You never got picked? Aw, you poor little filly, sitting there while all the other ponies get their kisses.”

Applejack ignored the pity party Pinkie was throwing Dash, instead focusing on the details. “Ah don’t know if Ah like the idea of playin’ that game anywho. Some of us ponies have significant others that wouldn’t like us partakin’ in such games,’ she added, her mind wandering. “Nor would Ah like them ta’ be playin’ neither.”

Before Rainbow could interject, Pinkie shook her head. “Oh, you don’t have to worry about making kissyfaces with anypony, Applejack! You wouldn’t even be picked, Rarity said so.”

“Oh she said that, did she?” Applejack shot back, her eyes afire. “Now why she so sure nopony would wanna kiss me? Unless she was takin’ control of that bottle herself, she ain’t got no right to be makin’ that kinda assumption.” As the words tumbled out of her mouth, Applejack’s speech slowed from righteous anger to dawning realization, her eyes refocusing on Pinkie. “Pinkie,” she drew out the mare’s name long and low, “what exactly did that mare say?”

“Which mare? There are three of us here, and then there’s Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity, too!” Pinkie continued naming off mare’s in Ponyville before Rainbow Dash stuck a hoof in her mouth.

“She means Rarity, Pinkie,” Dash sighed. The discussion seemed to be going around in circles. “Why, what do you think’s she’s doing, AJ? You got an idea?”

Applejack looked straight at Rainbow Dash, her mouth strained against the side of her face. “No, sorry Rainbow Dash. Ah ain’t the type to go around spreadin’ rumors now.” Shaking her head, the pony whipped her tail about. “Now, Ah got a lot more chores to be doin’ ‘round here and while Ah enjoy yer company, girls, this ain’t the type o’ stuff where many hooves make light work.”

“Oh come on, Applejack! You can’t get an idea and just leave me hanging!” Rainbow Dash plucked her hoof from Pinkie’s mouth, flying up alongside the farmer. Despite repeated attempts, Applejack ignored her pleas for further clarification.

“Look, Rainbow. Ah’m not sayin’ Ah’m right in what Ah suspect, but it isn’t my place to say.” Applejack paused briefly, looking solemnly at her cyan friend. “Ah don’t suppose you’ve ever tried.... talkin’ to Rarity, have ya?”

Dash’s wings froze, her hooves hitting the ground as she shook her head violently. “Talk to Rarity? Hay no, I barely know what to say to her when we’re all together! ‘Hey Rarity, how’s the weather? Still doing that dress thing?’” Dash’s eyes peeled, her voice lowering. “She’s like a total opposite of me.”

Applejack chuckled. “Yeah, she ain’t like much like you ‘n me, Dash, but y’all have other, less apparent aspects which you’re really akin to. Not to mention, Ah don’t think you’re giving her as much credit as she deserves. She’s a tough young mare, remember.” Diamond Dog incident aside, everypony got a laugh on how long she had stuck out with Prince Blueblood back at the Gala. Still, Applejack’s matched Dash’s in tone as she put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Now, listen, Dash. Rarity is your friend, so don’t be so scared a’ speaking to her. Ah bet this thing she’s got goin’ for you is something special.” Before Dash could react, Applejack brought her close and attacked her friend, her hoof digging into Dash’s scalp as Applejack gave her a noogie. “Now stop expecting tha’ worse of yer friends ya big baby.”

“Ow! AJ, stop it! Leggoleggoleggo!” Dash cried, struggling in vain as Applejack maliciously continued her assault, Pinkie Pie laughing in unison with Applejack as she joined in.


Twilight’s breath fell easily over the pages of a more abridged version of The Egghead’s Guide to Matchmaking - Fillyfoolers edition - For Prudes. Giving a dissatisfied look over the title, Twilight sighed and brought her hoof down gently as she turned toward her friend. Rarity had been a bit less forthcoming after the incident with the previous version, and had been spending the last hour pacing in the same line in her room.

Eventually, Twilight have a more hefty sigh, Rarity looking up to meet her gaze. “Well, there isn’t much here that doesn’t sound completely crazy.” Twilight decided not to mention that additionally, they all sounded likely around Ponyville. “These are all wild scenarios that I’m supposed to force upon you two without your knowledge - there’s nothing for helping a friend come together with another one.” Catching the book in a wave of magic, Twilight replaced it on the shelf.

Rarity’s face fell, her face slowly contorting into self-pity. “I should have known there was nothing a book could tell me about romance,” she tried. Twilight rolled her eyes, trotting forward until she was close to the white unicorn.

“Rarity, I don’t think you’re going about this the right way.” Twilight placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder, giving her a soft, reassuring smile. “Looking for some quick fix to your problems that guarantee your preferred outcome just isn’t going to happen anywhere - a book, a spell, or even a potion.” Sliding her hoof off her friend, Twilight’s horn called for another book, straight off the shelves as she brought it to her desk. “But they can help, or even slide things in your favor.” Opening its pages in a flash of magic, Twilight beckoned her friend over as she reminded herself on its passages. “This is a book I read when I was just a little filly. Actually, it was the Princess who gave it to me.” Putting a hoof to her lips, Twilight smiled at the memory.

“Well Twilight, that’s very sweet of her, but I’m not sure how a foal’s book is going to help my situation, dearie,” Rarity declined, casting a disapproving shadow over the pages.

Twilight chagrin was plain on her face, but she chose not to pursue it. “It’s not really like that, Rarity. This book taught me to be open and honest about my feelings when they were strong.” Twilight’s eyes strained over the area where Rarity had paced, and she was sure she could see hoof impressions beat into the wood. “I’d say your feelings are plenty strong.”

Rarity’s eyes scrolled through the texts on the wall, looking for inspiration among the bookends. “Well, Twilight, we do agree on something.” Sighing deeply, Rarity closed her eyes as she looked at the ground. “But... Well strictly speaking I’ve never had much trouble in the land of love. Dear, do you have any idea how difficult it is to reject so many advances daily?”

“It must be Tragic.” The studious unicorn’s sarcasm seemed to go ignored by her friend, instead taking the opportunity to continue unabated.

“The very idea that I could be so... readily rejected. My, the horror that might befall my career!” Rarity swooned backwards, Twilight instinctively catching her friend with her magic before she hit the hard floor. Sliding a small pillow under her friend, Twilight released her before approaching with a well-meaning smile.

As Rarity gracefully returned to her hooves, Twilight demeanor changed as she raised Rarity’s chin. “Rarity, it may come to a surprise to you, but rejections are a part of social life.” She had no intention to belittle the fashion designer, of course. “I think it’s time for you to just go for it. Throw caution to wind and try to claim your prize.”

Rarity took a step back, her eyes dancing along the floorboards. “Isn’t that a bit rough? I’m not exactly the most rough and tumble mare around.” Relenting, Rarity’s posture corrected itself back into its more regal disposition as she considered it. “However...” Rarity’s eyes began to sparkle, “I do suppose there is a certain... excitement in the straight forward. The direct. Yes, I can see it now. Rainbow Dash is a rugged mare - she’d appreciate the sheer doggedness of my proposition. Why, she might be putty in my hooves if I show her what kind of mare I can really be!”

Twilight’s confidence took a sour turn as Rarity continued. Her smile was plastic as her eyebrows raised, “I’m not sure that’s exactly what I meant-”

“Nonsense, Twilight Sparkle! It is exactly what you said. Throwing caution to the wind!” Rarity’s hoof was thrown out in an overly dramatic fashion. “I must show Rainbow Dash the very fire of my soul!”


“Do not wish me luck, my friend! I, Rarity, do not require it!” With all the flair of a Canterlot performer, the mare disappeared out the door. As Twilight went to chase her, she found her discarded assistant right outside the door with a look of utter bamboozlement on his face.

“Twilight?” Spike groaned, his eyes spinning in his head. “What happened?”

The lavender unicorn looked after the hastily retreating mare in the distance, and sighed through her nose. Throwing on a motherly smile, she quickly hustled Spike back inside. “Nothing you need to be worried about,” she lied, “probably just some new dress idea.”


“And then what happened?” Sweetie Belle asked, her body leaning forward as she listened to her sister’s story. The sticky summer day had kept the two unicorns inside all afternoon, Rarity cooling the air inside every so often with a spell she picked up from Twilight Sparkle. It was much too hot to do any work, and tatters of her early morning work laid scattered about her boutique.

The alabaster pony picked herself up off her pillow, her horn sparking to life as she made her way to her tea kettle. “You can’t just end the story there!” her younger sister pouted.

“Oh Sweetie Belle, I’m not finished with it, but it’s such a story. I’ve already had to skip over so much to fit it in the afternoon.” Rarity sighed, noting with disappointment that her kettle had run cold from overuse of the cooling spell. Placing it back down, the unicorn wheeled about to face her sister as she lit the fires of the stovetop.

“It’s been five hours.” Sweetie Belle said flatly, her hoof pointing towards the window. Her sour expression softened as she continued to stare at her sister. “I don’t mind, though.” Rarity’s eyes flashed over to the window, the evening moonshine filtering in through the curtains, painting patterns of fabulous equines across the floor.

A jolt ran through her body as the fashionista, forgetting her tea as she galloped to her room. “Of all the times to be lost in a story,” Rarity called out behind her, leaving the befuddled Sweetie Belle to trot up to the door of her sister’s bedroom. “I simply can’t believe I’ve allowed myself to be so unprepared tonight.” Inside, Rarity was tearing through her drawers, scattering clothes and dresses about. The equine beauty rummaged through her closet, her magic floating sheets and blankets to her bed as her hooves busily shifted through her jewelry box. “Where is it, where is it?”

Sweetie Belle carefully made her way into her sister’s room, her magic sparkling just low enough to keep her from her sister’s eye as she helped straighten the bed and place the old covers into the laundry basket. “Um...” she tried, her eyes looking about the room. “What’re you looking for, sis?”

“Sweetie!” Rarity gasped, her voice suddenly hoarse. Noticing her sister as if for the very first time, beads of sweat started to appear over her brow. “You’re here tonight!” Sweetie felt it was more of a question than a statement.

The smaller unicorn wore and incredulous look. “Well, yeah, you’ve been telling me a story for the last five hours.” Shaking her head, Sweetie Belle waved her hoof about. “But you don’t have to worry-”

Rarity ignored her sister, instead reeling back in horror at the mess she created. “Oh no! Look at this mess! I’ll never clean it up in time. This is the worst-”

“Time for what?”

Eyes narrowing on her sister, she shot her the largest smile she could. “Nothing, dear! Absolutely, uhh... nothing you need to be worried about. Say, Sweetie Belle, you wouldn’t happen to have a sweet tooth right now?” Calling her coin purse over to her, the elder sister frantically searched for spare bits.

“Sweets?” Sweetie Belle echoed, “It’s too late to have any candy. You said late night sweets messes with your ‘figure.’” Taking a look at her blank flanks and stubby hooves, the filly stared up at her sister. “Not that I really have one right now. Besides, like I was gonna say, Spi-”

Rarity smiled sweetly at her sister, fishing out some bits for her to head towards Sugar Cube Corner. “Well, what’s life without living a little some nights?” There was a pause before she added, “Some. Nights. Very few. Once in a New Moon.” Shaking her mane, Rarity felt her ploy slipping away. However, as she went to continue her plan, there was a knock at the door.

If Rarity’s face could go any more white it would have. Before she could react, Sweetie Belle turned around and headed for the door. Realizing who could be at the door, Rarity’s hooves pushed off the ground before her brain could respond, and the mare was charging the door behind her sister. Sweetie could only look on in bewilderment as her sister galloped fast enough to blow her mane in her eyes and slam the door open. “Rainbow-” Rarity caught herself as she couldn’t see any airborne pegasi at her door. Instead, a small purple dragon was standing at the door with a book in hand, staring wide-eyed up at her. “-Spike?”

“Uh, say again?” Spike said, head cocked to the side. “I’m not Rainbow Dash- Oh! Did you get gray again?” Peeling his eyes, the dragon looked the unicorn up and down. “I can’t tell in the dark here - You still look normal, but you’re always so white.” Looking about, Spike seemed to be in search of something. “Do I need to get Twilight to remove Tom again?” As he looked, he caught sight of Sweetie Belle behind Rarity as she tried to make sense of her sister.

“I... no, Spike. I was just expecting Rainbow Dash,” Rarity admitted.

Sweetie Belle waved at Spike, but looked up toward Rarity as she spoke. “Rainbow Dash? Why would she be coming here? Oh! Is it because-”

So! Spike!” Rarity interrupted, trying to get her sister off her train of thought. “What brings you here?” she paused, “At night,” staring down at Spike’s hands, she noticed a green-bound book grasped firmly in his claws. “With a... book?” she hesitated. Looking back up at the dragon’s eyes, her voice peaked as her curiosity grew. “Spike, what do you have there?”

“It’s a dictionary,” Spike informed, raising it up for Rarity to see. “Sweetie Belle and I have started reading some books at the Library, but some of them use really big words.” Looking between the two mares, Spike raised an eyebrow. “Uh, am I interrupting anything?”

Blinking with a blank visage, Rarity shook her head numbly. Sweetie Belle weaved through the legs of her sister, her horn lightly irritating the coat under Rarity’s stomach. “Hey Spike, sorry I didn’t come over earlier. Rarity was telling me a really romantic story.” Spike’s immediate reaction was to stick out his tongue, but with his lady present, her kept his serpentine appendage to himself. Besides, Sweetie Belle seemed to be fluttering her eyes, which distracted the baby dragon momentarily.

Rarity’s mind clicked into overdrive. “Sweetie!” she wailed, throwing a hoof over her forehead as she collapsed backwards unto her pillow. “How could you leave such a gentleman as Spike waiting for untold hours?” Opening one eye to watch the reactions of the two children, Rarity continued. “No, this simply won’t do.” Flipping to her hooves, the unicorn shook her head. “Sweetie, I demand you go with Spike this instant.”

“Wha-” Sweetie Belle began, but she was cut off.

“No no, I lady always keeps her word. Spike, see to it that you finish whatever stories you’ve started with utmost clarity and diction.” Rarity demanded, Spike saluting the order on impulse. A coy smile played on her lips as she started to shoo her sister out of the boutique. “I do not want to see either of you until morning! Now go on!” With one last push of her hooves, both Sweetie Belle and Spike were removed from the premises, the door slamming shut behind them.

Dumbfounded, the two exchanged bemused glances. “Sooo...” Spike started, claw tapping the hard cover of the dictionary. The pitterpat filled the silence outside as he searched for the right words. “I guess it’s okay for you to stay the night tonight?”

Sweetie Belle nodded.

“And Rarity knew nothing about it beforehand?” Sweetie Belle’s ear twitched at the odd sounding wordage the dragon used, but dismissed it as she recalled reading the word once beforehoof. But she nodded all the same.

“I was trying to tell her...” Sweetie mumbled, her eyes training on the door. “But she suddenly got into this huge panic! Her story was sooooo sweet though. Maybe I can try and tell you later, Spike?”

Spike shrugged, his head turning away. “Eh, I’m not into that mushy stuff. Can’t imagine it’s all that important to me.”


Letting her hair fall loose around her shoulders, the fashionista sighed. Under normal circumstances, she would have never let Sweetie Belle out for the night, but tonight was special. Spinning from the door, the prospect of what she had planned for tonight seeped into her step, giving her a slight spring as she let loose an uncharacteristic giggle.

“That was a neat trick with your sister, Rarity.” The alabaster pony’s blood froze like ice in her veins as she came mere centimeters away from Rainbow Dash.

Framed in the doorway opposite her, a flood of rainbow played against her horn, a sky blue smirk mere inches from her own parted lips. Without much more than a blink of those gorgeous rose eyes, the mare was swept into a passionate kiss. Instinctively, Rarity’s lifted herself up on her hind legs, her forelimbs finding themselves somewhere on the pegasus’ chest. As time wore on, the two ponies slipped into an embrace.

Reluctantly dropping to her hooves, the unicorn broke her kiss, her lips settling on a pout despite her best intentions. Rainbow Dash smiled as she stepped away, her eyes preying over the scattered boutique. “How did you get in?” Rarity thought she heard herself say. She wasn’t really paying attention.

Dash’s infuriatingly constant, unendingly alluring smirk teased her as the pegasus looked about her bedroom. “I flew.” Dancing on her hooves, Dash busied herself by picking up some loose fabric off the ground, the mare smiling down at it. “Huh. Busy day today?”

“Yes...” Rarity began. She could smell the sweat of her mare; a slightly sick and subtly intoxicating scent of work mixed with unending pleasure. “You’ve been practicing hard, Rainbow Dash.” The pegasus looked back momentarily, sticking out a wing and giving it a whiff and a sheepish smile.

“Guess I should have found a cloud to run through before I got here.” The exhaustion in her voice didn’t go unnoticed. Rarity noticed a slight heave in Dash’s chest, the pegasus still trying to catch her breath after the flight. Rainbow’s hooves were trembling as Rarity drew closer. “Heh, it’s a long way from Canterlot. Longer than I give it credit for sometimes. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

The white pony silently cantered over to the pegasus, nuzzling her compatriot softly. Pressing herself against Rainbow, the unicorn supported some of her weight. “Come on Rainbow Dash, let’s get you to bed.”

Reluctance stayed the hooves of the flyer, “I’m fine, Rarity, I just need a minute!” However much she tried, however, the gentle push of her friend led her to the bed. “I’m here now, Rarity. We don’t have much time before I have to go back, I can’t waste it sleeping.”

“My my, Rainbow Dash, how the Wonderbolts have changed you,” Rarity teased, her horn calling over a pillow for Rainbow, “I remember a time when you’d give up everything for a nap.” Climbing into her bed after Dash, Rarity laid next to her, nuzzling against the pony, who flashed a reluctant smile. “Don’t worry about a thing, Rainbow Dash, I’m just content with you here tonight.”

The pegasus’ eyes flickered, gently closing as her breathing slowly became more rhythmic. Rarity smiled through misty eyes, taking in the rare sight of the pegasus at her side. It felt so right to have her here, at night, with nothing and nopony else. “Dash...” she breathed.

“Rarity...?” the pegasus murmured back to her. Rarity had expected Dash to be asleep by now, muttering apologies for keeping her awake. “It’s fine. I don’t want to go to sleep just yet,” her voice betrayed her context, but Rarity took it at face value, taking the opportunity to get more comfortable against the pegasus. She was warm- hot, even, from her flight from Canterlot. “You were telling to Sweetie about us?” Rarity turned her head, the halfmoon roses staring at her with mirth.

Gently, Rarity smiled. “I think she’s old enough to know when her sister dates somepony.” Rarity cooed, her chin coming to rest on a pillow.

The pegasus rolled deliberately to her side, exposing her belly to Rarity as she brought the unicorn close. Placing her forehead against Rarity’s own, Rainbow closed her eyes. “Did you get to the part where you asked me?” There was a large grin on Rainbow’s face, playing with Rarity’s emotions.

“I... was just getting there when I noticed the time.” Dash giggled despite herself, her eyes opening to take in Rarity’s own sapphire gems.

“Tell me.” Dash breathed. Closing her eyes, the pegasus wore a content smile.


Dash nestled deeper into the pillow, never leaving the closeness she felt against the unicorn. “Tell me how we started this.” Taking a deep breath, the unicorn couldn’t hide her deep blush, and thanked Luna’s stars the pegasus was keeping her eyes closed.

“Well, I had left Twilight’s library when I saw you coming down the road.”


“Your mane was all tousled. An absolute mess. You said Pinkie and Applejack were to blame.”


“And then I was struck with a terrible case of stage fright...”


“So things are well, then?” Rarity choked out, her heart deciding to settle down in her throat. The alabaster unicorn was thankful for her white coat, it helped hide the paleness in her face as she stood on pins and needles. “Still, flying around, preforming dazzling stunts for all of Ponyville to see?”

“Uh, yeah. I guess?” Dash countered, her gaze never really falling on Rarity. “So hey, Rares, I gotta question or two to ask you.” Watching the grass grow in front of her hooves, Dash’s head rolled up towards the sky as she searched it for answers.

“Well, Rainbow Dash, I’ve always got time for a few questions from friends. Fire away, ah ha heh.” Eyes darting about, the devil-may-care fire that had raged in her heart mere minutes ago had cooled and sunk into ice cold blocks around her feet. Strictly speaking, she was feeling rather unfabulous.

Clearing her throat, the pegasus brought her stare to the general area around Rarity. “So uh, I was kinda wondering, with me going into the Wonderbolts here soon and all, that you’ve been really pressing the deal of a party and stuff for me.” Rarity could feel her tongue start to dry as Dash continued. “And that’s been really cool and all, but don’t you think it’s a bit, I dunno, overboard?”

The pit in the white pony’s stomach widened into a chasm as Dash went on. There was no way this could succeed, Rarity was playing with fire and she could feel it starting to burn and nip at her. “W-why what ever do you mean, Dash? I just... I’m trying to give you the b-best...” She choked back a tear, swallowing hard to dismiss her feelings. “The best time in Ponyville before you leave.”

Dash was looking at her now, her face vacant as she tried to figure her friend out. The smile she wore was painful just to look at. “Y-yeah, but, I mean. You and parties... I’ve never seen you take so much effort into planning something that didn’t deal with dresses or seventeen different forks.”

Rarity allowed herself a laugh. It was hoarse and painful coming up, sparking a tear alongside her eye. “Well there are just some things you don’t know about ponies, Rainbow Dash.” Her eyes shut hard, shaking her head. She was supposed to be fiery and direct. “I’m certainly more than a dressmaker, you know.”

“I know that, Rarity.” Dash said, her eyes tracking the clouds in the sky. “At least I think I do. Applejack was saying that about you.” Her eyes landed, her hoof pushing a strand of indigo hair to the side. “But I don’t understand, Rarity. Nopony else is all that worked up about i-”

They’re not in lo-” Rarity choked, her tears burning the sides of her face. Dash doubled back, taking a few steps back from the mare in surprise. “I mean, they don’t... like you the way...”

“Rarity?” Dash breathed, her expression absolutely befuddled. “M-me?”

A pained smile looked back at her, lines of mascara staining the cheeks of the ivory mare. “Of course you, Dash.” Taking a step forward, Rarity felt her gaze wanting to be anywhere but where it landed. “You’re strong, independent. Wonderfully talented.” Rarity tried to stop her verbal cascade, but her mouth ran off without her. “Beautiful... Rainbow Dash you’re everything I’ve ever felt I’ve needed and I am so, so sorry I am putting this on you.”

Rarity was shaking, a few tears dropping from her eyes. “I couldn’t... I couldn’t bear to let you go to Canterlot without showing you, somehow, how I felt.” A loud sniff escaped the unicorn as she stared at the ground, a struggling laugh escaping her. “Not at all how I’ve pictured it in my mind. I’ve gone and ruined it.” She felt selfish. Her heart like ash.

Rainbow Dash was silent, her head turning away from Rarity. The unicorn looked up at the pegasus, but seeing no response, she let her head dip. “I-I’m sorry. I should... probably just go. I’ll tell Pinkie... she can run the party without me.”

Dash never met her gaze, instead numbly nodding her head. “Y-yeah. That’s... gonna be for the best, I think.” Her voice was low, letting tears run freely from Rarity’s eyes.

Turning about, Rarity started to head to her Boutique. “S-s-s-stupid, stupid, stupid!” she hissed between broken sobs. “You think that just... admitting your feelings will make them appear in some other mare?” Hot tears splashed against the ground as she felt her legs want to gallop away, but lead hooves stayed her feet to nothing more than a sorrowful saunter. “That she might... Oh Rarity what were you thinking?”

“Rarity?” The voice came from above her. Looking up, the sky blue pegasus was giving her a comforting smirk. “I don’t think I can make the party either. I’ve got a date with a pretty young unicorn.”


Landing aside her, the pegasus made to wipe the tears from Rarity’s face, but ended up smudging the mascara something awful. “Ah, oops.” Putting a black-tipped hoof on the ground, the pegasus smiled. “I... didn’t expect this, Rarity. Not from you, but... I’ve got some time left in Ponyville.” Stepping closer to Rarity, the pegasus smirked. “If you wanna try this... I’m game for a little fun.”

Rarity’s eyes bulged, looking over Rainbow Dash. “You-” New tears emerged, the unicorn smiling hugely. “Oh Dash, I could kiss you.”

“Well,” Rainbow breathed, leaning close to the unicorn, “why not?” Rarity hardly had time to swoon as the pegasus swooped over and stole a kiss. Twilight was right - straight forward and direct did have its pleasures.


Dash snored softly into the pillow as Rarity finished her recollection, the pony uncaring that the pegasus had fallen asleep. Kissing her forehead gently, the mare smiled. “Sweet dreams, Dash.” Her eyes trailed to the clock on the wall, a black cat with darting eyes as its tail counted off the seconds of the day. Opal hated that clock, she was sure, but the unicorn watched the seconds, minutes, hours tick by, holding her Dash for every moment she could.

They would have to stop this, soon.

Dash couldn’t keep flying out from Canterlot to see her. The Wonderbolts’ training was only going to get more and more intense, and soon she wouldn’t have the power to even make the flight out to Ponyville, let alone be with her.

No, this was just not meant to be.

But they didn’t care.

Looking back at the sleeping rainbow, Rarity closed her eyes in a content smile. All of that worry and sadness wasn’t for them. She had her mare. And the time they had now was what was truly important.

Comments ( 21 )

So good.


The Egghead’s Guide to Matchmaking - Fillyfoolers edition - For Prudes.

Best. Book. Ever.

I'm sad this isn't being continued, because I found myself really WANTING to know what happened next. I did find it curious how you put the confession after we knew that they would already wind up together. Given that the drama of the piece comes from Rarity trying to confess to Rainbow Dash, I don't think that was a smart choice. Killed the tension for me.

But still, you did a great job, and I can't wait to read more from you.

i want to read it but i need sleep so now hard way to decied sleep or awesome story :derpyderp1:

Absolutely loved it! Only complaint is that the sudden jaunt in time was REALLY sudden, but I think that was the point...

And wow, that was a mixed ending if I ever heard one :rainbowwild:

This is one of the greatest things I have ever read. Fabulous, just fabulous! :raritystarry::rainbowdetermined2:

This story was written on commission from a brony who wanted only two things. The first being that it is a Raridash in which the relationship is short term yet romantic, and the second that it would end on a happy note for Dash. The time jump, I find, was necessary to play with the emotions of whom the story was written for- to play with their expectations as well as the general public. In that, the story is a little... self aware of what it's trying to accomplish.

That said, I'm not sure if I'd change it anyway. After detailing that they are together, the story continues for awhile- just a short bit, so I allow the reader to start to wonder what else needs to be said, and that's how I want to pull you into the end. I apologize if that didn't work as well as I might have hoped.:twilightblush:

Amazing story, but towards the end I got really confused. I probably missed something.

Someone should write "The Egghead’s Guide to Matchmaking - Fillyfoolers edition"

And "The Egghead’s Guide to Matchmaking - Fillyfoolers edition - For Prudes." On this site..I would read tottally read them :twilightsheepish:


The ending was a little depressing...:fluttercry: But all and all, great story.:pinkiesad2:

I never thought to see a RareDash (?) ship... personally, i'm all for the Spike and Rarity ship (i like having the good guy win.) But... this was done so well, quite eloquently, i must say. The characters were well done, the plot flowed easily. I just have one question:

Why can't I have more... now...

well, it took long enough for a RariDash/Rainity fic to appear.

I'm trying to write one, but... I'm trying to not have it be a fic where one already has feelings.

I loved this. When it got to the point where it said Rarity kissed Dash, I was a bit confused. Until it made it to the part when it explained all that. I must say, this is well thought-out and written quite nicely. Great job! :D

Sorry it took me so long to read this. Always nice to see a sweet shipfic from you, Hyde.

Best RarixDash I've ran into yet. :ajsmug:

was thoroughly confused when you jumped ahead like that but upon realizing the trick I loved it.

And hello, impossible pairing. Hot damn, this fic was gorgeous. I'd actually specifically sought out RariDash fics because the two have so far spent little screentime alone together. I figured it'd be fun to see how the authors wrote the two interacting together, let alone entering a committed relationship with each other. And... gotta say, I'm impressed. Applause to you for this story.

Wow, that was actually really cute. I'm not a fan of this paring (I wasn't a fan of any paring, but somehow Appledash made me like it, somehow), but you made me enjoy the story (Rarity's drama made me lol). It was well written and everyone was in character, nice job :pinkiehappy:

just gotta say i love your descriptive language, it feels refreshing and you don't use descriptions we've heard a hundred billion times before, except for speedster but i'll never get tired of dash being called that. i also love the non-conventional story structure, very original. overall this story i deemed interesting enough to earn you a watch. don't let me down. you also seem to be a fan of rare ship i.e. this one which i love reading.

i had a few things I'd like to point out. 1. when spike shows up at rarity's you wrote her when you meant he, also shortly there was this line "I lady always keeps her word." that doesn't make sense really, i'd change the i to an a if possible. those were the only grammar mistakes i found but there was one more thing. the way at the end when rainbow just totally goes with rarity didn't sit right with me, especially since she spent the entire time suspecting the worst and while i realise that it could be her realising since it wasn't a huge deal it's all ok now might have been the case but there was no indication what-so-ever that she would take it the way she did. i just wish we had a segment from her perspective about that point or maybe even a sequel.

but don't feel like i'm negatively criticising you, i enjoyed reading every paragraph, it was a jem of a ship and one i havn't seen before. i look forward to any and all story's you write in the future. you have made me a fan

Really loved the build up to the climax in this story. Liked how you time jumped then went back and explained it. Lovely one-shot.

Within the limitations of the commission, this piece is well done. The time jump was confusing at first, until I read past it and realized where it was headed. Otherwise I can buy it. Nicely written.

god so many d'awww !i go for appledash but raridash too so i still go for two! :pinkiehappy: :ajsmug::heart::rainbowlaugh: and :raritystarry::heart::rainbowdetermined2:

Weeeeeee this was so awesome! :D
Nicely done man, nicely done! I loved how this went.

I got a little confused in the middle of it though, but I still loved how this went!
Good job!

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