• Published 3rd Nov 2013
  • 15,177 Views, 412 Comments

Love Measured in Scales - Cloperella

Twilight and Spike's intimacy is threatened when Rarity gives herself as a gift to the young dragon for his birthday. With Twilight and Rarity butting heads over who gets to be his mate, Spike just wants his friends to be happy so he can be happ

Comments ( 50 )

I can only provide estimates, but I'd really rather not get anymore flack about the publishing rate. It's not something I care to hear.

Oh my God, I love this.

Thank you for the upload Cloperella! :twilightsmile:
I shall read this very soon! :pinkiehappy:

I don't feel sorry for Twilight in the slightest. She already had her chance but she just wanted to be friends with benefits with no emotional attachments with Spike.

For some reason, I had the whole Final Fantasy VI opera scene playing in my head while reading this chapter.

I'm only siding a bit with Twilight here, and not because of sympathy. As I've repeated ad nauseam and 6723639 just mentioned, she had her ticket to that ride, and didn't board on time for the single reason that she didn't want to.

But while I don't sympathize with Purple, I do want her to interfere with the Sparity. The relations between these two are waaaaay too boring.

I'm torn between the two. I want Spike and Rarity happy since Spike always wanted her and Rarity finally realized that she wants him too.

At the same time Twilight just wanted friends with benefits, but it wasn't until Spike started dating Rarity that she finally realized she wants more.

Twilight and Rarity accidentally kissing! :pinkiegasp:

This is going to get very crazy. I can see it now. Rarity wants to talk to Twilight in private and from there things get wild.

This was excellent chapter, thanks for the upload! :pinkiehappy:

6727971 I hope for a happy ending for both of them as well, but i don't think that's what we will get :pinkiesad2:

That was extremely clever. Twilight's feelings and the characters of the play. Can't wait from the next one.

Oh bless it, I knew I forgot one. No, I came back, because the website has pretty much crushed the ponyfic market under its hooves. Thanks for bringing that up though, I just deleted it.

Rather impressive. I really enjoyed the play and thought the ending went beautifully. Great job my friend.

Been quite awhile since we've seen a chapter here. I know from your blog posts that you've been busy writing some Zootopia fics (really enjoyed Burrowing BTW) but I thought I might give a friendly poke and see when/if you might have plans for continuing this one. :twilightsheepish:

Barely. I'm way more invested in the Zootopia fandom as of late, and it's been months since I gave up doing self-edits on the last chapter for this story. Even if there are people still wanting to see this story finished, it feels more like a chore at this point.
I don't want to say this story is completely dead, but really, don't hold your breath. It's not looking good.

Well, if it's just stuck in the editing stage, I do happen to be well known around here for doing that, y'know if you want some assistance.:twilightsmile:

Hit me up in a PM if you ever feel like taking me up on the offer.

I don't have a good answer for that. I haven't watched the ladt 6 episodes of MLP, and I'm having a lot more fun writing Zootopia stories at the moment. The last time I touched the rough draft for the latest chapter of this story was around... February.
I'm not saying it'll never happen, but I am saying not to hold your breath. It's not at the top of my priority list anymore.

Yeah, I'm pretty much done with MLP at this point. Haven't watched an episode since the go-cart one, and I'm not really in an hurry to rectify that. The draft for the next chapter of this story is buried in my google docs because I haven't even touched it since early last year.

I've been having more fun writing Zootopia fanfics as of late. I feel like I get to write more organic characters that way.

I mean yeah, anything's possible, I might on a whim decide to come back to this, but realistically, I would not expect this thing to get updated anytime soon.

7907746 you do zootopia fanfics? can i have a link plz

Shame this stopped where it did but I know what it's like to run out of steam.

Season 6 is still quite enjoyable, mind you, so there is no harm in idly watching the episodes and seeing how some things unfold.

Anyway, I enjoyed what i got to read.

It should be noted that I do feel a bit of remorse for leaving people hanging on this story. I remember years ago I was so excited to do this story, got really hyped about it, had the whole thing planned out from beginning to tirumphant ending and promised I was gonna finish it... then I just slowly got disillusioned with the site and the majority of the fanbase. That, plus the fact that I've been obsessed with Zootopia since it came out last year, I've just been getting more fulfillment out of writing for Zootopia than I am for MLP.

So for what it's worth, I really am sorry. I know it's not the end of the world that a fanfic got cancelled before its ending, but I do feel like I owe something of an apology to the people who wanted to see this to the end. I know how disappointing that feels.

7938967 Thanks for the reply.

Did this database get an overhaul since 2014?

I recall going to a FIM fiction website for stories but I can't seem to find it again. i had a profile and favorites and everything...

Oh, no, wait, it was www.ponyfictionarchive.net


No problem. Yeah, I remember uploading stories there early on too; the format for the site wasn't spectacular, but I did like how they weren't as restrictive with content as fimfic is.

wait so is the rest of the fanbase really that bad, i mean ive supported mlp for a few years but have never really been a consistently active member.i mean there are some dicks out there i know of but every fanbase seems to have those people has it really gotten that bad that the majority of people are those people. cause honestly that kinda depressing especially when you consider what the shows about and some of the amazing thing people have created in this fandom. but then again i usually see the creations and not the actual people so i really dont know how the majority of the fan base acts but most of the ones ive meet seemed like pretty nice people. but i would really like to hear your opinion on the fan base and why your done with it.
also about motivation yeah i completely get how that feels to lose your drive for something you used to love, i feel like that's my life right now. am in school to be an engineer and ive worked hard to get to where i am but these last few years it just seems like am just going through the motions not really trying anymore, and all the drive and passion i once had for my field, future, and goals in life just arnt there anymore. its not like i dont get what am being taught either its just that i just cant seem to find the will to actually sit down and apply myself like i used to be able to. wich i honestly hate cause i dont even have the excuse of saying i cant do it or its above what am capable of because am always reminded of how far i could push myself and how hard i actualy worked to get here and that just reminds me that i know i can do better and the only one hindering myself is me. wow really dident mean to vent all this sorry about that. but yeah um zootopia to be honest yeah i get why you would go there loved the movie, was obsesed about the fic people made about it after it came out cause there are alot of really good one out there, and people have come up with some amazing ideas to use in stories. getting off topic again sorry, point is just do what makes you happy, i mean am kinda sad this fics done but us readers can get over it you shouldent have to suffer to meet our wants, if you dont have the drive to do mlp anymore than do what drives you know, cause its hell to force yourself to keep following a path that makes you miserable. wow really lost sight of what i originally wanted to say again sorry about that.

I guess I can respond to the top part of that wall of text. :applejackconfused:
I'm not gonna say that the MLP fanbase is mostly dicks or anything like that; it's pretty run of the mill as far as typical fanbases go for western animations. When I say that I'm done with the fanbase, I mean that I want things that are drastically different from what the fans want, which is kind of fueling what they staff is giving to them in the show (when Hasbro isn't whipping them with their brand new craptastic idea that they're forcing them to market).
For instance, a lot of fans hate Spike. I know that everyone reading my story here likes Spike just fine, but most of the fanbase hates the character and hate his episodes even more, to the point where I'm scared to mention him at all in MLP circles I've never been to.
A lot of fans LOVE Princess Luna. I despise her. I used to like her alright, but I feel like the fans have pushed their 2edgy headcanons onto the staff and they've made her a woobie to cater to them. And its cost the spotlight of Princess Celestia, who I favor way more than her crybaby little sister. Any time I talk about wanting to see more Celestia in episodes, its met with "ugh, well, Celestia's BORING, there's just nothing for them to write about with her!" (which basically demonstrates that they don't understand how writing works).

On top of it all, I'm sick of working my butt off trying to make decent stories here only for them to get beat out by the most Meme-Tastic piece of crap that someone recently uploaded (has anyone written "Dat Boi Goes to Equestria- Oh Shit WatUp!" yet? I'll be surprised if they haven't).

So yeah, when I say I'm done with the show and the fanbase, I mean I am pretty much tapped out. The only MLP stuff I engage in anymore is the porn that the artists I follow on tumblr draw, otherwise I could care less.

ya learn something new everyday :eeyup:

Oh my God. I love this story, you can feel the passion and hard work that the author put in this when writing it. Very good work, love it <3

Laughed my ass off when Twilight and Rarity screamed after kissing each other accidentally. :rainbowlaugh:

Very unlikely at this point. I think Half-Life 3 might be released before I post another chapter of this story.

It's amazing from what I remember of it XD.

So when will you continue the story?

Probably when Half-Life 3 comes out.

What!!! Half Life 3 won't come out until Rick and Morty Season 4. :pinkiehappy:

This joke is now ironic and old now that's its been announced that Rick and Morty got renewed for 70 more episodes and might air next year.


For instance, a lot of fans hate Spike. I know that everyone reading my story here likes Spike just fine, but most of the fanbase hates the character and hate his episodes even more, to the point where I'm scared to mention him at all in MLP circles I've never been to.
A lot of fans LOVE Princess Luna. I despise her. I used to like her alright, but I feel like the fans have pushed their 2edgy headcanons onto the staff and they've made her a woobie to cater to them. And its cost the spotlight of Princess Celestia, who I favor way more than her crybaby little sister. Any time I talk about wanting to see more Celestia in episodes, its met with "ugh, well, Celestia's BORING, there's just nothing for them to write about with her!" (which basically demonstrates that they don't understand how writing works).

As a fan of both Spike and Celestia, I feel exactly the same way. This is also part of the reason I've abandoned both the show and the fandom (I'm only around because of a few fanfics, on which I often find much better writing than whatever the heck the show is doing now). And, as a Twispike shipper, it pains me to see less and less material of the sort around here.

On that note, it's a pity you're not continuing this story. If I may ask, did you ever have the ending planned? If you did, would you care to share it? Even if it will never be finished, a small bit of closure would be awesome.

It's something I've kicked around a lot, just giving the rest of the story away in a summary. I'd probably make a blog post about it, and put it in the spoiler html as well as give a warning about it numerous time beforehand. I guess I'm just hesitant to do so because that pretty much means it's the final nail in the coffin for me, it'll kill any hidden desire I have to keep this story going even though it's been collecting dust for a couple years now. I probably will just give away the whole thing at some point, I just need to find the strength to lop it off before it festers anymore.

hoping for a continuation

I would keep those hopes extremely low at this point.

that's how much I enjoy your story, that I still have hope (even if it is extremely low). Also, I am not sure if you have other accounts on different sites.

I do, actually. I have an Archive of our Own, link should be on my profile.

Man I really wish you continued the story it was so good :(
But if you don't want to continue then it's fine. But I'm curious, what made you give up on this story?

Other stories that pulled my attention away, kept putting it off and lost more interest in it as time passed by. Whenever I did get a chance to come back to it, I would have to refresh myself on everything I did up to that point, and it became exhausting. Eventually I just stopped caring altogether.

There's a very small chance that I might get the full story commissioned as a comic, albeit a WAY more condensed version of it to save time for the artist and spare the torment on my wallet -- also probably revised to reflect the canon of the end of the series (before the epilogue episode BS of course). But it's not a huge priority of mine, the comics me and that artist have lined up are what we're focusing on. If we can get those to sell and secure some followers, then we might have reason to give this story another look.

Sounds neat. I really hope your comics do well. Where do you upload/sell your comics? I want to check em out when they're ready

I made a post about it in my latest blog entry, and also just put a thing about it on my profile.
We have another one in the works for MLP, just started progress on it a few weeks ago.

Thanks I'll check it out

Why do the good die youg?

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