• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 2,076 Views, 40 Comments

No Reservations - Scantrel

Equestria Girls Universe: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, & Big Mac head to Appleloosa for the grand opening of the Apple family Dude Ranch. Rainbow Dash plans to tell Big Mac about her feelings for him. What will she do when Mac falls for someone else?

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Act II - Part 2

Rainbow Dash and Applejack returned from their shopping trip not long after Big Mac and Braeburn had ridden back to the cabins, which allowed everyone to pitch in with unloading the van. The four working together made quick work of stowing the groceries and supplies, leaving only a couple of large sacks which Rainbow Dash claimed.

"Excuse me guys, I'm going to go change, I'll be back in a flash," Rainbow Dash said, grabbing the bags of clothing and walking into the cabin she and Applejack were sharing.

Once Rainbow Dash was inside and out of earshot, Applejack turned to Big Mac. "Can I borrow ya fer a minute?" Applejack asked, motioning for Big Mac to follow her.

"Eeyup," Big Mac replied, nodding his head. Applejack turned and started to walk away from the two cabins. Once Applejack was comfortable they wouldn't be overheard, she stopped and leaned in closer to Big Mac.

"Mac, I need yer help with somethin'," Applejack said with in a low tone that made it sound like she was about to reveal a secret.

Big Mac raised an eyebrow. Applejack rarely did anything surreptitiously, which piqued his curiosity. "Sure thing, Sis. What's on yer mind?"

"Well..." Applejack said quietly. "It's about Rainbow Dash an' Braeburn. Seems she's kinda taken a shine to him, so I need you to help me make sure them two get plenty of time together while we're vistin'," Applejack explained.

"Really now?" Big Mac mused, raising one eyebrow. "Well that's sure convenient timin', while we were out checkin' the fence-line, Braeburn told me he's got the same interest in Rainbow Dash an' asked if I would help him tryin' to get to know her better."

"Did he now? Well, I'll be!" Applejack exclaimed. "Sounds like you an' me get to be Apple family matchmakers!"

Big Mac chuckled, "Eeyup, I guess we do. We jus' need to go 'bout it more subtle-like than somethin' Apple Bloom an' her friends would do."

Applejack laughed out loud. "Oh Lord...don't remind me about Valentine's Day an' the mess they caused tryin' to set me up with that fella from Fluttershy's journalism class. What was his name? Trendy-somethin'? I don't think the girls stopped teasin' me for nearly a month, 'specially Rarity."

"I remember, an' eeyup that was a mite awkward," Big Mac reminisced.

"Well, glad we're on the same page 'bout Rainbow an' Braeburn, keep yer eyes open for a way to get them some time together so they can talk an' such," Applejack said. "Guess we can head on back, I jus' wanted you to know what was goin' on."

"Thanks, AJ," Big Mac replied. Before Applejack could start walking, Big Mac cleared his throat. "Oh, while we're talkin' 'bout things, I really like that Indian gal we met, Little Strongheart. I'm hopin' we might see more of her soon. I think Braeburn's goin' to try an' set somethin' up."

"Oooh, so finally some gal's gone and turned yer head, huh?" Applejack said teasingly. Her expression shifted from playful to more wistful as she saw Big Mac's blush. "Well, of course I'll do anythin' I can to help," Applejack smiled.

"I knew ya would, AJ, I'm right eager to see her an' ..." Big Mac started, then his voice trailed off as his attention shifted past Applejack. Applejack cocked her head at the sudden change of focus, then turned and looked back over her shoulder.

Rainbow Dash had emerged from the cabin, and Applejack couldn't help but blink in surprise at Rainbow's transformation. Rainbow Dash's tight, boot-cut jeans accentuated her lean, muscular legs all the way down to her leather Western-style boots. Her shirt was a soft, blue checkered pattern, which Rainbow Dash had rolled up the sleeves just above the elbows. Her multi-colored hair had been tied back in a pony-tail, and on her head she wore a light-brown Stetson hat. To complete the ensemble, Rainbow had tied a red bandanna around her neck, like a kerchief. She was standing just off the porch with one foot up on the step to the cabin.

Applejack heard Big Mac's slight gasp from beside her, but before either she or Big Mac could speak, Braeburn's voice broke the silence.

"My stars, Rainbow. You look amazin'!" Braeburn exhaled, not realizing he had been holding his breath.

"Ya sure do," Big Mac echoed. "Very, very pretty," Big Mac huffed slightly as Applejack's elbow dug into his ribs and she shot Big Mac a stern glance then flicked her gaze back over to Braeburn. "Yep, jus' like Braeburn said," Mac quickly added.

Rainbow Dash stepped off the porch and stretched, her features brightening at the compliments. "Thanks guys! I have to give AJ some credit though, she helped me pick out a few things."

Braeburn finally tore his eyes away from Rainbow Dash and spoke up. "Oh, I thought tonight might be a good night fer a campfire dinner an' some storytellin'. I was thinkin' I'd invite Little Strongheart to join us, if that's alright with y'all."

"That sounds right nice to me, what about you, Mac?" Applejack agreed, looking up at Big Mac somewhat expectantly.

Big Mac's gaze lingered on Rainbow Dash for a couple of moments before he looked back down at Applejack and answered with a grin, "Eeyup, that seems right nice."

Rainbow Dash watched the exchange between brother and sister and inside her head, a little voice started to complain that something had to be up, but now wasn't the time to press the issue. Rainbow Dash gave a little shrug, and said, "Sure, the more the merrier."

"I'll head over to the reservation an' ask her then," Braeburn said to the group. "Mac, you wanna go over with me?" Braeburn asked, remembering their recent pact regarding the attractive Indian maiden.

"Actually, he's gonna help me with gettin' things sorted an' prepared for t'night," Applejack interjected, giving Big Mac a look. "But maybe Rainbow can go with ya?" Applejack suggested, giving Rainbow just a hint of a wink.

Rainbow Dash sighed inwardly, she really had no desire to ride all the way over to the Reservation with Braeburn, but it was her own fault that she'd not been straightforward with Applejack about her intentions. Rainbow Dash could hardly blame Applejack for wanting to "help" her find ways to interact more privately with Braeburn.

"Nnope, I'd like ta go," Big Mac said suddenly, earning a glare of surprise and annoyance from Applejack.

"It's prolly best if Rainbow and Braeburn go, don'tcha think?" Applejack said, trying to keep her tone civil.

"An' I said nope, I'm goin' with Braeburn," Big Mac insisted.

"Eheh, excuse us a second," Applejack said, grabbing Big Mac's arm and dragging him aside, as Rainbow Dash and Braeburn looked on curiously.

"I thought we agreed that Rainbow an' Braeburn could use some time together," Applejack hissed.

"An' I thought I told YOU that I was hankerin' to see Little Strongheart s'more," Big Mac snapped back.

"Y'all OK over there?" Braeburn called over.

"Eeyup!" both of the Apple siblings answered at once, before hunkering back down into their argument.

"Look, Sis, Braeburn's jus' tryin' to do his part to help set me up with Little Strongheart, I'm sure it's why he asked me ta go," Big Mac whispered. "B'sides, this'll give you an' Rainbow a chance to talk things over, girl-like."

"I already talked with Rainbow, you big galoot! Why do ya think I'm tryin' to set her and Braeburn up together?" Applejack answered hotly.

"We ain't gonna solve nothing by fightin'," Big Mac said. "You let me go with Braeburn now, an' I'll talk him up 'bout Rainbow and seeing that he pays special attention to her t'night at the campfire. OK?"

Applejack and Big Mac held each other's glare a moment, before Applejack blinked first. "Fine!" Applejack huffed, walking towards the cabin. "C'mon Dash, let's get ta work on things for supper while the boys go pay a social call." Applejack groused. Rainbow Dash looked over to Braeburn, who shrugged unknowingly, then Rainbow followed Applejack back into their cabin.

"What in tarnation was that about, cuz?" Braeburn asked, pulling the keys from his pocket and walking toward the van.

"I'll tell ya later, let's go," Big Mac replied, walking to the van and opening the door to climb into the passenger seat.

"What was all that ruckus about?" Rainbow Dash asked Applejack once they were inside.

"Nothing ta worry about," Applejack replied, which earned her a scowl from Rainbow Dash.

"You know you're a terrible liar, right?" Rainbow Dash shot back. "Something's up with you two, and I get the sinking suspicion it's about me."

Applejack started to retort, but instead her shoulders slumped a little. "Yer right, it was," Applejack admitted. "I told Mac 'bout your interest in Braeburn, an' how I was hopin' we could get the two of ya some more private time together."

"You did WHAT?" Rainbow Dash exploded.

"An' it would have worked out fine if that stubborn mule hadn't insisted on goin' with Braeburn to see Little Strongheart. But he's got the hots for her, so he wanted to go out with Braeburn to the Reservation an' I guess be the one to invite her back over tonight." Applejack grumbled.

Rainbow Dash's face scrunched up for another outburst when realization finally dawned on what Applejack had just said.

"Mac...is interested in Little Strongheart?" Rainbow Dash asked in disappointment, her bluster completely deflated.

"Yep, he is, an' he asked me to see if I can help steer them two together," Applejack answered.

Rainbow Dash sat down heavily in one of the chairs beside the table in the center of the cabin. "I knew it, I just knew it," Rainbow Dash muttered sullenly.

Applejack walked over to Rainbow Dash and put a hand on her friend's shoulder, not understanding what had her upset. "Well, maybe it's fer the best, sugarcube. With Mac chasin' after Little Strongheart, it means Braeburn won't haveta be the attentive host, an' maybe you and he can focus on each other more." Applejack offered comfortingly.

Rainbow Dash sighed, then looked up at Applejack. "AJ...it's not Braeburn who I'm interested in spending time with."

Applejack blinked. "Then who in the...oh. Oh!" Applejack said, as realization hit her. Kneeling down so she was at eye-level with Rainbow Dash, Applejack asked, "How long have you felt this way 'bout Mac, Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash chewed her lower lip a moment as she thought it over. "I guess most of last year, I remember Scoots teasing me at about it at the BB/BS car wash. I was so busy with all of the sports seasons that I really didn't make an effort to do anything about it. But then that night at the Spring Fling..."

Applejack smiled. "Yeah, I remember. That was the night we were so proud of Sunset Shimmer fer doin' what she could to make sure that Rarity won the crown finally."

Rainbow Dash smiled back, despite her heavy heart. "She really did come a long way, didn't she? It was at the dance that night that I decided to take a shot and asked Big Mac to dance with me." Rainbow's eyes gazed into the distance as she recalled that moment.

The music was booming through the gym, courtesy of Vinyl as the students partied to celebrate the crowning of the Spring Fling Princess. Rarity looked resplendent with the crown atop her head catching and reflecting the strobe lights that were sweeping over the dancers.

As the current song ended, the tempo changed abruptly as Vinyl put on a slower song so the crowd could catch their breath and enjoy a more couple-friendly tune. Seeing this was her chance, Rainbow Dash excused herself from Fluttershy and Photo Finish and walked over to where Big Mac was talking with Thunderlane and Bulk Biceps.

"Mac, would you like to dance this song with me?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Big Mac looked surprised by the request, but then said, "Sure, Rainbow. See you boys in a couple." Thunderlane just smirked and Bulk Biceps silently mouthed a "Yeeeah!" as Mac and Rainbow went out onto the dance floor.

The music swirled around them as they danced in a slow circle, revolving around each other. In time, the song ended and Mac shyly detached himself and returned to standing with the other guys, while Rainbow returned to her friends, realizing that she had a crush on the tall, handsome farmer.

"Rainbow, you danced with lots of guys that night," Applejack said, snapping Rainbow Dash out of the memory.

"Yeah, true, but that one meant something," Rainbow Dash responded. "Ever since then, I've not gone out with anyone else, I've been trying to think of the best way to let him know how I feel."

Applejack shook her head, standing back up fully. "Well, did ya ever think 'bout just talking to him? You've seen him plenty of times at the farm since."

"It's not that easy, AJ. What if I said something wrong and screwed things up? What if he didn’t feel the same way about me?" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Now I've seen everything, the day that Rainbow Dash wasn't confident 'bout somethin'." Applejack teased gently. "But sugarcube, if you really feel that way for Mac, you shouldn't have told me you were interested in Braeburn. I coulda helped steer Mac clear of Little Whatshername an' let you have yer shot."

"I know, it was dumb. I didn't want you freaking out about me getting sappy or something with Mac and it didn't work out and spoiling the trip," Rainbow Dash admitted. "And now, I'm screwed, Mac wants someone else."

Applejack thought that over for a minute. "Maybe not. If I know my brother, he's goin' to be jus' as shy around her. Besides, she's all exotic an' such, but I know what will appeal more to my brother than that."

"Really?" Rainbow Dash squeaked, her voice cracking slightly. "What's that?"

"Devotion," Applejack answered soberly. "An' I don't know anyone that's more loyal than you, Rainbow. We just have to showcase yer virtues... So help me, never thought I'd say that... more than she does hers."

Rainbow Dash didn't catch the little barb from Applejack, looking up earnestly. "And how do we do that?" she asked.

"I don't rightly know. But we got all afternoon ta figure it out." Applejack smiled. "Come on, we'll scheme an' talk while we work up the vittles for tonight."

Comments ( 14 )


Thanks a lot! Shipping stories are a bit of a stretch for me, but I'm enjoying the end of school year coming on so I can get back into this more frequently.



4015157 And people wonder why us guys are afraid to talk to girls! Your going to murder us if we say something wrong! How uncivilized. Now pardon me, I am behind in my Nazi killings this week.

4394646 Shipping stories are always hard. I hope to be doing the same, but with 40+ hours a week at work...uh...not so much.

Okay, RD and AJ conspiring to "showcase" Rainbow Dash's "virtues"? I think that the boys won't know what has hit them and poor Strongheart is likely going to realise that the elders are right - the White Devils are all crazy!

4013619 Funny thing I'm a male -_-

I never had a problem talking to Rebbecca back so many years ago. Grant it, by talking I mean spewing vitriolic acid, but in my defense, she started the entire thing when we were children, pushing me down and throwing sand in my face. Twenty years later and we're married...
My God, I've still not gotten over the sand entirely.

Loved the builds and foreshadowing. :heart: Real excited to see how it plays out.

I love this fic so far, for me EG fics starring RD and AJ are hard to come by. You're doing great with this! Keep up the good work!



Thanks a lot for the feedback :pinkiehappy:

I'm glad you all are enjoying the story!

4465821 I am! So far this is a good romance fic, certainly one I've never seen before, plus what really helps this story for me is that it's EG. ( which I have a weakness for.:twilightsheepish:)

Oh good, actual communication. This is already better than 90% of romantic comedies. Now for the hard part...

Looking forward to more.

Big Mac x Little Strong Heart forever!!!

Oh rainbowdash, look at you now.

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