• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 2,637 Views, 25 Comments

Heart of Silver - Metool Bard

Even bullies have to eat their words every now and then. Just ask Silver Spoon.

  • ...

A Subtle Apology

Heart of Silver

"Howdy, y'all! I'm as happy as a pig in fresh mud-pile to be here!"

Silver Spoon silently scoffed and adjusted her glasses. A few seconds ago, Apple Bloom was claiming that Granny Smith couldn't make it to Family Appreciation Day on account of a family emergency. Of course, she knew that was a lie. Apple Bloom was just trying to get out of having Granny Smith make a presentation to the class. Not that she blamed her. Granny Smith was a rather strange pony, and everypony knew it. It's why Diamond Tiara suggested that she present in the first place: She was aiming to completely and utterly humiliate Apple Bloom.

You can't wiggle your way out of this one, Blank Flank, Silver Spoon thought. I'd give you points for trying, but you were doomed from the get-go.

"I can't wait to hear Granny Smith's presentation~!" said Diamond Tiara facetiously. She then leaned over to Silver Spoon and added; "If she can remember any of it."

Silver Spoon giggled. It was funny because it was true. Among Granny Smith's odd quirks was her tendency to forget things. At least, that's what Diamond Tiara told her. She got to see Granny Smith all the time thanks to the Apple Family's business relationship with her father, Filthy Rich. And Silver Spoon had no reason to doubt her friend's word. After all, she got to see Granny Smith's antics in the marketplace a few days ago.

Well, this ought to be interesting, to say the least, thought Silver Spoon, giving Apple Bloom a sideways glance. I hope you brought some ointment, Apple Bloom. 'Cause this is gonna sting.

She then turned her attention to Granny Smith, who sat down on the floor and began her story.

"Long ago, when I was a little pony, things were very different here in Ponyville," said Granny Smith as she unfurled a map. "'Cause there was, no Ponyville!"

Silver Spoon lowered her glasses and raised an eyebrow. No Ponyville? What was Granny Smith talking about? According to Ms. Cheerilee's history class, Ponyville had been around for at least a hundred years. Granny Smith couldn't be that old, could she?

Wow, Di was right. She is crazy, thought Silver Spoon. Who is honestly gonna believe that?

Nevertheless, she continued to listen to Granny Smith's tale. At first, she wasn't all that interested in the story itself. She couldn't relate to the Smith family's struggles with finding food and shelter, and she was still skeptical about the story being true. She was simply waiting for Granny Smith to go off on a bizarre tangent or lose her train of thought.

But much to Silver Spoon's surprise, that moment never came. In fact, she actually started to believe the story. Granny Smith spoke with such fervor and honesty that it became nearly impossible to doubt her. Silver Spoon couldn't help but be dragged into the narrative, hanging on to Granny Smith's every word.

Then, Granny Smith spoke of how she ventured into the Everfree Forest in order to find food. A chill went up Silver Spoon's spine.

She went into the Everfree Forest? Alone?! Silver Spoon thought, staring at Granny Smith in disbelief. She had never been in the Everfree Forest herself, but she knew that it was not a place for a pony. Everypony had at least heard of the dangerous pony-eating monsters that lurked within the frightening woods. Tense with anticipation, she sat at the edge of her seat, wondering how Granny Smith got out alive.

"...And before I knew it, I was standing in front of the most incredible apple trees!" Granny Smith proclaimed. "I had never seen anything that bore this kind of colorful fruit!"

The wheels in Silver Spoon's head began turning. She figured that Granny Smith was talking about Zap Apples; the special fruit that made the Zap Apple jam she loved so much. Now that she thought about it, she heard from Diamond Tiara that Filthy Rich was going to be stocking up on Zap Apple jam soon. The very thought caused her mouth to water.

"I turned, and there before me stood, the timberwolves!"

Granny Smith's story snapped Silver Spoon out of her daydreaming. She gasped in horror, and found that she wasn't the only one doing so. She had heard frightening tales about the timberwolves; ferocious golems made out of enchanted wood. It's said that even if you manage to break it apart, it will always come back together. She swallowed and continued to listen, not daring to interrupt.

"I did the only thing I could think of!" said Granny Smith, her voice full of intensity. "I grabbed a pot lyin' on a table outdoors, and started bangin' it against the pot we had hangin' over our fireplace out front. Straight away, the timberwolves were frightened by the sound and backed off."

Silver Spoon found herself breathing a sigh of relief. She knew that Granny Smith got out of that situation somehow, but even so, she was glad that she did. And while it was a crazy idea, it worked. So maybe there was a reason behind her strange ways.

As it turned out, that was the truth. Silver Spoon listened to Granny Smith as she spoke at great length about everything that went into making Zap Apple jam; from talking to the bees in order to get the best honey to yelling at jars like a drill sergeant. She even had to paint polka dots all over her house! And all that just to make sure the Zap Apple jam would be perfect.

So that's why she was acting so weird in the marketplace, thought Silver Spoon, nibbling on her lip a little. I actually feel kinda bad for making fun of her now.

After putting her guilt to one side for a moment, she turned her attention back to the story. She heard about how ponies came from miles around simply to get a taste of Granny Smith's Zap Apple jam, and how eventually what started as a small farm became the Ponyville everypony knew today.

"And that's how Ponyville was founded," said Granny Smith, concluding her presentation.

There was a brief pause. Then, without waiting for anypony else, Silver Spoon clapped her hooves, leading a round of applause from nearly every student in the class.

Well, whaddya know? she thought. Looks like I was wrong about Granny Smith. That presentation was probably the best out of all of them! I never knew Apple Bloom's family was responsible for founding Ponyville! Heck, the fact that she was able to survive against a pack of timberwolves is pretty awesome in my book. Bravo, Granny Smith. Bra-vo.

"So if it weren't for you and the Zap Apples, Ponyville wouldn't even exist?!" exclaimed Scootaloo.

"Darn tootin', little filly!" said Granny Smith, slamming her hoof down for emphasis.

Apple Bloom then turned to Diamond Tiara and smirked. "If it weren't for my Granny Smith, your daddy wouldn't have Barnyard Bargains," she said slyly.

Silver Spoon stifled a laugh. She's got you there, Di, she thought. You'd better pack it in. There's no way you're gonna embarrass Apple Bloom now. Not after an awesome presentation like that.

Diamond Tiara, however, refused to admit defeat. "B-but... But she's just a kooky old lady!" she whined.

The rest of the class gasped in horror. Silver Spoon took off her glasses and smacked her forehead.

You may have a gift in leadership, Di, but you still have a lot of growing up to do, she thought. Sheesh, no wonder I got my Cutie Mark before you did.

She then looked up as Apple Bloom rushed to Granny Smith's defense. Her lips curled into a half-smirk as she put her glasses back on.

You win this round, Blank Flank, she thought, pressing her glasses again the bridge of her nose. I won't say it to your face just yet, so consider me being the first to applaud my apology for making fun of you and Granny Smith. Frankly, you've still got a long way to go to earn my respect. This is a good first step, though. So, kudos for being the granddaughter of the most amazing pony in Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Just a simple story reflecting my newly-developed headcanon regarding Silver Spoon. I think I've gotten a new appreciation for her character after coming up with this idea, although I'll be very surprised if it turns out that I'm the first one to write a story about why she was the first to applaud Granny Smith in Family Appreciation Day.

Comments ( 25 )

Who knew Silverspoon had momentary attacks of level headed maturity! Perhaps she's ready for a coming of age fic where she ditches DT, and stops being a mindless follower. Odd that she would find her true self, earn her cutie mark, and yet choose to fill such a degrading role. Or perhaps she's a manipulative behind the scenes type? Is DT really in control here? Or does SP just like to watch her make a fool of herself? Hahaha! Imagination ez funs. :derpytongue2:

This was really good! Great job :D

Nice, very nice POV for Silver Spoon, :pinkiesmile: I like that. You also blended it wonderfully cleanly with the cannon of the episode. :twilightsmile:

Silver Spoon is more then one dimensional.

3208814 Believe it or not, I've seen a lot of Silver Spoon redemption fics floating around, so the concept certainly has merit. And yes, imagination is a wonderful thing indeed. :rainbowwild:

3209389 Thanks. I actually went back and watched the episode again to make sure I got the dialogue right, so I'm glad that hard work paid off. :twilightsmile:

Interesting. I never saw Silver Spoon like that. I always saw her as the evil henchman kind of pony. You should do some more stories like this. :pinkiehappy:

3209606 While it's easy to think that, I think there are some subtleties in her character that can be picked up on. I know 3209550 here is with me on this. :eeyup:

As for doing more stories like this, well, it might help if you were a bit more specific. Are you talking about stories that explore Silver Spoon's character, stories highlighting my headcanon (already got plenty of those), or something else? :rainbowderp:

Good job, I love the thought processes that Silver Spoon has running through her head as Granny's story unfolds as well as the fact she's not too stubborn to admit when she has been bested.

3209550>>3209682 Completely agree, my one fic actually has Silver Spoon in the role of Princess Twilight's junior diplomatic adjutant oddly enough. It's a minor role but seems to attract some attention and may receive a side story as well.

3209682 Maybe something where DT does something horrible to her behind her back, and when Silver finds out, she is all like "I'm outta here!" And maybe the CMC will forgive her for all the nasty things Silver did to them and become her friends or something. :scootangel:

3209775 Well, I've seen plenty of stories like that already. I'd probably have to think of a way to make it stand out. :duck:

3209816 Hmmm... I'll try to think of things, too. :raritywink:

And this, everyone, is why Silver's cutie mark has a heart in the spoon handle. She's actually a very nice pony.

I have to say, this is just one of the sweetest stories I've ever read! Seeing Silver Spoon's point of view makes me want to melt. :scootangel:

3211543 Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

You're welcome!
I could give you ideas for more cute stories, if you like.

3213137 Thanks, but I find that I'm pretty good at coming up with ideas on my own. That being said, I'd be open to suggestions. :ajsmug:

I think this is one of the defining moments in the series that really differentiates between Diamond and Silver's character traits. Well done.

A nicely done character piece, this is a really sweet bit of insight into Silver's mind.

Family Appreciation Day is, bar none, the most underrated episode in the entire series. It's definitely in my top 5 for season 2

I did I really liked this POV and getting inside the head of my fav pony on her turning point in her character. This episode we saw a genuine show of respect from Silver Spoon despite her friend's objections. She was the first to applaud, and that took guts! For the first time we saw an independent belief and action from that of Diamond Tiara.

I loved Silver Spoon long before the Zap Apple episode but now I think others do to because we saw a kinder side to her. One apart from the little tag along we all know from season 1.:pinkiehappy:

I'm trying to explore Silver Spoon's connection to Diamond Tiara in Landing Silver Side Up, (part of the Pony Earth Universe).

Family Appreciation day was a great episode. Granny Smith was a great choice, and Silver Spoon suggested to Miss Cheerilee that Apple Bloom being her grandmother to tell a story.

Who knew Granny Smith helped found Ponyville! Or that because of the Zap Apple Jam, the Apple family homestead grew into the town that we see in the show.

Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara's dad presented his contribution to his family (sales and marketing) and seemed like a nice business pony who was making a business visit to collect his share of the Zap Apple jam sales (first 100 jars of jam for his business, Barnyard Bargains).

This is why I like Silver Spoon much more than Diamond Tiara. She's more than often depicted as just as vicious and spiteful as DT, but moments like that in Family Appreciation Day gave me the hope that she's not so bad. You did a great job with this one. =)

Well written! you get a from 👍 me! Also a :derpytongue2:. you deserve it.

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