This story is a sequel to Star Trek Equestria: Reformatted: Emergence

Space: The final frontier. This is the story of the USS Equestria. Her voyage of discovery, and her evolution into something more. And the story of her crew, who like the Equestria itself, are fresh out of the classes of Starfleet Academy. Together, they will go boldly into the unknown. Seek out a world once thought to be pure fiction, and along the way, they will grow as a team, and as a family...

In the second installment of this epic adventure, Proxima and her crew are hot on the trail to the first clue that could help them to find Cybertron. But they are not the only ones looking for the planet. An ancient enemy to the Cybertronian people is also looking for Cybertron and will stop at nothing to find it. Now the crew will need to race to be the first to discover the first clue.

Chapters (20)

The parallel universe is indispensable to fanfiction, even in stories where it isn’t addressed as fanfiction by it's nature takes a route that deviates from the established universe.
It allows for crossovers, mash-ups, what ifs, and all sorts of other fun stories.
My story begins in a nexus between universes, with a father who just wants to let his daughters meet their heroes, and finds himself charmed by the inhabitants once they’re no longer just characters to him.
With his knowledge he could fundamentally alter everything that happens; but his goal is for things to turn out the way they’re supposed to. But change is inevitable. Change for both him and the girls.
Things start light, but there are cracks that show the shadows cast. And secrets are not kept forever.
Relevant crossover tags that there aren't options for/I have far too many: Slayers, Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyo, Monster Musume, Dungeons and Dragons, Minecraft, Undertale, Dark Souls
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A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes. And finds himself being drawn into the world.
But even the brightest light casts a shadow. And things that could too easily be are seen. Things that demand action. Things that must be confronted. Things that must be destroyed.
But not forgotten. So life can move on.
But scars never really heal. They remind us of who we were. But with help from your friends you can confront even your past to find hope.
However hope and caring can lead you down a dark path. But your friends will fight to see you again, and find their own reward in your smile.
Fire will burn all that it touches, ever seeking more fuel for it’s own survival. But with care that fire can be tamed to bring out it’s brightest light.
There are times where you can help your friends. And times where they must help themselves.
Never forget that those closest to you may be afraid to seek your help, or are unable to ask, or may even demand that you stay away.
But no matter what you stand beside them.
Because your friends are family you invite into your life.

Chapters (69)

(They say that sometimes, to write something classically great, you should step back and write something that is classically not. Of course, in theory you’re not supposed to publish those exercises. Join me now, as I test that theory.)

Landing on the forbidden planet Equus-1, the away team of the star ship Enterprise discovers that one of their number has actually visited there once before... as the ship’s command crew is rocked by the revelation of Scootaloo’s true parentage.

Meanwhile, a space armada of pirate ninja weasels prepares for the invasion of Equestria on behalf of their dread Lord of Darkness. Their first target? Princess Celestia, of course.

Also, there’s Captain Kidd. Or perhaps Fidel Castro. Maybe P. T. Barnum? I haven’t decided yet.

Anyway. The point is, you’ve been warned.

(Continuity note: none of my timelines would accept this story.)

Chapters (4)

Space, as it goes, is often considered the final frontier, but anyone who's served aboard a Starfleet vessel can tell you that sometimes time likes to stick it's foot in and mix things up a bit. When artifacts and unusual sensor readings are brought to the attention of the Admiralty, Celestia and Angella decide to gather their best and most trusted people to investigate.

  • Captain Sunset Royal, an expat from the so-called 'mirror' universe and Admiral Celestia's chosen inheritor of her former ship, the USS Harmony
  • Captain Adora Gray, Angella's choice to lead the strike team, captain of the USS Sword of Protection
  • Captain Ranma Saotome, considered a wildcard in the fleet but known for pulling her crew out of insane disasters, captain of the USS Invincible

These three and others will find themselves on a journey that will reveal that the universe they think they know is falling apart at the seams, and they may be the only ones who can keep it from unraveling into oblivion.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Star Trek Online: Sacrifice - Part I

"It's time for us to stand and fight again, not just as heroes, but as friends."

After the attack on Taloraan, J'ula has decided to start her assault on several different universes, intent on expanding her own empire and destroying the Alliance. She has gathered members of other powers in order to conquer her targets, her first being an alternate, war-torn version of Equus.

Meanwhile, Littlepip and the crew of the starship Harmony are in pursuit, intent on stopping the Klingon warlord and saving the lives of all who are within her crosshairs. However, in order to stop her, Littlepip will need to call on the support and skill of her friends as they chase J'ula and attempt to stop her from causing chaos across the multiverse.

{Welp, here it is, my last hurrah for this series. With the end of the show comes the end of this little series of stories I started almost three years ago. Anything else I make won't be related to this after this story is done. I may consider short stories involving this series, but for the most part, the large ones are over at this point. It won't be the best thing ever typed, I'm sure, but I hope to bring a good ending to the series with this story. Once again, I hope you all enjoy this sequel and I hope you all have a wonderful day.}

Star Trek is the property of CBS Studios/Paramount Pictures Corp. STO is owned by Cryptic Studios. My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro. Fallout Equestria was written by KKat.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Redshirts Defend Canterlot

Exploring the galaxy under the flag of the United Federation of Planets was something that Rose has always wanted to do... what she didn't want was to be part of their security personnel...

Oh well, it could be worse.

She could have been a stormtrooper...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Star Trek Online: Darkness Rising

"I thought my adventure had come to an end... but it seems the world just doesn't wanna let me go just yet."

Weeks have passed since the conflict with the Hur'q ended. The galaxy has to lick its wounds before continuing on, but for the most part, peace has been secured for the moment...

At least, in the present, that is. In 2256, a Klingon warrior of the treacherous House Mo'kai, J'ula, has managed to escape her time and is wreaking havoc amongst the timestream, many have gone after her, but she has proven to be a tough foe to eliminate. But there is hope.

In another universe, inside a large facility, a single pony lies strapped to a headset that allows her to control her worlds weather. She is about to leave her prison after ten years of being comatose and be recruited as a new temporal agent. But she will be in for more than she could've hoped.

{Note: This story, while a sequel, will be told in a first-person manner by our main protagonist. Also, Admiral Stone will not be appearing in this story (at least, not anyhow other than by name), he will be replaced by another character who, let's just say will have some experience with our new villain. I will also be attending college in a few weeks so when that happens the chapters may be a little delayed if I don't finish by then. I hope you enjoy a hopefully better sequel to this series. :twilightsheepish:}

Star Trek, Star Trek Online and other names are the property of CBS/Paramount Pictures Corp. and Cryptic Studios. My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro. Fallout Equestria was created by KKat.

Chapters (9)

Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Golden Oak. It's continuing mission, to explore stage, new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilisations. To boldly go where nopony has gone before.

Chapters (1)

Found Here:

I didn't commission it, or draw it, just stumbled on it, and was told the site doesn't mind. So long as I give credit, and link the original.

The Borg realize they can't assimilate anything with "magic". So they decide to destroy those races instead. The Voyager finds various Refugee races & tries to bring them back with them to the Alpha Quadrant... but is that really what the magicals want?

● Inspired by:

"A Pony's Day on Voyager" by "Jninja15"


Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Blood in the sand

It started as a normal picnic. A picnic that becomes a journey in Space, where nopony has ever gone before.

Can they find a way home?

Anther un-canon sequel to Blood in the Sand.

Chapters (6)